Klevius comment: This sexuality rests on two legs: heterosexual attraction and reproduction (physical and cultural). Seeing women as sexual chattel is sex segregation and leads to their dehumanization. This dehumanization, however, will usually be covered by empty epithets such as 'dignity' etc.
Giving women Human Rights frees them from the compulsion of being doomed to a life as sexual chattel. This prospect, however, is forbidden muslim women due to islam and its main modern representative, the Saudi initiated OIC.
Otto Weininger suffered from a mild form of depression. He might well had avoided committing suicide at the age of 23 had it not been for the disgusting and stupid Sigmund Freud (the father of modern sex segregated exorcism called “psychoanalysis) whom he met and who ridiculed his doctoral thesis (which he finished at the age of 22). As a consequence Otto Weininger later killed himself in his beloved Beethoven’s home. It may be noted that the world's foremost modern philosopher Ludvig Wittgenstein, in his short list of individuals who had inspired hi thinking mentioned Otto Weininger but not Sigmund Freud.
So when the Turkish OIC boss (OIC is the world's main Human Rights violating muslim organization) talks about women he really means chattel, not free human beings. This is also well reflected in the fact that the Arabic word for the muslim burqa was originally a device designed for harnessing camels.
Muslim Brotherhood (Mr X “president” Barakeh Hussein Mohammad Obama’s most beloved ally against the free world and Human Rights) and the Saudi supported Salafists now collect political power from the masses of ignorant muslims, and especially women who vote as they are said to by their masters, i.e. in what is also called "the Arabic spring".
Islamic rapetivism and technological impotency in the light of over population, pollution etc
Almost 400 km2 Isle of Weigh in England is already too small to contain the world population tightly packed standing! And the world's Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years.
It's not China or the West that is the worst polluters, it's reproductive but technologically impotent islam. And islam's reproductive capability is not only due to pure rapetivism (i.e. sex slavery) but also because of the horrifying apostasy ban and the presure to convert non-muslim women who fall in love (sic) with muslim men while muslim women are forbidden from even looking/shaking hands with non-muslim men.
Some islamic implications for non-muslims (apart from other effects of OIC's Sharia impositions)
Islamist community centers in the north warmed up by cremated non-muslims while the muslim graveyards expand.
The muslim hate of pet dogs but approval of killer dogs may well lead to quite a change in the Western dog population.
Btw, isn't there something really socially perverted when San Francisco boosts with more than 140,000 dogs but only 100,000 kids? Wonder how many dogs the John Walker family (the "US Taliban" home in SF) had while their teenage son studied jihadism alone in his room?
Klevius will return to this intriguing sociological question shortly but in the meantime please read the most important sociological paper from the last Century, Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship and as a follow up Pathological Symbiosis.
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