From mosque mice to mosque rats
Theresa May ponders how to exterminate mosque rats - and thinks giving money to mosque mice will do. But young rats may look almost as innocent as do mice.
In a BBC news program today a politician said that extremist non-British citizens should be immediately put on a plane. And although the muslim terrorist whom they talked about was a fluently English speaking British citizen born in England, BBC's female program host did no effort whatsoever to question this remarkable lack of balance.
From a Human Rights perspective Sharia is extremism and its supporters consequently extremists
There is a repetitive myth that "most muslims don't have extremist views". But if you consider Sharia as extremism - and you ought to if you prescribe to Human Rights - then a majority of British muslims have extremist views. And most of them are fluently English speaking British citizens.
UK wants to give more money to mosque mice, altough well knowing that it will only produce more mosque rats.
Sharia is "promoting extremist views".
The often used oxymoron "wants to impose a strict version of Sharia" is a lame effort to make it look as there is "moderate Sharia". But no, there isn't! Ask OIC! No Sharia is compatible with basic Human Rights!
Fascism can only thrive when it's fed by the state
Given British consular support in Kenya British MI5 tried to recruit UK born muslim terrorist Michael “Mujaheed” Adebolajo who together with an accomplice brutally murdered and decapitated a British soldier in broad daylight on a London street while shouting “Allahu akbar” (compare "Heil Hitler") and saying he murdered for the sake of muslims.
Those in charge failed to realise that Michael Adebolajo, one of the Woolwich suspects, represented a serious threat to national security, even though the services had been tracking him for years.
Theresa May knew that the Koran reciting British born and educated muslim terrorist Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya for terrorism. She knew for long that he was a serious threat also in Britain. Yet she didn't do anything - except, of course, trying to hire him to the secret police that is supposed to keep the Brits safe (gives a glimpse of the qualification criterion, doesn't it).
However, it appears that had she only had access to all Brits emails and telephones everything should have been different and the poor slain and decapitated British soldier would be still alive, or...
Theresa May: "We do need to look, for example, at the question of whether perhaps we need to have banning orders to ban organisations that don't meet the threshold for proscription." Tighter rules could also be imposed on internet service providers. "One of the issues we need to look at is whether we have got the right processes, the right rules in place in relation to what is being beamed into people's homes".
A new terror task force to crack down on extremism is also planned. And when this group has enough muslims, a qualified guess would be that there would be little room for chasing islamists because all resources would be consumed by muslim groups defending islam, in accordance with Sharia, against "islamophobes" i.e. Human Rights defenders.
Human Rights or Sharia (islamofascism) - you decide. Take your responsibility and kick out fascist politicians! The Germans didn't.
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