
Saturday, December 14, 2013

What Britain needs to urgently know now is whether BBC's Mishal Husain is an evil Sharia muslim

It's the most "Westernized" (appearance and perceived beliefs) islamofascists who constitute the most effective army of islamofascism.


Is BBC's presenter Mishal Husain an evil lier or a true (or "radical"* if you prefer) muslim believing in Human Rights violating Sharia?

* by "radical" Klevius means someone who supports the tramping of the most basic Human Rights.

Klevius gives you the tools needed for the analysis.

Here you see three of Allah's fighters - 

and the one in the middle might well be the worst.

When you understand that BBC's presenter Mishal Husain really fits the pic together with Michael Adebolajo, the muslim murderer of the British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street, - then, and only then you understand the real trouble with islam and its evil origin!

Yes, of course you will repeat the meaningless babble that "he isn't a real muslim" while fully understanding the complete hollowness of such a remark. But you do it in your desperate but unfounded hope that somehow islam will turn good one day. Yes, islam can be castrated, but the only sword suitable for that task is Human Rights. And as you, Mishal Husain, well know, OIC has stopped that effort in UN via its Sharia declaration. Moreover, OIC wants every country to criminalize criticism of islam, the worst crime known to history. So what is needed is a complete rejection of OIC and its Sharia!

So when will BBC ask (what they should have done before employing her) whether she supports OIC and their Human Rights violating Sharia?

It's precisely the stretched and deceptive presenting of islam and muslimhood as something nice and fully compatible with Human Rights etc.

I wouldn't be too surprised if Mishal Husain herself hasn't thought the whole thing through, but rather continued to deny it by squeezing herself against the margins of a Westernized pseudo islam spiced with some easily targeted, and mainly religious remnants of pre-Human Rights Western culture.

A telling example is her choice of whom to interview today regarding the recent sex segregation scandal initiated by Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive of Universities UK who supported islamofascist sex apartheid on British universities. Mishal Husain chose a true islamofascist muslim, Tariq Ramadan, who belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood, and. as a supposed "balance", a woman heading a girl school!  In other words, Mishal Husain wanted to protect islamic backwardness and sexism by using an example that was 1) irrelevant for the debate and 2) a marginal phenomenon from a vanishing past - not what normal people consider normal and equal relations between the sexes. She could also have called the couch for England's women's football team and asked why they excluded men. But she didn't, she picked a more confusing target of course.

This is OIC

Klevius question: 

Does islam even classify as a 'religion'? 

 It has only been assumed but never truly tested!


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