
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Sharia on fire: OIC backing under Klevius' criticism? Is it the beginning of the final countdown for islam?

Two "islamophobes", David G. Littman (UN) and Peter Klevius (www), have managed to, at least temporarily, halt the world's most powerful islamofascist organization (Saudi based OIC) in its open and deliberate effort to completely eradicate Human Rights, especially for muslims, via its Human Rights violating Cairo declaration (Sharia).. Where Littman has focused more on legal/technical issues by using his (often silenced) platform in the UN, Klevius, as the world's (sadly) main expert on sex segregation ('sex apartheid' may be more appropriate in the case of islam) has focused on the origin of islam's evilness and complete incompatibility with the basic (negative) Human Rights.

However, there's no time for rest before the medieval parasitic beast is completely dead. Every effort by islamofascists and their accomplices in UN or elsewhere to camouflage islam's evilness in "tradition", "culture" etc
has to be exposed. We already hear islamofascist voices such as Turan Kayaoğlu proposing: "Efforts at revision should aim to usher in a period of genuine dialogue about how Islam can enhance modern international human rights and not necessarily conflict with it. The Islamic legal and intellectual heritage provides a much stronger basis from which to engage with the liberal-secular precepts of modern international human rights.  Drawing on that tradition and discarding the Cairo Declaration could deliver an Islamic Declaration on Human Rights that Muslims deserve, where its “Islamic” character can be invoked to protect more rights than those provided by similar human rights instruments, not fewer. Klevius educational comment to this confused muslim: You can never add "more rights" to the basic (negative) Human Rights simply because the very power of the latter is its lack of content, i.e. what we use to call freedom! Every add-on will limit it. And this fact also constitutes the basis for the ultimate moral codex on a level that no "religion" can ever reach without cutting off their particular "god" (who is always a subjective and human in its consequences). And positive rights can always be discussed as long as they don't conflict the basic Human Rights from 1948, including the important notion that sex should not constitute a reason for exemption of rights. And with this last notion the whole of islam will inevitably fall!

Just as there are no such thing as "islamic science" etc, there are no islamic way to improve the world simply because what is the true original kernel of islam is pure parasitism and soft/hard terror in different forms. And what is called "good" in islam is just loose associations to the civilized world and due patch-work in an effort to disguise the old beast.   

If you're not familiar with Klevius as yet, here are some links to assure you he knows what he's talking about. And more so than e.g. feminist Moril Toi who spent 544 pages on answering What is a woman? with the classic essentialist feminist answer, i.e. a woman is not a man (compare this to 22 year old Otto Weininger who more than 100 years ago concluded his doctoral thesis by stating that The Woman is the main obstacle for women's emancipation).

Every time you see the Fly Qatar add on your islamofascist friendly news channel, please think what it really stands for, i.e. the most evil and disgusting fascism of our time!

Klevius comment: When David G. Littman has voiced his well articulated and rock solid defense for basic Human Rights and criticism against OIC's deliberate subversion of these rights in the UN he has been crudely interrupted and silenced by islamofascists or their naive (or deliberate?!) accomplices.

Unlike most other islam critics (or Human Rights defenders or "islamophobes" if you like) Klevius has realized that it's not only oil that has awaken the old evil beast but that a lingering sex segregation/apartheid in the free world (often in the shape of other religions) unfortunately helps maintaining the islamic Leviathan hence prolonging the suffering it has already caused through 1400 years.


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