
Thursday, June 07, 2012

This evil* islamofascist** muslim OIC Fuhrer/Caliph*** (Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu) of ALL**** the world's muslims has wasted a lifetime at trying to find non-existing islamic science

*        If by 'evil' we mean someone who promotes racism and sexism contrary to the original Universal Human Rights Declaration
**      See definition of islamofascism
***    According to Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, born in Egypt but now a Turkish citizen, it was a great mistake to separate the Turkish state from islam. He wants instead to re-establish Ottoman rule and as the leader of OIC he sees himself as the new Ottoman Caliph in tight cooperation with the Saudi Sunni/Wahhabi Caliph.
**** OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) is a Saudi based organization covering 57 nations with majority or considerable muslim population, which is totally based on islamic Sharia (Cairo declaration) and which also covers muslims in non-OIC member states by referring to the muslim world Umma nation. OIC also campaigns forcefully for the criminalization of criticism/scrutiny against islam (criticism against islam, so called "defamation" or "islamophobia", is, together with apostasy the gravest of crimes according to all forms of islamic Sharia).

In Klevius' series The empty myth about islamic "science".

Islam's basic idea is that you can enslave people. That's why slavery isn't forbidden in islam. All the "golden ages" of islam have been based on profiting on slaves.

The basic, parasitic tenets of islam (i.e. the origin of islam) effectively excludes any possibility of producing science. Hence the wording 'islamic science' is an oxymoron just like e.g. 'Christian atheists' (although one might find that many atheists have been in churches etc and even registered as "Christians", that doesn't make a true atheist a Christian, does it).

The Ottoman islamofascist world was utterly anti-science and anti-technology 

The Ottoman writers guild denounced the printing press as "the Devil's Invention." Their objection caused a 53-year lag between its invention by Gutenberg in Europe in the 1440's and its introduction to the Ottoman society with the first Gutenberg press in Constantinople that was established by the Sephardic Jews, who had escaped from the Spanish Inquisition of 1492 (the inquisition was directed against the Jewish habit of trading in slaves). However, Muslims did not use the printing press in the Ottoman Empire until the 18th century. In 1726 (almost 300 years after Gutenberg invented the printing press), Ibrahim Muteferrika convinced the the clergy on the efficiency of the printing press, and later submitted a request to Sultan Ahmed III, who granted Muteferrika the permission to publish non-religious books despite opposition from some calligraphers and religious leaders. Muteferrika's press published its first book in 1729!).

The Ottoman "golden age" was entirely based on slavery

Galina Yermolenko: The large-scale Tatar-Turkish slave trade had been devastating these regions from the thirteenth century through most of the seventeenth century. In the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries, the Ottoman slave trade escalated to an unprecedented degree.
Various sixteenth-century Polish chroniclers, such as Marcin Bielski, Joachim
Bielski, Maciej Stryjkowski, Marcin Broniowski, Bernard Wapowski, and
Joachim Jerlicz, wrote of the staggering statistics of these raids. Some of the
most devastating raids happened in 1498–1500, when Tatars ravaged Galicia,
taking 150,000 captives49; in 1509, when they plundered Lviv and burned
down Rohatyn50; and in 1516, when 30,000 Tatar raiders captured 60 thousand
Ukrainian people.51 During such raids, Tatars laid waste to villages and towns,
killing everyone who resisted them and taking captive not only men and
women, but also children and livestock.52 In the second half of the sixteenth
century, 150,000–200,000 Podolians were taken into captivity. The devastating
Tatar raids continued on a full-scale during the seventeenth century.53 Overall,
between the fifteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century,
about 2.5 million Ukrainians were kidnapped and sold into slavery.54 The
Ukrainian population was so decimated during that time that the “country
did not recover from it for many generations.”

Sayeeda Warsi, rooted in Pakistan, deceives the Brits and acts as a traitor against those very Human Rights the British society is based on

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