
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Is Peter Klevius lhe least racist of anthropologists? And is he right about the birth of the truly modern humans in Siberia?

We live in a strange time when the worst ideological crime history knows about, now is called "a peaceful religion"

Everyone who reads Klevius knows he is the least sexist person around. However, Klevius is also the least racist person  - and has been so throughout all of his writings. So what's Klevius' secret?

When Klevius long time ago had to replace his broken down VW which had replaced his broken down Saab, and saw a beautiful used Japanese car he knew nothing about, he asked his good pal who was considered an expert on cars. 'You can't buy that!' 'Why not? It looks wonderful.' 'It's a rice cooker!' 'So - does it gonna easily break down or something? Is it bad quality?' 'No - but it's a RICE COOKER!'

So Klevius bought a rice cooker that lasted more than double the miles of the Saab and the VW TOGETHER and with much less service etc. And it was faster and had everything the Europeans lacked incl. much better brakes, lights etc. The perfect car for a poor young man with a family. Soon Klevius realized that what held for Japanese cars also held for other technology products from Japan. Btw, did you know that the final transformation from a European steel union to EU was triggered by a European fear of the superiority of Japanese technology at a time when more than two third of the world's industrial robots were made in Japan.

Soon Klevius realized that Japan wasn't only high tech but perhaps even more superior in cultural achievements, all the way from the world's oldest true ceramic pottery to art and literature and music. And all of this despite its relatively small size.

This made Klevius aware of the racist Mongoloid complex. So later on Klevius wrote about the Finnish Miss Universe, Armi Kuusela, and how her win, in the eyes of most of the Finnish people, distanced them from the East and its Mongoloids.

The wonders of Manyoshu (Ten Thousand Leaves) were produced between the fall of the Roman empire and the rise of evil islam and the dark age that followed. Makes one think.

However, an other trigger for Klevius was when he realized that Africa's native population was Mongoloid and heavily suppressed by the black Bantu speakers (see chapter Khoi, San and Bantu in Klevius Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor 1992). Why did African natives carry features for cold adaptation?

Next step was to scan the origins of mongoloids. So Klevius ended up in central Asia, northern China and Siberia. There he then encountered the Altai language theory that sounded extremely interesting for someone who masters Finnish and who is familiar with Japanese.

This was the starting point for Klevius Out of Africa as pygmies and back as global mongoloids. (please, do note that the page hasn't been altered for about a decade - reason for this will be explained sometime in the future).

Homo floresiensis appeared after Klevius outcast, and in one stroke confirmed what Klevius had thought for more than a decade. And this notion isn't to boast about Klevius but to criticize those who let their prejudices steer their science. Yes Klevius got an equally capable brain as Bolt's legs, but he still thinks that it was his lack of (or reasonably low) bias that was the real power.

Finally, Klevius appearance on the web started with Peter Klevius' definition of The HOLY (negative) HUMAN RIGHTS vs. RACE & SEX SEGREGATION (i e rapetivism).

No one who has been in touch with Klevius can report anything else than a 100% lack of racism and sexism. And this is the reason Klevius can't approve of racist/sexist islam! In other words, exactly the same reason why OIC abandoned Human Rights and replaced them with islamofascist Sharia.

Mohammed suffering with open chest in Dante's Inferno

New data push early modern humans even further to the north - and further into Klevius' out of Siberia theory*!

When will Svante Pääbo and others eventually admit that they are driving in the wrong direction on a dead end road that starts in Altai/Siberia. Why can't they read the signs - or don't they dare to?!

This art/tech track MUST be counted for. If not then something is horribly wrong in anthropology.

This more than 40,000 year old sophisticated stone bracelet from Altai/Siberia represents the hereto most advanced early artifact ever found. It was located nearby the non-human "Denisovan" and its manufacturing process is beyond anything we have seen at this early stage. Whereas everything else older than this found in other places follow a smooth cultural transition, this bracelet (and to a lesser extent the Lion man) represents an explosion out of the blue.

Sergey Isupov from the Russian Institute of Archeology and Ethnography says:
“The cave seems to be filled with artifacts. I doubt that scientists have ever found a similar amount of artifacts in one place anywhere else on Earth. Probably, the most interesting layer of sediment is the one which has received the number 11. This layer dates back to the transitional period between the middle Paleolithic Age to the upper Paleolithic Age. It is here where remains of humans of an earlier unknown species were found.”

The Denisova cave is situated near the Anuy River in Gorny Altay in Siberia in a mountaineous region known for its many caves. It's included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Artifacts found in this cave are so scientifically significant that some compare it with the artifacts of Egyptian pyramids. That's however, like comparing a Lexus with a Mini. The Egyptians just copied Sumerians and fanatically exaggerated the ziggurats. Senseless piling of stones on top of each other has nothing to do with intelligence or sophistication. And look at the lousy Egyptian portraits and compare them with this that was made 24,000 years earlier! Give Klevius a break.

In Dolní Věstonice, Eastern Europe a 3d portrait is now scientifically dated to at least 29,000 BP. The performance of its creator is on an extremely high cultural level when considering it predates Mideastern civilizations with some23,000 years, and that it evolved in a cultural tradition that has never been found in Africa or Mideast.

This lion(bear?)-headed figure from central Europe and associated with the archaeological Aurignacian culture is the oldest known zoomorphic sculpture in the world and one of the oldest known sculptures in general. The figurine has now been redated from 32,000 years to about 40,000 years old by carbon dating material from the same layer in which it was found. It is then almost contemporary with the Denisova bracelet from Altai which is a far more sophisticated product.

 According to Klevius theory (modified only to fit Homo floresiensis, Denisovan and the Red Deer Cave people) the new brain was genetically transported in small but growing skulls from SE Asia to the Altai region where it finally spread into the spacious skulls of northern Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. In other words in the opposite direction to what Pääbo and others have suggested.

Ust-Ishim man

Oldest modern human DNA found in Siberia.'The femur belonged to an H. sapiens man who had slightly more Neandertal DNA, distributed in different parts of his genome, than do living Europeans and Asians. His Neandertal DNA is also concentrated into longer chunks than in living people.'

Neandertal DNA in the Ust-Ishim man indicates that he lived soon after the interbreeding estimated at between 50,000 to 60,000 bp.

This is early enough to place the modern human before and north of the Denisova bracelet.

However, before Pääbo & Co reveal their findings nothing more can be said at this stage. But Klevius will be back when it happens.


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