
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Klevius islam tutorial: A wealthy fascism supporting Swedish communist treated as a heroine when spitting on Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Update: If you don't understand Klevius please listen to this Brit in simple English!

            Good Yule, folks!

The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric/Uralic 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims.

Yule or Yuletide ("Yule time") is a festival around 21 December when spring (i.e. longer days) begins, observed by the Northern European peoples, later being absorbed into the Christian Christmas. The word is of unknown origin but may well have a Uralic root considering its deep root and geographical spread.

A strip against patriarchy

Klevius' sex tutorial: What's sex segregation?
Klevius' Definition of feminism

Perpetua, born in the first century, (the first female "Christian"* whose own words were written down by an eye witness before she was executed in accordance with her own wish): "And I was stripped naked, and I became a man." I.e. for her (without Human Rights) this was the only way to free herself from a womanhood stipulated by patriarchy.

* Perpetua was an expression of a thought that being a "man" (meaning human) and not a sex limited woman was the only way to go. She was free on the arena before her execution for a brief moment and took comfort in a belief in an afterlife with Jesus (again, Klevius isn't, and has never been a Christian). 

A kick in islam's groin

This pic from Stockholm will become a classic women portrait of our time

These women are heroines - not Aftonbladet's Sharia supporting fascist Åsa Linderborg. This is the perfect striptease of islam: Alia al-Mahdi. an ex-muslim from Egypt flanked by two Slavs (from Russia and Ukraine).  The Slavic girls/women were the most valued on the Koranic/islamic slave market which fact explains the "success" of not only Vikings, but also Khazars, Volga Bolgars, Tatars etc (see Origin of Vikings).

Their main enemy: A Swedish fascist with a mouth the size of the biggest news paper in Scandinavia

Åsa Linderborg (see pic below), you're not a heroine like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You're a hateful fascist! I really hope no one will be so stupid so to do any harm to you because that would (apart from that I don't want you to get hurt in any sense) cover up your perverted anti-Human Rights views (communists like islamists have always been against basic individual Human Rights) you share with Mideast islamist dictators and other fascists.

How media power changes evil to "good"

After using Scandinavia's biggest news paper's most powerful headline resources for weeks for the sole purpose of smearing Sweden's only political party that dares to criticizes islam(ofascism), Åsa Linderborg has now managed to gather a few hate mails from some poor and confused Swedes, and now uses these stupid insults and most probably empty "threats" (if one can call them threats when at the same time talking about Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the threats from Koran reading islamofascis who have already murdered her friend and thousands of others).

Åsa Linderborg, a hard core communist and defender of islamofascism who is chief cultural editor on Scandinavia's biggest news paper Aftonbladet, compares the African heroine Ayaan Hirsi Ali with mass murderers.

Klevius islam tutorial for ignorant (or deliberately hypocritical) Åsa Linderborg

What's not in islam

There was no Mohammed. Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

So the stories about him were made up by Bukhari in the 9th Century, i.e. some 200 years later!

There was no written Koran before Malik, i,e, some 70 years after alleged Mohammed's alleged death

What actually is islam

Islam is a political and militant ideology based on racism and sexism (rapetivism) and parasitism (slaves were the main Sharia currency before oil).

Although slavery wasn't uncommon at all at the time of the origin of islam, no other sytem was so deliberately framed on slavery as islam. It was islam's very basic idea, i.e. to sponge on male slaves, mainly for work, military or as objects for sale whereas female slaves were taken mainly for sex and the reproduction of as many new muslims as possible. 

Slavery isn't only allowed in the Koran but everything surrounding slavery is there as well if you just read it as it is. And if that's not enough for you then just check which ideology historically has had most slaves.No other is even close.

When slavery was forbidden islam imploded in misery (compare e.g. the Ottoman slave "empire") until West gave them money for oil West dug up for them. Islam's "success" doesn't lie in any "personal god spirit" but in its capability to collectively make use of some of the most evil human characteristics and transform them to suit power hungry greedy robbers, dictators, politicians, media people etc, while offering male muslims a free outlet for their racism and sexism while muslim women are "rewarded" by the same racism plus Sharia "protection" against this very same sexism from others than their husbands (marital rape is not only allowed but enforced - a muslim woman can't say no to sex). Moreover, apostasy ban (i.e. that muslims have a hard time leaving islam) functions as a dead end spiced with reproduction of new muslims under the sword of Sharia.

And as you can see this formula is as far you can get from Human Rights, which fact explains why Saudi (the world's most intolerant and hate mongering country) initiated and based OIC and its islamofascist Egyptian born Turkish Fuhrer Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu backed by a bunch of scumbag dictators etc, has managed to make islamic violations of Human Rights OKed in the UN:

Chris Knowles: The actions of Western politicians give the impression that Mohammed is entitled to greater reverence and superior protection than other Prophets.

the Spanish Government has effectively threatened to withdraw refugee status from Imran Firasat.  Who runs a website called Mundo sin Islam (World without Islam).  He is an apostate from Islam and has produced a film called The Innocent Prophet.
One might speculate the degree to which the OIC itself has influenced this decision.  It obviously has great influence over Western governments who put its interests before the interests of their own people.  The OIC effectively wants the religious laws of Pakistan imposed on the whole world.  Western government are apparently going along with this agenda.  As we reported yesterday the third round of the OIC’s Istanbul Process recently took place in London.  Western governments are increasingly supporting sharia both at home and abroad.
The action of the Spanish state follows the state of Belgium increasing its security threat level specifically due to the imminent release of this film. (2)  It seems clear that the pro-sharia EU old boy network has been busy creating a mechanism to create as much alarm and distress to Mr Firasat as possible rather than standing up to the hecklers veto.
In Pakistan, the country to which the Spanish Government wants to deport Mr Firasat, attitudes regarding blasphemy against Islam and apostasy from it are of a kind that were prevalent in Europe during the Middle Ages. Imran Firasa is an apostate from Islam – a capital crime under sharia law.  If they send him to Pakistan then the Spanish government are effectively condemning him to death.  This is completely unacceptable and the Spanish Government should be ashamed of itself.
The case of Imran Firasat is significant – it highlights the erosion of a least two essential prerequisites of any free society.  These are the right to freedom of expression and the right to equality before the law.  Both of these have been seriously undermined by the Spanish Government’s decision to threaten to strip Imran Firasat of his refugee status.
We must remember that only a short while ago the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Abu Qatada could not be deported from Britain to Jordan.  This was because it was felt that some of the evidence against him might have been obtained using torture. (3)  The extradition was halted even though the crimes that Mr Qatada was alleged to have committed were far more serious than the mere making of a video.
The Spanish Government are effectively threatening the life of Mr Firasat.



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