* If the word 'Atheist' sounds strange to you you have most probably been brainwashed by religious people. Being an Athesit has nothing to do with politics either. It simply means you don't excuse sexism or racism on a "god" but has to take the responsibility on yourself!
The curse of religion
Religion isn't a moral anchor - it's a black hole hiding bad moral!
Religion is an obstacle for Human Rights! And when faiths feel threatened they go together - hence supporting the worst among them!
Christianity has been a relentless strive, not to find Jesus, but to catch up with reality by trying to keep one foot secular. Islam can't even try - because of its ideological vulnerability due to its extremely evil origin.
Tipu Sultan, India (18th century): "All Musalmans should unite together, and considering the annihilation of infidels as a sacred duty, labor to the utmost of their power, to accomplish that subject."
According to Islamic laws, non-Muslims in Islamic lands should be subdued and be treated as dhimmis (second class citizens). They should be coerced and intimidated to convert to Islam, through special humiliating taxes like Jizyah imposed on them. Following Prophet Muhammad's example, this has been taking place throughout Islam's history. While Muslims demand for concessions in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims are systematically persecuted, terrorized and ethnically cleansed from Islamic lands.
In 2008 alone, there were 2,204 separate documented incidents of Islamically motivated violence which led to death. In total there were 10,779 deaths and another 18,213 critically injured. That is more people killed each and every year in the name of Islam, than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. More than 29 people are killed in religiously motivated attacks every single day at the hands of Muslims.
* In Morocco, a convert to Christianity was arrested and fined for “shaking the faith of a Muslim” by sharing his newfound beliefs.
* In Saudi Arabia, 52 Ethiopian Christians were arrested for participating in a private religious service.
* In India, Protestants were arrested for holding private prayer meetings.
* In Indonesia, a Pentecostal pastor was arrested for holding religious services without a valid permit, and an atheist was sentenced to 30 months in prison for starting an atheist Facebook page where he posted the words “God does not exist.”
* In Kazakhstan, an atheist was arrested for allegedly inciting religious hatred in his writings.
* In Libya, foreign missionaries, dozens of Coptic Christians and a Protestant were arrested and allegedly tortured for proselytizing.
A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review analyzed 63 scientific studies conducted since 1921. It concluded that in 53 of the studies, people with an above-average intelligence were less likely to have religious beliefs.
Klevius comment: Or perhaps less likely to be brainwashed.
In the UN council for Human Rights (sic) where Saudi Arabia, the most intolerant country in the world, has a seat, muslim countries were trying to get a global ban on the denigration of religion, what they specifically call "islamophobia." The 'Freedom of Thought 2012' report found Islamic nations harshest in dealing with nonbelievers.
A report from the International Humanist and Ethical Union released Dec. 10, 2013, found that atheists can face execution for crimes such as blasphemy in 13 countries -- 6 more than identified in 2012. The list of countries; Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen
"There are laws that deny atheists' right to exist, curtail their freedom of belief and expression, revoke their right to citizenship, restrict their right to marry." according to the Freedom of Thought report.
Even in the U.S., religion affords rights and comfort for people aligned with the majority and discriminatory laws still exist. By law, Arkansas bars atheists from testifying at trials and in 7 U.S. states, atheists are banned by Constitutional statute from holding public office.
In some countries, favor trumps overt discrimination; British bishops of the Church of England get seats in the upper House of Parliament and secular European and American countries often favor Christian organizations which provide services like education.
A University of California-Berkeley study found that 20% of Americans do not identify with an organized religion.
In the U.S. 58% say religion is very important in their lives, which contrasts starkly with Europe. In France, 13% say the same, in Britain 17%, in Germany 21% and in Spain 22%.
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