
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Landing gear from the 911 plane hijacked by Saudi muslim ideological (Koran) murderers, is now in use for supporting islamofascism

Pamela Geller showed a photo of the landing gear already at the Ground Zero mosque rally at Ground Zero, June 6, 2010

Pamela Geller: We always knew that the landing gear from the 911 planes that flew into the towers had crashed through the roof of the Ground Zero Mosque building (Park 51). It was why we urged Congress to designate a 911 War Memorial. Because it is a War Memorial.

Now they are finding more of the plane at the Ground Zero Mosque? Why now? Why wasn't it turned over earlier? Did Gamal intend for it to be part of the mega-mosque he has once again resurrected? It is too gruesome to consider.
The news just broke yesterday that Gamal has purchsed both buildings adjacent to the proposed mosque. What are we looking at now? A triumphal mosque three times the size of the original plan? Where is he getting the funds? He hasn't paid the rent on the GZM building and has lost ongoing litigation against landlord Con-Ed. He unsuccessfully attempted to get Ground Zero development funds from a 911 fund, which fell through after millions of Americans responded with calls, letters, emails etc. Over 70% of the American people opposed that mosquestrosity.

Gamal not only beats people up and threatens Muslims who spoke out against the mosque, but he is also a tax cheat, owing a quarter of a million in taxes while defaulting on not one but two bank loans. All this while being evicted from his Soho offices for non-payment of rent. Oh, and this deadbeat applied for $5.5 million from the taxpayer 911 fund to rebuild lower Manhattan.

Klevius comment: Whatever that turns out to be negative for islam and muslims is always quickly transformed to  its opposite, i.e. a lie. And the lambs continue ruminating while the wolves commit their dirty deeds.

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