Acknowledgement: There's a laughable but interesting trend going on around Klevius writings, presumably because Klevius is so impossible to catch intellectually. This trend includes the desperate chasing of images that could possibly be used against Klevius somehow. This trend reveals itself quite comically through different stats and really shows religious desperation at its worst.
Klevius word/concept dictionary
Atheist - someone who doesn't believe in ghosts/gods. More importantly, someone who, precisely because of her/his lack of belief in a hindering god/religion, can accept full universal Human Rights for everyone, including women. The word Atheist is only needed for the purpose of showing the illogic of theists. The deep illogic that is most visible in the area of women's rights and freedom. In religion woman was made a reproductive toy for adn from Adam. To really emphasize the inferiority of Eve she was made out of one bone of Adam. Moreover, to really underscore her inferiority she was made out of the least valuable of Adam's bones. Klevius knows because he has suffered several times broken ribs without even going to a doctor. A collar bone or even a finger bone would have caused more disruption in activities. With a broken rib you can still both walk and run, not to mention using your hands normally.
Moral - is what is lacking in religions simply because every religion has problems with Human Rights. And islam is completely impossible within the context of Human Rights .Islam can not be updated to Human Rights standard without killing itself!
Ignorance is if you feel surprised about anything in this pic
or this
Universe - there can not be a or the Universe neither can there be "multiverse". Universe is everything including what can not be imagined. Slicing the concept of Universe is equally stupid as saying the ancient Greeks were wrong when they called th atom the smallest possible particle. We were wrong when we started calling a very complex configuration an atom because the real atom - i.e. what Leukippos defined as the smallest possible part of theworld - hasn't even been described as yet.
Atom - today has a different meaning from the one proposed by its Greek inventor some thousand years before evil Arabic islam was even thought about.
Big Bang - a misnomer created by a catholic priest who wanted to fit Universe into the Bible. Every Atheist scientist understands that you can't have a "bang" in nothing. But just like Freud, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and many others became famous (but notorious today) because they appealed to ignorant sexism and racism among the populace, in a similar way the "Big Bang" oxymoron boosted religious fanaticism and ignorance at a point in history when it was no longer possible to deny the biblical shortcomings. So for the purpose of
God - is a concept that can not be distinguished from the concept of Ghost. Both have to be "believed" or hallucinated. If you don't believe or hallucinate then you are an Atheist and an Aghostist.
God etymology - The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to proto-Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims. Btw, English is a Scandinavian language and e.g. 'cottage' is a direct derivative from Finnish 'koti' - funny spelling though, especially compared to Finnish which is spelled exactly as it is pronounced).
(true)Feminism - is a separatist movement based on sex segregation and rooted in the 19th century anti suffrage movement and closely related to the birth of psychoanalysis (see Klevius Psychosocial Freud timeline).
Gender - used instead of 'sex' is a separatist/feminist invention applauded by chauvinists. It's also handy for religious people because religion ultimately relies on sex segregation/apartheid. Today the cultural sex segregation has become more extreme than ever in world history. And if you hesitate to believe Klevius, then just consider the horrifying fact that today it's almost impossible for a girl/woman not to wear make up and 'feminine' attires etc. It's even inscribed in the psychoanalytically inspired DSM manual for assessing mental illness! And due to their status as minors, girls who don't conform can be bullied by both peers and adults and even pathologized for wanting to wear "boyish" clothes etc or behave in a "boyish" manner (so called Tomboyism - see Klevius definition of the Tomboy).
Feminist - a true feminist is someone who believes in the inferiority of women but who wants to cover it (this presumed inferiority) up via separatism, i.e. by "compensating" with cultural "feminine" values. And as you know dear reader, if you possess a brain, apples and pears can not be equal if you simultaneously keep confusing their biological taste and shape with culture. The female body isn't made to be a poor football (soccer, if you so insist you sucker) player but culture may well hinder it from developing.
Sharia - the racis/sexist Mohammedanian anti-Human Rights doctrine, now steered by Saudi initiated and based OIC (UN's largest voting bloc consisting of mainly the worst Human Rights violators in the world) and led by its islamofascist Saudi Fuhrer Iyad Madani.
Islam - is the biggest and worst slave raider/trader the world has ever encountered. And despite the Western ban on slave trade some 200 yeras ago it's still on. The absolute majority of today's slave trade is Koran inspired. Wouldn't it be so tragic one could just laugh at the pathetic efforts made to cover up the 1400 year long history of the most evil ideological crime ever seen in crispy clear historical records.
Religion - all religions "of the Book" are variants of Judaism. Judaism started with the racist notion of "the chosen people" whose God gave them the right to slaughter, rape and enslave Canaanites and others. Racist monotheism is never good for your moral. How could it possibly be when you tell individuals that their "god" is superior, hence ending up with millions of private "gods" which are then said to be one in collectives defined by this "communal god" which only exists through its political and militaristic expressions.
The true history about the Judaic Penis oppression of the Vagina people
From Sumerian genderless pronouns to Semitic sex apartheid
For most of today's speakers of Indo-European languages the he/she devision seems almost self-evident - until they learn Finnish, Japanese, Mandarin or some other non-Semitic and non later Indo-European languages.
Moreover, linguistic gender divide in third person singular is a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of human languages. It first emerged within Semitic languages. We can only speculate why, but a qualified guess by Klevius would connect it to the same social and environmental factors that caused Judaism.
The civilization process in the Middle east was introduced by the non-Semitic Sumerians. However, when Semitic groups attacked, dissolved and displaced them, a pattern emerged whereby non-Semitic Indo-European related groups begun assimilating a gender divide in third person singular.
Originally, there were only an animate (masculine/feminine) and an inanimate (neuter) gender. This view is supported by the existence of certain classes of Latin and Ancient Greek adjectives which inflect only for two sets of endings, one for masculine and feminine, the other for neuter. Further evidence comes from the Anatolian languages which exhibit only the animate and the inanimate gender.
Judaism, the world’s only “monotheism” and its many Vagina/Penis branches or sects
Judaism (a late ”branch” of Zoroastrianism) has in different manifestations cursed itself and the world for some Millenniums. It was chiseled out on the bedrock of a racist “chosen people” and sexist rapetivism (i.e. female sex duties) approach. However, a crucial moment was when a particular branch of Judaism introduced the Penis as the sole custodian of one way (apostasy ban) “muslimhood”. This caused an explosion of “muslims”, although this development was paralleled with an even bigger explosion of abused slaves and parasitism in a variety of forms. But the real corner stone of all Judaic tradition, sex apartheid, has reached its peak in islam. To an extent that it now has clashed against Human Rights resulting in a divided UN.
Look wherever you like now or in the past, and you won't find any peace or equality where Judaic monotheisms have left their marks.
If anything at all should be taught to our children about religion it should be its racist and sexist origin and its disastrous consequences!
to be continued
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