Does former UK welfare minister Frank Field (Labor) qualify for a "diversity training course"?
Case 1: Beckmann, a 17-year member of the Miami Dade fire department was demoted to the rank of firefighter after allegedly remarking on Facebook regarding the Trayvon Martin case: "I and my coworkers could rewrite the book on whether our urban youths are victims of racist profiling or products of their failed, (expletive), ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents." According to Beckmann, he didn't write the message, only copied and pasted it from a website. Beckmann now faces a substantial loss in pay and will have to take a psychological exam by a county doctor and "diversity training" courses. The firefighter union said the action against Beckmann is excessive. "We will immediately file an appeal to an independent arbitrator," said union president Rowan Taylor via a statement. "We anticipate that the case will be heard within the next few months. The decision of the independent arbitrator will be final and binding."
Case 2: Former UK welfare minister Frank Field ’s paper ‘The Foundation Years: preventing poor children becoming poor adults’ revealed that many children begin school without knowing their first name because their parents barely speak to them. One of his most damning findings was that youngsters who were behind when they started school never caught up to their peers. Former welfare minister Frank Field blamed the situation on the low aspirations of parents trapped in poverty where no one in the family has worked for generations. These parents do not bother to play with, talk to or read to their children.
Klevius comment: Aren't these cases basically identical? But no one has even hinted at the possibility to rob Field of his money and having him passing "sensitivity" exams and "diversity training courses". However, behind all this it's easy to see the potentials in the Saudi/OIC steered campaign that here happens to target non-muslims but which globally is aimed to further islamofascism. All this sudden popularity of "sensitivities" is usually funded by islamofascist money. From a time when racism and segregation was about to vanish in a global understanding racist and segregational islam suddenly emerged with its hate mongering contaminating a whole world. In the 1980's from a Scandinavian point of view we used to be completely colorblind and tolerant visavi people's personal beliefs. However, today skin color and "faith" are extremely dangerous, to an extent that it's easier to avoid than meet. And if you have to meet you do it now as a tense lawyer - not as a human being meeting an other human being. Sad isn't it...
Rape accused Alwaleed bin Talal and the Saudi "king" both work hard with Western oil money and the Saudi based muslim world organization OIC to bribe Western politicians, universities etc for "religious (read 'islamofascism') tolerance".
When a "religion" is so evil and disgusting as islam then the only way to defend it is to deny people from telling the truth about it. Simple isn't it!
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