
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Islam's mega-rape of India

Rapetivism, the slavery pillar of islam

For a necessary background please read Origin of the Vikings

Also consider the immense transformation the bloody islamization of India caused even among those who never became muslims.

Sheikh Abu Humam Al-Athari: Islam Permits Mujahideen to Kidnap, Imprison, and Have Sexual Intercourse with Infidel Women

On October 28, 2011, the jihadi forum Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad published a fatwa by Sheikh Abu Humam Al-Athari, a member of its shari'a council, in which he unequivocally permits mujahideen to capture the infidels' women and have sexual intercourse with them, even those who are married, on the claim that their marriage bonds to infidels are dissolved as soon as they are taken captive.

Klevius: But only when non-muslims commit such acts will BBC talk about it and protesters are allowed to fill the streets!

This Indian historian is considered extremely eminent but sadly nullified as a source of knowledge "because he is read by people critical to islam"! 

Klevius comment: Dear reader, do keep in mind that not even Lal knew what we now know, namely that there is no historical basis for Mohammed, only an evil ideology (created by cherry picking the Bible etc) for parasitic conquest that later became "Koranized" as islam.

K.S. Lal (Muslim Slave System in Medieval India):  There are philosophical and religious works in ancient India from the Rigveda onwards which do write about slaves. But none of them suggests that they were cruelly treated. In India slaves were not treated as commodities for earning profit through sale. Indian economy was not based on slavery. The number of slaves in ancient India was less than that in western countries and, aberrations apart, they were treated with kindness and as human beings.

An altogether new dimension - religious sanction - was added to the institution of slavery with the rise of Christianity to power in the Roman Empire. Hitherto, slavery had been a creation of the crude in human nature - the urge to dominate over others, to make use of others for private comfort and profit. Now it was ordained that the God of the Christians had bestowed the whole earth and all its wealth on the believers, that the infidels had no natural or human rights, and that the believers could do to the infidels whatever they chose - kill them, plunder them, reduce them to the status of slaves or non-citizens. In short, slavery became a divinely ordained institution.

Even so, it goes to the credit of Islam to create slave trade on a large scale, and run it for profit like any other business. Prophet Muhammad had accepted the prevailing Arab practice of making slaves and also set a precedent when he sold in Egypt some Jewish women and children of Medina in exchange for horses and arms.

The Quran expressly permitted the Muslims to acquire slaves through conquest. Since every Muslim Arab was a partner in the revenues derived from war booty including slaves, coveting the goods and wives of the unbelievers by the Muslims was avowed, though not encouraged, by the Prophet.

War was prescribed on religious grounds, and became an integral part of Islam. “War is ordained for you, even if it be irksome to you. Perchance ye may dislike that which is good for you and love that which is evil for you, but God knoweth, and ye know not.” The Prophet himself had made slaves in war and peace. Women and captives were sold as slaves in Najd.

The Islamised Arabs started taking pride in keeping male and female slaves. The second Caliph, Umar, ordered that residents of Arabia were not to be enslaved since they had all become Muslims. This resulted in obtaining slaves from neighbouring countries. Prior to the Crusades, Muslims had kept black slaves imported from Africa.  After that they began to obtain white slaves from Europe, not only through war but also by purchase.

Tolerance of islam (the worst hate crime ever) is a one way to islamization and Sharia

Daniel Greenfield's prediction: Europeans will learn to adapt to the occasional suicide bombing the way that Israelis have. A bomb will go off, the survivors will be carted away to be treated by nationalized medical staff from the same religion as the bombers, who will occasionally help the bombers finish the job, the broken glass will be swept away and the television channels and newspapers will praise the spirit of a people unwilling to give in to extremism and hatred, while prominently featuring the half-hearted condemnation of a local cleric.

The No-Go Zones will grow and slowly turn into emirates. The authorities will make deals with the local gangs, who will act as Islamist militias. There will be lashes and honor killings in the formal setting of Islamic law and no one will pay attention. Urban and suburban enclaves will eventually become indistinguishable from Gaza. By 2030 the first crude homemade rocket, made with plans offered on the internet, may rise into the Parisian sky aimed at the Eiffel Tower.

By 2030 there will be more Muslims in the United States than there are now in France. There will be at least one Congressman who was not only sworn in on the Koran but who announces that his program is to implement full Islamic law. There will be at least one Muslim cabinet member in every single administration, regardless of party.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Turkish PM Erdogan: There's no moderate islam. Klevius: There's no moderate Sharia!

Why do most media avoid the word 'Sharia' when dealing with Egypt's constitution? 

Article 219: “The principles of Islamic Sharia include general evidence and fundamentalist bases, rules and jurisprudence, as well as sources accepted by doctrines of Sunni Islam and the majority of Muslim scholars.”

It's also said that Al-Azhar University, the most authoritative Sunni institution, is to be “consulted on all matters related to Sharia”.

Although The constitution doesn't directly mandate Sharia Law’s most medieval criminal punishments (so far). this fact doesn't, in any way, alter Sharia's incompatibility with the freedom part of the Universal Human Rights.

OIC's Sharia conflict in UN with Human Rights reflects what so many try to deny -  the evil racist/sexist origin of true islam!

Every country that supports OIC supports islamofascism.

Islam only supports one way democracy

Some 30% of those allowed to vote actually voted in Egypt. Only less than 20% of those allowed to vote then voted for Sharia. And of these, most ignorant muslim women just followed that very same Sharia they had previously in practice already lived under and therefore had to obey under their husbands and imams.

They were thus already shut out from the door to freedom before it was even opened.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Klevius islam tutorial: A wealthy fascism supporting Swedish communist treated as a heroine when spitting on Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Update: If you don't understand Klevius please listen to this Brit in simple English!

            Good Yule, folks!

The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric/Uralic 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims.

Yule or Yuletide ("Yule time") is a festival around 21 December when spring (i.e. longer days) begins, observed by the Northern European peoples, later being absorbed into the Christian Christmas. The word is of unknown origin but may well have a Uralic root considering its deep root and geographical spread.

A strip against patriarchy

Klevius' sex tutorial: What's sex segregation?
Klevius' Definition of feminism

Perpetua, born in the first century, (the first female "Christian"* whose own words were written down by an eye witness before she was executed in accordance with her own wish): "And I was stripped naked, and I became a man." I.e. for her (without Human Rights) this was the only way to free herself from a womanhood stipulated by patriarchy.

* Perpetua was an expression of a thought that being a "man" (meaning human) and not a sex limited woman was the only way to go. She was free on the arena before her execution for a brief moment and took comfort in a belief in an afterlife with Jesus (again, Klevius isn't, and has never been a Christian). 

A kick in islam's groin

This pic from Stockholm will become a classic women portrait of our time

These women are heroines - not Aftonbladet's Sharia supporting fascist Åsa Linderborg. This is the perfect striptease of islam: Alia al-Mahdi. an ex-muslim from Egypt flanked by two Slavs (from Russia and Ukraine).  The Slavic girls/women were the most valued on the Koranic/islamic slave market which fact explains the "success" of not only Vikings, but also Khazars, Volga Bolgars, Tatars etc (see Origin of Vikings).

Their main enemy: A Swedish fascist with a mouth the size of the biggest news paper in Scandinavia

Åsa Linderborg (see pic below), you're not a heroine like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You're a hateful fascist! I really hope no one will be so stupid so to do any harm to you because that would (apart from that I don't want you to get hurt in any sense) cover up your perverted anti-Human Rights views (communists like islamists have always been against basic individual Human Rights) you share with Mideast islamist dictators and other fascists.

How media power changes evil to "good"

After using Scandinavia's biggest news paper's most powerful headline resources for weeks for the sole purpose of smearing Sweden's only political party that dares to criticizes islam(ofascism), Åsa Linderborg has now managed to gather a few hate mails from some poor and confused Swedes, and now uses these stupid insults and most probably empty "threats" (if one can call them threats when at the same time talking about Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the threats from Koran reading islamofascis who have already murdered her friend and thousands of others).

Åsa Linderborg, a hard core communist and defender of islamofascism who is chief cultural editor on Scandinavia's biggest news paper Aftonbladet, compares the African heroine Ayaan Hirsi Ali with mass murderers.

Klevius islam tutorial for ignorant (or deliberately hypocritical) Åsa Linderborg

What's not in islam

There was no Mohammed. Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

So the stories about him were made up by Bukhari in the 9th Century, i.e. some 200 years later!

There was no written Koran before Malik, i,e, some 70 years after alleged Mohammed's alleged death

What actually is islam

Islam is a political and militant ideology based on racism and sexism (rapetivism) and parasitism (slaves were the main Sharia currency before oil).

Although slavery wasn't uncommon at all at the time of the origin of islam, no other sytem was so deliberately framed on slavery as islam. It was islam's very basic idea, i.e. to sponge on male slaves, mainly for work, military or as objects for sale whereas female slaves were taken mainly for sex and the reproduction of as many new muslims as possible. 

Slavery isn't only allowed in the Koran but everything surrounding slavery is there as well if you just read it as it is. And if that's not enough for you then just check which ideology historically has had most slaves.No other is even close.

When slavery was forbidden islam imploded in misery (compare e.g. the Ottoman slave "empire") until West gave them money for oil West dug up for them. Islam's "success" doesn't lie in any "personal god spirit" but in its capability to collectively make use of some of the most evil human characteristics and transform them to suit power hungry greedy robbers, dictators, politicians, media people etc, while offering male muslims a free outlet for their racism and sexism while muslim women are "rewarded" by the same racism plus Sharia "protection" against this very same sexism from others than their husbands (marital rape is not only allowed but enforced - a muslim woman can't say no to sex). Moreover, apostasy ban (i.e. that muslims have a hard time leaving islam) functions as a dead end spiced with reproduction of new muslims under the sword of Sharia.

And as you can see this formula is as far you can get from Human Rights, which fact explains why Saudi (the world's most intolerant and hate mongering country) initiated and based OIC and its islamofascist Egyptian born Turkish Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu backed by a bunch of scumbag dictators etc, has managed to make islamic violations of Human Rights OKed in the UN:

Chris Knowles: The actions of Western politicians give the impression that Mohammed is entitled to greater reverence and superior protection than other Prophets.

the Spanish Government has effectively threatened to withdraw refugee status from Imran Firasat.  Who runs a website called Mundo sin Islam (World without Islam).  He is an apostate from Islam and has produced a film called The Innocent Prophet.
One might speculate the degree to which the OIC itself has influenced this decision.  It obviously has great influence over Western governments who put its interests before the interests of their own people.  The OIC effectively wants the religious laws of Pakistan imposed on the whole world.  Western government are apparently going along with this agenda.  As we reported yesterday the third round of the OIC’s Istanbul Process recently took place in London.  Western governments are increasingly supporting sharia both at home and abroad.
The action of the Spanish state follows the state of Belgium increasing its security threat level specifically due to the imminent release of this film. (2)  It seems clear that the pro-sharia EU old boy network has been busy creating a mechanism to create as much alarm and distress to Mr Firasat as possible rather than standing up to the hecklers veto.
In Pakistan, the country to which the Spanish Government wants to deport Mr Firasat, attitudes regarding blasphemy against Islam and apostasy from it are of a kind that were prevalent in Europe during the Middle Ages. Imran Firasa is an apostate from Islam – a capital crime under sharia law.  If they send him to Pakistan then the Spanish government are effectively condemning him to death.  This is completely unacceptable and the Spanish Government should be ashamed of itself.
The case of Imran Firasat is significant – it highlights the erosion of a least two essential prerequisites of any free society.  These are the right to freedom of expression and the right to equality before the law.  Both of these have been seriously undermined by the Spanish Government’s decision to threaten to strip Imran Firasat of his refugee status.
We must remember that only a short while ago the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Abu Qatada could not be deported from Britain to Jordan.  This was because it was felt that some of the evidence against him might have been obtained using torture. (3)  The extradition was halted even though the crimes that Mr Qatada was alleged to have committed were far more serious than the mere making of a video.
The Spanish Government are effectively threatening the life of Mr Firasat.



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Koran readers defend Sharia honor in Sweden


600 brave muslims (most of them) attacked a muslim(?) girl in accordance with the unchangeable Koran

A muslim (?) allegedly 17 yo named Sanela from Bosnia was attacked by other muslims (?) in Gothenburg Sweden at Plusgymnasiet high schoolafter an instagram campaign were muslim girls had been portrayed as "orrar" (a Turkish/Swedish street word) i.e. whores.

What do these violent thugs have in common with the muslim "protesters" in the Arab "spring" who have murdered tens- or hundreds of thousands  of other muslims?

Klevius answer: Koran/islam/Sharia! And this is how real islam works no matter if it's domestic "honor" or Sunni "honor" or Salafist "honor" etc.

There's no other islam. "Peaceful" islam is a castrated islam which only exists in the minds of ignorants. And when Saudi based OIC (the world Umma) and its islamofascist Sharia Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu talks about anti violence, then consider OIC/Sunni Muslim Brotherhood is the main force now behind the blood shed in the Arab "spring". And if you continue not to open your eyes for what's going on in front of them, then you're a true fascist!

These people were running around the school area


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is this UN woman dumb, confused, ignorant or what?!


Is she just ignorant about islam or is she an "islamophobe" (i.e. against Sharia)?!

If she's against Sharia then she has already committed blasphemy against islam!

Kamala Chandrakirana (Indonesian muslim?) on Egypt's Sharia constitution (she is head of UN Working Group established by the UN Human Rights Council in 2010 dealing with discrimination against women in law and in practice): The text of Egypt's constitution does not include in its substantive provisions the guarantee of non-discrimination based on sex necessary to give effect to the principle of equality between men and women in the preamble and in accordance with Egypt’s international human rights obligations.

Klevius: Which obligations? OIC's Sharia obligations or Human Rights?! They are two so completely different "obligations", especially regarding girls/women (see below), that either has to go! Which one?!!!

Kamala Chandrakirana expressed concern about the absence of a provision incorporating international law, including on women’s human right to equality, into the domestic legal order and stipulating its primacy.

Klevius: What is this?! We're talking Sharia here! Don't you understand? Read OIC's Cairo declaration for a starter, or even better, see below!

Kamala Chandrakirana: While article 2 provides that Islam will be the principle source of legislation, article 3 provides that the personal status of Egyptian Christians and Jews will be regulated under their religious laws. However, there is no provision that women’s right to equality in the family will be respected, protected and fulfilled by the State in accordance with international human rights standards.

Klevius sex and Human Rights tutorial for Kamala Chandrakirna & Co

Sex segregation in Sharia (in whatever clothes) is lack of freedom, not because of one’s cultural gender but because of one’s biological sex. In the real Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) from 1948 everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Human Rights Declaration, without distinction of sex.

In contrast, islamic countries like Egypt, who are members of Saudi based OIC, led by its Egyptian born Fuhrer (or Caliph as he himself prefers) Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, can now follow OIC's islamofascist Sharia manifest also called the
Cairo declaration on islamic “human rights” (CDHRI), simply because by voting together OIC in UN has managed to step aside from any Human Rights obligations that could disturb islamofascist “rights”. Moreover, by calling Sharia "human rights" most people aren't even aware of how deeply this evil islamofascism has rooted itself.

Because CDHRI, i.e. Sharia sanctioned by UN, states that all men are equal only in terms of "basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities", an inevitable clash occurs between the sexes.

The main, and crucial, difference in this respect between these declarations is that whereas the former (UDHR) is negative, i.e. empty (without distinction of sex) and therefore without room for interpretation, negotiation, or imposition and hence not able to produce restrictions in freedom, the latter (CDHRI) is positive, i.e. connected to impositions such as‘obligations and responsibilities’ and, as a consequence, inevitably opens up for limitations in accordance with what is considered girls’ and women’s ‘obligations and responsibilities’.

Thus instead of preserving a negative room for the free female individual, a legal confinement is veiled around girls/women which limits their individual freedom.

Klevius doesn't deny that there are good positive rights for women, such as, for example, the right to abortion, the right to crucial maternal support etc. However, keep in mind that e.g. education isn't a positive right specifically for girls only but a human right (it's quite clear that women and non-muslim men really don't count as full humans in islam).

The introduction of some positive women’s rights may, in fact, often constitute a threat against women’s right to freedom. One may argue that girls’ and women’s rights are now challenged both from islamic Sharia as well as from other efforts to introduce sex segregated “rights”, i.e. cultural impositions based on biological sex although not necessitated by it.

Islam is a veiled sex trap for women's freedom.

And of course, all this talking about some "god's" law is just to cover up such crappy logic.

Is that so difficult to understand dear Kamala Chandrakirna?



Friday, December 14, 2012

Sharia supporting women are either fascists* or idiots

* Sharia violates Human Rights, especially for women. This is why OIC had to abandoned Universal Human Rights!

Why do some Egyptian women want to oppress other women?

Klevius: The holy Universal Human Rights Declaration allows women to lead their lives according to Sharia if they so wish, but also allows other women to freely choose how they want to lead their lives. Sharia imposition, on the other hand, doesn't offer this option of full freedom!

Now, consider this report on islamofascist insanity from Egypt!

Mayssoun Sukarieh reporting from Rabia el Adawiyya Square in Nasr City/Cairo:

Samia, one of the protestors. “It is not like Tahrir where there is sexual harassment all the time. We abide by Sharia law and men see us as sisters here.”

Klevius: No, they see you as marked sex cattle! I.e. just the opposite to Human Rights!

One of the speakers: “And they want to turn Egyptian women into westernized women.” 

Klevius: What's a "Westernized woman"?! A woman who can be everything a muslim woman can be but also much more than a muslim woman can even dream about without hitting her head against Sharia.

He then looked at the demonstrators and asked them to ask their sisters in the demonstration what they need. The women chant, “the law of God the law of God.” “Yes to the Constitution, Yes to Morsi.”

Klevius: No comment, can't argue against that, can I.

Umm Ahmad, a housewife, is angry because the Muslim Brotherhood’s “defense of Sharia” insinuates that those who oppose the current constitutional process are against Sharia law. “We do not need it in the constitution. We all marry and divorce according to Sharia law, and we get buried according to Sharia law too. Why are they bugging us with it? God knows what they are aiming at!”

Klevius: Oh mine, this bottomless ignorance about islam explains a lot, doesn't it!

Sayyed, who is a journalist and a Nasserite, says that the Muslim Brotherhood cloak themselves with Sharia: “they have nothing to offer, so they say Sharia. It is a way to shut the opposition up. Who dares defy Sharia and Islam?” Sayyed hands me a pamphlet that is being distributed and which describes which articles in the draft constitution are problematic. “It is a constitution against workers, children, women, against freedom in general,” he says. It does not “obligate the state to ensure any rights.” Even in articles that are supposedly about basic rights such as right to education, and to health the state’s role is supervisory. The state is to regulate these rights, but not provide them. “How is the state going to supervise this? And why is not it obligated to provide these rights? Why did we do the revolution to get a police state that supervise and overlook,” says Sayyed angrily.

Klevius answer: Because islam IS a police state!

Why not check islam by reading its history through its incomprehensible number of victims? And if you think "it's not islam" then take a look at Koran! It's all there if you don't blink. And it's not any human "prophet's" word -. it's "god's" word!




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sharia confusion

Here an example of how youth, ignorance and brainwashing paves the way for the worst ideological crime ever

Islam without Human Rights violations (Sharia) is of no interest for Klevius because it's not islam anymore!

 Useful idiocy

LSE (you know, the place that harbored Gadaffi's son Saif al-Islam on the side bar) Masters student Jonathan Russell who works as the islamic studies intern at Quilliam Foundation (a self proclaimed interpreter of islam founded by former (?) Hitzbut Tahrir terrorists): Most Muslim-majority countries including Egypt, Iran and Pakistan signed the UDHR in 1948, but crucially Saudi Arabia, where the King must comply with Shari’a and the Qur’an, did not sign the declaration, arguing that it violated Islamic law and criticising it for failing to take into consideration the cultural and religious context of non-Western countries. Saudi Arabian law is completely at odds with the UDHR as all citizens are required to be Muslim. Therefore, non-Muslims risk everything from arrest to torture and the death penalty for their beliefs.

Klevius comment: Islam and “the muslim world” cover the same. You can't have islam without muslims and where there are muslims there's islam. So talking about islam without incl. OIC (the muslim world Umma based on its Sharia declaration) is just laughable, or worse, Taqiyya. Islam needs to be re-contextualised, in order for it to be in accordance with Human Rights. OIC surely won't support this. The deep intellectual schizophrenia in the Quilliam Foundation just underlines Klevius simple but undeniable truth: Islam is dead without its Human Rights violations!

Jonathan Russell: Islam is a pluralist religion and contains a spectrum of belief system and therefore has a great tradition of freedom of thought and tolerance of the beliefs of others...

Klevius comment:  Give me a break! There were many different ways and nuances muslims slaughtered , enslaved and raped during their "conquest" but all were in accordance with the Koran, i.e. islam! That was the very original idea of islam that worked so well. And the only one with explanatory power to spread light in the darker in which these atrocities happened. Islam was born as a parasitic ideology and its original currency was slaves. That's why islam started rottening when West forbade slavery. Sadly, oil demanded by Western technology, then paved the way for a renewal of these atrocities mainly steered by Saudi Arabia and its allies.

Jonathan Russell: for the OIC to produce the CDHRI, a document published under the auspices of Islam that limits this intellectual tradition, introducing absolutist judgements and presupposing certain aspects of the faith for citizens in countries that do not even implement the Shari’a to its full extent, is a tremendous oversight. To pass such a document off as declaration of human rights is incongruous.

Klevius: I agree but what's your point? Sounds incredibly hypocritical (or naive) to slash OIC while defending an islam you can't even conceptualize. You know very well that it's safe now to bark at OIC when it's already established in the UN as an evil islamic alternative to Human Rights. And by raving about some fictional non-Sharia islam you try to avoid being an "islamophobe". Is this why you are now writing about it? Where were you when people like Littman and Klevius almost a decade ago warned for it but were called "islamophobes"?! Learning about islam from an imam?!





Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BBC's math problem only seems to hit muslims!?

How BBC presents skews new British census figures

BBC: “It showed a rise in the number of Muslims, with the proportion of the population in 2011 standing at 4.8%, or 2.7 million, up 2% from 1.5 million in 2001."

 Klevius comment: Reportedly BBC didn't bother even to mention the staggering rise of British muslims in most of its broadcasts. And when they did in their news site on the web it was not only almost hidden and short but the almost doubling of muslims was0% increase  wrongly presented as an 1.5% increase!

Clearly the presentation is made to cover up the almost 100% increase by instead using the proportion of the population.

This should be compared to the 817,000 Hindus, a rise of 264,000 since 2001, and Jews rising by only 3,000 over the last decade from 260,000 to 263,000, i.e. just over 1%.

BBC presented these numbers without proportion: The Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh faiths all registered increases. There are now 817,000 Hindus, a rise of 264,000 since 2001. The Jewish faith also rose by 3,000 over the last decade from 260,000 to 263,000.



Who's next in line for Nobel's peace prize? The murderous hate mongering Saudi dictator family or islam itself?!

Should the ideology that has caused most suffering of all get Nobel's Peace Prize?

EU got the price this year, apparently for its member states eager support of the Saudi dictator family's successful murder campaign in the "Arab Spring" and relentless hate mongering around the world.

The Saudi puppet, muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh  Hussein Obama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) has already got one, so isn't it about time to give Nobel's next peace prize to islam?

However, as Allah's messenger is dead (albeit there's no evidence he ever existed other than a made up construction long after his alleged time) the "Guardian of islam" (i.e. the Saudi dictator family) seems next in line.

Klevius comment: Just during a short period a millennia ago islamic terror in India caused more victims thanany other ideology. For a starter check out Muslim Slave System in Medieval India!



Saturday, December 08, 2012

Muslim enslavement of India and the Romanis - and a PC dating hiding islam

Some geneticists have arrived at the wrong date of the Romani exodus. Why?

According to new research the genome-wide evidence of the Romani people specified the geographic origin toward the north or northwestern parts of India and provided a date of origin of about 1,500 years ago. Once in Europe, Romani people began settling in various locations, likely spreading across Europe via the Balkan region about 900 years ago.

Kayser: "From a genome-wide perspective, Romani people share a common and unique history that consists of two elements: the roots in northwestern India and the admixture with non-Romani Europeans accumulating with different magnitudes during the out-of-India migration across Europe."

Klevius: Sorry mate, but you've got it all wrong. Islam wasn't around 1500 years ago! And we know for sure that it was islamic atrocities and enslavement in India that caused the Romani exodus, first as muslim slaves to what is now Afganistan and later, when they (many of them) managed to escape the only route was to the West (just like now for people escaping islam).

Moreover, what is now seen in retrospective as "a people" wasn't before muslim slavery made them one.

Roughly one might argue that the Romanis had four main points of departure:

1 Out of India as muslim slaves

2 Escaping from what is now Afganistan

3 Enslavement by Ottoman Turkish muslims

4 Gradual freedom starting with Wests enforcement of abolishment of slavery and until the final fall of the rottening Ottoman slave "empire".

However, two questions remain:

1 What kept the Romanis together?

2 How did you manipulate the dates to fit just before islam's horror in India? Both you and Klevius know that it's extremely easy to add or remove a century or so in genetic estimates, don't we.

For those who know nothing at all about the topic, as a starter Klevius recommends Muslim Slave System in Medieval India by K.S. Lal. However, chances are you might come out as an "islamophobe" after your reading.

It's still free to read online but the Saudi based islamofascist muslim world organization OIC with its Egyptian born Turkish Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu is desperately busy via UN to make the web "Sharia compliant"!

 . .

Friday, December 07, 2012

Swedish Aftonbladet silent when Egyptians fight for their lives against the islamic Leviathan!

Ultimate hypocrisy: Sweden's main newspaper got blind and deaf while the biggest Arab country is balancing between islamofascism and freedom 

Klevius comment: This is the same

Egypt about to drown in Saudi islamofascism

One of Egypt's most prominent muslim clerics, Yasser Borhami, praised the draft constitution because it ensures that laws and rights would be strictly subordinated to islamofascist Sharia: "This constitution has more complete restraints on rights than ever existed before in any Egyptian constitution. This will not be a democracy that can allow what God forbids or forbid what God allows."

The draft constitution would mean the most widespread implementation of Sharia in modern Egypt. And exactly what all muslim's world organization Saudi based OIC and its islamofascist Fuhrer, Egyptian born Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu have long since implemented in UN (the so called Cairo declaration you can see burning above), which also states that criticism, negative stereotyping” etc against islam/Sharia is a crime called islamophobia or shariaphobia.

At the heart lies three articles that explicitly mention Sharia. However, an obscuring use of legal language hides Sharia traps in other articles.

The draft constitution not only makes muslim clerics the arbiters for civil rights, it also paves the way for Saudi-style "religious police" to monitor islamic “moral” and enforce sex segregation regardless of what laws on the books say.

And why shouldn't it? After all, the Saudi Wahhabi/Salafist dictator and hate monger oil-”king” Abdullah was Mr X “president” Barakeh Hussain Obama Soetoro's (or whatever) first call and bow, wasn't it! .

The islamofascist origin of the term 'islamophobia' (compare Naziphobia)

Pamela Geller:
The very word “Islamophobia” is a fictional construct, as journalist Claire Berlinski explains, “The neologism ‘Islamophobia’ did not simply emerge ex nihilo. It was invented, deliberately, by a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, the International Institute for Islamic Thought, which is based in Northern Virginia….Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, a former member of the IIIT who has renounced the group in disgust, was an eyewitness to the creation of the word. ‘This loathsome term,’ he writes, ‘is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.’”85
 "Islamophobia" is a Muslim Brotherhood exercise in victimology, designed to distract people from jihad and cast Muslims as victims. CAIR reports on hate crimes are full of faked hate crimes meant to advance the mythical Muslim victimhood narrative. Studies have shown that antisemitic hate crimes are far more common today than attacks on innocent Muslims. Antisemitism is at a worldwide high -- it's real. The advance of Islamic supremacism is at a worldwide high as well, in Egypt, Indonesia, Tunisia, et al, and non-Muslims are suffering unspeakably.



Thursday, December 06, 2012

Finland's Independence Day: Klevius link between the world's first country to give women full voting rights and the world's first elected female head of state

The first version at the top made 1583 and below it how it looks today.
The sword held over the lion's head represents the West whereas the one below the lion represents islam (via Khazars, Bolgars, Ottomans etc. - see text below).

Finland/Kvenland - the home of Kalevala and the Vikings


Finland has two official languages, Swedish and Finnish. Finland is also one of the most secularized countries in the world. Finland (and huge parts of what is now Sweden and Norway) was Kvenland before the Christian crusades after which it became connected as part of Sweden for some 600 years until the 1808-9 war against Russia after which Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until Finland's independence 6, December 1917.

After the 1808-9 war the Swedish speaking intellectuals started a campaign, "we are no Swedes anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians - so let's be Finns". This strive made many a Finland-Swede translate their name into Finnish. It also resulted in the collection of the Kalevala epos (which Tolkien used as a basis for his stories). However, Elias Lönnroth's Kalevala was heavily influenced by a monotheist understanding. Luckily Juha Pentikäinen and others have now initiated a rewriting of the text clean from Christian monotheist influences.

Due to its location Finnish (and Saami) possesses extremely old words still in use (see below). And due to the interaction between old Nordic and Finnish a pattern emerged that can still be seen stretching from Finland all the way to Iceland (see below). 

No one knows the true origin of the name Kvenland. However, Klevius qualified guess is based on its history of Nordic (and Finnish) speaking (agrarian) coastal Finns robbing beautiful girls with mongoloid characteristics (which pattern you can also trace in reading Kalevala) from its Saami and Finnish speaking neighbors. Raids with light boats was a Finnish specialty inherited from the Finnish and Russian water ways they still frequented (see Origin of Vikings). And when they heard (from the Volga Bolgars and the Jewish Khazars etc) about the enormous demand and price the muslim caliphate paid for these kind of girls the commerce quickly changed from furs to walking girls.

Due to the mix of old Nordic speaking males and Finnish speaking women an early bilingual traditon was born, which helped dealing with both Swedes and Finnish speaking "Russians". At the beginning of the Viking age the "Russians" spoke Finnish which was the main language in what is now northern and mid Russia. This also explains how Fornjotur could be the King of both Finland and Gotland as well as how Rus could become so friendly with the pre-Russians that they asked him for protection against other Vikings, Jews (Khazars) etc. 

Finland has for long suffered from what Klevius calls a mongoloid complex (2003). In 1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.

Klevius' ethnicity

The tiny (some 300,000) Finland-Swedish ethnic minority has, apart from the tiresome, bragging and annoying islamophobe named Klevius, produced such names as Edith Södergran (modernist poet), Westermarck (anthropology), Jean Sibelius (music), Georg Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's successor), Lasse Wiren (athletics - double-double Olympic winner on 5,000m and 10,000m), Lindberg (music - Kraft etc), Linus Thorvald (Linux), etc etc.

This list clearly implies a Finland-Swedish complex or something (see Inside Klevius mind).

Why surprised about the fact that English is a Nordic language? Klevius has informed about it for almost a decade on the web!

* When Klevius shakes hand with native English speakers he loves to point out that 'finger', 'hand', and 'arm' all are Swedish words with exactly the same spelling and not too different pronunciation. This usually produces a nice "really". However, when he also points out that most of the non-Latin words in English also are Swedish a brief uncertain and incredulous retreat from the topic is noticeable. And, now finally the self-evident fact that even grammar is equal has been pointed out even by others.

English is a Scandinavian/Nordic (Fennoscandian*) language

* No one knows for how long Old Swedish/Nordic language(s) has been spoken in Finland. This is why not only the Scandinavian part but the whole Fennoscandian peninsula ought to be included.

Jan Terje Faarlund, professor of linguistics at the University of Oslo. "Obviously there are many English words that resemble ours. But there is something more: its fundamental structure is strikingly similar to Norwegian.

Klevius (who understands all Nordic languages incl. Finnish and most dialects): Norwegian language emerged after the Viking period (see Origin of Vikings). Its predecessor, i.e. what is called "Old Norse" but perhaps rather should be called Old Swedish or Old Nordic, is rooted in Kvenland from the cross pollination of Finnish and Nordic Germanic. Kvenish today is still very close to Finnish (more so than e.g. Estonian) yet it also contains such pecularities as meiðän ('our') which is simply meidän in Standard Finnish with a normally sounding d instead of the English sounding ð.

Kvenland (Womanland) from Finno-Ugric/Uralic to Old Swedish/Scandinavian/Nordic*

*aka "Old Norse" which might lead associations to Norway although there were no Norwegian speakers around long after the Viking age (see Origin of Vikings).

Kvenland, aka Cwenland, Kænland, Queenland, Kvinnoland, Womanland etc, is an ancient name for an area in Fennoscandia. Compare Swedish 'Kvinna' (woman) and English 'Queen' as well as Norwegian 'kone' (woman) Swedish 'kön' (sex) and English 'kin' (yes, we have Indoeuropean 'gen' but so what, where did 'gen' emerge?).

There exists a persistent "wikimyth" that Finnish language in Sweden and Norway are just a few hundred years old when in fact it's thousands of years old but due to national romanticism was explained away as caused by late immigration only.

As I already said, no one knows for sure why it was called Kvenland. However, a strong hypothesis is that the name reflects sex-slave hunt for beautiful white girls/women who were most valued on the muslim slave markets by the islamic mosques. So the Finnish empire may have existed long before it was called Kvenland.The name was just applied from the outside as a marker of its notorious records.

Kvenland appears in written sourdes from  the 9th century, and from Icelandic sources written in the 12th and 13th centuries. Since the 17th century most historians have located Kvenland somewhere around or near the Bothnian Bay, in the present-day regions of Swedish Norrbotten and Finnish Ostrobothnia as well as part of Norway where there are still a Kvenish population. The traditional East Finnish name of this area was Kainuu, and it has been suggested that the Scandinavian name of Kvenland and Kainuu share etymological roots.

Around 890 CE a Northman named Ohthere visited King Alfred of Wessex who had his stories written down by Orosius.

According to Ohthere, the Norðmanna land was very long and very narrow ... and to the east are wild mountains, parallel to the cultivated land. Finnas inhabit these mountains ... Then along this land southwards, on the other side of the mountain, is Sweden ... and along that land northwards, Kvenland (Cwenaland). The Kvens (Cwenas) sometimes make depredations on the Northmen over the mountain, and sometimes the Northmen on them.
There are large [freshwater] meres amongst the mountains,[2] and the Kvens carry their ships over land into the meres, and thence make depredations on the Northmen; they have small and very light ships.






Fornjotur* (ca 160-250 CE), the Finnish King of Kvenland and Gotland, and ancestor of the Swedish Ynglinga tree and William I of England

* there is much reason to believe that the legend about Fornjotur has more truth underneath than for example the myth about Mohammed (who was allegedly born 400 years later). Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

Fornjotur, Fornjót (Old Norse: Fornjótr) was a king of Finland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).
The name has often been interpreted[1] as forn-jótr "ancient giant", and Karl Simrock (1869) because of this identified Formjotr with the primeval giant Ymir. But it is also possible, as was suggested by Müller (1818),[2] that it is one of a well-established group of names or titles of gods in -njótr "user, owner, possessor", which would make Fornjótr the "original owner" (primus occupans vel utens) of Norway.

How did primary stress on first syllable come from Kvenland to Iceland?

There was of course another language, Kvenish-Finnish, that was present in Fennoscandia and somehow influenced the ancient Norse language.

Finnish possesses some of the oldest words in the world, some of them still in their original Uralic form. In fact, the old Finnish stem seems to be closer to its distant roots than other Finno-Ugric languages despite the fact that Finland has been the most modernized of them all.

Klevius linguistic question: How was the strange affinity between Indoeuropean Icelandic and Uralic Finnish created between Kvenland and Iceland?

Whereas Indoeuropean languages are strongly rooted in a Neolithic agricultural past Uralic languages are rooted in hunting/gathering societies i.e. pre-Neolithic.

Indoeuropean Old Norse developed into "Western" and "Eastern" variants. Western Norse covered Norway and overseas settlements in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Shetland Islands, while Eastern Norse developed in Denmark and south-central Sweden and coastal Finland.

The language of Iceland and the non Finnish or Saami Fennoscandia was practically the same up until the 14th century, when they started to deviate from each other.

During the late Old Norse period and this period there was also a considerable adoption of Middle Low German vocabulary. Similar development in grammar and phonology happened in Swedish and Danish, keeping the dialect continuum in continental Scandinavia intact, but with greater dialectal variation. This process did not, however, occur in the same way in Faroese and Icelandic. These languages remain conservative to this day, when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, so mutual intelligibility with continental Scandinavia was lost.

The Uralic languages belong to a single Eurasian belt of agglutinative languages together with the Altaic languages streching from Fennoscandia in the west to Japan in the east

Not only typological parallelism, but also stress on the first syllable as well as lack of third person pronoun sex segregation (e.g. Finnish 'hän' instead of 'he/she' apartheid) is accompanied by areal adjacency, allowing us to speak of a distinct Ural-Altaic language area and language type we may call Eurasiatic.

Some roots for Eurasiatic: mi (what?, mi/kä or mi/tä in modern Finnish), pälä (two), akʷā (water), tik (one or finger), konV (arm 1), bhāghu(s) (arm 2), bük(ä) (bend or knee), punče (hair), p'ut'V (vagina or vulva), snā (smell or nose), kamu (seize or squeeze), and parV (the verb to fly)

Modern Finnish preserves old words equal or almost equal more often than other languages

Examples of reconstructed Proto-Uralic words:

Body parts and bodily functions: *ïpti hair on the head, *ojwa head, *śilmä eye (same as in modern Finnish), *poski cheek (same as in modern Finnish), *kä(x)li tongue ('kieli' in modern Finnish), *elä- to live ('elää' in modern Finnish), *ka(x)li- to die ('kuolla', and 'kuoli' in imperf), *wajŋi breath (in Finnish 'vainaja' means a dead), *kosi cough, *kunśi urine ('kusi' in modern Finnish), *küńili tear ('kyynele' in modern Finnish), *se(x)ji pus.

Kinship terms: *emä mother (same in modern Finnish), *čečä uncle ('setä' in modern Finnish), *koska aunt, *mińä daughter-in-law ('miniä' in modern Finnish), *wäŋiw son-in-law ('vävy' in modern Finnish).

Verbs for universally known actions: *meni- to go ('mennä', 'meni' in imperf in modern Finnish), *toli- to come ('tulla', 'tuli' in imperf in modern Finnish), *aśkili- to step ('askel' is step in modern Finnish), *imi- to suck ('imi' is sucked in modern Finnish), *soski- to chew, *pala- to eat up ('pala' is a piece in modern Finnish), *uji- to swim ('ui' is swim in imperf in modern Finnish), *sala- to steal ('salata' means to hide in modern Finnish), *kupsa- to extinguish ('kupsata' used for to die in modern Finnish).

Basic objects and concepts of the natural world: *juka river ('joki' in modern Finnish), *toxi lake, *weti water ('vesi/vettä' in modern Finnish), *päjwä sun (same but also day in modern Finnish), warmth, *suŋi summer ('suvi' in modern Finnish), *śala- lightning ('salama' in modern Finnish), *wanča root ('vanka', 'vankka' means steady in modern Finnish), *ko(x)ji birch, *ka(x)si spruce ('kuusi' in modern Finnish), *sïksi Siberian pine, *δ'ï(x)mi bird cherry

Elementary technology: *tuli fire (same in modern Finnish), *śüδi coal, *äjmä needle, *pura drill ('pora' in modern Finnish), *jïŋsi bow ('jousi' in modern Finnish), *jänti bow string, *ńï(x)li arrow ('nuoli' in modern Finnish), *δ'ümä glue ('liima' in modern Finnish), *lïpśi cradle, *piksi rope, *suksi ski (same in modern Finnish), *woča fence.

Basic spatial concepts: *ïla below ('alla' in modern Finnish), *üli above ('yli' in modern Finnish), *wasa left ('vasen' in modern Finnish), *pälä side.

Pronouns: *mun I (meaning mine in modern Finnish), *tun you ('sun' meaning yours in modern Finnish), *ke- who (same in modern Finnish), *mi- what (same in modern Finnish).

The reconstructed vocabulary is compatible with a Mesolithic culture (bow, arrow, needle, sinew, but also rope, fence, cradle, ski), a north Eurasian landscape (spruce, birch, Siberian pine), and contains interesting hints on kinship structure.


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Do Egyptians get less ignorant about islam than Europeans and Americans?

Update: CNN asks what we should fear the most in Egypt?
Klevius answer: Islam, if we by islam mean Sharia as does the muslim world organization OIC. There's no way separating Sharia from islam! And as OIC has agreed, there's no way to reconcile basic Human Rights with Sharia! And Sharia allows for freedom of speech only when it's not against Sharia. So by having Sharia as national law...

Egyptian islamophobes protesting against islam (Sharia)  outside the presidential palace where a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist named Morsi is hiding

Klevius comment: This muslim terrorist belongs to muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Hussain Mohamad Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) beloved "peaceful" and "moderate" islamic terror organization Muslim Brotherhood (incl. the disgusting CAIR and OIC).


Islamic rapetivism

Ruth Wtherhead (Daily Mail): Egypt's ruling party is paying gangs of thugs to sexually assault women protesting in Cairo's Tahrir Square against President Mohamed Morsi, activists said.

They also said the Muslim Brotherhood is paying gangs to beat up men who are taking part in the latest round of protests, which followed a decree by President Morsi to give himself sweeping new powers.

Klevius comment: Isn't this how "peaceful" and "moderate" islam always behave? Just following the tenets of original islam and Sharia!


Monday, December 03, 2012

How come that the world's worst polluter and the worst climate for football is made a host of climate talk and World Cup?! Anyone...

Klevius answer: The same reason why islam, the worst crime ever against humanity and the gravest violation of Universal Human Rights, is supported!

Fly Qatar to the racist/sexist islamofascist hell on Earth


Qatar is, together with Saudi-Arabia and Kuwait the worst polluter and water and energy waster in the world while simultaneously producing next to nothing (China is the least polluting per capita of industrial nations while producing the most).

Qatar is also, together with Saudi-Arabia, the worst state terrorist (mainly against Shia muslims wherever they happen to be).

Qatar has an average summer (football) temperature of 41 Celcius and some of the most dangerous dust storms.

Qatar applies evil islamic Sharia law (incl. torture, flogging, stoning etc) in matters concerning Human Rights.

No public freedom of or from religion other than islamofascism.

