
Friday, February 01, 2013

Where have all the muslim racists gone?!

Is there really no such thing as muslim racism?!

A Google News search doesn't reveal any muslim racism - only racism against muslims!?

"President" Morsi of Egypt referred to Jews and Israelis as “Descendants Of Apes And Pigs” and “Bloodsuckers”

Wolff Bachner: President Morsi of Egypt referred to Jews and Israelis as “Descendants Of Apes And Pigs” and “Bloodsuckers” in a speech he made in 2010. He also called President Obama a “liar” in the same speech, which surfaced this week in a video that was openly broadcast without censorship on Egyptian television. Although the US delegation to Egypt led by Senator John McCain condemned the comments as “deeply offensive,” the racist remarks against the Jewish people and the insults to President Obama will not affect the foreign aid the United States promised Egypt. The cash strapped Middle Eastern nation is expecting another 480 million dollars of American assistance, along with the Obama administration’s promise to give 200 Abrams tanks and 10 F-16 fighter jets to the Egyptian military. One might wonder what line must be crossed before someone finally holds Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood accountable and turns off the golden tap that pours out the cash and weapons. Since his election to the presidency, Morsi has packed his Cabinet with hard line Muslim Brotherhood members, declared his policies are not subject to judicial review, and rammed a Sharia based Constitution down the throats of the Egyptian people. While Morsi continues the Arab tradition of Jew hate and hostility to Israel, the International Monetary Fund is moving full speed ahead to give Egypt another 4.8 billion dollar loan. Read more at



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