A Google search on 'islam oic human rights sharia' places Klevius again at the top. Is it a reasonable search about the state of the world at the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, and if it is, why doesn't Klevius get more competition? Judge for yourself. Islam and OIC (57 states with muslim populations) are practically the same and OIC's main contribution to the world has been its adoption of Sharia (1990 Cairo Declaration) for the purpose of neglecting/violating basic Human Rights. So why is non-sponsored and non-commercial Klevius at the top? Could it be islam schizophrenia, i.e. the troublesome confusion among muslims who, at 9/11, for the first time saw the true face of their "faith"? Some muslims applauded it as jihadic defense of true original islam and other muslims condemned it as completely unislamic?!
Nigerian islam schizophrenia - the blood traces go the wole way back to OIC and Saudi Arabia.
Kolawole Akinwande: Former President Obasanjo is talking out of experience in the sense that he was once at the receiving end when fire of “Sharianisation” was sweeping across some states in the North. He was actually tempted into reacting to the contrary and had he countered the moves made (overtly and covertly) by the Sharia mongers, the country would have been thrown into a state of anarchy.
Undoubtedly, there are backers prodding Boko Haram in its intensification. There are two main groups made up of known and unknown personality in this country. While the first group is not far-fetched, the other is faceless and considered more lethal. The two have delight in what is taking place--enforcement of the spread of Sharia without hindrance. For this reason, the two cannot come into the open to join the bandwagon of those condemning acts of the killings in the name of Islam.
Those that top the list of the first group are governors (past and present) in those states where Sharia had been imposed on their citizens. Members of Supreme Council on Sharia and all those who have spoken in support of its introduction right from inception in the year 1999 (into 2000) cannot exonerate themselves from tacit support. Discussions on the subject matter in both print and electronic media stand as testimonies and those who aligned themselves with clarion call are there to be fished out. Another very powerful group comprises of some Imams in the North. In the last presidential elections, some of them turned themselves into campaign managers for politicians. They were reported as warning the electorate that voting for Jonathan was voting against Islam .
In November 1989, three years after throwing Nigeria into the orbit of Arab world via the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), the facilitator (former military President Ibrahim Babangida) organised a conference in Abuja made up of 24 African countries. The group gathered under the title “Islam in Africa Organisation” (IOA) and at the end of the gathering, one of Nigerian delegates was so elated and was credited as saying “We are ready to go to any length to get SHARIA established in this country (Nigeria) whether we are alive or dead.”
In the light of foregoing, President Jonathan should not be deluded into believing that members of the Boko Haram are the only menace in the present scheme of things. They are mere puppets in the hands of some forces that are after the downfall and subjugation of this country.
It will not be easy in dislodging the sect because of the indoctrination already- ingrained in them and some other Muslims on the border-line. They have been brain-washed to regard Christians as infidels/unbelievers (Kafris) and as such, they are enemies of Islam. This is what OIC imparted in its members as far back as 1971. In a six-point resolution, they were directed to deal decisively with Christians in their fields of endeavour.
Reprimand therefore awaits any Muslim who dares to point out any member of Boko Haram. Outright elimination is hanging like sword of “Damocles” ‘on those who have aversion to the atrocities going on around them.
Klevius comment: Compare this to what's going on in the US.While the introduction of islamic Sharia intensifies, so does the media propaganda that calls Sharia warnings "hysteria", "islamophobia" etc!
Believe you me, it's islam that's the problem. And mainly so because of the desperate denial going on.
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