
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why doesn't Sayeeda Warsi call the Saud family idiots*?

* She used to call other muslims "idiots" although these mulims were no worse than the Saudi, Qatar and Turkish muslims she supports.

Sayeeda Warsi is Britain's most powerful homophobe and humanrightsophobe.

Who should tell the Brits that Sayeeda Warsi wants Sharia for all British muslims - both mosque mice and mosque rats? She seems reluctant to tell it herself.

And Sharia for all British muslims will harshly affect the Human Rights of non-muslim Brits. In fact, it already does.

Sayeeda Warsi fully supports OIC which means she also supports Sharia for the muslim world Umma (incl. muslims in the West). As everyone should know by now OIC is based on Sharia and its goal is to impose Sharia on ALL muslims. And Sharia is totally against Human Rights which fact made it necessary for OIC to step out of Human Rights in UN.

Is this why Sayeeda Warsi and her political pals so eagerly want Britain to abandon Human Rights?!

Sayeeda Warsi sees nothing extreme in hate mongering and murderous Saudi islamofascism but worries about "islamophobia"

How many have Saudi and Qatar murdered in Syria so far? 80,000, 90,000 or more?

Sayeeda Warsi supports the Saudi and Qatar extremists in their murderous campaign against Shia muslims.

Baroness Warsi (UK Parliament 20 May 2013, Column 686 6.45 pm): "Qatar and Saudi Arabia have both been part of many of the negotiations, including the Friends of Syria discussions which took place earlier this year. Radicalisation, extremism and the commitment of the Syrian national coalition were a big part of those discussions. The countries which form the Friends of Syria stand by those requirements not to support and foster extremism and radicalisation."

Compare this to:

Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver Sun May 29, 2013:  

The ultimate responsibility for recent atrocities like the Boston Marathon bombing and the butchering last week of an off-duty British soldier is very clear.

It belongs to Saudi Arabia.

Over more than two decades, Saudi Arabia has lavished around $100 billion or more on the worldwide promotion of the violent, intolerant and crudely puritanical Wahhabist sect of Islam that the ruling royal family espouses.

The links of the Boston bombers and the London butchers to organizations following the Saudi royal family's religious line are clear.

One of the two London butchers, Nigerian-born Michael Adebolajo, was radicalized by the cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, who headed the outlawed terrorist group Al-Muhajiroun.

The group follows Wahhabist teachings and advocates unifying all Muslims, forcibly if necessary, under a single fundamentalist theocratic government. Similarly, the Boston bombers, Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev, hailed from Russia's southern predominantly Muslim province of Chechnya. Starting in the late 1980s, Saudi Arabia began dispatching Wahhabist clerics and radical preachers to Chechnya.

The spread of Wahhabism sparked not only a separatist war against the Russians, but also a good deal of violence among Muslims.

Wahhabism is now institutionalized in Chechnya and is particularly attractive to young men.

There are similar strands leading back to Wahhabist indoctrination in the histories of very many of the known Muslim terrorists of the last 20 years.

The founder of the sect, Muhammad ibn abd al-Wahhab, was an 18th-century Muslim zealot allied to the Al-Saud clan who promoted an extreme version of Salafism.

Wahhab and his modern disciples take this notion to extremes. The list of people whom Wahhabists should consider their enemies includes not only Christians, Jews, Hindus and atheists, but also Shiite, Sufi and Sunni Muslims.

And yet no western politicians seem prepared to accept the obvious.

Klevius comment: And sadly, even this writer seems to miss the obvious, i.e. the evil origin of islam. The evilness that is the only explanation to islam's "successful" attacks on its neighbors some 1400 years ago. The Koranic evilness that defended enslavement of infidels, racism and sexism.

There is no moderate islam or Sharia!

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