
Monday, April 21, 2014

Human Rights vs islam - Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs her demonizers

Institutionalised equality of every individual  through Human Rights

Less than one third of civilized people are religious - meaning more than two thirds are Atheists. And being an Atheist means that the only logical basis for one's moral is Human Rights - especially the so called Negative Rights which are the most essential against impositions etc.. Or put in other words, religious people in general and muslims in particular, always have problems with Human Rights.

UK PM Cameron: "People who […] advocate some sort of secular neutrality fail to grasp the consequences of that neutrality, or the role that faith can play in helping people to have a moral code"

Klevius: People who advocate some sort of religious morality fail to grasp the consequences of that "religious morality", or the role that religion can play in hindering individuals from accessing Human Rights.

Mr Cameron explicitly implies that non-religious belief systems (Atheism, icl. Buddhism which lack the belief in a "God" but sometimes is confused with god-religions) do not supply the same level of motivational compassion. He is right, Atheism is the only way to open up for FULL COMPASSION, i.e. Human Rights!

The type of secular state sought by Klevius would never seek to dispute the role that people's faith can play in dictating their moral code; unlike Mr Cameron, it would make no comment at all on the validity or nature of that faith. So when Peter Klevius states that islam is the most evil ideology that has ever existed on this planet, this statement has nothing to do with faith, but has everything to do with historical facts about islamic atrocities and contemporary facts about islam's open violation of Human Rights. And by islam (this is for the reallty stupid readers only) Peter Klevius of course doesn't mean individuals but its organized effort to replace Human Rights with Human Rights violating Sharia worldwide via its Saudi initiated and Saudi based all muslim covering OIC, led by a Saudi islamofascist named Iyad Madani.

Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (written in the aftermath of the Second WW as a defence against totalitarianism and fascism): Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as sex or religion.

Compare this to islam (through OIC's worldwide Sharia declaration) which criminalizes Universal Human Rights and hinders muslim women from accessing Human Rights! Moreover, which criminalizes even the very saying of this fact!

The mediaeval demonizing of Ayaan Hirsi Ali - the foremost* woman of our time

 * No offense at all! Klevius knows there are many a woman heroine who could be called foremost, however, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in the sense that she:

1) Represents Africa, the continent that had to carry possibly the worst part of the islamic slavery/genocide/rapetivism burden applied on it by the help of Arabic Koranic slave/infidel teaching.

2) Escaped islam's horror and ended up in politically correct Netherlands where she again was threatened to die by islam's hand, and when she asked for protection she was denied it and had to flee islam again, now to the US.

3) As a US citizen, and with the Constitutional confusion corrected, could easily win the presidency simply by picking up most of the Atheist votes.

4) As she, contrary to her critics, has been blessed with intelligence, and as she has already clearly and openly stated her support for Human Rights, she would tick all the needed boxes for leading the world's most powerful nation out of its dangerously destructive, racist and sexist anti Human Rights path.

5) As her destiny seems to be to suffer, why not place her in the White House, hence utilizing her suffering for the common good!

This is how Google News see her today

First place taken by an eager defender of that very islamofascism Ayaan Hirsi Ali escaped! He also applauds Brandels University's decision to rescind its already decided honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali because of pressure from anti Human Rights islamofascists and their supporters. It accuses Ayaan Hirsi Ali of "intolerance" while backing the Saudi islam "guardians" (and OIC leading) laws that make Human Rights an "act of terrorism".


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