Islamofascist terrorists and supporters may show up wherever and in whatever shape and background - but the blood and suffering they cause is the same
A fatherless little sex segregated girl in Diaspora confusion?!
"My dad found a way to get us on the
Concorde on a short internal US flight when I was 11 year old".
It's a strange fact that it's difficult (with a normal brief search considering she is otherwise all over the web) to find anything about Samira Ahmed's Dad as well as about her views on Sharia and OIC including its demand to criminalize criticism against islam.
Samira Ahmed talks a lot - and fluently as wet soap in a bath tub - about islam and islamic feminism but is hard to find writing anything on the web about Sharia, islam's most important part according to Saudi based all muslim's world organization OIC. And according to this islamofascist UN organization women under no circumstances are allowed full Human Rights!
Left-winged Samira Ahmed's equally unintellectual (and fluent) right-winged twin Sayeeda Warsi
While the Catholic Church is in decline
partly because various scandals have eroded the defense of the
Church's cultural authority, oppressive cultures resting on islam,
by contrast, are growing ever stronger in their rigidities.
Klevius comment: Perhaps the very fact
that she is "a British muslim" constitutes the main clue to
the answer. The horrifying islamic fire in muslim land turns into a peaceful candle lit by her feminist fantasy in her London studio.
A "British muslim" could mean at least two things: 1) Someone living in one of the many more or less Taliban style Sharia ruled muslim communities in the UK, or 2) secular muslims (who are no real muslims in any sense) who pretend they can stretch islam to suite their personal lives.
Samira Ahmed: The ingrained hatred of women apparent in many aspects of Afghan society is undeniable.
The global power of women hating (islamic) clerics stunned me.
Much news analysis to mark the 10th anniversary has rightly pointed out that women and children have suffered disproportionately in the drone attacks increasingly used by NATO commanders.
Klevius comment: NATO commanders!? The man behind it is muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Hussain Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever). Why don't you say it Samira?!
Samira Ahmed says she is passionate about "telling the complete
story". May I then suggest she takes a look at the origin of islam. Nothing peaceful as far as the sources can see. And the only explanation to the origin of islam that fits the sources (excluding muslim fairy tales, of course) is the formula suggested by Klevius: Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.
Hugh Kennedy (considered a foremost expert on the muslim atrocities in the vacuum left by previously retreating Byzantine forces): ”Before Abdul Malik, Mohammed is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever, nor any form of religious pronouncement”.
Samira Ahmed: I’ve found my British Indian/Pakistani and
mixed religious background a huge asset to producing the most
impartial and inclusive journalism.
Klevius comment: I've not! On the contrary your unfounded excusing of islam's atrocities only worsens and prolongs the suffering of islam's victims - including muslim women in muslim land.
BBC: Samira Ahmed investigates why a faith
with over a billion followers is seen by many as misogynistic and
Klevius comment: Perhaps because islam is misogynistic and intolerant.This is why islam cannot accept full Human Rights for girls/women.
BBC: As part of her journey across four
continents and fourteen centuries, she searches out women who have
re-interpreted the Koran to fight back against tribal and patriarchal
Klevius: Islam IS tribal and patriarchal practices lumped together. Islam is oppressive, muslim men are sexist and muslim women are voiceless thanks to Sharia which deprives them from basic Human Rights.
Muslim feminists: "Our message has been loud and clear: Muslim women don't need to be liberated".
Muslim women's voice of agency is effectively drowned in Saudi based OIC's deliberate abandoning of Human Rights by replacing them with Sharia. So no matter what "voice" muslim women try to use it will be useless. The missing key is in the Human Rights declaration and is spelled:
Article 2. (Human Rights)
- Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
This article is the reason Saudi based muslim world organization OIC and its fanatic Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu replaced all muslim women's Human Rights with islamic Sharia. To allow this article would mean the death for all meaningful forms of islam.
So why is Samira Ahmed hiding? Klevius answer: Because "islamic feminism" is b------t and in essence pure islamofascism. Basically the only difference between Taliban women and Samira is the latter one's fluency.
However, Samira Ahmed and muslim feminists not only contribute to prolonging islamic crimes but also hinder muslim girls from true emancipation. Under Human Rights a girl/woman is free to lead her life as she wishes - under whatever form of Sharia she is restricted.
If muslim women want to continue aiding their own oppression it's ok for Klevius. However, it's not ok that they force female children into the same limitations.
Femen vs muslim feminists
Two slavs* and an ex-muslim kick islam in its groin.
* Islam enslaved so many slavic girls/women that it created the world 'slave' (see Origin of Vikings).
In an April 3 demonstration in Paris, on the eve of International Topless Jihad Day, three Femen activists--two French and one Tunisian--burned the islamic flag in front of the Grand Mosque. The flag contains the declaration of the belief in the oneness of Allah and acceptance of Muhammad as the prophet of Allah.
Femen's leader, Inna Schevchenko: "So, sisters (I prefer to talk to women anyway, even knowing that behind them are bearded men with knives). You say to us that you are against Femen, but we are here for you and for all of us, as women are the modern slaves and it's never a question of color of skin . . .You say you live the way you want. Being fifth wife in harem the maximum you can be is the favorite wife . . . Right? You say we talk about you because we are irritated only by bearded men who pray five times per day. Sisters, we don't care how many times your men are praying, but we care a lot what they do in between. We care a lot about violence and aggression, we care a lot when your fathers, brothers and husbands are raping and killing, when they call to stone your sisters, we care a lot when they burn embassies etc, and all that for Allah!"
Islamic feminism is connected with "islamic academia"
Klevius comment: And "islamic academia" is entirely connected to islamic fairy tales - like a microphone in front of a loudspeaker it just painfully repeats itself in an eternal loop!
Klevius comment: “Muslim women have come to accept discriminatory acts supposed to be established by Allah". Yes, muslim women like Shamira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi both seem to fully accept Saudi based OIC and its Sharia (the so called Cairo declaration on "human rights in islam (sic)" which is aimed to cover the whole world's muslims. OIC's islamofascist coup d'état in the UN has resulted in a state of affairs that excludes muslim women from full Human Rights - no matter what "muslim feminists" try to do. The only possible way out for muslim women is apostasy, the worst crime known to islam! In this light pretend-to-be muslim women such as Shamira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi are hypocrites and bigots who earn their money on the behalf of all muslim women who continue suffering under islam. In fact, Samira Ahmed and Sayeeda Warsi have both already committed apostasy just like Obama (whose father was a muslim and whose father was also a muslim) unless, of course, they aren't committing taqiya, i.e. deliberately lying for the sake of islam!
Nothing of this nonsense addresses the main problem visavi full Human Rights! And the childish "differentiating universal verses" proposal can never free itself from equal but differing proposals from other muslim groups!