
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

islam vs muslims - OIC vs the ignorant - Saudi intolerance vs Human Rights

Saudi dictator family uses islam as it was originally intended for - an intolerant source of hatred and jihad for the purpose of securing power and wealth for the dictators and torture, rape and murder for those who don't submit.

Klevius quiz of the day: How many Jews are there in Saudi Arabia?
a   less than in Germany
b   less than in Iraq (7)
c  none

Where has the Saudi dictator family tortured and murdered most muslims?
a   Bahrain
b   Yemen
c Iraq
d Afganistan
e Syria
   other places


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Islamists should be protected by Human Rights – but prosecuted for being muslims

Islamists are humans - and muslims

Islamists should be protected by Human Rights – but prosecuted for being muslims believing in Koran islam! This is the core of the islam problem. A muslim is per definition a hate mongering racist and sexist because of his support for islam (islam being anti-Human Rights Sharia and Sharia being adopted by the world's main muslim organization OIC).

And precisely because of islam's inborn evil one way racism/sexism (i.e. what made it "successful" in the first place but now clashes against Human Rights) OIC wants to "hid" it by simply criminalizing the very mentioning of this inevitable fact.

The extreme hypocrisy of hiding behind a mask of "peacefulness" while simultaneously supporting the violation of Human Rights must be better exposed.


Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Cambridge's islamofascist "Faculty of Divinity": We are all non-indigenous – except the African ape-man

The islamic hate feast in the world's most intolerant city in the world's most intolerant country is hailed and supported by the University of Cambridge, the same university that harbored Klevius mentor Georg Henrik von Wright and his mentor Ludvig Wittgenstein!

During recent years British universities have happily accepted (at the least) towards half a Billion* pounds from Saudi islamofascist sources. This together with relentless efforts to support a “positive” view on Saudi islamofascism (you know, poor “king” Abdullah who has to fight the “backward Saudi clerics” – which he himself has chosen and upheld).

However, the clearest evidence that universities are “hotbeds of Islamic extremism” is OIC and its Saudi and Sharia connection (OIC and the Human Rights violating 1990 Cairo Declaration are both Saudi inventions) as well as its rejection of the most basic of Human Rights. The extreme danger of OIC is that this tool of Saudi islamofascism is handled via so called "moderate muslim" politicians, professors, media people etc. These in turn are looked upon as "harmless" by ignorant and naive (or paid) non-muslim collaborators.

      *That’s approaching what it takes to re-elect an American “president”! Muslim born apostate (?) Mr X Barakeh Hussein Mohammad Obama will spend at least a Bilion dollar to again cheat  ignorant Americans. No one else will be anyway near that amount. Add to this the Saudi sponsored or owned media and you know for sure the republicans either loose or have to choose a Sharia supporter.

Saudi supporting and "schooled" Cambridge University "faith-lecturer" adds his (faith?)confused "contribution" to anthropology

Timothy John "Tim" Winter (aka Abdal Hakim Murad), is a British Sufi muslim at the "Faculty of Divinity" Cambridge University. According to him we are all non-indigenous – except the Africans. That would mean the apelike "Homo sapiens" that was around some 160,000 years ago, but who had nothing to do with modern humans (no genetic nor other evidence for such a weird, but PC, connection exists)! Or does he mean African chimps with whom we, according to existing genetic evidence, do share the same root?!

Klevius antropology tutorial for the poor ignorant and confused "muslim" Tim Winter (not that I bother about Tim's bottomless confusion about human evolution, but I do bother about him being a link in the horrifying chain of Saudi islamofascism)

This map is from Well's The Journey of Man, and further developed by Klevius. It definitely proves that what we may arguably consider as humans did not develop in Africa. What came out of Africa was a small Chimp/Homo hybrid which ought not to be confused with more human-like Homos already in existence both in Eurasia and Africa (these Homos later became mixed with the down-moving modern "Aurignacian" humans from the North).

What is noteworthy is that the beginning of the "Aurignacian" modern human happened in Central-Asia/Siberia and that the "proto-type" most probably was small and ugly (with fat women) but extremely intelligent - certainly more intelligent than Klevius and the rest of today's humans who are just a diluted version of this original modern who then conquered the world by mixing with existing stupid Homos).

Denisovan (Siberia) ape-man

This is Denisova in Siberia where the mtDNA of a finger of a 40,000 year non-human (who possibly, came out of Africa, but we really don't know) reveals hybridization with Neanderthals and relationship with Melanesians (Floresiensis, the apeman who, with a tiny brain, was equally intelligent as Homo erectus with more than double the brain, was from the same place). Note that this finger both in time and place fits eerily well in Klevius' theory.

Klevius aditional comment: As you well know, Tim, islam is creationist and doesn't approve of a view that humans have evolved from "animals"! This is why it was so unfortunate that Homo floresiensis was found in a muslim country (Indonesia) which led to the possible destruction of valuable genetic material as well as deformation of remains because of the senseless actions of Indonesia's chief "anthropologist" Teuku Jakob! By far the worst anthropoogical scandal since the British Piltdown man. One may contemplate whether the Piltdown scandal is a main contributor to the senseless support for unsupported or meaningless Africa centrism. A reaction of guilt that blinds true research.

Hatred against Jews at the "Faculty of Divinity" Cambridge University

In the prevailing PC eagerness to pave the way for islamofascism old Jew hatred in the form of Marcionism has been reborn. Just like the Nazi (National-socialist) German's ideas were appropriated by German's.
"New Testament Only Christians".

Marcion believed Jesus was the savior sent by God and Paul was his messenger. However, Marcion also rejected the ´Jewish Hebrew Bible and the God of Israel as a separate and lower entity (who created evil) than the all-forgiving God of the New Testament.

Ironically, the "Faculty of Divinity" at Cambridge University was created in the aftermath of Magna Carta, the first tiny step for removing dictator tyranny and for paving the way for (negative) Human Rights

What Klevius has said about Wahhab the father of Saudi islamofascism (2010)

The root man of Saudi islamofascism was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab who, during his studies in Basra in the 18th C, got seriously dazzled by glimpses of the European Enlightenment twinkling through the temporary crack to the West called the "Tulip period". He then retreated back into his medieval islamic darkness & as a result, came to position himself as the very opposite to the British "Glorious revolution" which fought against Catholic papacy, & which ended up in Lancashire's coal fueled textile industries as the beginning of the modern industrialized* world based on technology & rationality rather than on religious superstition & fundamentalism (also compare Shinto vs islam). A major outcome of industrialization was universal suffrage & the idea about negative human rights.

 * isn't it an irony then that Britain, who started the series of modern revolutions as well as industrialization, came to deeply embed itself with the most intolerant, racist & sexist constitution, i.e. the Saudi islamofascist state which was incapable of producing anything by itself except hatred & more fanatic muslims!

Together with the criminal "house of Saud" Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab then confined the Arabs in islamic backwardness &, in addition, the Arab women in an islamic burka of extreme Sharia sex segregation/apartheid.

After having robbed Mecca & Medina, the Sauds/Wahhabis run the stolen country by the help of what they fleeced from visiting pilgrims. This was the main source of income until Westerners found/drilled oil & made the lazy islamist looters even wealthier.

(analysis taken from Homo Filius Nullius by Peter Klevius).

Klevius comment: And today this evilness threatens the free world through spineless politicians and UN! The banner of Enlightenment is now upheld by heroic women, e.g. African Ayaan Hirsi Ali who has suffered as a victim of islam(ofascism) and escaped to the West, only to find that she was abandoned by those she thought would protect her! In fact, Western politicians and media are busy implementing that very Arab-islamic oppression so many muslims have escaped!

Human rights vs islamofascist "rights"

According to Koran-islam only true muslims can be considered real humans. The rest of the world hence belongs to either category two infidels "of the book" and or category three infidels (without "a book" presumably). However, there's also a fourth category which can never reach a fully human level in accordance with Koran-islam. Those are girls and women!

Sex segregation is to be understood as lack of rights because of one’s sex as referred to in the UN Declaration on Human Rights from 1948: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Human Rights Declaration, without distinction of sex. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty."

This conceptualization may be compared to the sex segregated "rights", in the Cairo declaration from 1990: "All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the grounds of sex."

The main difference between these declarations is that the former is negative, i.e. without room for interpretations and negotiation and due interventions, whereas the latter is positive, i.e. connected to “obligations and responsibilities”. Negative rights are here seen as not synonymous with natural rights, because the latter presumes the existence of certain rights, i.e. is in fact positive, whereas the former does not.

Whereas "entitled all the freedoms" is a negative right, "basic human dignity and basic obligations and basic responsibilities" are all positive rights. Through "responsibilities" negative human rights can easily be restricted & even eliminated.

Furthermore, "in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and basic responsibilities" are all tied to some imagined or real basic tenets which may include whatever tradition or belief about segregation that is at hand, i.e. the very opposite to freedom in the original UN charter. The very fact that "obligations and responsibilities" are mentioned and tied to "equal" opens up for inequality on the grounds of sex. If dignity, obligations and responsibilities are coupled to sex it inevitably means that they differ between the sexes.

So when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman the Saudi islamofascists were already busy with the opposite task, i.e. the original islam. In fact, the true nature of islam & its “Allah” is now slowly emerging in all its evil infidel racism & sexist confinement/rapetivism, easily traceable through 1400 years of heinous crimes (incl. physical genocides, hundreds of millions murdered & enslaved) against humanity, not to mention ethnic & cultural genocides - still ongoing in Sudan etc.

Don't let Arabian oil wealth obscure the true nature of their backward ideology - not because it's backward but because it's truly evil!

The stereotype of the “peaceful” muslim isn’t true. S/he isn’t necessarily peaceful but rather ignorant about her own "religion" which is in fact nothing but politics pretendin as a faith.

Btw, (for the "faith" people) you cannot ”believe”. If you "believe" that “god” or an elephant or whatever, sits under the table, you either really think so or you are perfectly aware that you (or someone) are making it up. Take my example from Demand for Resources, p 34 (1992): You think you see a stone but it later turns out to be a fake one made of papier-mâché. However, when you told your friend you saw a stone, both of you "believed" it. In effect, whatever you experience you ought to believe it until disproved. Life IS a an endless series of retrospection (see how our brains really work on EMAH)! Adding an extra "belief" on top of this is mysterious to me!

Analysis copyright KLEVUX

Educate yourself abt islam, the worst crime ever against humanity

Origin of religion
Sex segregtion/rapetivism from Freud to bin Laden
Posted by klevius at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wahab Saud Ayaan Hirsi Ali Enlightenment Human rights Cairo declaration Wahhabism islam infidel women


Friday, November 04, 2011

How come that we continue blinking/excusing the worst of evil fascisms now represented by the Saudi Caliph & Co?!

Saudi islamofascists are called "guardian of islam" - and rightly so. True islam is true islamofascism! And you moron continue swallowing the poison the Saudi dictator family spreads over the world by the help of their invention OIC and Turkey's  islamofascist Ottoman* ambitions!

* For you ignorant, Ottoman was a slave imperium based on Koranic teaching that miserably fell apart when slavery was forbidden!

The bleeding obvious

The evilness in islam is its incompatibility with the core idea of Human Rights, namely that every individual has the same negative rights (freedom from impositions) no matter of sex, beliefs etc. This means, for example, that whereas Human Rights let women decide by themselves, Sharia-islam denies them this right by imposing sex-connected “duties”, “responsibilities” “dignity” etc creepy euphemisms for sexism. Just like when Muslim Brotherhood started calling truthsayers about islam “islamophobes”.

In fact the whole of islam is evil. What people might consider less evil or even good doesn’t belong to islam in any meaningful sense. What made islam “successful” wasn’t any personal reflections about how to be nice towards your neighbor but just the very opposite. Islam is, and has always been, a racist/sexist parasite on the “un-islamic”. However, that hasn’t hindered islam supporters from Caliphs to journalists and poiticians etc to include islam’s booty in islam itself. It’s like calling a criminal thug a police just because he sits in a police car.

OIC (islam) against Human Rights

Alyssa A. Lappen: The OIC Cairo declaration proposed to contribute to global assertion of “human rights, to protect man from exploitation and persecution, and to affirm his freedom and right to a dignified life,” but only in accordance with sharia. Briefly, it supports the opposite of “human rights” in the West: unequal rights.

The OIC, then, functions chiefly as a rising barricade---dangerously invisible to Western leaders, journalists and educators---to cow and herd free-thinking Western democracies on every continent into ever-tightening iron-clad boundaries to guard Islam against free speech, which the authors understand, despite their seemingly wishful thinking.

In Jun. 1992, days after al-Azhar University clerics listed free thinker Farag Foda first among “helpers of evil,” two al-Jama'at al-Islamiyya members shot him dead. Foda sought to separate mosque and state. He exposed Islamic atrocities from first caliph Abu Bakr to the end of Abbasid Arab caliphate. And at Cairo's Jan. 1992 book fair, he debated orthodox clerics whose fatwas he had mocked (including that against Salman Rushdie). At their trial, Muslim Brotherhood cleric Mohammed al-Ghazali defended Foda's killers, noting that any Muslim could kill an apostate (p. 74).
Egregious violations of basic human rights, heretofore, have stemmed directly from Islamic texts---the Koran, hadith and sira---not only “human interpretation” thereof. In the Koran itself (3:110) originated the claim that Muslims are the best of peoples, notes Australian writer Geoff Dickson. [4] Muslim jurist Ibn Kathir (1301–1373) in his tafsir (exegesis) explains the verse to mean:

“You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma`ruf (all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah. And had the People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Fasiqun (rebellious).”

Theoretically anything is possible. So, theoretically, is Islamic reform. But the rest of humanity meanwhile deserves and needs the truth about Islamic expansionism and irredentism, including where and how those beliefs and practices originated.

Klevius comment: No, not even in theory is it possible to reform islam without completely emptying it from its islamic content!

The mystery (unless you understand the deep nature of sex segregation)

Apart from Western oil money and Oriental inferiority complex boosted racism, the main lubrication for continuing islamofascism is sex segregation. The simple truth is that our cultural sex segregation is lagging far behind the equality potential offered by Human Rights. And the main culprit in prolonging it is, as already Otto Weinger pointed out more than a century ago, the "Woman".  Sigmund Freud, who was one of the worst advocates for continuing cultural sex segregation, probably caused Otto Weininger's premature death (age 23) by mocking the young genius thesis. Later on Ludwig Wittgenstein hailed Weininger as one of very few intellectual heroes of him. Wittgenstein never considered Freud as a hero but rather amused himself with Freud's "intellectual" house of cards.

...says Klevius, your foremost expert on sex segregation in a time when no one else seems to be interested in the most vibrant of issues ever...