Another hint to why Human Rights are struggling while racism is on the march again
Today we know with 100% certainty that what could be called truly 'modern humans' did not evolve in Africa but outside Africa
listen to this racist idiocy rant!
Why do khoisan people look asian? (Posted in the African-American Forum)
Afreekan “Beja people=Ancient Egyptians” Level 5
Nerdtician wrote: It's because of their adaptation to their environment that they live. Since they live down south at with low altitudes where they don't receive that much sunlight along with the windy like conditions in the desert (Klevius: They were driven into the desert by intruding Bantus!), that explains why they have yellowish brown skin, flat faces and epicanthic eyelids like Asians (Klevius: Mongoloid Khoisan people is the product of back-migration from Asia - as has been known for more than a decade among researchers) . Ignorant Eurocentrics would say that they got their features from mixing with ancient "Mongoloids" when that is not true.
OK thanks
Klevius comment: "OK thanks" says an other idiot then who obviously just longed for such a racist rant! Would you really believe that there even exist these kind of jokes! Khoisan are the native modern humans of Africa (which fact Afrocentrists want to hide) but they developed to modern humans outside Africa. All other "Africans" are either later immigrants or hybrids between immigrants and non-modern so called archaic humans. The one above may perhaps be closer to these bi-pedal apes although most researchers think they were extinct.
But it makes one wonder how Klevius would have been interpreted had he been a Siberian with mongoloid features - having in mind the so far overwhelming indicators for a Siberian origin of what we, on the basis of culture and genetics, may consider the birthplace of the first truly modern humans.
The Denisova remains and DNA alone proves that Siberia/Altai was the last station before the undoubtedly modern humans spread over the world. And as that wouldn't be enough we also have, at the very same spot, a wonderful bracelet produced 40,000 years ago with a level of skills that is completely lacking anywhere else in the world at that time. Not only lacking but this bracelet is truly coming out of the blue and therefore, rightly so, even suspicious no matter how well dated. However, the Denisova bracelet also fits perfectly on a line following the protein rich belt from Siberia to Central Europe to the stunning first real human portrait dated to at least 29,000 years old. The much later and much more famous cave paintings in France and Northern Spain just represent the final stage of this development and, interestingly, also the end of this sophistication, which fact just reflects a deterioration of human intelligence due to further hybridization or mixing with archaic Homos. Only with the emergence of intense collective and sedentary domestication (farming etc) were humans, now much more numerous, able again to produce this kind of art although rarely on the same level of sophistication and usually as products of hierarchical power policies of less flattering nature.
Today we are all more or less bastards (see Klevius map of the grey "bastard belt" below) in the meaning that none of those mental capabilities that was the result of a well packed Denisova brain poured over into the enormous skulls of Northern Neanderthals exist anymore.
And we are getting dumber all the time as is truly evident above. There's no return. But technological culture based on science has no borders and is therefore both unstoppable as well as unpredictable.
The reason islam has been the least scientifically* and technologically successful of all ideologies lies in the fact that islam is based on parasitism. And this was also the reason why the Indonesian "anthropologist" Teuku Jakob stole and destroyed much of what could have been important clues to the life of Homo floresiensis, the small ape-like creature that had a brain the size of a chimp's yet managed to produce culture at a level similar to archaic Homos with double that size.
* well aware of this fact muslim Arabs stole/translated whatever knowledge they could loot from real civilizations so that it could be used by those captured and muslimified to produce profit for the Arab colonizers.
Cure your ignorance by visiting
Out of Africa as bipedal apes and back as global mongoloids
Klevius anthropology blog
Map updated April 2014
When Klevius predicts that we will see a lot of stunning revelations in the future from the area between Denisova/Altai and Central-Europe, this prediction is nothing to brag about when keeping the above map in mind.
This extremely complicated to manufacture stone bracelet was made by the non-human Denisovan/Neandertal hybrid that became the modern humans in Siberia some 40,000 years ago by utilizing a drilling technology, comparable to modern machines, according to the researchers who found it. We know (on the basis of other Neandertal artefacts) that a Neandertal couldn't have done it despite the fact that, in John Hawks words, "they faced and overcame challenges that few people living today can imagine" in the cold and challenging climate in the north. That's why they had evolved the biggest brains ever.
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