
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Should BBC's presenter of Human Rights violating Sharia'h islamofascism, Mishal Husain be awarded as Britain's most hypocritical bigot*?

When muslims now racially profile and stereotype Roma people in Europe - the people that fled islamic terror and slavery more than thousand years ago - a tragic historical irony about Pakistan appears.

* A bigot is a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc.
Mishal Husain says she's a muslim (how many hundred millions of muslims wouldn't say she's not?) 

Who is the worst hypocrite among muslim women in Britain? I know, it's a tough one. Competition is extremely hard. Just consider, for example, Sayeeda Warsi, minister of islamofascism and Britain's messenger at the Saudi based OIC - all the world's muslim's Sharia (Sharia'h) organization, which has clearly stated, via UN etc (look it up, ignorant) that it considers basic Human Rights a "crime" against islamic Sharia (Sharia'h)!

Whom of these muslims will contribute the most to the continuing suffering under islamic Human Rights violations?


Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo are all UK jihadists - but only one (Mishal Husain) isn't home grown but brought up in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Listen to Mishal Husain's blood thirsty voice by playing this video

Mishal Husain was chosen by BBC allegedly to help adjusting BBC's skewed sex-ratio (not gender ratio - gender means culture*). However, the main reason was without a doubt because she was muslim (and the right sort of muslim of course).

* read Klevius sex and gender tutorial

Klevius comment: So in short, BBC managed to employ a woman who is against basic Human Rights for women while trying to make the public believe it was for equality between the sexes! I 43w5 my case.

Klevius question to Mishal Husain: Is it true that you have forgotten so much about your law studies that you don't realize that islam and Human Rights are each others opposites and that that's the reason why OIC (i.e. islam today) abandoned Human Rights?!

Moreover, when your muslim Pakistani friends in Sheffield now are busy racially profiling Roma people, what do you think Mishal, should we call them with all the same names as we use to call other racial profilers?

Islam's horrifying Indian slave raids/trades:

Then came Islam - slaughter, slavery, rape, violence, pillage; destruction of religious sites, art and architecture; poverty, exploitation, humiliation, famine, forced conversion, decline in intellectual pursuits, social destruction and a worsening of social ills.  To Islam, anything that is not Islamic is from a time of ignorance –Jahiliyya- and must be destroyed (or appropriated and called Islam’s!).  The onslaught created the Roma (gypsies), destroyed ‘Hindu’ Afghanistan and formed Pakistan (Kashmir) and Bangladesh .

The cost of the Muslim invasions is massive in lives, wealth and culture.   Estimates suggest that  60-80 MILLION died at the hands of Muslim invaders and rulers between 1000 and 1525 alone (ie over 500 years-the population FELL).  (Lal cited in Khan p 216)  Impossible you think?   In the war of Independence of Bangladesh, 1971, the Muslim Pakistani army killed 1.5-3 million people (mainly Muslims ...) in just 9 MONTHS. (Khan p 216).  The world looked the other way—but don’t we always when it’s Muslims committing the violence!

Mishal Husain, OIC, Roma, Sayeeda Warsi, Sharia, Sharia'h, Sheffield,

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