
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saudi islamofascists and OIC support war criminal Bashir (Sunni) while trying to murder Assad (Shia) - and so does muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president"

Not only is Obama an accomplice* to the 100,000 Syrians already killed - he now wants to kill and victimize even more

* His first call and his first bow as "president" was to the islamofascist Saudi muslim Sunni dictator in the world's worst hate mongering and intolerant nation! 

Muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Hussein Obama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) said in Cairo many years ago that he "respects" islam. However, he didn't mention which islam and which muslims. Now we all know it is Saudi islam(ofascism)!

And how could anyone who subscribes to Human Rights possibly respect an evil ideology that has spread continuous evilness for some 1400 years and which in all its forms is completely incompatible with the most basic of Human Rights?! A disastrous parasitic slavery ideology that needs both history falsification and criminalization of its critics for its survival!

The racist election propaganda preceding US' by far worst "president" ever, as well as his own lack of moral standing, and bigoted and hypocritical racial hate mongering (compare his background with Jeremiah Wright), as well as his close ties to the worst criminals on Earth, the Saudi and other islamofascists, constitutes the background to understand why he so eagerly wants to cause even more suffering in Syria than he has already caused while blinking the long lasting suffering in Sudan etc.

The fruit of the promotion of black racism?

This proud African-American, Demetrius L. Glenn, together with his friend, beat a small 88-year old World War II veteran, Delbert Belton, brutally to death. What if Belton had managed to defend himself like Georg Zimmerman did?!

Klevius question: If this was a hate crime (and everything indicates it was), who taught him to hate? And why aren't his parents arrested for grave child neglect?! And why did Obama say Trayvon Martin could have been his son?

According to child abuse and neglect considerations Trayvon Martin's parents should be held responsible for their sons premature death.

Just like any parent who lets* their child become a threat to other people.

And just like muslims who pass their own hate raligion to their jihadist kids.

Saudi Mr. Gas? Why doesn't Obama bomb Riyadh?! A good guess is that most of the money paid to murderous muslim terrorists comes from Riyadh!

Wall Street Journal: Officials inside the Central Intelligence Agency knew that Saudi Arabia was serious about toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad when the Saudi king named Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud to lead the effort.

Press TV (the main Shia world media which is now forbidden in e.g. UK):
Syrians in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta say Saudi Arabia provided chemical weapons for an al-Qaeda linked terrorist group which they blame for the August 21 chemical attack in the region, a report says.

The article co-authored by a veteran AP reporter, said interviews with doctors, residents, anti-government forces and their families in Ghouta suggest the terrorists in question received chemical weapons via Saudi spymaster Saudi Arabia's intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud.

The report quoted the father of a militant as saying that his son and 12 others were killed inside a tunnel used to store weapons supplied by a Saudi militant leader, known as Abu Ayesha.

The man described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”

BBC (with tight financial ties to Saudi and other islamofascists via its commercial BBC World section) showcased its professional Saudi supporting propaganda timing for its compulsory license fee paying listeners

While the UK parliament voted on going to war against Syrians, BBC Radio 4 constantly played (al-Qaeda/al-Nusra?) recorded children's screams from an alleged school bombing (sic - why would Assad bomb schools unless it was a mistake or used by muslim terrorists) by the Syrian government that had happened long before. It was during a regular news hour show so chances were many of the MPs might have listened on their personal gadgets and out of curiosity before voting. I.e. an appeal to sidestep logic for emotions in the service of Saudi etc islamofascists use of innocent blood fot their own political agenda. And as we know, the result was very tight and could easily have changed in BBC's and the Saudis etc Sunni islamofascists favor.

And behind it all towers Saudi based OIC (all the world's muslims world organization) which, according to Kerry, now also supports an additional violent attack on the Syrians.

And here are the front soldiers in islam's continuing evil of its evil origin.

Only truly pious (so called "extremist") muslims are truly evil. However, all non-extremist (secularized) "muslims" aren't necessarily good either if they knowingly use the evilness of islam for their own satisfaction. Only ignorant "muslims" can be excused.

While contemplating the pic below, do consider the inevitable fact that islam (in any meaningful form) doesn't approve of our most basic universal Human Rights! That's the main pillar of the problem, dude!

So those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims.

Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?

What is it you should see behind the islamofascist smile? 1400 years of Koranic genocides and rapetivism?

Eric Reeves (

As the world reacts with horror to chemical weapons attacks on civilians in Syria, and watches with grim anticipation as an American military response takes shape, there appears to be little "band-width" for other international news. It is all easy too overlook the much more widespread suffering and civilian destruction in Darfur, an ongoing catastrophe that is accelerating in such a way that humanitarian organizations may soon be compelled to withdraw, leaving an immense vacuum in the provision of food, primary medical care, and clean water. The UN/African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) appears to be in a state of collapse, unable to protect itself or to serve any deterrent or civilian protection purposes. Several events in particular this past week give a sense of how weak this beleaguered force has become and the consequences of allowing Khartoum to create in Darfur an intolerable climate of insecurity. Their implications are analyzed briefly below.

It seems important as well, however, to understand just how misleading the implicit comparisons are between civilian victims of chemical weapons in Syria and the civilian victims of utterly indiscriminate aerial bombardment by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) of the Khartoum regime-not only in Darfur but in Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan as well. In the case of Syria, the strenuous language deployed is a pretext for military action in a region of very considerable geostrategic significance. As a consequence, there has been much talk of how the Assad regime's chemical attacks on the outskirts of Damascus are a "moral obscenity," that they are somehow uniquely "gruesome," that such actions are the ne plus ultra of military barbarism. But such descriptions as used by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry are finally expedient; for presumably Kerry knows full well the consequences of aerial attacks on civilians in Darfur and greater Sudan as a whole. There have been more than 2,000 such confirmed aerial attacks on civilians and humanitarians over the past fifteen years, and this is likely only a small fraction of the actual number of bombings. Many tens of thousands have been killed in these attacks-directly or indirectly-dwarfing the number of casualties from chemical weapons attacks in Syria and even in Iraq during Saddam Hussein's infamous al-Anfal campaign against the Kurds in the late 1980s.

And any comparison of how "gruesome" death is by means of chemical attack on the one hand, and the shrapnel-inflicted wounding of children, women, the elderly on the other, will inevitably be invidious. Histories of the First World War have given us many images, narratives accounts, even poetry representing the agony of mustard gas inhalation; it is without question horrific, indeed "gruesome." But can this justify implicit claims that the nature of death from shrapnel exploding out of crude barrel bombs, inflicting ghastly wounds, is any less "gruesome"? Indeed, it is a pointless and misleading comparison. But if there are those who wish to see photographs of the agony endured by bombing victims-children and women are the most common victims, but they include any and all caught in the broad swathe of crude barrel bombs dropped from an Antonov cargo plane at a height of 5,000 meters-I have posted a number of them on my Tumblr account (caution: many of these are deeply disturbing images, even as they do not include the most "gruesome":

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An evil racist ideology, evil Saudis, and US' worst "president" ever unite for even more suffering in Syria

Where are the Bush bashers now?!

The worst "president" ever was "elected" on a purely racist agenda fueled by skin color bias and islamofascism.

Do those who orchestrated the gas attacks against Syrians now use their own atrocities as a pretext for even more attacks?

Wall Street Journal: Officials inside the Central Intelligence Agency knew that Saudi Arabia was serious about toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad when the Saudi king named Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud to lead the effort.

A US’ attack against Syria was planned many years ago in order to replace the Syrian government with a pro-Saudi/Sunni one.

Stephen Lendman: “The issue is very clear. Syria is Washington’s war. Any government that is independent gets targeted for regime change. This is longstanding US policy and the situation in Syria is very grave”.

Klevius: However, central to the US strategy is islam (the worst ideological crime ever against humanity - that's why it has to be so defended against scrutiny) and its "guardian", the islamofascist Saudi family who target Shia muslims in an effort to eradicate them or at least leave them without support.

Press-TV: Lendman cited a CNN report in December that the “Pentagon contractors have trained these insurgents in the handling of chemical weapons. If you train them in the handling, you're training them in fact on the use of chemical weapons.”

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad once again dismissed the allegations of the use of chemical weapons.

“Failure awaits the United States as in all previous wars it has unleashed, starting with Vietnam and up to the present day,” Assad said. “The comments made by politicians in the West and other countries are an insult to common sense... It is nonsense.”

Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.

This proud African-American, together with his friend, beat a small 88-year old World War II veteran, Delbert Belton, brutally to death. What if Belton had defended himself like Georg Zimmerman did?!

Klevius question: If this was a hate crime (and everything indicates it was), who taught him to hate? And why aren't his parents arrested for grave child neglect?!

A 16-year-old Spokane African-American, Demetrius L. Glenn, was ordered held on $2 million bail Monday and will be tried as an adult in connection with last week's beating death of an 88-year-old World War II veteran, Delbert Belton. A second African-American,  16-year-old Kenan Adams-Kinard, was arrested in the case early Monday morning. The charges carry a potential life sentence. Three other juveniles (African-Americans?) in the house with the suspect Monday were arrested for investigation of rendering criminal assistance, a felony. Police believe the boys targeted Belton randomly (hate crime?). "There is no gang activity associated with this incident".

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Klevius Human Rights tutorial for ignorant muslims and their supporters

The evilness of islam explained in simple English

There are no Human Rights in islam - only islamic "human rights" (Sharia)

Because islamofascists and their supporters lack any credible argument in favor of islam, but 1,400 years of historical evidence* for the very opposite, they have to use the lowest of means to blur the picture of the evil medieval slave Leviathan. So, for example, are those who dare to criticize this pure evilness

* Not to mention the extremely obscure origin of islam. According to Britain's (and the world's - after Klevius) foremost islam researcher when it comes to its extremely violent early stages, Hugh Kennedy, "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (allegedly dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever".

The main reason that Klevius considers himself the world's foremost expert on the origin of islam is that he (sadly) still happens to be the world's foremost expert on sex segregation/apartheid, i.e. what constitutes the basis for rapetivism and islam's survival (and which is the main reason OIC abandoned Human Rights in UN and replaced them with islamofascist Sharia).

Only truly pious (so called "extremist") muslims are truly evil. However, all non-extremist (secularized) "muslims" aren't necessarily good either if they knowingly use the evilness of islam for their own satisfaction. Only ignorant "muslims" can be excused.

While contemplating the pic below, do consider the inevitable fact that islam (in any meaningful form) doesn't approve of our most basic universal Human Rights! That's the main pillar of the problem, dude!

So those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims.

Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?


What is religion?

First of all, being religious is an exception. The average world citizen doesn't believe in the Judeo-Christian/islamic "god"*. And the reason we hear so much about "religion" is the same as after 9/11, namely its bad consequences.

* The belief in a "creator" presumes a "creation". Or, in other words, the creation of a "creator" necessitates "creation". However, outside "monotheistic" mythology, the most common view is and has always been, as pointed out by Klevius (1992) that there has always been something from which later shapes emerge (just like Eve emerged out of Adam). However, the main point of "monotheisms" has from scratch been racism and sexism, i.e. in opposition to the enlightened view of every human's equal right no matter of sex etc., (just as we have it in traffic).  

Based on historical and contemporary evidence, religion - if with this word we mean Judaism (the chosen people) and its branch Christianity and its tail branch islam - is  certainly not " community cohesion" but rather "community confusion" when mirrored against the main idea of Human Rights.

There are three main reasons for people to become religious:

1  They are born into a religion, and if they are muslims it's considered the gravest of crimes (apostasy) to leave islam.

2   A religious person feels a need to defend actions s/he cannot logically approve of without the aid of a "god".

3   A religious person feels a need for forgiveness, and due to the above (2) an other human won't do because s/he might use logic. "God", however, can always be excused by arguing that no human can understand "god's" decisions/actions.

From a sociological point of view the reason why the above (2) problem even arises in the first place is because of a lack of continuous updating of crucial and basic relations. This in turn happens when families etc. are scattered in time and space due to work, school, separate activities etc. and when the lack of updating causes misunderstandings/opportunities that are misused for personal gains.

Adding to religious confusion is its deliberate sex apartheid which also stays in direct opposition to the Human Rights view that one's sex ought not to be used as an excuse for altering or denying rights.

However, by sticking to honest logic and a Human Rights philosophy (equality) all of this can easily be avoided.

Life´s a passionate faith in a project of uncertainty whereas e.g. Islam is godless (Koran is "god's" words and the final reporter is dead) misuse of power and life denial. Arbitrarily giving away parts of your life to a "god" outside the world is partial suicide (and in Islam's case also feeds earthly totalitarianism/fascism/racism/sexism)! (for more read Klevius definition of religion)

Is she Sharia compliant?

If she is Sharia compliant then she lacks Human Rights precisely based on the same logic that made OIC introduce the so called 'Cairo declaration on human rights in islam' (Sharia) which now, via UN, constitutes the framework for everyone wanting to call him/herself a muslim and, as a consequence, a Human Rightsophobe.

Turkish Human Rightsophobic conference wants to discuss how to censor media and make criticism of islam a crime all over the world

This fanatic* muslim and his muslim world organization (OIC) is the most dangerous threat to Human Rights

 * who dreams about a Turk led muslim world empire under Sharia, just as Hitler dreamed about a Grossdeutschland. And who blinks the miserable failures of the Turk led Ottoman slave empire which fell in the deepest decay after West had abolished slavery for good.

Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, the Egyptian born Turkish Fuhrer of OIC (based in Saudi Arabia) will make the opening speeches of the “International Conference on Islamophobia: Law and Media” to take place in Istanbul on Sept. 12 and 13, along with Directory General of Directorate General of Press and Information Murat Karakaya and Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç. Other islamofascism supporting Human Rightsophobic speakers include John L. Esposito, Norman Gary Finkelstein, Marwan Mohammed, Nathan Lean, Saied Reza Ameli, Halim Rane, Stephen Sheehi and Ibrahim Salama.

Klevius clarifying comment: Recent internal Turkish criticism against Ihsanoglu is due to the split between Ottomans and Arabs. Ihsanoglu is half Arab and loyal to the Saudis who wanted Muslim Brotherhood erased. That's why he kept silent when the Egyptian army killed the brothers.

Common Misconception about Basic Human Rights and islam/Sharia

It seems that no matter what the ideology of islam causes, it's never islam if the consequences are unwanted (Klevius 2001).

Islam sneaked in on an oiled post-colonialist commerce sold to the public as a combination of “guilt”, ”compassion” and negative “white middle age man”* rhetoric. Of course

* The concept of the “white middle age man” has always been popular, not only among feminists, young “revolutionaries” and “colored middle age men”, but also among the “white middle age men” themselves because by criticizing the “white middle age man” one lifts oneself above one's own category, much like “true muslims” do compared to “secularized muslims” (or vise versa).

OIC's Cairo declaration and Egypt's constitution

Zaid Al-Ali is a senior advisor on constitution building at International IDEA: The proposed changes (of Egypt's constitution) will not have any impact in the immediate term on the way in which Egyptians live their lives, but they remove a tool that hard-line Islamists might have tried to use in the future to impose a harsher vision of society. It is worth noting however that the technical committee maintained article 2, which imposes the principles of Islamic sharia as the main source of legislation in the country. It also kept the distinction that was first introduced in 2012 between "heavenly religions" (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) and the rest, whose right to practice rituals is curbed. The technical committee also proposed to reestablish the ban on religious parties, but also indicated that political parties cannot "undermine public order," an incredibly vague term that is subject to abuse (article 54).

In terms of women's rights, the 1971 and the 2012 constitutions were both not particularly generous. They both included vague references to morality, to traditional family values, and to women's "obligations towards family and society." The technical committee, which was dominated by men, has essentially maintained the same wording and the same principles in relation to this issue. Women are therefore equal to men within the limits of Islamic sharia, the state is still responsible for protecting the "original values of Egyptian families" (article 10), and the state will also still provide assistance to women to satisfy their "obligations towards family and society" (article 11). This is precisely the wording that caused so many liberals to denounce the Muslim Brotherhood-led process in 2012.

Peter Klevius: "The state will provide assistance to women to satisfy their obligations towards family and society" (article 11 Egypt const.). Ugly sexism wrapped in nice wording.

Women are equal to men ONLY “within the limits of Islamic sharia because they have "obligations towards family and society" (article 11 Egypt const.).

"Heavenly religions"* (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) and the rest (article 2 Egypt const.). A triple stage racism similar to when black supremacist racists in Nation of islam divide the world in the good blacks, the inferior non-blacks, and the evil whites.

* However, apart from the racist fact that people who don't want to belong to the "heavenly religions" are deemed less worthy, among the "heavenly religions" islam is always the “only true religion” because the other "heavenly religions" have got it all wrong. This fact must certainly be connected to the problems Jews and Christians continuously face in muslim countries and even elsewhere - compare e.g. the horrifying case of Malmö in Sweden. The Swedish newspaper Skånska Dagbladet reported that attacks on Jews in Malmo totaled 79 in 2009, about twice as many as the previous year, according to police statistics. In March 2010, Fredrik Sieradzk of the Jewish community of Malmö told Die Presse, an Austrian Internet publication, that Jews are being "harassed and physically attacked" by "people from the Middle East. In December 2010, the Jewish human rights organization Simon Wiesenthal Center issued a travel advisory concerning Sweden, advising Jews to express "extreme caution" when visiting the southern parts of the country due to an increase in verbal and physical harassment of Jewish citizens in the city of Malmö. And so on. See more on Wikipedia and do note the usual "only a small number of muslims are jihadists" but never "an even much smaller proportion of Swedes are Nazis". Moreover, all Swedes are Swedes whereas all muslims aren't necessarily pious muslims at all, which fact alters the proportionality even more.

Whereas Human Rights allow you to lead your life as you wish without necessitating others to do so, Sharia does the opposite

So why do you suffer from such a grave form of Human Rightsophobia? Why do you want all other women to be restricted just because you yourself want to be restricted?! What disturbs you so much that you want to impose your way of life on others - or, alternatively, in a racist manner despise them?

ARTICLE 6 in OIC's Cairo declaration:
(a) Woman is equal to man in human dignity, and has rights to enjoy as well as duties to perform; she has her own civil entity and financial independence, and the right to retain her name and lineage.

(b) The husband is responsible for the support and welfare of the family.

(a) As of the moment of birth, every child has rights due from the parents, society and the state to be accorded proper nursing, education and material, hygienic and moral care. Both the fetus and the mother must be protected and accorded special care.

(b) Parents and those in such like capacity have the right to choose the type of education they desire for their children, provided they take into consideration the interest and future of the children in accordance with ethical values and the principles of the Shari'ah

ARTICLE 22 in OIC's Cairo declaration:
(a) Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shari'ah.

(b) Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the norms of Islamic Shari'ah

(c) Information is a vital necessity to society. It may not be exploited or misused in such a way as may violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets, undermine moral and ethical values or disintegrate, corrupt or harm society or weaken its faith.

Two too common islamofascist statements supported by Saudi based OIC (all muslims world organization) and its Sharia declaration (also called Cairo declaration on human rights in islam):

1 The modern democracies of today have not yet attained what the Faith of Islam ordained fourteen and half centuries ago.

Peter Klevius: Very pleased to hear that. And I truly hope they never will.

2 Islam allows complete freedom of though and expression, provided that it does not involve spreading that which is harmful to individuals and the society at large. For example, the use of abusive or offensive language in the name of criticism is not allowed.

Peter Klevius: Criticism of islam is, according to OIC's Sharia, ALWAYS abusive and offensive no matter how it's worded!

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig's (a supporter of islamofascist Sharia) presentation of islamic "human rights" (i.e. Sharia) offers a wonderful opportunity for Peter Klevius to really point out how islam (Sharia) is diametrically opposite the real Human Rights (also called Negative Human Rights because of its lack of positive impositions in basic rights):

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: Though the influence of political motives, rivalries, and deliberations has made complicated the correct formulation of this problem, but this should not prevent thinkers and genuine humanists from snooping into this problem and ultimately obtaining a solution (Klevius: Yes, I do!). In the West, it is only since the last two hundred years or so that human right became a subject of eminence among the political and social issues of Western society and an issue of fundamental significance.

Peter Klevius: Please Mirza, you can't be that stupid! You're as far you can get from the truth (perhaps not too surprising considering you're trying to defend the biggest lie in the history of the world). The process started long before islam even existed and eventually developed into the 1948 Human Rights Declaration which rests on an unbeatable logic that islam has never been even close to. On the contrary, islam and its Sharia (in whatever form) always restricts basic (negative*) Human Rights via (positive*) islamic impositions.

* Whereas positive rights oblige or open up for action/imposition, negative rights oblige inaction. If you don't threaten the rights of others (as muslims do if they follow Sharia) you shouldn't be bothered. Just as you shouldn't be bothered by the police unless an offense against the law is suspected.

Negative rights include freedom of speech and expression, freedom from violent crime, freedom of belief (as long it doesn't affect Human Rights of others), habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from slavery etc.
The right to private property has no direct (only indirect – the right not to be robbed of one's property) connection with negative Human Rights.
A negative right is a right not to be subjected to an action of another person, religious group, a government etc.
Moreover, this also includes legislators, i.e. that a law that contradicts Human Rights cannot be considered lawful.
And for those who try to circumvent the logic of negative Human Rights by referring to enforcement or laws, you don't understand that Human Rights are not laws but the very basis for legislation.
How far the law can restrict Human Rights is a matter between us humans but balanced by the underpinning idea of negative Human Rights in much the same way as traffic rules are tailored for the actual reality – not any specific ideology. Traffic rules should be as smooth and democratic as possible for the purpose of flow, safety etc. just as laws should be as little intrusive on freedom as possible.

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: During the last few decades this prominence reached its peak in the West with the formation of UN after the Second World War and the subsequent drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but we Muslims know it very well that if the Western World and the Western civilization have paid attention to this matter in the recent centuries, Islam has dealt with it from all the various aspects of Human Rights many centuries back.

Peter Klevius: Is a slave an equal? And is a muslim woman equal to muslim man as according to Human Rights? Apart from paillaging, islam has sponged on slaves and women for 1400 years!
Moreover, islam is an Arabic religion and Arabic islam is considered superior to islam experienced via other languages. On top of that you have the Sunnia Shia divide - not to mention all other branches considered inferior or blasphemous by other muslims.

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: The first thing that we find in Islam in the correlation of basic human rights is that it lays down some rights for man as a human being. In other words, it means that every man whether he belongs to Muslim state or not, whether he is a believer or unbeliever, whether he lives in some forest or is found in some desert, whatever be the case, he has some basic human rights just because he is a human being, which should be recognized by every Muslim.

Peter Klevius: Well, that doesn't make any sense at all, does it. Either you mean he (what about she) has to comply (as a Dhimmi) with Sharia or he is a blasphemous infidel.

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: The Security of Life and Property:

The first and the foremost basic right is the right to live and respect for human life. The Holy Quran says: “Whosoever kills a human being (without any reason) manslaughter, or corruption on earth, it is though he had killed all mankind”.

Peter Klevius: Why did you put the most important part "without any reason" within brackets? Not complying with Sharia, or perhaps not being a true muslim, or being an infidel standing in the way for islam, or just an infidel who happens to have the wrong passport, belief etc. may be such a reason. Not to mention the reason the 9/11 muslim terrorists had to murder innocent people in the US just because they felt islam was under attack from the West.

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: The Protection of Honor:

The Quran does not allow one’s personal honor to be abused: “O you, who believe, do not let one set of people make fun of other set. Do not defame one another. Do not insult by using nicknames. Do not backbite”

Peter Klevius: No wonder muslims are over sensitive - not the least towards each others. Just check the news!

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: The Right to Protest against Tyranny:
This is mentioned clearly in the Quran: “God does not love evil talk in public unless it is by someone who has been injured thereby”. This was acknowledged by Abu Bakr, who said in his very first address: “Cooperate with me when I am right, and correct me when I commit error. Obey me as long as I follow the commandments of Allah and His Prophet, but turn away from me when I deviate”.

Peter Klevius: Indeed, reminds me of the "Arab spring" and all those muslims who fight all those muslims who have "deviated".

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: Freedom of Expression:

Allah gave Adam liberty of free choice between right and wrong. It is the same reference that Allah almighty says in Quran: “Then He showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him”. Islam allows complete freedom of though and expression, provided that it does not involve spreading that which is harmful to individuals and the society at large. For example, the use of abusive or offensive language in the name of criticism is not allowed.
Peter Klevius: So how could criticism against islam under Sharia not be "abusive"?!

Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig: Equality before the Law:

Islam gives it citizens the right to absolute and complete equality in the eyes of the law. According to Islamic concept of justice, absolutely no one is above the law. This point was made in a very dramatic fashion by the Prophet himself. One day, a women belonging to a high and noble family was arrested in connection with a theft. The case was brought to the Prophet with the recommendation that she be spare the mandated punishment for theft (amputation of the hand). The Prophet replied: “The nations that lived before you were destroyed by God because they punished the common man for their offenses and let their dignitaries go unpunished for their crimes. I swear by Him Who hold my life in His had that even if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad, had committed this crime, I would have amputated her hand.”

Peter Klevius: These fairy tales are laughable, not only because they are without any historical connection (not even mentioned in the Koran), but, more importantly, because women are not even close to equality with men in before the Law (Sharia). Moreover and again, "before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (allegedly dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

Peter Klevius: The modern democracies may rightly argue that the world is indebted to them for establishing the equality and freedom. These countries could take the credit for introducing Human Rights and abolishing slavery (which is still sanctioned in islam) and abolishing judicial discrimination of women (except for in the US*). However, instead it seems that these countries try to do their utmost to downplay these important achievements, and instead they are supporting the very opposite.

* The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for women. The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and, in 1923, it was introduced in the Congress for the first time. In 1972, it passed both houses of Congress and went to the state legislatures for ratification. The ERA failed to receive the requisite number of ratifications before the final deadline mandated by Congress of June 30, 1982, and so it was not adopted. However, most people are unaware of this important deficiency in the US legislation compared to Human Rihghts.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Were Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, US and UK accomplices to the gas attack/s in Syria?

Acknowledgement: Klevius is no fan of Assad. Not only because of the accusation of Syrian involvement in the February 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and support for muslim anti-Jewish terror groups etc, but also because of him being a muslim who happily and shamelessly, like most others, utilizes islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) for his agenda.

And those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims

Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?

Not taking responsibility for the evilness in one's ideology is pathetic. Klevius will elaborate on this in the next posting. In a way so most muslims should understand - if they dare to admit it.

Why do Western politicians support islamic terrorists? Is it because Western tax payers are ignorant and misinformed about what islam really is? But the truth is that the victims' bodies are all labeled 'political islam'!

Fly Qatar islamofascism while bowing towards the Saudis

When George W Bush in a week managed to topple Iraq's chemical weapons using dictator Saddam Hussein (whose Sarin victims were counted in tens of thousands) he was spat on by many. However, in Syria everything seems the opposite. The Sarin is used by the terrorists but Obama & Co are asked to topple Assad. How come?! The answer is simple: Saddam was Sunni and Assad is Shia.

The fact that launching indiscriminate biological attacks makes absolutely no sense militarily for Assad means it’s far more likely that such attacks are being staged by rebels – many of whom are being led by Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra islamic terrorists – with support from the likes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Gearóid Ó Colmáin, Global Research, May 30, 2013: According to a report in Turkey’s state media agency Zaman, agents from the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü) ceased 2 kg of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday morning. The chemical weapons were in the possession of Al Nusra terrorists believed to have been heading for Syria.

Sarin gas is a colourless, odorless substance which is extremely difficult to detect. The gas is banned under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.

The EGM identified 12 members of the AL Nusra terrorist cell and also ceased fire arms and digital equipment. This is the second major official confirmation of the use of chemical weapons by

Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria after UN inspector Carla Del Ponte’s recent statement confirming the use of chemical weapons by the Western-backed terrorists in Syria.

The Turkish police are currently conducting further investigations into the operations of Al-Qaeda linked groups in Turkey.

This further confirmation that the Syrian ‘rebels’ are using chemical weapons while also using Turkey as a base of terrorist operations against Syria, could cause further domestic problems for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whom Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu has called the ‘chief of the terrorists’.

The Syrian National Coalition abroad has persisted in accusing the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. The Syrian National Coalition Head of Media Khaled Saleh told Al Jazeera on May 26th that Turkish authorities were certain about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.

Saleh also claimed that he was in contact with several ‘brigades’ fighting in Syria. Perhaps, Mr. Saleh should be advised to consult the Turkish police now that one of his ‘brigades’ has been arrested in possession of chemical weapons.

Unsurprisingly, this Turkish report failed to make international headlines. From the beginning of the Syrian war, the international press agencies have attempted to portray the Al-Qaeda invasion of Syria as a ‘popular revolution’, which started out as a ‘peaceful protest’ against a ‘brutal regime’. The fact that there was never a modicum of evidence to support such claims has not hindered the avalanche of vituperation and demonization of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian Arab Republic.

France’s daily Le Monde published an ‘exclusive’ report on the 27th of May 2013 which claimed to have ‘proof’ that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons ‘against its own people’. However, the report simply relied on statements by ‘activists’ and ‘rebels’, who most serious commentators have described as unreliable sources of information.

Le Monde’s report came just in time as the French government was pushing the European Union to lift the embargo on arms to the terrorists in Syria. The confirmation by previous articles in Le Monde that the opposition in Syria is in fact Al Qaeda, together with the reluctance of EU partners Germany, Austria, and other countries to openly back the terrorists, has isolated Paris and London, exposing the British and French governments as state sponsors of terrorism.

In January 2013, Russian television station RT published leaked documents from British corporation Britam Defense, which revealed a plan by Qatar to deliver chemical weapons to Homs in Syria, with the aid of Britam Defense. The British company was to provide Ukrainian personnel to act as Russian military advisors in order to implicate the Russian government in the crime. The email suggested that the Qataris were providing ‘enormous’ amounts of money for the plan and that it was approved by Washington. 

The Japhat Al-Nosra terrorist organization has not hidden its desire to gas the Alawite minority in Syria. A video was posted on U Tube on December 4th 2012 showing terrorists testing chemical weapons on rabbits, while vowing to exterminate Alawite Syrians in a similar fashion.

Iran’s Press TV also published a report which showed terrorists using chemical weapons.

As the Western-backed terrorists lose ground to government forces in Syria, the likelihood of further massacres committed by the terrorists and blamed on the Syrian government grows. However, as more and more reports contradict the official media narrative on the Syrian war, the voices of truth are acquiring critical mass, threatening to bring down once and for all NATO’s oppressive media empire.

Jabhat al-Nusra, Obama's & Co's terrorist ally against Syria

Many of Jabhat al-Nusra's members are Syrians who were part of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's Jihadist network fighting the American forces in Iraq. Many of these Syrians remained in Iraq after the withdrawal of American forces, but upon the outbreak of Syrian civil war in 2011, the Islamic State of Iraq sent the Syrian Jihadists and individual Iraqi experts in guerrilla warfare into Syria. A number of meetings were held between October 2011 and January 2012 in Rif Dimashq and Homs where the objectives of the group were determined.

The al-Nusra Front released its first public statement on 24 January 2012 in which they called for armed struggle against the Syrian government. The group claimed responsibility for the 2012 Aleppo bombings, the January 2012 al-Midan bombing, the March 2012 Damascus bombings the murder of journalist Mohammed al-Saeed and possibly the 10 May 2012 Damascus bombing.

Patrick Henningsen: Chemical weapon only miles away from the very hotel that the UN weapons inspector booked into only a few days ago. They see this as a distraction and if we look at the history of this particular region where the attack is set to take place it is very active with Al-Nusra Front and they also have been implicated in using make shifts chlorine bombs in Aleppo back in March, so there is a track record there.

RT: It is still clear why the fingers are being pointed at the Syrian government, because it is the government which has chemical weapons.

PH: All this at this point is innuendo. This is why the UN team is in Damascus to investigate these claims. Unfortunately Washington, London and Paris drew a red line in 2012. They said that if any side deploys chemical weapons then that would be a pretext for a military intervention either by NATO or some sort of coalition force backed by US resolution. Who benefits from a chemical attack in Syria? The opposition benefits. It is quite obvious that the government does not benefit. The opposition benefits because that would be the key to unlock the airstrikes and bombing campaign over Syria, a la Libya. The opposition would like a Libyan-style coalition with NATO in order to force the regime in power out of Damascus. They benefit from any report of chemical attack in Syria.

RT: Al-Arabiya puts the number of killed at more than 600 while other main stream media talk about just dozen of victims. Why is there such a difference?

PH: You have to consider the source. I believe Al-Arabiya has certain affiliations with certain Gulf states who might also have some interest in this particular conflict already so might see a more exaggerated report on different sides. But again, there is no independent verification, it is simply anecdotal and innuendo to this point. But the timing of it is very suspect.

William Engdahl: In the text of (Saudi) Al Arabiya's article we read that the “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said dozens of people were killed, including children, in fierce bombardment.” Now the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has been the source of every news report negative against the Syrian Assad government since the war began in 2011. More curious about the humanitarian-sounding SOHR is the fact, as uncovered by investigative journalists, that it consists of a sole Syrian refugee who has lived in London for the past 13 years named Rami Abdul Rahman, a Syrian Sunni muslim who owns a clothing shop and is running a Twitter page from his home. Partly owing to a very friendly profile story on the BBC, he gained mainstream media credibility. He is anything but unbiased.

The other aspect of the suspicious reports is the “convenient” fact they coincide with the arrival two days earlier of an official UN weapons inspection team, allowed by the government, to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use in the Syrian war. It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria? 

Sarin and its distribution

Paul from Allen Vanguard:

How long would it take Sarin to become harmless, or dissipate?  In general terms are we talking minutes, hours, weeks?

This is difficult to answer because of the variables that could exist but Sarin is a non-persistent and highly volatile liquid which disperses and vaporises rapidly dependent on conditions of temperature and air flow.  A single projectile of Sarin fired in a hot, sunny featureless environment during a windy day could feasibly take minutes to dissipate.  At the other end of the spectrum, a sustained bombardment/barrage in an urban area during a period of no wind and no sustained periods of sun would be more likely to create a scenario where pockets of exposed Sarin would last for days, unexposed Sarin could last for weeks and CW UXO could remain in the area for years.

Dan Kaszeta, a US Army Chemical Corps veteran:

Submuntions: A highly effective way of dissemination would be a munition that scattered bomblets or submunitions at some height, with the submunitions designed for ground impact detonation.  Other factors being equal (…but they often aren’t), submunitions are generally considered a more efficient method of dispensing Sarin. 

In Tokyo it had been intended initially to aerosolise but ended up being stabbed bags left to evaporate (which is pretty good due to the speed at which it evaporates).

 The canisters recovered from the scene of the attacks matched canisters also recovered from an attack reported in Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo, where there were again claims of them being dropped from a helicopter, with photographs showing the canister remains covered in white-grey powder. 
The same design of canister has also been filmed in a cache of weapons reportedly captured by the Syrian opposition from the Syrian military, and a journalist in Syria has shown the image of the canister to various armed group, many of which have claimed to have seen them in the possession of opposition fighters, claiming to have captured them from the Syrian army.
Another type of grenade, using an identical fuze, was also photographed in Syria, with the photographer being told it was a normal smoke grenade.

 The Russian government has claimed the Syrian opposition was responsible for the Khan al-Assal attack, with a DIY rocket delivering a payload of Sarin. 

What do you think would be involved in putting together a DIY chemical warhead for a DIY rocket?

Crude devices are not that hard. Removal of explosives or whatever payload had been carried, followed by introducing the agent. You would need protective gear and it wouldn’t be very safe doing the filling.
Accuracy would be lost (if a missile) and performance of rockets could be affected by different weight distribution. I don’t really want to go in to too much detail about the how, lest I give ideas or advice, but early CW munitions were very simple.

If you don’t really care where it goes then its achievable.

Considering the Russian government's claim that a DIY rocket was used  in the attack, what would be the most effective dispersal method once the rocket reached it's target? 

Air burst or base ejection were used by military munitions but require more complex fuses. If aimed at hard targets then you’d get a level of dispersal by simple impact, but if it hit the earth then the payload could just get driven in to the earth.

Syrian Rebels use D-30 Howitzers capable of distributing Sarin

The D-30 is a Russian-made 122 mm towed howitzer that first entered service in the 1960s with the Russian army. The D-30 is designed to defeat unsheltered and covered manpower, weapons and military equipment of the enemy at the forward edge of the battle area and to the regiment mission depth. The D-30 has been widely exported and used in wars around the world, notably in the Middle East, and particularly in the Iran-Iraq War.

President al-Assad in an interview by the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung after the previous chemical weapons attack:

Had they obtained a single strand of evidence that we had used chemical weapons, do you not think they would have made a song and dance about it to the whole world?, then where is the chain of custody that led them to a such result?

These allegations are ludicrous. The terrorist groups used chemical weapons in Aleppo; subsequently we sent an official letter to the United Nations requesting a formal investigation into the incident. Britain and France blocked this investigation because it would have proven the chemical attacks were carried out by terrorist groups and hence provided conclusive evidence that they (Britain and France) were lying. We invited them to investigate the incident, but instead they wanted the inspectors to have unconditional access to locations across Syria, parallel to what inspectors did in Iraq and delved into other unrelated issues. We are a sovereign state; we have an army and all matters considered classified will never be accessible neither to the UN, nor Britain, nor France. They will only be allowed access to investigate the incident that occurred in Aleppo.

Therefore, all the claims relating to the use of chemical weapons is an extension of the continuous American and Western fabrication of the actual situation in Syria. Its sole aim is to justify their policies to their public opinion and use the claim as a pretext for more military intervention and bloodshed in Syria.

Interviewer: The protests started in Syria peacefully before they turned into an armed struggle. Your critics claim that you could have dealt with the protests through political reforms, which makes you partly responsible for the destruction in Syria. What is your take on this?

President Assad: We started the reforms from the first days of the crisis and, perhaps even to your surprise, they were initiated years before the crisis. We issued a number of new legislations, lifted the emergency law and even changed the constitution through a referendum. This is a well-known fact to the West; yet what the West refuses to see is that from the first weeks of the protests we had policemen killed, so how could such protests have been peaceful? How could those who claim that the protests were peaceful explain the death of these policemen in the first week? Could the chants of protesters actually kill a policeman?

From the beginning of the crisis, we have always reiterated that there were armed militants infiltrating protesters and shooting at the police. On other occasions, these armed militants were in areas close to the protests and shot at both protesters and police forces to lead each side into-believing that they were shot at by the other. This was proven through investigations and confessions, which were publicised on a large scale in the media.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

When Saudi blogger gets 600 lashes and 7 yrs in a Saudi prison, BBC only reports he was freed (from death sentence)

Saudi islamofascism, a Saudi "islamophobe" and BBC's silence

Pamela Geller:

Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi Faces Jail and 600 Lashes For Insulting Islam

Only 600 lashes? The libs will say that is progress. The question is, how many lashes can any human being withstand? I think beheadng is more .... humane.
"We believe that when public speech is deemed offensive, be it via social media or any other means, the issue is best addressed through open-dialogue and honest debate," said US State Department spokeswoman
As for the State department's hollow remarks, I submit that the State Department should cease meeting with the OIC in Washington in order to impose restrictions on speech in accordance with the blasphemy laws under the sharia. I submit that the State Department should withdraw the Secretary of State's remarks. I submit that the Department of Justice should withdraw its vow to criminalize postings on social media that offend Muslims. I submit that Obama should cease blaming youtube and freedom of expression for murderous attacks on Americans in Benghazi and beyond. I submit that Obama should stop championing the adoption of anti-free speech resolution by the UN.

Klevius: A screen dump on a Google news search today on 'BBC Raif Gadawi' gives this shameful result:

A general search gives this:

And this kind of utterly disgusting, not to say purely criminal, behavior from BBC just continues while it simultaneously uses all its resources to silence, misrepresent, or falsify facts about islam, Sharia and OIC while using every opportunity to air the views of islamofascists and their supporters.

This fanatic* muslim and his muslim world organization (OIC) is the most dangerous threat to Human Rights

 * who dreams about a Turk led muslim world empire under Sharia, just as Hitler dreamed about a Grossdeutschland. And who blinks the miserable failures of the Turk led Ottoman slave empire which fell in the deepest decay after West had abolished slavery for good.

and these are his supporters today:

 And those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims

Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the believe in Human Rights. Can you?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Imam who allegedly planted burned pages of Koran in a Christian girls bag not indicted

Rimsha Masih and her family had to escape to Canada while no one in muslim Pakistan had to bare any responsibility for the evil and racist hate campaign she and her family had experienced.

Did you get that? No indictment whatsoever. The imam wasn't "freed" as now reported by confused Western news channels. HE WAS NEVER EVEN INDICTED FOR ANYTHING! And he wasn't under suspicion of framing the girl but of suspicion of having burned Koran pages (Pakistan's beloved "blasphemy" Sharia law). So logically this decision today to drop the investigation equals putting the guilt back on the poor Christian girl and her family who had been heavily harassed by their muslim neighbors. It seems that Klevius again hit the bull's eye in the posting one year ago seen below.

This is what Klevius wrote about Rimsha Masih and the imam a year ago:

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Klevius islam tutorial for Los Angeles Times: Blasphemy and "islamophobia" are synonymes!

LAT got islam all wrong! How many others have?

According to Los Angeles Times headline, Muhammad Khalid Chishti was accused for "framing". Well, that's quite far from the truth!

 Klevius: The muslim Cleric wasn't accused of framing a Christian girl. He was accused of blasphemy against islam (the worst crime ever against humanity)!

Why is it that every evil deed originating in islam is "interpreted/transformed" into something else that looks less bad for evil islam?

A muslim Pakistani cleric, Muhammad Khalid Chishti, was detained on suspicion that he had teared out pages from the Koran. That these pages then were put into Ms. Masih’s bag was irrelevant although the police, probably in a kind pr gesture to foreign reporters, said that it was possible that other charges could follow.

Evil ideologies need evil protection and evil leaders - and to be supported by ignorance

Islam is a disastrous ideology, even worse than National-socialism (popularly called Nazism for the purpose of trying to make a socialist party  with a bad reputation "right-wing") because islam doesn't stop by the nation but wants to be totalitarian.

And precisely because of islam's enormous evilness (that the "negative" freedom part of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights so effectively has revealed) it needs every means to protect itself from criticism. This task is now in the hands of the Hitler of our time, OIC's Fuhrer (or Caliph as he himself has said he wants to be called) Egyptian born Turk, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. He's one of the world's most eager proponents for blasphemy laws under Sharia, which he then presents in the West under the title "islamophobia".

How long will the World tolerate this evil islam hoax?

Russell D. Moore: If a Christian majority existed in a country, with the will to enforce all the laws it could, would this country be justified in outlawing Islam or atheism or Wicca? Why not? Fundamentally, this is because blasphemy laws and other uses of state power to enforce religious belief or worship are themselves a repudiation of the beliefs themselves. A religion that needs state power to enforce obedience to its beliefs is a religion that has lost confidence in the power of its Deity.

Klevius comment: Apart from the fact that islam isn't a "religion" in any meaningful sense it's all about state power in the form of the muslim state called Umma and led by the oil fueled Saudi/OIC network. The utterly dumb strategy to excuse medieval fascism in our time on the grounds that it needs time to mature into a modern civilized world should be replaced by the speeding up of the process by addressing islam's deep incompatibility with the basics of Human Rights (an incompatibility that islamofascist OIC and its Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu readily have admitted by replacing Human Rights with Sharia in UN and elsewhere). Only then we can spare the lives and sufferings of the victims of islam.

Friday, August 16, 2013

How come that the best tech in the world comes from a non-muslim and non-Christian people?

Who moron bought Steinway?

And why do many churches, concert halls etc keep buying inferior grands?

Klevius has the answer - keep reading!

BBC's confused "piano expert" Chris Hopkins, didn't even mention the best brand when he named his favorite piano makers. Instead Chris Hopkins blabbed about Steinway and their top model D. And here comes the truly revealing part. When asked to motivate his opinion Chris Hopkins had nothing logical to say but instead admitted that the Steinway D's quality differed widely between individual pianos. But this devastating fact he then tried to turn positive in the old tiresome babbling about "hand made"* and "individuals", when the fact is that Steinway cannot produce the same quality pianos as Yamaha because of the same reason Ferrari, Porsche etc cannot produce the same quality as Lexus etc Japanese high tech cars.

* Compare extremely over-prized (part of the selling trick) handmade European watches - usually driven by some already outdated Japanese tech.

Kevin Higgins (about Yamaha CFX): I was pleasantly surprised by the warm round tone of each note. It was the best piano I have ever played. The action was easy and the keyboard had a nice textured feel that gave me confidence and security in my play. Much easier to play than the Steinway D. More clarity on the bottom end. This piano achieves real depth but with a better action. It's amazing.

Klevius: Not only that. Yamaha's superior and even production quality guarantees that you really get what you want.

Yamaha talked to hundreds of  the world’s most accomplished pianists, including those that did not play Yamaha pianos, and they asked them all what it was they most wanted to see in a concert instrument, and also what they hoped not to see.

Klevius comment: If they'd asked the buyers instead they'd likely got the answer that they hoped not to see the Yamaha brand name on the piano. Btw, have you noticed how TV cameras tend to be allergic to the Yamaha brand name while never missing an opportunity to show the Steinway brand name. Crypto-racism?!

The V10 engine in Lexus LFA is made by Yamaha.

Never buy a camera with a Zeiss lens

I got a cheap Sony bridge camera more than four years ago. I've taken thousands and thousands of pics and I've had it out almost every day in a variety of wet, sandy, dirty, hot and cold environments loose in the car or in some suspicious bags etc without any other protection. It has never failed (the only Japanese camera that has failed for me was a Panasonic with a Zeiss lens - which very soon lacked working both zooming and focusing while the rest of the camera works perfectly). I'm sure I'm not alone. Just check quality lists etc.

This photo was taken hand-held with my soon five year old cheap Sony HX1 recently.

Here's what Klevius wrote about Japanese high tech and islamic low moral 2005:

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Shinto meets Islam - Civilization vs "killing & raping fields"

Update January 9, 2006 (American Daily): "Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and Confucianism are all religions of the world. Islam says it is a religion among world religions. It is not. It is a killing cult, nothing more. Islam demands that those who do not convert to Islam be slain or taken as slaves. There is no third option. With the genuine world religions, they tolerate those who do not agree with their tenets. They do not declare that those who do not agree with their dogmas be slain or taken as slaves."

HDTV-video of Honda's Asimo robot running etc.
How come that Honda is so much superior compared to BMW?
Out of Africa as "Pygmies" and back as global "Mongoloids"
Linda 13, sexually abused to death by a "school gang" & Swedish school policy & sex segregation.

Klevius comment: Look at those pathetic males (pathetic if they are racist/sexist pan-Arabic Islamist mosque-building oil-billionaires who trade in Islamic darkness in mosques, schools, universities, youth organizations etc?)! Too busy spending oil-money on technical wonders their own slave & oil-fuelled pan-Arabic/Islamic culture is uncapable of producing? Whereas Shinto (the world's oldest* religion) created the world's best high tech, Islam (the world's youngest "religion") created terror and Koran-brainwashed suicide-killers in the service of fascist and sexist pan-Arabism (i.e. true Islam)! For a better world in Darfur and elsewhere - bury Islam! Islam has caused more suffering than any other ideology (incl. Hitler's & Stalin's socialism/communism), yet it has always been excused (and surprisingly often by its own victims, i.e. the opposite compared to the "black"/"white" situation)!

Arabic racism in Africa: "They (Arabs) are the most racist people on earth" Klevius' comment: Isn't it logical then that their "religion" not only share the same feature, but also makes it essential?

While hypocritical Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc Arab Islamist nations dislike Islamic terrorism at home they continue to support it abroad. The further away the better! After all Islam is, from scratch, deliberatedly construed for limitless violent conquest and submission!

* i.e. ancestor warship - compare P. Klevius' Vagina gate in the atom of kinship.

Swedish white collar fascists want to stop external criticism against totalitarian Islam (i.e. against an ideology that forbids internal criticism)! Also see Klevius' Definition of Religion (usually top-rated on MSN)!

Update: When Göran Lambertz, chancellor of justice in Sweden who has been very busy working even outside his job profile, e.g. by protecting a famous individual against (non-socialist) media accusations of drug problems etc (a man who previously had been charged for DUI), was asked why no one, incl. himself, had done anything against Radio Islam (a Swedish web site from the 1990's and still on, denying the Holocaust and preaching utmost hatered against Jews and applauded by Iranian Islamofascists) his revealing answer was: "I don't really know"! Also see the horryfying WMD-link between Sweden and Iran and the statement by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "Islam must prepare to rule the world"!

Violent Islam paves the way for "moderate" Islam when Arabic language and Islamic education are naively supported in the vain hope of combating Islam's combatants:

The Spain Herald: Gavilan referred to a study by the European Social Fund warning of the risk that the second generation of Muslim immigrants doesn't integrate in Europe "because of its lack of a labor impulse. That is, they're lazy and don't want to work. They have high expectations, they want brand-name clothing, luxury cars, to go to discos, but they don't have any income and they can't satisfy these expectations, so they get frustrated and look for radical religious options established in Europe."

For those preaching that Islam's radicals are so few: According to British YouGov's survey 2005 one in four (abt half a million) British Muslims sympathises with motives of Islamic terrorists- more than 100.000 British Muslims are ready to actually support Islamic terrorists- about 16,000 British Muslims declare themselves willing, possibly even eager, to embrace Islamic violence (For the worldwide spreading of Islam, and to conquer the non-Islamic world?!).

By the way - why on earth are Islam's historcal and contemporary "raping & killing fields" sometimes called "a civilization"?! An ideology based on force, submission and rape (direct or institutionalized in Koran and Sharia) for the ultimate purpose of conquest!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" loves mosque mice and excuses mosque rats and islam (the worst ideological crime ever)!

The Muslim Brotherhood, who strongly oppose democracy other than as a means for destroying democracy, was voted on by Egyptians who didn't know the diference between Sharia and Human Rights.

While Egypt is bleeding because of islam

Why don't media and politicians dare to tell Egyptian muslims about the racist/sexist difference between Sharia and Human Rights? Because that would be "islamophobia" wouldn't it! And the Turkish muslims, PM Erdogan and OIC Fuhrer Ihsanoglu, think doing that is the worst form of terrorism...

Listen to these confused voices about islam's bloodshed in Egypt

Not a hint about the "elephant in the room", i.e. islam and Sharia

Romesh Ratnesar (deputy editor of Bloomberg Businessweek): Although numerous observers have called for the U.S. to suspend that (military) aid until the army turns power over to a legitimate civilian government, Obama didn’t go anywhere near that far. Nor did he call for the release of the imprisoned former President Mohammed Morsi, or for the prosecution of individuals involved in carrying out abuses during yesterday’s massacre, or indicate that the U.S. would seek any kind of action in the United Nations Security Council.

That’s because the administration is boxed in by its insistence in recent weeks that the military’s overthrow of the freely elected Morsi was actually a step toward restoring democracy. Obama again tried to make that case today, arguing that Morsi’s government “was not inclusive” and suggesting that after his ouster, “there remained a chance for reconciliation and an opportunity to pursue a democratic path.” But yesterday’s events make abundantly clear that democracy and military rule are irreconcilable. Sooner rather than later, President Obama will have to choose to support one or the other.

Alexia Underwood (also in Bloomberg Business Week): At a nearby sandwich shop, Mohammed Hassan had just returned from the protests. “I saw four people killed with my own eyes by the police,” he said. He had been at the new sit-in for hours, and his ears were still ringing from the live ammunition exchanged between protesters and security forces. “Where are my human rights?”

Hesham Sallam, co-editor of the Arab Studies Institute’s publication Jadaliyya, called the crackdown yesterday a calculated move by the army to consolidate power and an obvious attempt to ride the wave of popular discontent against Morsi to its own benefit. “The army and domestic security sector have long been trying to construct a political system in which their own privileges and institutions could be shielded from the uncertainties of electoral politics,” he wrote in an e-mailed statement. He added that the crackdown was an attempt to justify the resurgence of the security state of the Mubarak era.

The burning of several Christian churches by supporters of President Morsi further gives the armed forces the upper hand

Klevius comment: Clearly many muslims don't have a clue that their beloved "faith" is precisely the opposite to Human Rights. Why? Because "West's behavior for most muslims seems to approve of islam (while simultaneously giving muslims a lot of ammo against Human Rights). The extreme "sensitivities" in the West when it comes to islam and muslims is not only at the cost of all others (incl. the majority of the world's population who are atheists - btw, have you noticed that atheist nations like China and Japan are usually excluded from "Asians" by islam supporters) but also responsible for the prolonging of the bloodshed and other* terror caused by this schizophrenic patient's (islam's) free and even applauded roaming around among civilized people.

* The muslim birthrate is the highest and the muslim apostasy ban and Sharia effectively keeps most of them as muslims, hence increasing the threat against Human Rights in the future. Due to "special religious needs" muslims fill the hospitals and graveyards while non-muslims are left to die prematurely and are burned. Mulsims also get extreme special service in matters ranging from taxpayers' money directed to "religious" (read islamofascist) "teachers" etc. to a never ending variety of support that is out of reach for most non-muslim people. But they all fade compared to muslims violation (via Sharia) of non-muslims Human Rights.

If anything has contributed to division and unrest in society, it's the strange fact that muslims are protected by the very Human Rights they deny others while non-muslims have to conform to Sharia, in other words, being denied their Human Rights.

Who is a Western national?

A muslim who is born there and talks fluently the local language but who also supports islamofascist Sharia which stands for the very opposite values?!

This fanatic* muslim and his muslim world organization (OIC) is the most dangerous threat to Human Rights - but is sitting silent as mosque mice while Egypt is suffering

 * who dreams about a Turk led muslim world empire under Sharia, just as Hitler dreamed about a Grossdeutschland. And who blinks the miserable failures of the Turk led Ottoman slave empire which fell in the deepest decay after West had abolished slavery for good.