
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Islam is hateful, divisive and racially profiling - and at war against Human Rights

Islam suffers from serious Human Rightsphobia

Islam orders the murdering of non-muslims who don't submit to dhimmitude (today meaning people who are classified as "islamophobes").

And when a muslim tells you that this murdering is only allowed when islam is under attack he is right.

However, the worst attack islam knows about is criticism of itself.
And the worst thinkable attack against islam is the 1948 Human Rights declaration!

Daniel Barenboim: One cannot separate a people from its leaders.

Klevius: Very true. So why blame Hitler alone?

Islam, the elephant in the room

James H. Steiger, Calgary Herald July 24, 2013

Re: "Stay away from Dubai," Editorial, July 22.

Reading your editorial on repressive laws in several United Arab Emirate states was like watching a high-wire act. Could you have finished the editorial without once transgressing against political correctness and mentioning the 20-tonne elephant in the room? Islam, the fundamental source of these laws, was never mentioned. Is this now against hate speech laws in Canada, or does such intellectual negligence just come naturally to the modern Canadian? For those wishing to inform themselves, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-Dutch feminist, has written several books debunking the mental contortions required to deny the continuing role of Islam in the subjugation of women.

OIC, the scimitar of islam

ICLA: As most here would know, we have two main definitions of human rights, the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the European Human Rights Convention, both sound human rights instruments.

However, a third and potentially dangerous alternative definition exists, sponsored by the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), namely the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam. This declaration, originally drafted by the Iranian theocratic regime, makes each and every right subject to Islamic law, also known as Sharia. This, in turn, negates the very notion of inalienable individual rights and several other essential values.

The Cairo Declaration is recognized as a so-called “regional instrument” by the United Nations, but rarely, if ever, used or referred to. It is thus functionally redundant, yet its approval creates an unneeded and potentially dangerous ambiguity in the formal definition of the human rights. For Sharia is incompatible with democracy and fundamental human rights, as stated in 2003 by the European Court of Human Rights, and thus the Cairo Declaration is equally incompatible with any meaningful definition of human rights, as well as with several OSCE commitments.

Thus, to avoid willful misinterpretations of what “human rights” refer to, it would be good for the protection of human rights defenders to have the Cairo Declaration explicitly repudiated by those OSCE pS that also hold membership of the OIC. If they do not do so, they should provide a detailed justification for keeping this declaration on the books, and the intended use of it.

ICLA thus recommends that:

OSCE makes a statement that the Cairo Declaration has no relevance to its understanding of human rights.

OSCE pS that are also members of OIC explicitly repudiate the Cairo Declaration as being of no relevance, now or in the future, for the interpretation of “human rights”.

Similarities between the under developed world's racism against the developed world abused by islam has similarities with individual cases involving "black" vs "white" confrontations.

Boasting racism via "anti-racism"

Pat Buchanan: From listening to cable channels and hearing Holder, Sharpton, Jealous and others, one would think the great threat to black children today emanates from white vigilantes and white cops.

Hence, every black father must have a "conversation" with his son, warning him not to resist or run if pulled over or hassled by a cop.

Make the wrong move, son, and you may be dead is the implication.

But is this the reality in Black America?

When Holder delivered his 2009 "nation-of-cowards" speech blaming racism for racial separation, Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald suggested that our attorney general study his crime statistics.

In New York from January to June 2008, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly confirms Mac Donald's facts. Blacks and Hispanics commit 96 percent of all crimes in the city, he says, but only 85 percent of the stop-and-frisks are of blacks and Hispanics.

And these may involve the kind of pat-downs all of us have had at the airport.

Is stop-and-frisk the work of racist cops in New York, where the crime rate has been driven down to levels unseen in decades?

According to Kelly, a majority of his police force, which he has been able to cut from 41,000 officers to 35,000, is now made up of minorities.

But blacks are also, per capita, the principal victims of crime. Would black fathers prefer their sons to grow up in Chicago, rather than low-crime New York City, with its stop-and-frisk policy?













Trayvon was hardly ever in school, and when he was he got suspended

Klevius: So how did he spend his days?

Some voices about Trayvon and his "family":

Justice4All says:
December 17, 2012 at 9:03 am

C-Murder was a gangster rapper affiliated with No Limit Records. He is currently serving life in prison for 2nd degree murder.

Blacks will continue to blame their alarming violent crime numbers and fatherless child numbers on the white man and poverty as the parents drive around with their children listening to music that brags about making it rain on hoes, having 2 Bit&*es at the same time, milking the welfare system, dealing drugs, robbing, assaulting, and killing.

The problems in the AA society today is a direct result of their culture and their acceptance of violence, drug dealing, womanizing, and taking advantage of government programs designed to help those who can not find means to provide for themselves.

Another example was about 2 months later when Sybrina travelled to London, England and was questioned again. Even months later, when asked the same or similar general questions, she just never seemed to be able to describe Trayvon. Very odd.

Additionally odd was upon hearing of Trayvon’s death Sybrina never left North Dade (Fort Lauderdale) to travel to Sanford. She stayed home. The first time she actually went to Sanford was to attend a press conference on March 8th.

Also, Sybrina was unable to describe Trayvon’s likes or dislikes. She gave conflicting information about his favorite foods, sports, and things he enjoyed. Sybrina said Trayvon loved basketball, but Trayvon told everyone in his social network he disliked basketball.

When asked about his favorite meal Sybrina said Trayvon liked Fried Chicken; the next time she said hamburgers, and yet another time she described something totally different.

Sybrina told investigators she did not know that Trayvon had a twitter account, and she did not know his name on Facebook. Sybrina Fulton knew nothing about Trayvon’s U-Tube account, his following of Mixed Martial Art combat fighting, or his home made movies from street fights to video’s of his cousin.

On the morning she found out he was shot, she sat in the parking lot of her work for a few minutes then drove home – and stayed there.

All of these are just unusual examples of odd and disconnected descriptions for a parent who was sold to the public as incredibly close to her son and devastated. And when you look at the pictures of Sybrina with Trayvon, there are always other people in them, and in all of them as a general sense it’s usually Trayvon’s half-brother Jahvaris who seems closest to his mom.

We have fully documented how something changed in Trayvon, something troubling. A serious and rapid downward spiral in behavior and it is well noted during the time period from October 2010 (trouble with Dad), to Summer 2011 (significant drug use), to the last year of school August 2011 through Feb 2012 when he missed 53 days of school, was suspended three times, and the last suspension was a serious enough violation to warrant 10 days suspension out of school.

And just something about the story of Trayvon and his mom; and his mom’s behavior not matching the story being sold. Then we read this recent article in esquire magazine and something stuck out. Something that connected numerous dots in describing exactly what was going on.

He was growing so fast, he’d stretched out like a rubber band, 158 pounds on a five-eleven frame, so long and thin everyone teased him: Boy, you too skinny to take a breath.

He was wearing the hoodie he always wore, lost in his music like he always was. People teased him about that, too. Next door to his uncle Stephen’s house, a modest ranch house where he often spent the night, lived an old lady who called him Mouse. (link)

This relatively demure comment actually clicked in with another piece of the puzzle from earlier. THIS is a radio interview given by Trayvon’s aunt, Ebony Martin Mcclain, who is Tracy Martin’s sister, on the Rickey Smiley Show. The full radio interview is available here, but we have copied the audio onto U-Tube format so that you can listen to it here.

Do you hear what she is saying?

Trayvon was NOT living with his mom. Trayvon was NOT living with his dad. Trayvon was living with his uncle, Stephen Martin, a former Marine, and his wife “Aunt Miriam, in Miami Gardens.

Miriam previously described Trayvon’s living arrangements as:

She’s [Miriam] known Trayvon since the day he was born. He spent as much time at their house as he did anywhere else. (link)

Uncle Stephen’s son (Trayvon’s cousin), Stephen “Boobie” Martin, was Trayvon’s best friend. Boobie is who travelled to Sanford to visit Trayvon at Brandy Green’s condo in The Retreat at Twin Lakes the final weekend. It was Trayvon and Boobie who attended Brandy’s son’s football game that Saturday night then all three drove back to Brandy’s condo. “Boobie” left the following morning (Sunday).

Tracy Martin 2
Tracy Martin 4-18-12

We know Trayvon’s Dad, Tracy Martin, (pictured above) was living with his sister Ebony Martin Mcclain, as noted in the radio interview, also in Miami Gardens. However, Tracy was reported to be considering a permanent move to live with girlfriend Brandy Green and her son, Chad, in Sanford. *Brandy Green is, or was, pregnant with Tracy’s child.

[ You also need to remember Tracy was still married to Alicia Martin - the "step-mom" from the Dr. Phil show. Tracy and Alicia Martin had been together for 14 years and married for 7 Poor Alicia is by all considerations "The Forgotten Woman"]

Tracy Martin CRIP

Tracy Martin (Trayvon Dad) 

The discussions of Trayvon moving to Sanford had already taken place:

Last night he [Trayvon] had a long talk with DeWayne, his buddy from pee-wee football. DeWayne asked what he was doing.

Just chillin’ with my ol’ boy, Trayvon said. Trayvon’s dad was dating a woman who lived there, a woman named Brandy, and it was looking serious. If he had to change high schools again to move up there, he said, it would be a’ight. (link)

But one thing is certain, at the time Trayvon was shot he WAS NOT living with Sybrina Fulton, his mom. NOR was he permanently residing with his dad, Tracy.
Now folks on the ground in/around Trayvon’s High School have provided the specific information as to why he did not live with his mom. However, until that is confirmed, and some additional measures are taken, we will leave it out of the outline.

The behavioral challenges of Trayvon during that winter school session might have led to the decision to put him in the care, custody and guardianship, of his uncle, who by all manner of evaluation, Trayvon did listen to and respect. Trayvon’s dad, Tracy, was seperated from his wife of seven years Alicia Martin, and his girlfriend in Sanford, Brandy, was pregnant. Meanwhile he loved him some ‘twerkin’ lap dances.

But Trayvon was NOT living with Sybrina (mom) or Tracy (dad) during the time prior to the trip to Sanford.

So now, given the revelation of additional facts, and with the hindsight of the TRUTH, do these previous interviews make more sense now?

Certainly all the disparate stories and disconnection now makes sense. It was all just a ruse to create an impression, a false impression.

The reason Sybrina could not describe Trayvon, was because she did not know Trayvon. Not in the same sense the attorneys and media consultants were framing her. This is why early on the entire narrative seemed so disjointed.

The family lawyers, The Scheme Team, were selling a Trayvon family that never existed. Trayvon neither lived with Sybrina or Tracy. He was a portable troubled teen who was living with his uncle who was trying to straighten him out.

It is beyond sad – that ultimately, in order not to reflect the typical example of black teen crisis in America the family, or their handlers, felt they needed to script a false storyline for the media. AND worse yet, the media could not even ask the questions to bring the truth forth. The media just left those blazing irreconcilable conversations and statements by the scheme team float in the air like dangling participles…..

None of this changes the substance of the case against George Zimmerman. However, it does reflect a particular character trait, and expose the agenda of the family attorneys. That falsely constructed story is profoundly wrong.

Trayvon 7-11

They have created this fairy tale story around a 12-year-old little boy named Trayvon Martin. That person never existed in the life of George Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman met a 17-year-old troubled teen with anger issues, who liked to portray himself as player inside the thug culture, just like his school discipline records will reflect.

A Skittles party

There is a street concoction, used for a cheap buzz, called "lean" or "syrups" that is referenced in rap music, and Trayvon's FB page. The ingredients are skilttles, watermelon ice tea, and Robitussin.

the 6 foot 1 - 190 lb 17 year old --"kid"-- cough ,cough -- had been kicked out of school for writing graffiti while searching his bag for the marker used to do it the cop at the school found "extra items" like a bit of pot and a flathead screw driver ( which the cop at the school called a B & E tool used in a nearby robbery of a home ) since trayvon also had 12 rings and a watch that were stolen from a home nearby the school he "went to" ( trayvon said that they were "given' to him by "a friend" who he would not name (yah right)-- trayvon had missed 53 days of school --over 10 weeks worth at 5 days per week *--- 9 weeks of 5 days per week (45 days) is commonly called a "quarter" no student can not come to school for that amount of time and be in good standing --not possible -- his school record shows him being suspended for marijuana use and his phone records show possible drug dealing "slang talk" --( from a friend of his --need some "plant")--there were photos of trayvon handling guns ,text of him trying to get a handgun (although well under the legal age for handgun ownership )--photos of him flipping off "the world at large and otherwise acting like a street thug.
his fathers CaT tat -(Crips all Time) - is straight up gang banger style 100% -- so what "mind set' was Trayvon really being infused with?-- and notice the "cover up" praying hands tat to smooth out the "image".

his parents should shoulder some of the responsibility for his death, they should have taught him right from wrong and it seems that he was following in his Daddy's footsteps.

Trayvon's racism was obviously inherited .

it is hard to raise kids with all the BS going on nowadays, with all the liberal crap and peer pressure. Some want to feel big and act big and talk big like some of their idols in the entertainment industry.

He was also suspended from school at the time the incident occurred. And reports say that he had been looking into the windows of local houses

There were also pictures of jewelry sprawled out on the bed from his phone, and pics of guns

his social media platforms reflect a severe anti-social personality.

the most troubling attitudes about race and justice

Trayvon Martin's mother: “They killed my son and now they are trying to kill his reputation."

There were over 1000 photos on Trayvon's phone-camera that were withheld from the
defense during discovery. AND Don Ward said they had a bitch of a time getting items/infor from the prosecution that they were entitled to have to prepare for trial
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Suspended from school for fighting a school bus driver.
Suspended from school for a baggie with pot dust and stolen jewelery in his backpack.
Frequently engaged in Fight Club type street fighting.
Wrote on the internet about getting 'codine' to make some 'fire ass lean.'
Posted pics of himself smoking pot, sporting gold grills, flipping the bird, holding wads of cash, making gang signs and a gun he was selling.
Posted explicit remarks about what he wanted to do to 'hos.'
Posted to a friend that his friend should kill someone the friend had a problem with.
Posted conversations about the fights he had been in including the fight with the bus driver. No regrets he was proud and boastful of it all.

James Buchanan

When the Trayvon Martin shooting first became national news, America's all-Jew media portrayed Trayvon as someone with a clean record and as an “A and B” student at school.Zimmerman. A picture of Trayvon when he was about 15 wearing a hoodie emerged, which looked a lot less innocent, and then recent pictures of Trayvon emerged sporting a gold grill (popular among gang-bangers).
The far Left came out denying that the latest pictures of Trayvon were real, but then someone hacked into Trayvon’s twitter account and discovered that one of his pictures with the gold grill was the same one he used on his Twitter account. The Daily Caller has this picture and some of his recent tweets published here.
Of course, looking like a full-grown gangster is one thing, but how was Trayvon’s behavior? Well, it turns out Trayvon was not behaving all that well either. It came out relatively early that Trayvon was on suspension from school for something. The liberal media was suspiciously quiet about what he had been suspended for. Several liberal sources lied about the suspension and said it was for “tardiness”. After about four days, the truth finally came out. This article mentions that Trayvon was caught with a bag that had contained marijuana and which still had traces of it. Trayvon had either used all the marijuana in the bag or he had sold all the marijuana.
An article from the Wagist reports “To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues. Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image, rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like…. It seems that Tray was also on Twitter, but his account seems to have been recently deleted by his family or friends. His screen name was ‘@NO_LIMIT_—–’ (See the article for his full Twitter name, which is omitted here since it’s a bit of a racial slur) …Another post makes reference to Trayvon having ‘swung on a bus driver’ a few days before he died… There is also fairly direct evidence that Trayvon may have been a small-time drug-dealer.”
So Trayvon swung at a bus driver and may have been a part time drug-dealer according to twitter messages. I wonder if Trayvon’s defenders will try to make excuses for him taking a swing at that bus driver. Sane people meanwhile are spotting a trend of anti-social behavior that led Trayvon to assault Zimmerman.
Shortly after the real reason for Trayvon’s suspension came out, the Miami Herald reported that there were “multiple suspensions” on Trayvon’s record. Even more important, the Miami Herald article reports “In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area ‘hiding and being suspicious.’ Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with ‘W.T.F’ — an acronym for ‘what the f—.’ The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.”
“Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a ‘burglary tool,’ according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald….”
“Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.”
photo authcoid122562part2_zps0f0b6cbe.jpgTRAYVON TODAY
“Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.”
“’Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,’ he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.”
“Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation.”
This revelation is extremely important when you consider that George Zimmerman claimed to have seen Trayvon casing homes in the neighborhood for future burglaries. Trayvon had “burglary tools” and women’s diamond earings and wedding bands, which were burglarized from somewhere.
It also gives Trayvon a much bigger motive to violently assault Zimmerman, who had seen him casing the homes and who wanted the police to question Trayvon. If the police found Trayvon and took his fingerprints, then these could have been used to compare with recent burglaries in the neighborhood.
I wonder what Trayvon’s defenders will say when the jewelry that was in his backpack is matched up with missing jewelry from burglaries, possibly including burglaries from the gated community where his dad was living.

Trayvon's role model turns out to be Corey Miller, aka C-Murder, who is doing life without for murdering 16-year-old Steve Thomas, at a Harvey, Louisiana nightclub in 2002.
Trayvon's Twitter handle was NO_LIMIT_NIGGA. Miller's record company was No Limit Records.
Posted by mary sullivan at Wednesday, July 24, 2013






Should Trayvon Martin's parents be prosecuted for child neglect and making their son a racist?

For a full understanding of the title please read Klevius' research:

Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship

Pathological Symbiosis

According to child abuse and neglect considerations Trayvon Martin's parents should be held responsible for their sons premature death.

Just like any parent who lets* their child become a threat to other people.

And just like muslims who pass their own hate raligion to their jihadist kids.

* knowingly or willingly or both.

previous Klevius writings on the subject:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Black victims are eagerly presented in media and cynically rallied for scum political aims, while black racists and white victims are kept out of light

Why are these white victims buried by the media while black victims are not? And why are the worst racists not exposed and arrested? Consider "Ms Lucy Black's comments below. Have you ever seen anything worse?

Kent Police in UK were called to Gloster Way in Aycliffe, Dover/UK (port to France) at 4.15am following concerns for 19-year-old Elisa Frank, sister to one of the slaughtered girls in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, and a previous girlfriend to Ahmed Otak. Her tip-off led to the discovery of two dead women, Samantha Sykes and Kim Frank, in Frank’s flat in Wakefield, West Yorkshire from where Elisa Frank was allegedly kidnapped by Ahmed Otak, who was in company with two others whom the Dover/Kent police then released (?!).

Klevius comment: Do I need to tell you that BBC, who first eagerly followed the French police chase of the alleged "right-wing" serial murderer, suddenly lost all interest in the case (2 min compared to 10 min for Humperdink's Eurovision song in a World News program) when he turned out to be a muslim jihadist, Mohamed Merah.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Are these really the best idols "black" American "civil righters" can find? And what about "black" racism? And what about a comparison with Frank Lee Morris!

Rodney King, O. J. Simpson, Trayvon Martin etc are all used as political tools for black racism and political etc greed.

See below what George Zimmerman recalls with his encounter with the 17 year old Trayvon Martin who in media is described as "an unarmed innocent black teenager racially profiled by Zimmerman".


"Ms Lucy Black", one of the worst internet trolls ever, seems to have slipped(?!) from the attention of BBC, other media and the "civil rights movement" (read "the movement for political use of black racism and white stupidity").











The escape from Alcatraz and an extremely unfair life: Frank Lee Morris, very intelligent, non-violent, nice and committed to learning and working, would have been the perfect symbol for "civil righters" -  if only he'd been "black".

Ludwig Wittgenstein was imprisoned in the world's best university (Cambridge) and Frank Lee Morris in the world's best prison (Alcatraz). Both managed to escape.

It's now 50 years since Frank Lee Morris made the most spectacular escape from the safest prison in USA (see the movie or do some reading). Who was he really? Klevius gives you the best answer based on available facts. And one thing seems certain, he wasn't a violent parasitic thug who excused his behavior with islam or similar racist ideologies.

Frank Lee Morris, who was tested/evaluated as having "superior intelligence" (his IQ scores would have been much higher if calibrated for his lack of education), in good physical shape and "excellent drafting and working skills", became an orphan at an early age and was thrown by the social state* between state paid foster homes and state paid institutions where he was abused as a slave and guinea pig.

He was convicted of his first crime (escape) at the age of 13 and the only robbery was when he was around 30 (not in his teen as stupid Wikipedia puts it) and, according to himself, wanted to quit the Americn curse and move via Mexico to the south. Except for escapes and this failed non-violent night burglary to a bank called "robbery", his most serious crime seems to have been travelling over a state border with a  minor teenage girlfriend.

As a teen he eventually escaped a psychiatric "treatment" institution based on flimsy psychoanalytic** ideas (they assessed him as having too low intelligence for to be successfully "treated" when, in fact, he begged for being able to develop his drafting skills and to work as a draftsman) and therefor got labelled a "delinquent" hence making it impossible for him to educate himself, dismissed from military service, and denied real work opportunities due to his state fabricated records. Instead he was chased around USA and imprisoned for some petty crimes but mainly for his repeated escapes.

* understand the extremely important concept of a "social state" by reading Angels of Antichrist (no dude, Klevius isn't even close to a Christian).

** Klevius' groundbreaking psychosocial Freud timeline will offer you the best possible kick start for beginning to understand the extreme stupidity of psychoanalysis (yes, Klevius has gone through not only Freud and his daughters works as well as those surrounding them, he has also gone through all the main Freud critics as well as how this early psychoanalysis is connected to that of today - just like the origin of islam Freud is excused and distanced from yet his most horrifying tenets are still around - and its very core the prevailing sex segregation  - and before you smile please consider your own ignorance and the fact that e.g. Ludvig Wittgenstein did include Otto Weininger among those thinkers who had impressed on him, but not Freud).

George Zimmerman about his encounter with Trayvon Martin in an area which he was supposed to keep an eye on as a neighborhood watch volunteer, and where a lot of burglaries etc crimes recently had occurred.

George Zimmerman, who by neighbors is described as nice and helpful, said it was a life-and-death struggle that began when the youth "jumped out from the bushes" after he had contacted the police".

As he spoke to the dispatcher, he said Martin circled his vehicle but he "lost visual of him." At the same time, he said the dispatcher asked him his location. He said he wasn't sure of the name of the street he was on and got out of the vehicle to look for a street sign or an address on a home.

The dispatcher asked him if he was following Martin and he replied that he was "trying to find out where he went." The dispatcher told him, "We don't need you to do that," noting an officer was en route.
Zimmerman was heading back to the vehicle when Martin jumped out, asking him, "What the f---'s your problem?"

He told Martin, "I don't have a problem," but the youth replied, "Now you have a problem," and attacked him. He said he fell backward after being punched in the nose, and "he was whaling on my head."
 In a written statement Zimmerman said Martin told him to "shut the f--- up" during the struggle.
"Each time I attempted to sit up, the suspect slammed my head into the sidewalk. My head felt like it was going to explode."
Martin punched him repeatedly in the face. "I started screaming for help. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe.
He grabbed my head and started hitting it into the sidewalk," he said. "When he started doing that, I slid into the grass to try to get out from under him. ... I'm still yelling for help."

Martin "reached for my now exposed firearm" as the teen threatened his life and cursed at him.
Martin put his hand over Zimmerman's mouth and nose and told him, "You're going to die tonight."
"When I slid, my jacket and my shirt came up, and when he said, 'You're going to die tonight,' I felt his hand go down my side, and I thought he was going for my firearm, so I grabbed it immediately, and as he banged my head again, I just pulled out my firearm and shot him."
When he did, he said, Martin, who had been on top of him, fell away and said, "All right. You got it. You got it."
George Zimmerman, 28, is charged with second-degree murder in Martin's February 26 shooting death. Zimmerman has said he shot Martin in self-defense, but Martin's family and civil rights activists from across the country said that Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, racially profiled Martin. This race hunt has not only led to this but also to his wife being jailed as a consequence of the desperate situation the family was forced into, including the threats from black supremacist groups etc.

It may also be noted that Trayvon Martin used drugs and had been relegated from his school and that he also had had possession of jewellery that he couldn't explain from where it came.

No wonder a muslim born (apostate?!) "president" who came to power with islamofascist help from Saudi Arabia sides with a muslim thug, Najee Ali (former(?) gang member and recently released from jail after a four years bribery sentence) who (via his Project Islamic Hope) organized "a vigil in Leimert Park to celebrate Rodney King's life". Did we see CAIR and Saudi money also in the shadows of Trayvon Martin's death? We certainly saw the appalling racist black supremacist "panthers" around!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Manifesto murderers

Are you excused for murder if you have a "manifesto"?

Two mad manifesto murderers - but only one (the black one) causes "critical investigation" about factors that led to his deeds

Christopher Dorner and Anders Breivik

Oops! Take it easy now! Before you say anything, make sure you don't excuse the black guy for him targeting only whites and latinos and the white guy targeting mainly white islam supporters. Only then comes the manifestos, which, in fact, have no connection whatsoever with these murderous deeds. Everyone can write a "manifesto" and many do when they can't handle their personal life any longer and they see the end coming. So they spread their individual hatred via others "to redeem their name and pride". There's always a bad excuse for committing violent acts other than in 100% cases of self defense - as was most likely the case when Zimmerman was about to be killed by Trayvon Martin!

Trayvon Martin in a nutshell

Witnesses and facts support Zimmerman's version in every detail, yet few seems to bother. Why?

A 13-year-old boy walking his dog saw a man on the ground shortly before the shooting and identified him as wearing red (as did Zimmerman).

A witness to the confrontation just prior to the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and punching him, while Zimmerman was yelling for help. He stated that "the guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911". He went on to say that when he got upstairs and looked down, "the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

Wounds found on the 17-year-old's knuckles support George Zimmerman's claim that the unarmed teenager assaulted him before he was fatally shot

Zimmerman's medical report the day after the shooting,listed a broken nose, two black eyes and a cut in the back of the head.

Zimmerman's sweatshirt had "grass stains, and was wet on the back."

Zimmermann's own recollection

Zimmerman said he was driving to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon Martin walking through the neighborhood. Zimmerman's father said that, while his son was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain, there had been many break-ins and he thought it suspicious that someone he didn't recognize was walking behind the town homes instead of on the street or the sidewalk. Zimmerman therefore called a non-emergency police line to report Martin's behavior and summon police. During the call, Zimmerman told the dispatcher that Martin was "coming to check me out." A source to the Orlando Sentinel said in May that Zimmerman told investigators that at one point Martin circled his vehicle, and he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation.

After a discussion about where Zimmerman would meet police, Zimmerman told investigators he was returning to his vehicle when Martin approached him from his left rear and confronted him. Martin then punched him in the face, knocking him down, and began beating his head against the sidewalk. Zimmerman called out for help while being beaten, and at one point Martin covered his mouth to muffle the screams. According to Zimmerman's father, during the struggle while Martin was on top of Zimmerman, Martin saw the gun his son was carrying and said something to the effect of "You're gonna die now" or "You're gonna die tonight". Zimmerman and Martin struggled over the gun, and Zimmerman shot Martin once in the chest at close range, in self-defense.

Rodney King, O. J. Simpson, Trayvon Martin etc are all used as political tools for black racism and political etc greed.

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