
Thursday, December 22, 2011

God Jul (non-Judeo Christian Swedish for Good Yule)

Klevius 'Good Yule' etymology: The ancient Persian word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims - see Origin of the Vikings.

Yule is the modern English representative of the Old English words ġéol or ġéohol and ġéola or ġéoli, with the former indicating "(the 12-day festival of) Yule" (later: "Christmastide") and the latter indicating "(the month of) Yule", whereby ǽrra ġéola referred to the period before the Yule festival (December) and æftera ġéola referred to the period after Yule (January). Both words are thought to be derived from Common Germanic *jeχʷla-, and are cognate to Gothic (fruma) jiuleis and Old Norse (Icelandic and Faroese) jól (Danish and Swedish jul and Norwegian jul or jol) as well as ýlir. The celebration of Winter and Summer solstice is a Northern specialty that goes back to the original Finno-Ugric Europeans. And quite logically so when keeping in mind the "the circle of light" from 24 hours in summer and zero light in mid-Winter. This circle called 'jul' then also came to be synonymous for the Eurasian invention of the chariot wheel.

 So when Cameron welcomes Roman style Christianity and the islamofascist  Saudi backed Bahrain dictator who let his people be tortured and slaughtered by muslim Saudi soldiers he himself had invited, then there seems to be a colossal  logical mistake somewhere, isn't there. Continue educating yourself by reading Klevius and all those logical mistakes will be clarified.


Klevius Yuletide quiz

How many rapes, murders and other islamic crimes has muslim Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud and his dictator family sponsored and even directly been involved with? Btw, Alwaleed bin Talal himself is also personally accused of rape but tries to escape behind Billions of Western oil dollars to avoid giving his DNA to the court..

Klevius warning to "cultural Christians" and "cultural muslims"

Being a Christian or a muslim today in effect actively supports OIC (the islamic Human Rights violating muslim organization that wants to implement Sharia worldwide and criminalize criticism against the worst hate crime ever) and the worst strain of Judaism, i.e. islamofascism (i.e. the original parasitic racist and sexist Sharia islam).

Klevius, as always, again suggests color etc blindness (i.e. against all kinds of segregation of people)

Hypocritical use of “racism” has led to “anti-racism” really pointing out that being a negrito or negroid or whatever somehow is a bad thing to be. Being “black” hence is used as a transparent cover for real racism through "ant-racist” propaganda and legal measures etc. (thankfully utilized by sometimes quite greedy "victims")  In other words, “blacks” are “reminded' that their “blackness” contains a bad kernel that ought not to be talked about.

Otherwise, Good Yuletide to you mankind from one of its members named Klevius!


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