
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Are some, most or all muslims racists and Humanrightsophobes?

When you pour money into evilness, don't be surprised if you get more evilness back!

When anthropologists such as, for example, Dienekes, try to adapt to the inevitable Out of Asia paradigm by placing the origin of modern humans in the Arabian peninsula instead of in Siberia where it belongs, it's just one more example of the magnetic attraction of islamofascists' oil money. Unless, of course, it's just pure incompetency or wishful thinking from Dienekes side. Greece is closer to Mideast than Siberia.

However, islam is the by far biggest evil* that has ever contaminated mankind. It started when ordinary Jews and Christian Jews in their internal conflicts let loose the most uncivilized racist/sexist forces imaginable in their strive for hegemony. When these blood and sex thirsty illiterate Arab looters under the leadership of monophysitist Christian Jews, had decapitated and raped all resistance (which was mostly almost non-existing) and had grown via enslavement, rapetivism and submission under the sword, this thug "empire" that emerged became later institutionalized and codified to what we now call islam. And from then on the successful root formula of islam was: Slavery finance+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism for the physical and cultural reproduction of new muslims+Sharia blasphemy("islamophobia")/apostasy ban.

Always keep in mind that islam, Mohammed and the Koran as they are presented today came LONG AFTER the initial "conquest". Hugh Kennedy (considered a foremost expert on the muslim atrocities in the vacuum left by previously retreating Byzantine forces): ”Before Abdul Malik, Mohammed is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever, nor any form of religious pronouncement”.

Our (the civilized world that rests on technology) own oil money has been used by creepy and evil Arab dictator family members for the spreading of not only hateful racism and sexism but also a deep misinformation via bribed media, bribed politicians, bribed universities etc. to an extent that many adults and almost all school children believe in the presented lies about Mohammed, the Koran and islam. And charlatan Wikipedia happily presents myths about islam as established facts.

* Measured by the values set out in the basic (negative) Human Rights of the 1948 Declaration which was supposed to protect us from such fascist and totalitarian ideologies. And please, don't come with that crap that it's a Medieval ideology that ought be "reinterpreted" in our time. OIC, the Saudi based world organization for all muslims has clearly stated via UN that it will violate the most basic Human Rights by replacing them with Sharia. In other words, islam (and its muslims) continues its tradition of being racist and sexist.

Disgusting muslim racism and acessory at Heathrow

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ICLA has written about how Muslims who want to frighten Christians in places like Pakistan merely have Sharia UK 250pxto accuse them of blasphemy in order to turn their lives upside down.  Increasingly it seems that this kind of mentality is beginning to thrive in places like the United Kingdom.

A recent report by CBN tells the story of a Christian worker at Heathrow airport who appears to have been sacked because she stood up for her Christian religious beliefs in response to harassment by Islamists.  As in OIC countries like Pakistan, it seems that the views and opinions of Islamists trump those of other religions in the UK.  It always seems to be the non-Muslims who have to give ground, bite their lips, and put themselves second.  The CBN report can be found below (and HERE):

For some time now, the UK has been experiencing an atmosphere of fear when it comes to discussing Islam.  The hysteria has been stoked up by oil rich Islamic nations keen to expand the influence and power of Islam in the West.  Servile Western politicians seem happy to aid and abet such nations in their goal to increase the power and influence of Islam.

Only a few years ago UK citizens could go through life without being adversely affected by religious dogma.  Now that dogma is everywhere and everyone is aware of it.  In the home of freedom of speech people are now aware that speaking their minds can ruin their lives.

The UK’s old rarely used blasphemy laws may have been repealed but new more extreme heresy laws have taken their place.  The Racial and Religious Hatred Act of 2006 has had a chilling effect on freedom of expression and on freedom in general.  It must be remembered that the right to freedom of expression has been a far more potent protect of freedom of religion that any Act of Parliament could ever hope to achieve.   The point of getting rid of the old blasphemy laws was that they restricted freedom of expression and they could be used as tools of religious persecution.  A situation has been created in the UK where even whispering the word Islam is not attempted lest someone becomes offended!

There is a great deal of handwringing about how ‘Islamophobia’ is on the rise in Western countries.  Nothing is said about how people are oppressed by Islamic regimes for not being Muslim.  Little is said about non-Muslims who feel that they are being treated like second class citizens in the West, other than that such people are somehow racist.  It seems that the term ‘Islamophobia’ was invented as a way to prevent non-Muslims from being listened to when they experience abuse at the hands of Islamists.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is doing its best to institute a global blasphemy law and to make criticism of Islam illegal.  It is a key advocate for UNHRC resolution 16/18 which purports to protect religious freedom.  However, there is a tendency in OIC countries for religious freedom to mean that Islam is promoted and other religions are harassed. It seems quite clear that Christians for one are not those who are being protected by UNHRC 16/18.

If an airport worker can lose her job because she is not Muslim or she does not show Islam the respect that its proponents believe that it deserves then she is not being judged by the rule of law – she is being judged by sharia law.

The case of the airport worker suggests that sharia law is now thriving in the UK.  Non-Muslims are being persecuted, demonized, and discriminated against just like they are in many member states of the OIC.  Like in Muslim majority countries non-Muslims in the UK are being picked on and their lack of Islamic faith is being used against them.   This situation has been facilitated by successive British governments whose obsession with political correctness has meant that rights and freedoms built up over the centuries have now been lost.  As a result Islamism is now out of control in the UK and there is hardly anyone who is prepared to raise even a whisper in opposition!

The mosque mice and Sharia islam

Klevius comment: This case is just one that happens to be (slightly) noticed of possibly millions of similar examples of muslim racism. However, the most interesting point is whether all muslims can be accused of being racists or accomplices to racism? And that question is completely dependent on whom we conceptualize as a muslim. And who better to define a muslim than muslims themselves represented by their own and most powerful world organization, the Saudi based OIC according to which a muslim is someone who obeys Sharia.

And Sharia, in all forms, is not only compulsory for true muslims, but it's also  is racist and sexist, because it violates Human Rights on precisely these points. In fact, it was these points that forced islamic countries to abandon Human Rights in the first place. Without Sharia no real islam and no real muslims.

So the widespread but unfounded view that muslim individuals can define themselves as muslims without adhering to Sharia is definitely obsolete.

Against this background all muslims are racists. 

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