
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Who is Samira Ahmed and does/did she have a muslim Dad?

Islamofascist terrorists and supporters may show up wherever and in whatever shape and background - but the blood and suffering they cause is the same

A fatherless little sex segregated girl in Diaspora confusion?!

"My dad found a way to get us on the Concorde on a short internal US flight when I was 11 year old".

It's a strange fact that it's difficult (with a normal brief search considering she is otherwise all over the web) to find anything about Samira Ahmed's Dad as well as about her views on Sharia and OIC including its demand to criminalize criticism against islam.

Samira Ahmed talks a lot - and fluently as wet soap in a bath tub - about islam and islamic feminism but is hard to find writing anything on the web about Sharia, islam's most important part according to Saudi based all muslim's world organization OIC. And according to this islamofascist UN organization women under no circumstances are allowed full Human Rights!

Left-winged Samira Ahmed's equally unintellectual (and fluent) right-winged twin Sayeeda Warsi

While the Catholic Church is in decline partly because various scandals have eroded the defense of the Church's cultural authority, oppressive cultures resting on islam, by contrast, are growing ever stronger in their rigidities.

As a British muslim, presenter Samira Ahmed has watched the rise of fundamentalist islam with bewilderment.

Klevius comment: Perhaps the very fact that she is "a British muslim" constitutes the main clue to the answer. The horrifying islamic fire in muslim land turns into a peaceful candle lit by her feminist fantasy in her London studio.

A "British muslim" could mean at least two things: 1) Someone living in one of the many more or less Taliban style Sharia ruled muslim communities in the UK, or 2) secular muslims (who are no real muslims in any sense) who pretend they can stretch islam to suite their personal lives.

Samira Ahmed: The ingrained hatred of women apparent in many aspects of Afghan society is undeniable.

The global power of women hating (islamic) clerics stunned me.

Much news analysis to mark the 10th anniversary has rightly pointed out that women and children have suffered disproportionately in the drone attacks increasingly used by NATO commanders.

Klevius comment: NATO commanders!? The man behind it is muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Hussain Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever). Why don't you say it Samira?!

Samira Ahmed says she is passionate about "telling the complete story". May I then suggest she takes a look at the origin of islam. Nothing peaceful as far as the sources can see. And the only explanation to the origin of islam that fits the sources (excluding muslim fairy tales, of course) is the formula suggested by Klevius: Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.

Hugh Kennedy (considered a foremost expert on the muslim atrocities in the vacuum left by previously retreating Byzantine forces): ”Before Abdul Malik, Mohammed is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever, nor any form of religious pronouncement”.

Samira Ahmed: I’ve found my British Indian/Pakistani and mixed religious background a huge asset to producing the most impartial and inclusive journalism.

Klevius comment: I've not! On the contrary your unfounded excusing of islam's atrocities only worsens and prolongs the suffering of islam's victims - including muslim women in muslim land.

BBC: Samira Ahmed investigates why a faith with over a billion followers is seen by many as misogynistic and intolerant.

Klevius comment: Perhaps because islam is misogynistic and intolerant.This is why islam cannot accept full Human Rights for girls/women.

BBC: As part of her journey across four continents and fourteen centuries, she searches out women who have re-interpreted the Koran to fight back against tribal and patriarchal practices.

Klevius: Islam IS tribal and patriarchal practices lumped together. Islam is oppressive, muslim men are sexist and muslim women are voiceless thanks to Sharia which deprives them from basic Human Rights.

Muslim feminists: "Our message has been loud and clear: Muslim women don't need to be liberated".


Muslim women's voice of agency is effectively drowned in Saudi based OIC's deliberate abandoning of Human Rights by replacing them with Sharia. So no matter what "voice" muslim women try to use it will be useless. The missing key is in the Human Rights declaration and is spelled:

Article 2. (Human Rights)

  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

This article is the reason Saudi based muslim world organization OIC and its fanatic Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu replaced all muslim women's Human Rights with islamic Sharia. To allow this article would mean the death for all meaningful forms of islam.

So why is Samira Ahmed hiding? Klevius answer: Because "islamic feminism" is b------t and in essence pure islamofascism. Basically the only difference between Taliban women and Samira is the latter one's fluency.

However, Samira Ahmed and muslim feminists not only contribute to prolonging islamic crimes but also hinder muslim girls from true emancipation. Under Human Rights a girl/woman is free to lead her life as she wishes - under whatever form of Sharia she is restricted.

If muslim women want to continue aiding their own oppression it's ok for Klevius. However, it's not ok that they force female children into the same limitations.

Femen vs muslim feminists

Two slavs* and an ex-muslim kick islam in its groin.

* Islam enslaved so many slavic girls/women that it created the world 'slave' (see Origin of Vikings).

In an April 3 demonstration in Paris, on the eve of International Topless Jihad Day, three Femen activists--two French and one Tunisian--burned the islamic flag in front of the Grand Mosque. The flag contains the declaration of the belief in the oneness of Allah and acceptance of Muhammad as the prophet of Allah.

Femen's leader, Inna Schevchenko: "So, sisters (I prefer to talk to women anyway, even knowing that behind them are bearded men with knives). You say to us that you are against Femen, but we are here for you and for all of us, as women are the modern slaves and it's never a question of color of skin . . .You say you live the way you want. Being fifth wife in harem the maximum you can be is the favorite wife . . . Right? You say we talk about you because we are irritated only by bearded men who pray five times per day. Sisters, we don't care how many times your men are praying, but we care a lot what they do in between. We care a lot about violence and aggression, we care a lot when your fathers, brothers and husbands are raping and killing, when they call to stone your sisters, we care a lot when they burn embassies etc, and all that for Allah!"

Islamic feminism is connected with "islamic academia"

Klevius comment: And "islamic academia" is entirely connected to islamic fairy tales - like a microphone in front of a loudspeaker it just painfully repeats itself in an eternal loop!

Asma Lamrabet in "Islamic Feminisms": “Muslim women have come to accept discriminatory acts supposed to be established by God, whereas they simply result from human interpretations that became sacred with time.” The project is extensive. It consists — in theory — of revising the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudential law), practicing ijtihad (intellectual effort), differentiating universal verses from those whose scope is only temporary, and distinguishing the text of the Quran from its application on the ground. These practices led Ali and her female colleagues to draw radical conclusions. Hanan al-Laham, a Syrian activist who interprets Islamic texts and works as a teacher in Saudi Arabia (sic), called for ijtihad to solve the difficult question of inheritance. These women have concluded that the framework in which the distribution of inheritance was designed in islam is no longer compliant with our times. Hence, it must be amended to create more equitable inheritance.

Klevius comment: “Muslim women have come to accept discriminatory acts supposed to be established by Allah". Yes, muslim women like Shamira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi both seem to fully accept Saudi based OIC and its Sharia (the so called Cairo declaration on "human rights in islam (sic)" which is aimed to cover the whole world's muslims. OIC's islamofascist coup d'état in the UN has resulted in a state of affairs that excludes muslim women from full Human Rights - no matter what "muslim feminists" try to do. The only possible way out for muslim women is apostasy, the worst crime known to islam! In this light pretend-to-be muslim women such as Shamira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi are hypocrites and bigots who earn their money on the behalf of all muslim women who continue suffering under islam. In fact, Samira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi have both already committed apostasy just like Obama (whose father was a muslim and whose father was also a muslim) unless, of course, they aren't committing taqiya, i.e. deliberately lying for the sake of islam!

Nothing of this nonsense addresses the main problem visavi full Human Rights! And the childish "differentiating universal verses" proposal can never free itself from equal but differing proposals from other muslim groups!


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Landing gear from the 911 plane hijacked by Saudi muslim ideological (Koran) murderers, is now in use for supporting islamofascism

Pamela Geller showed a photo of the landing gear already at the Ground Zero mosque rally at Ground Zero, June 6, 2010

Pamela Geller: We always knew that the landing gear from the 911 planes that flew into the towers had crashed through the roof of the Ground Zero Mosque building (Park 51). It was why we urged Congress to designate a 911 War Memorial. Because it is a War Memorial.

Now they are finding more of the plane at the Ground Zero Mosque? Why now? Why wasn't it turned over earlier? Did Gamal intend for it to be part of the mega-mosque he has once again resurrected? It is too gruesome to consider.
The news just broke yesterday that Gamal has purchsed both buildings adjacent to the proposed mosque. What are we looking at now? A triumphal mosque three times the size of the original plan? Where is he getting the funds? He hasn't paid the rent on the GZM building and has lost ongoing litigation against landlord Con-Ed. He unsuccessfully attempted to get Ground Zero development funds from a 911 fund, which fell through after millions of Americans responded with calls, letters, emails etc. Over 70% of the American people opposed that mosquestrosity.

Gamal not only beats people up and threatens Muslims who spoke out against the mosque, but he is also a tax cheat, owing a quarter of a million in taxes while defaulting on not one but two bank loans. All this while being evicted from his Soho offices for non-payment of rent. Oh, and this deadbeat applied for $5.5 million from the taxpayer 911 fund to rebuild lower Manhattan.

Klevius comment: Whatever that turns out to be negative for islam and muslims is always quickly transformed to  its opposite, i.e. a lie. And the lambs continue ruminating while the wolves commit their dirty deeds.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stop searching for the motive - it's in the Koran for anyone to read

If women wouldn't submit to sex apartheid, islam would be dead by now - not its victims!

Klevius comment: And aided by sex segregation. Just consider the denying mum who got a veil at approximately the same time as her son matured. And the US wife "who didn't know anything" although she had to convert to islam.


The pathetic US "president" eagerly tries to erase islam's fingerprint from this case while he equally eagerly supports Saudi and Qatar islamofascists and Al-Qaeda in Syria.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Racist muslim supremacist attitudes behind atrocities in Myanmar and Nigeria

Rapetivism and the interfaith connection

According to BBC Nigeria suffers from "ethnic violence" and Myanmar from "Buddhist violence"!? However, who started it?

Whereas believers in Universal Human Rights believe in the freedom of the individual, no matter of sex etc, believers in islam have to (because of Sharia) act as a collective, the Umma (today steered by OIC).


The first trigger: Rohingya muslims raped and murdered Buddhist Ma Thida Htwe

On the evening of 28 May 2012, a group of men robbed, raped and murdered an ethnic Rakhine Buddhist woman, Ma Thida Htwe, near the Kyaut Ne Maw village. The locals claim the culprits to have been Rohingya Muslims. The police arrested three suspects and sent them to Yanbye township jail.

Second trigger: Tun Tun Oo, a wealthy muslim gold shop owner slapped a Buddhist woman customer in her face and had her husband badly beaten up

Witnesses told Reuters that on March 21, Tun Tun Oo slapped a Buddhist woman who had accused employees of damaging a gold hair clip she wanted to sell. The woman’s husband was pulled outside, held down and beaten by three of the shop’s employees, according to the couple and two witnesses. The assaulted Buddhist couple was U Khin Maung Win and Daw Aye Aye Naings.
A mostly Buddhist crowd gathered, hurling stones and eventually destroying the shop and neighboring businesses. Later that day, four muslim men killed a Buddhist monk and Buddhist mobs then went on the rampage.
The muslim gold shop owner was sentenced to jail time after court hearing.

At that day, a Buddhist monk from Hanzar village of One-dwin township had come into the Meiktila town as a passenger on a motorbike and they were unknowingly riding through the Da-hart-tan muslim ward the biggest muslim quarters in Meiktila. Already-agitated muslims saw the Buddhist monk and chased the motorbike and managed to strike the Buddhist monk from behind with a sword and he fell to the ground from his pillion-riding position on the motorbike. He had a long deep gash on the back of his head just above his left ear. Muslim mobs forcefully took off his robe and brutally dragged the direly-wounded Buddhist monk into the nearby Myo-ma Mosque. Once inside the mosque they poured acid and petrol all over the wounded Buddhist monk and burned him alive.


Nigerian islamofascists sponsored by Saudi Arabia (what else), UK and BBC

While Boko Haram initially relied on donations from members, its links with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, AQIM, opened it up to more funding from groups in Saudi Arabia and the UK. Other sources of funding include the Al Muntada Trust Fund and the Islamic World Society

Queen Ugeh of the Federal Radio Corporation Nigeria (FRCN) said that reports showed an escalation in cases of gang rape and killing of women in Lagos which required attention of security agencies. In such incidents, the valuables of the victims were not taken by their assailants which showed that they were not cases of robbery.

Strategypage: In northern Borno state, where Boko Haram has been most active, the Islamic terrorists have destroyed all but two of the 52 Catholic churches in the state. Boko Haram has been particularly hostile to non-Moslems and southern politicians are having a difficult time restraining southern Christians from retaliating against Moslems living in the largely Christian south. This is what Boko Haram wants, as they see a general religious war as benefitting them. Most Nigerians don’t see it that way. In response to that, Boko Haram is increasingly vocal and specific about its plans to drive all Christians from Nigeria, killing those who resist. Christians are welcome to convert to Islam but going the other way will get you a death sentence from Boko Haram.

Boko Haram carried out its first terrorist attack in Borno state in January 2010 and four people were killed. In 2011, Boko Haram was responsible for at least 450 murders in Nigeria.

Timeline of Boko Haram:

    January 2012: Boko Haram launches bomb attacks and heavy gun battles in Kano targeting the police headquarters. Over 150 people reported killed.

    January 2012: President Goodluck Jonathan says Boko Haram has infiltrated government, including the executive, national assembly and the judiciary.

    January 2012: President Goodluck Jonathan declares a state of emergency in 15 local government areas in Borno, Yobe and Plateau states and also orders the closure of Nigeria's land borders in the north.

    December 2011: Christmas Day bomb attack on Saint Theresa Catholic Church in Madalla, Niger state, near Abuja. One policeman is killed in a failed bomb attack on a church in Jos, Plateau state.

    November 2011: Boko Haram announces that it will not hold talks with the government until all members of the sect, who have been arrested, are released.

    November 2011: Series of bomb and gun attacks in Yobe and Borno states

    September 2011: Babakura Fugu, brother-in-law to late Boko Haram leader, Mohammed Yusuf, is shot dead two days after attending a peace meeting with ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo. Boko Haram denies any involvement in the incident.

    August 2011: UN headquarters in Abuja is bombed. Boko Haram claims responsibility for the suicide bomb. 23 people killed.

    July 2011: Federal government states that it will create a panel to initiate negotiations with Boko Haram.

    August 2011: Federal government rejects negotiations with Boko Haram.

    June 2011: Muslim cleric critical of Boko Haram, Ibrahim Birkuti, is shot dead by two gunmen on a motorcycle.

    June 2011: Police headquarters in Abuja is bombed

    May 2011: Bomb attacks in several states after President Goodluck Jonathan's inauguration

    December 2010: Attack on Army barracks in Abuja.

    December 2010: Bombings in Jos, Plateau state and Maiduguri, Borno state kill about 80 people.

    December 2010: Governorship candidate of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) in Borno state and seven others shot dead by gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members

    September 2010: Boko Haram members attack a prison in Bauchi and freed hundreds of prisoners, including about 100 members of the sect.

    July 2009: Boko Haram attacks Maiduguri police stations. Hundreds are killed

    July 2009: Mohammed Yusuf, leader of Boko Haram, is captured by the Nigerian army and handed over to police. He is found dead later and the police claims he was killed while trying to escape. Residents and human rights groups claim that he was assasinated.

    June 2009: Boko Haram members refuse to follow a motor-bike helmet law. Clashes with joint military and police occur, and 17 Boko Haram members are killed. Mohammed Yusuf releases a video recording to the president where he threatens revenge attacks.

in 2009 the government began investigating reports that Boko Haram members were arming themselves

    2007: Buju Foi, an influential Boko Haram member,is appointed by Borno state governor, Ali Modu Sheriff, as commissioner of religious affairs.

    2002: Boko Haram is founded



Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why has there never been any true Arabic/islamic science and progress? Because of islamic Sharia parasitism, dude!

Islam is today trying to pathetically hide itself - much like the muslim Al-Qaeda terrorist Dzokhar Tsarnaev who was fueled by Saudi sponsored dreams of an islamist Khorasan

Remember that the absolute majority of deadly violence (terrorism) is committed by muslims and demanded by the Koran. Still, most of muslim street jihadism isn't even icluded. If you have a random sample of deranged people a certain percentage will commit violent crimes. However, if half of the sample is spiced with Koranic hatred against "infidels" then it's absolutely self-evident that this group will end up with even more violence! Klevius feels embarrassed to even mention such a matter of course but today we have ended up with a situation where pure visible naked evil has to be labeled as such - and even then people keep saying: But it's a religion - it can't be evil!

Are you equally ignorant and sex segregated as this muslim terroris's mother!

It was islam that more than 1,000 years ago gathered so many African slaves in what is now Iraq that a rebellion icluded more than half a million slaves.

It was islam that sanctioned African slavers to take as much as several tens of thousands of African slaves in a single pilgrimage to Mecca long before a single slave had entered the Americas.

Just a brief study of islam's history reveals an almost incomprehensible amount of slaves and suffering in the name of Allah, Mohammed and the Koran. As Klevius has repeatedly stated, we do need an islamic approach to history - not a cover up and whitewashing. Without understanding islam's deep rooted evilness one cannot make sense of the history of people contaminated by islam.

Jérôme Maurand, a 16th century French priest: "To see so many poor Christians, and especially so many little boys and girls [enslaved] caused a very great pity. The tears, wailings and cries of these poor Lipariotes, the father regarding his son and the mother her daughter... weeping while leaving their own city in order to be brought into slavery by those dogs who seemed like rapacious wolves amidst timid lambs. The old ones who hid in the cathedral were stripped and cut up while still alive just 'out of spite'. When we asked these Turks why they treated these poor Christians with such cruelty, they replied that such behavior 'had very great virtue'".

No other ideology comes even close. This is why OIC and other islam supporters so eagerly try to hide it!

The “common creed” rhetorics is what makes America (and other places) vulnerable to evil islam.

Obama: "Americans refuse to be terrorized". Klevius: Yes, by shutting their eyes.

If you are appalled by slavery, genocides and rapetivism - then you should be deeply ashamed of islam, because those are the main traces of islam in history! 

OIC wants to falsify and cover up islam's true slavery/genocide/rapetivism origin and history (i.e. what historically constitutes the worst ideological crime ever against humanity)

Klevius brief history of islam:

Origin of islam

The parasitic source code of islam: Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.

Origin of the Vikings (Klevius' evil forefathers)

Cathedral Catholicism

A product of the European defense against islam


The recovering from islamist jihadism and a slowly emerging understanding of the value of individual freedom as opposed to slavery.


A slowly emerging understanding that religion is a dead end. Especially the excesses in Catholicism - which in turn was the result of islam's attacks on Europe.

Protestantism against Catholicism and the birth of industrialization and the modern (aka "Western") world civilization

When England eventually got rid of Catholicism 1688 the road was open for enlightened humans to use their individual creativity for industrial production.

Negative Human Rights declaration 1948

After the fall of the last muslim stronghold, the Ottoman "empire" (it fell as a result of the abolition of slavery), Europe again had to face a period of war  1914-1945 before resettling with a formula, Human Rights, that ended the theoretical possibility of evil racism and sexism. That the negative Human Rights were contaminated with positive so called Stalin rights should not in any sense disprove the former which are free from impositions.

The laughable oxymoron "islamic science", how could anyone possibly take it seriously?! Unless by ignorance out of whitewashing and brainwashing of course!

The  oxymoron "islamic science" is utter defamation of science, and is rooted in ignorance about the origin of islam!
Klevius science tutorial for Seyyid Hossein Nasr and others
Seyyid Hossein Nasr (“professor” of Islamic Studies at Georgetown University) at MIT Islamic Students Association (sponsored by the Pakistan Study Group, the MIT Muslim Students Association and “other groups”): “Science has its own world-view. No science is created in a vacuum. Science arose under particular circumstances in the West with certain philosophical presumptions about the nature of reality. As soon as you say, m, f, v, and a, that is, the simple parameters of classical physics, you have chosen to look at reality from a certain point of view. There is no mass, there is no force out there like that chair or table. These are particularly abstract concepts which grew in the seventeenth century on the basis of a particular concept of space, matter and motion which Newton developed. The historians and philosophers of science in the last twenty [or] thirty years have shown beyond the scepter of doubt that modern science has its own world view. It is not at all value free; nor is it a purely objective science of reality irrespective of the subject you study. It is based upon the imposition of certain categories upon the study of nature, with a remarkable success in the study of certain things, and also a remarkable lack of success [in others], depending on what you are looking at.”

Klevius: Listen to this utter crap! “Science has its own world-view. No science is created in a vacuum”. Two cardinal flaws in just twelve words! Does this muslim fella also believe that "the Western interpretation" 2+2=4 has a corresponding Sharia compliant islamic version?! The choice to look at reality from a certain point of view isn't science, just like what you choose to do with your power tool isn't the power tool!

OK, science doesn’t have its own world-view, that’s for sure. If it had it wouldn't be science anymore. This is the very definition of science. Just as Negative Human Rights don’t have a world-view either, simply because they are supposed to protect you from “world-views”.

Science is pure logic* and shouldn’t be confused with the scientific process, i.e. including its non-scientific parts, such as choice of topic, background/pre-understanding etc., and the interpretation of results from the scientific part of the scientific process. Nor should flaws in the scientific process (such as e.g. errors, deliberate or accidental) be blamed on scientific logic. And yes, logic could be described as “a vacuum” just like Negative Human Rights is the eliminating of impositions. Logic that is dependent on a worldview is per definition not logic at all, and Human Rights that are dependent on an ideology/world-view (e.g. Sharia) aren’t (negative, i.e. the basic freedom rights) Human Rights at all.

As Klevius use to put it: Our most holy duty is to NOT fill the freedom Human Rights with anything! You shouldn’t have the positive Sharia “right” to, for example, be raped by your husband; instead you should have the negative right to choose not to have sex. Even a child understands that this latter right doesn't deny you from having sex, only protects you from imposed compulsion. The difference is, as you can see, is mind blowing if you have been raised within an islamic "world-view".

And this is the reason why the islamofascist muslim world organization/Umma, Saudi initiated and based islamofascist OIC with its fanatic Turkish Fuhrer/caliph Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu 1) has abandoned Human Rights and REPLACED THEM WITH SHARIA, and 2) criminalized scrutiny/criticism of islam (the worst racist/sexist hate crime ever against humanity) and calls any critical scrutiny "islamophobia" or "defamation of religion".

* as Klevius has explained in Demand for Resources (1992) pure logic is the pointing out of conceptualized deterministic chains (e.g. 2+2=4) in a universe that is deterministic yet chaotic in the sense that our existence-centrism excludes us from "a total, god-like overview" (see Origin of Universe").

Here's what Klevius wrote about "islamic science" a couple of years ago

Everyone who understands islam (e.g. by reading Klevius, or by digging history records with open eyes) knows there's no such thing as "islamic science". This is because of islam's inborn parasitic nature (the open historical "secret" of islam's original fuel: booty, sex and slavery) and due cultural and technological impotency. So when someone talks about "islamic civilization" you definitely know s/he lies! Sadly, most people don't check these lies and haven't all read Klevius as yet.

One example is the Medieval Indian/Persian Al Beruni whom the notorious islamic mass murderer and enslaver (one of the worst known to history - also called the plunderer of India), Mahmud of Ghazna, imprisoned and let stay alive as long as he submitted to islamic Mohammedanism.

But BBC, Wikipedia etc. happily present this islamic hostage as a "muslim scientist" (sic)!

The bloodthirsty Mohammed is the evil and only pope of islam - and needs to be pierced by Enlightenment so his ignorant followers may be released and his deliberate followers may be ashamed. However, a strategy based on naming evil good seems less appropriate for this task, doesn't it.

It's truly sad that the descendants of islam's victims through 1400 years continue defending their bully!?


Remove rapetivism from islam and you have killed islam!

Don't have an interfaith dialogue with the Devil - you will inevitably loose!

Today rapetivism in islam can continue as a blunt violation of the most basic of Human Rights, thanks to OIC and its disastrous transformation of UN to become a fortress for islamofascism instead of a defender of Human Rights. .



Saturday, April 20, 2013

Since when has the defence of basic Human Rights become "extremism" and "a crime against humanity"?!

Islam propaganda tries to make Human Rights defense "extreme"! I.e. something that has been seen as self evident since the end of WW2 is now criminalized according to Sharia

Islam - the religion that has not only caused by far most terrorism and rapetivism but also constituted the ideological crime that has produced by far most victims throughout 1400 years

Pamela Geller: Obama's islamophiliac delusion led to Boston's 911:

FBI checked out Boston Marathon bomb suspect in 2011, April 20 (hat tip Suneil)
Officials from an unnamed foreign country asked the FBI two years ago to investigate Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev because they were concerned that he possibly had “extremist ties,” Fox News has learned.
FBI officials familiar with the request say that they obliged, giving Tsarnaev, who is suspected with his younger brother of planting the bombs that killed three and injured 176, a full “scrubbing” - or background check.
“We did not find anything,” the official told Fox News.
Feds at the time had reported back to the foreign government and told them that their investigation yielded no results, but asked that their foreign counterparts follow up if they had any new information. There was no further action by either nation.
“[Not] in any way, shape or form,” said the official, who added that the FBI closed the case as a result.

What is going on here? There needs to be a full investigation of al-Harbi -- his role (if any) in the Boston jihad bombings, and what backdoor deals the Obama White House is making with the Saudis over him, and why.
Report: Alharbi visited by Michelle Obama in Hospital Shoebat Foundation April 19, 2013
Okaz, the same prominent Saudi newspaper, that published photos of Abdul Rahman Ali Issa Al-Salimi Al-Harbi in the hospital after the Boston marathon bombings, is now reporting that the Saudi national was also visited by the first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama during his hospital stay.

Steve Emerson: “That’s very interesting because this is the way things are done with Saudi Arabia. You don’t arrest their citizens. You deport them, because they don’t want them to be embarrassed and that’s the way we appease them.”

Islam - the connection between Al-Qaeda, Saudi and Obama

Sending weapons to islamofascist terrorists while, from time to time, including some live drones to certain (mainly Shia?) spots.

Islam - the connection between Al-Qaeda and mosque mice

Islam, rapetivism and interfaith rap



Thursday, April 18, 2013

Who is a muslim?

Klevius answer: A muslim is someone who choses Sharia and therefore violates the most basic Human Rights!

Imtiaz Alam, secretary general of the South Asia Free Media Association: One may ask our Islamists whether religious scholars agree on the definition of a Muslim? If so, then why are there violent divisions among the followers of various schools of Sharia?

Is a Muslim defined by the author of the 8th Amendment or the authors of the original 1973 constitution? Don’t we remember the Justice Munir Commission’s report that failed to find an answer to the question of who is a Muslim? Is there a standard constitutional or academic definition of the “ideology of Pakistan”? If Pakistan was created for Islam and the glory of kalima Tayyaba, then why did Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind and Jamaat-i-Islami oppose the creation of Pakistan? Why then are there more Muslims in India, who somehow subscribe to secularism and still remain Muslim?  And finally, why didn’t Muslim Bengal keep its allegiance to Pakistan? It seems that while we have new questions every day, no answers will ever be forthcoming.

Klevius answer: Trying to follow a recipe (islam/Sharia) full of logical holes makes answers vary. Unlike Sharia the basic (negative) Human Rights cannot be problematized. Simply because of a lack of any content to criticize. Whereas Sharia in ALL forms ALWAYS imposes restrictions (especially for muslim women and other lesser "infidel" beings) negative Human Rights defend you from impositions.

Monotheisms emerged for the sole purpose of keeping females at bay as reproducers and slaves.

God made Adam in his image but to entertain and reproduce Adam he created a lesser being called Eve from the least valuable part of Adam's skeleton, i.e. a rib bone which happens to be the only bone that has multiple copies and which doesn't usually cause too much of trouble even if broken. 

Today most civilized people have abandoned rapetivism for Human Rights. However, rapetivism still occurs frequently among certain people and religions.


Everyone who has supported islamofascism should be ashamed. And those of them who are hypocrites and bigots should be sentenced for crimes against Human Rights!

You cannot support both Sharia and Human Rights at the same time. Ask OIC and their Cairo declaration!

Jan Gustav Helin, former Karlsson, editor in chief and managing editor of Aftonblade intervened in Monica Gunne's column where she pointed out Sharia related problems among muslims as something Mustafa Omar forgot to mention. He wrote that Monica Gunne had no right to say so because "she didn't know what Mustafa Omar stands for".

Klevius: It doesn't matter what she knows because the world knows that one cannot be a true muslim without supporting Human Rights violating Sharia! The very fact that Mustafa Omar is the leader of Swedish muslims speaks for itself. He would loose his position instantly if he doesn't support Sharia. Quite like Jan Gustav Helin himself who can keep his position at Aftonbladet ONLY if he continues to supports Sharia and spits on "islamophobes" (a neogolism for Human Rights defenders).

Pamela Geller, quoted in:

Norway Weeks Away from being Judenrein

: “Frankly, it's disingenuous,” she said “It's a libel. I am a human rights activist dedicated to equal human rights for all. I don't believe in special rights for special classes of people. Anyone saying that has not read my three books or hundreds of articles, or the 25,000 posts I wrote at Atlas Shrugged. I challenge anyone who makes these accusations to substantiate them. How do you accuse a person with no evidence?”

The media is a complicit player in this smear campaign, she said. “The media refuses to discuss Muslim attacks, even though since 9/11 there have been some 21,000 Muslim terror attacks around the world. When it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist groups, like CAIR, who are unindicted co-conspirators in the largest Hamas funding case in history, there is full respect, and the media talks them as if they are legitimate. But immediately before my name comes the description 'anti-Muslim.'”

Islam is based on rapetivism

Rick Ross, who says he's a Christian but also a muslim, may exemplify the allure of evil islamofascism and how Christians eagerly stumble over themselves to become Sharia compliant:

"If you consider yourself real, or you think you’re making real rap, you’ve got to talk about God".

Klevius comment: And to look like an evil muslim imam!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Obama invites muslims for "interfaith prayer". Are they mosque mice or wolves?

Are "moderate mosque mice" accomplices to islam's atrocities?

God and Sharia is the leash between  "mosque mice" and islamofascism

If you feel you need to pray to a "god" you know absolutely nothing about, then please do it in private! Because otherwise you may "pray" as part of a totalitarian political movement.

Etymology: The word 'pray' from early 13c., "ask earnestly, beg," also (c.1300) "pray to a god or saint," from Old French preier "to pray" (c.900, Modern French prier), from Vulgar Latin precare (also source of Italian pregare), from Latin precari "ask earnestly, beg, entreat," from prex (plural preces, genitive precis) "prayer, request, entreaty," from PIE root prek- "to ask, request, entreat" (cf. Sanskrit prasna-, Avestan frashna- "question;" Old Church Slavonic prositi, Lithuanian prasyti "to ask, beg;" Old High German frahen, German fragen, Old English fricgan "to ask" a question).

Klevius:Ok, please stop begging for islamofascism!




While islamofascists think it's self-evident it's a muslim terrorist attack, Obama & Co's strange acting asks for "official" confirmation

Muslims in mideast dance on the streets "celebrating" the Boston terrorist attack.

Klevius comment: Obviously these muslims would be disappointed if it turned out not to be a muslim made terrorist tragedy.

Rapetivism - the fuel (together with oil) that keeps islamofascism ticking

Negative Human Rights is the only key to women becoming equals with men. No dude, it doesn't mean they loose their biological femininity!



Will left-wing or islamist terrorists attack Margaret Thatcher's funeral?


Åsa Linderborg, a hard core communist and defender of islamofasci sm who is chief cultural editor on Scandinavia's biggest news paper Aftonbladet, compares the African heroine Ayaan Hirsi Ali with mass murderers.

Klevius comment: It's this kind of perverted ideological reasoning that has backed up most of the extreme left's terror that has resulted in the biggest heap of victims - after islam. 

Btw, Åsa Linderborg has today defended (by writing about everything except Sharia)Mustafa Omar's support of a Sharia view on women that isn't in accordance with Human Rights. 

Rapetivism - the fuel (together with oil) that keeps islamofascism ticking
