
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sex segregation - the biggest obstacle for female emancipation and full Human Rights

Why do girls/women know nothing about men and islam?

Klevius answer: Because of sex segregation!

Some more questions:

Is Akein Scott, who tried to massmurder people at a Mother's Day parade in New Orleans, cute enough to be freed by girls/women?

And talking about mothers, take a look at Klevius' Psychosocial Freud timeline! Did you know, for example, that the world's first child psychoanalyst was robbed and murdered by her child patient? Probably not because she signed a paper not to let it (her previous shortcomings) be mentioned. If you're curious, read Klevius' thesis Pathological Symbiosis or ask in the comments below.

Should women be allowed to sit in a jury if the murderer is cute?

Why did the authorities in New Orleans at least twice free Akein Scott from criminal charges?

The shameful contamination of British universities with religious fanatism

Guardian:  The University of Leicester has launched an investigation into gender segregation (sic) at a public lecture held by its student Islamic society.

    The talk, entitled Does God Exist?, featured a guest speaker Hamza Tzortzis as part of an Islamic Awareness week. Seating at the event was segregated, with different entrances into the lecture theatre for men and women. . .

    In Leicester, more than 100 students attended the segregated event, which took place last month. A photograph passed to the Guardian shows signs put up in a university building, directing the segregation.

    A message on the group’s website says: “In all our events, [the society] operate a strict policy of segregated seating between males and females.” The statement was removed after the Guardian contacted the society.

Klevius comment: Again this confused and irrational oxymoron 'gender segregation'. The sign on the wall of Leicester University clearly states 'males' and 'females'. It means biological sex, not cultural gender!

Rupert Sutton, from the campus watchdog Student Rights: There is a consistent use of segregation by student of islamic societies across the country. While this may be portrayed as voluntary by those who enforce it, the pressure put on female students to conform and obey these rules that encourage subjugation should not be underestimated.

Klevius: Although islam is by far the worst culprit when it comes to sex apartheid, there is also a consistent low level general use of sex segregation "light" across the world. While this may be portrayed as voluntary by those who enforce it, the pressure put on females (not the least by other females) to conform and obey to sex segregation that encourages subjugation should not be underestimated.

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