
Sunday, December 08, 2013

New data forces Klevius to distance himself even more from Africa


In northern Spain a 400,000 year old Neanderthal like skeleton (Sima de los Huesos) has revealed mtDNA that links it to Denisovan in Siberia (see below). This finding has confused anthropologists - except for Klevius whose basic theory just gets stronger.

This is a reconstruction of Homo floresiensis. However, do correct for bigger eyes and remember we don't have a clue about how the nose looked like.

Unfortunately we missed the opportunity to get DNA because of islam and its backwardness. Floresiensis was found on Flores which belongs to muslim Indonesia. Their then "anthropologist" in chief, Teuku Jakob, made sure Western scientists weren't allowed to take DNA before he destroyed the very possibility.

Many species in the primate evolution have developed nocturnal capabilities. Were Homo floresiensis big eyes part of this?

Here's what Klevius wrote some time ago about one of the most prominent out of Africa babblers, i.e. someone whose bias hinders and obscures true scientific discoveries. This new finding is truly a hard slap in Springer's face. But that won't stop BBC and others too listen to his gallimatias.

And yes, Africa is extremely interesting, not the least the Congo river delta that we know almost nothing about so far. It will certainly reveal astonishing evolutionary findings in the future. However, today there's absolutely nothing else than bias that points to Africa as the birthplace of modern humans!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oxford "scientists" opinion about non-existing brain areas

Ants are some of the most social creatures on the planet. And they do have big eyes. Is Oxford evolving towards a huge ant-heap (steered by the ultimate racist/sexist totalitarian social tool Sharia)?!

There's a childish proposal, eagerly consumed by stupid media, that Neanderthals died out because they used too much of their brains for vision. And Klevius is eagerly waiting for John Hawks' comment on it.

Moreover, to understand why the whole concept of "vision areas in the brain" is complete nonsense please do read EMAH (The Even More Astonishing Hypothesis). The "vision area" could be used to whatever. Moreover, vision isn't "vision" in any particular sense but just part of information which together with all saved information results in an awareness tied to the immediate now that we tend to call "vision".

One eye of the Tarsier above is the size of its entire brain. So what about the one to the right?

Professor Chris Stringer: 'Our study provides a more direct approach by estimating how much of their brain was allocated to cognitive functions, including the regulation of social group size; a smaller size for the latter would have had implications for their level of social complexity and their ability to create, conserve and build on innovations.'

Professor Robin Dunbar: ‘Having less brain available to manage the social world has profound implications for the Neanderthals’ ability to maintain extended trading networks, and are likely also to have resulted in less well developed material culture – which, between them, may have left them more exposed than modern humans when facing the ecological challenges of the Ice Ages.’

Klevius tired and yawning comment: Floresiensis!

Btw, if "friendship" had been a factor in the hunting gathering groups based on kinship before civilization then they would have instead gathered armies. And that's precisely what we have seen, namely a striking lack of organized hunter-gather armies. Who would have been a "friend" in the sparsely populated community where everyone was already related? Rapes and other attacks on lonely individuals or small groups certainly occured but organized warfare is a very late invention. Actually much later than the peak of human intelligence.

Alternatively, we need to re-conceptualize 'hunter-gather' or 'friendship'.

Higher ape/hominid evolution in continental Africa vs. island SE Asia

Already before the discovery of Homo floresiensis Klevius thought a good "pygmy" brain slowly traveled to the protein rich but cold north while increasing in size and capabilities. After the discovery (2004) of the apelike and extremely small brained but smart Homo floresiensis in southern Indonesia nothing except M130 connected anything to Africa anymore. And when the Denisovan was discovered in Siberia at the same place as the hitherto most sophisticated early artifact ever found (Denisova bracelet - see below) the picture seemed quite clear. There are only two possible places for equatorial evolution of hominids, either Africa or SE Asia. And because SE Asian archipelago offers the by far best combination of jungle isolation and changing barriers it seems that floresiensis (and similar populations) should have been equally expected as the dwarfed elephants they hunted.

So when a floresiensis like population managed to escape to mainland Asia they started mixing with local Homo erectus all the way up ontil they met with the northern Neanderthals and there created what became the truly modern humans.


Sima de los Huesos, Floresiensis and Denisovan

may have all originated in SE Asia

Do note the lack of chin in these as well as in the 26,000 bp Venus of Brassempouy. Also note that we don't know the shape of Floresiensis' nose. That's why Klevius removed it from the Sima de los Huesos skull above as well.

The Sima sample exhibits a number of features that are shared with Neanderthals but not African fossil humans, and are rare in recent humans.

Later Neanderthals do not have the same diversity as earlier Neanderthals in western Europe, while central Asian Neanderthals have more diversity than those from Europe. This may indicate that Neanderthals were more numerous in western or central Asia.

The Denisovan nuclear DNA is also closer to Neanderthals than the Denisovan mtDNA.

Sima de los Huesos is closely related to the lineage leading to mitochondrial genomes of Denisovans.

The Denisovan-heidelbergensis clade split about 800kya-900 kya (around the time of the oldest stone tools on the island of Flores where floresiensis was found) is older than the modern human-Neanderthal split. Non-African Homo has an Erectus connection, a Denisovan-heidelbergensis connection, as well as a Neanderthal connection.

See here what Klevius wrote about political bias on the subject:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

How political correctness blurs science

Michigan University feeds their students with this misleading map which is at odds with everything we now know about the traces of truly modern intelligent humans.Nothing on the map shows the cultural explosion from Altai to Western Europe that constituted the birth of humans as we now understand it. Homo floresiensis was capable of using fire and making stone tools etc with a chimp-sized+ brain. As did Homo erectus and others with much bigger brains. And despite some local varieties all Homos until M173 were incapable of making any significant breakthrough in the archeological records. Only when a more sophisticated (better packed) brain was poured into the biggest ever human skull (the northern Neanderthal) did truly intelligent humans emerge.Relative to its time the most impressive ever cultural explosion took place between Altai and the Pyrenees during 40,000-18,000 years along the M173 path until genetic "dilution" lowered intelligence to what we have today. 

Klevius comment: In fact, the map would fit quite well, not to describe human evolution but rather (except for Australia and the north eastern line) islamic slavery atrocities during 1400 years. What it shows is Koranic slave trade routes. Political correctness hence involuntary reveals its own source namely that islam is so bad so it has to be defended from open scrutiny for whatever price.

Compare that to the stunning agreement of genes (Denisova/Neanderthal) and culture (art) in the northern part of this map

We have no clue whatsoever how M168 and M130 looked like. And even if we did we still would need cultural artifacts etc. to assess their level of intelligence. Nor do we know if the new tighter CPU came from Africa or Southeast Asia (Floresiensis type? - remember that the main objection was that its brain was "too small" for achieving what it did). And M89 and M9 may be just traces of back and forth gene flow as described by Klevius. M130 may well have been a bipedal but dumb "ape-man" who hybridized with clever apes in Southeast Asia.

Or is M130, in fact, nothing more than the rest product of those who never met with northern Neanderthals on their way out of Southeast Asia?

We have no clue whatsoever how M168 and M130 looked like. Nor do we know if the new brain came from Africa or Southeast Asia, i.e. was the Floresiensis type really able to walk the M130 line? And if the ape brain came from Africa, why didn't it affect the culture of relatively big skulled (compare Hofmeyr) African Homos? And M89 and M9 may be just traces of back and forth gene flow as described by Klevius. M130 may well have been a bipedal but dumb "ape-man" who hybridized with clever apes in Southeast Asia.

Or is M130, in fact, nothing more than the rest product of those who never met with northern Neanderthals on their way out of Southeast Asia?

The above also explains the distribution of mongoloid traits. Cold adapted Denisova/Red Deer Cave type laid the basis for mongoloid features and after meeting northern Neanderthals and due creation of modern humans the back migration/hybridization left (mainly) Caucasoids (what Klevius call the grey "bastard belt" on the map below) to the West and Mongoloids to the East.

This sophisticated bracelet from Altai/Siberia represents the hereto most advanced early artifact ever found.  It was located nearby the non-human "Denisovan".


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