
Sunday, July 07, 2013

Morsi not democratically elected: Voting for Sharia (islam) always means abandoning Human Rights and democracy

The evil link between the origin of islam and OIC, all muslims' Sharia organization

Many muslims are extremely naive and ignorant about the difference between Human Rights/democracy and Sharia. To an extent that they think it's enough to get as many votes as possible.

To better understand the real and undeniable power of this pic please do read Negative Human Rights. Negative rights means freedom from tyranny!

Because of its evil origin islam can never accept Human Rights - what about you?

Here is Klevius' short tutorial for ignorant/misled or simply naive muslims (and equally ignorant and naive non-muslims):

1   Islam (Sharia in any form) is without any doubt always incompatible with the most basic Human Rights. And if you don't trust Klevius then trust the world's biggest (after UN) organization, the islamofascist Saudi based OIC and its Fuhrer Ihsanoglu, who have deliberately abandoned Human Rights and replaced them with Sharia (the so called Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights" - look it up, stupid)! Moreover, whenever Human Rights get in conflict with this islamofascist Sharia, Human Rights have not only to be abandoned but also constitute a crime according to Sharia. And yes, Sharia may vary from place to place BUT SHARIA CAN NEVER BE FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH HUMAN RIGHTS! If it did it wouldn't be islam anymore.

2   Democracy is not only about getting the most votes. Even more important than the votes is the underlying Human Rights assumption that every human being is equal. Sharia (in whatever form that can still be called islamic) however, divides people in three categories: muslim men, women and non-muslims.

Islam can not reform because of its origin

Islam's evil origin* explained (again):

* There are tons of historical research available if you really want to know the extremely evil slavery/rapetivism/genocide history of islam. However, the web is contaminated with theocratic misinformation boasted via islamist "sholars" on islamist university faculties etc. Also consider that many Western historians have worked in an atmosphere of trying to find "the good parts of islam" while keeping down the most evil but also most important parts if one wants to fully understand islam.

The reason why islam stubbornly has refused to change (compare what the previous Pope said) is its original sin, namely the racist/sexist parasitism formula that made it "successful" in the first place.

The crucial transition from the Vagina to the Penis system made the muslim variant of Judaism so more “successful” in sex slavery/rapetivism connected to apostasy ban and the denial of muslim women's right to marry non-muslims, and the subtle or open Sharia pressure against non-muslim wives to muslims to convert/submit to islam (remember, less than ten Million Jews now vs 1.5 Billions muslims)! All of this was then packed in a collective "prayer" system where every muslim ought to repeatedly conform/submit daily to show each other their commitment, not necessarily to an unknown "Allah" but to this unknown "Allah's" representative.

As explained many times earlier by Klevius, islam is a late branch of "the chosen people" ideology. 

Here's some old stuff on the topic:

From circumcised Jews to Vagina Jews and Penis muslims - all kept together with rapetivism and slave finance

You're lucky, dear reader, to still have the possibility to be informed by Klevius who happens to be the world's best informed "expert" on sex segregation (yes, it's truly sad that the competition is almost nil - Bourdieu's cautious take on the subject was anyway miserably entangled in Marxism etc).

It all started with the racist and sexist idea about the world's only true “god” who had chosen the Jews as its blessed people. That leaves little else for the rest of mankind except jealousy or contempt. If you're not a racist then you can't possibly respect racism, can you.

The curse of sexist sex apartheid and slavery racism

They fight in Mideast as they always have.

Ever thought about why there never emerged other "monotheisms" in the world? Only the Jewish one and its derivatives. "Monotheism" wasn't and isn't the rule nor is it, as some racist supremacists like to put it, "the latest stage of civilization". Quite the contrary. Something special happened in the Mideast and it was certainly not "god". And as Klevius has repeatedly pointed out it's about institutionalized sex apartheid (sex slavery) in a way (the Bible etc) that wasn't necessary elsewhere. Neither Buddha (Nepal 563-483 BCE) nor Confucius (China 551–479 BCE) made any effort to blame sex segregation on a "god" conveniently out of reach for others to scrutinize. Nor can you find it anywhere else on the planet. Klevius has also pointed to the strange fact that only semitic (and later, not original, Indo-European) languages have the curious separation of the sexes in third person pronouns (well, it was easy for Klevius who masters Finnish where you simply use 'hän' instead of the stupid Swedish 'han'/'hon' or English 'he'/'she' segregation). The rest of the world has shown that you can not only survive but even gain from dropping this linguistic anomaly.

The curse of sex segregation

Canaan was the first of the seven sinners who made idols for the heathens, the other six being Phut, Shelah, Nimrod, Elah, Diul, and Shuah. Canaan, with his six companions, brought precious stones from Havilah (Gen. ii. 11-12), and made of them idols, which at night shone as brightly as the sun, and which were endowed with a power so magical that, when the blind Ammorites kissed them, they regained their eyesight ("Chronicles of Jerahmeel," p. 167; compare Kenaz).

Canaan, in a certain sense, was predestined to this and similar offenses; for he was begotten by his father while in Noah's Ark, whereas God had commanded that the sexes should live separately therein (Gen. R. xxxvi.).

Klevius comment: The mythological Ark wasn't out at sea for longer than 150 days, which fact the mythological all-knowing “god” who ordered the project must have been aware of. Therefore the segregation of the sexes cannot have been imposed because of fear of too many passengers. So why? This, of course, reflects not only a general pattern of sex apartheid but also reveals a particular and deeply perverted view on girls/women among those who created the story.

Concerning the curse of Noah upon Canaan, the Midrashim endeavored in different ways to give a solution to the question why Canaan had to suffer for the sins of his father. The old explanation was that Canaan, not Ham, though he had in no sense transgressed against his grandfather, had to be cursed by him because God had blessed Noah and his sons; and wherever the blessing of God rests there can be no curse (R. Judah, Gen. R. l.c.; Justin Martyr, "Dial. cum Tryph." cxxxix.). This explanation, however, was found to be defective; for it was contrary to Jewish sentiment to curse an innocent man; hence the new assertion that Canaan, like his father, transgressed against Noah.

Canaan the father of slaves - and slave masters

Through the curse which Canaan brought upon himself, the low condition of slaves (Canaan's descendants) is to be explained; for parents exercise a strong influence, for good or for evil, upon the fate of their offspring. "Wo unto the sinners," comments a Midrash, "who bring evil upon themselves, their children, their children's children; in fact, upon all the generations that follow."

Klevius comment: This was the key for "the chosen people" to exploit the "cursed".

Many of the sons of Canaan were worthy of being ordained as rabbis; but the guilt of their father barred them from such a career (Yoma 87a). God, however, is different from man. Man seeks to deprive his enemies of the means of subsistence; but God, though He cursed Canaan, made him a slave, that he might eat and drink of that which his master possessed (ib. 75a).

Klevius comment: In short, the backbone of Jewish history ever since is that of slave trading. This was what made Jews in the Diaspora rich and influential. And this was the secret behind the "peaceful co-existence" in Al-Andalusia's "Golden Age" and elsewhere. When you read about merchants and their goods slaves are seldom mentioned because they were seen as members of the merchant's extended household until sold.

One of the biggest slave empires ever was the Jewish steered Khazar caganate.

Also consider the Origin of the Vikings.

From the Jewish Vagina via Jews believing in Jesus (not Christ) to the muslim Penis, i.e. the origin of islam

Matrilineality in Judaism is the view that people born of a Jewish mother are themselves Jewish.

Klevius comment: As described by Klevius about the kinship atom, matrilineality via one's sister is the basic form of identifying ones biokin relation. You and your sister both came from the same controlled Vagina. So if your sister has a daughter/grand-daughter who marries your son/grand-son you can be 100% sure their children are directly related, via an unbroken chain of Vaginas, to you. However, when the Jews started their disastrous "the chosen people" genocide policy they created Jews via the Penis/rapetivism so as to get as many Jewish soldiers as possible, i.e. what islam much later re-introduced.

However, in Mishnah in the 2nd century CE there's a shift in Rabbinic Judaism from patrilineal to matrilineal descent resulting in now less than 10 Million Jews and more than 1,5 Billion muslims.

Klevius comment:This was to distinguish against Jews believing in Jesus or Christ. And because of this Christian Jews became  Christians in terminology.

In the Hellenistic period of the 4th Century BCE – 1st Century CE some evidence indicates that the offspring of intermarriages between Jewish men and non-Jewish women were considered Jewish.

Klevius comment:  After Alexander the Great many Jews learned Greek and moved out. This laid the basis for the Jewish civil wars etc.
Philo of Alexandria calls the child of a Jew and a non-Jew a nothos (bastard), regardless of whether the non-Jewish parent is the father or the mother.

Klevius comment: This is a more than usually stupid Wikipedia sentence. Philo was a Diaspora Jew (Hellenistic Jew) and supported matrilineality. Being a Jew meant being a male Jew. The woman is only the reproducer.

Origin of islam and its desecration of Universal Human Rights 

According to Hugh Kennedy, professor of Arabic language and Arabic history,"before Abd al-Malik, caliph 685-705, Mohammed, who allegedly died 632,  is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever...", and according to Klevius, one has to differ between the evil plundering, enslavement and rapetivism in the vacuum after the Romans, and its “moral” institutionalization – by blaiming "Allah" (i.e. something that doesn't exist in human understanding) – a couple of generations later under Malik.

Initially islam (or what came to be islam) grew out of the formula:
Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+apostasy ban

This, together with the poor, illiterate Arab Bedouins, steered by Jewish Christian leaders (and their conspiracies) through the old trade routes in a robbing, pillaging and raping campaign, is the only explanation to the sudden "success" of what later became institutionalized as Kora/islam. And what was "successful" on the Arabian peninsula of course worked equally well in North Africa and elsewhere. And the further they went the more women and soldiers etc submitted to the formula. By force, greed or whatever. Those who didn't were slaughtered or put in Dhimmitude.

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