Pathetic islamic crypto-creationism
for a background read Out of Africa as primitive pygmies and back as modern humans!
"Homo" Floresiensis was a small apelike creature that existed as late as 12,000 years ago, and possibly up to modern times. S/he had a brain size less than half a litre yet managed to create and use tools similar to what Homos with double or triple the brain size did. She was found/described in muslim Indonesia by Australians (Peter Brown et al) where the chief muslim anthropologist Teuku Jakob immediately started an unbelievable campaign (supported by some Western morons) to 1) "explain" the skeleton as a "sick human", and 2) to remove (steal) and partially destroy (removing possible DNA etc) it. Why? Simply because, according to ALL forms of islam there is only one ready made human species and this was created by the Arabic Allah. So when some islamist tries to tell you that islamaccepts evolution this is absolutely not true when it comes to humans! These kinds of treacherous lies aimed to make a medieval evil racist/sexist fascist ideology (in fact, the by far worst crime ever) look modern are extremely common among islam preachers/supporters.
Klevius question: Isn't it racist to assume that Africans can't take the fact that modern humans didn't originate in Africa?!
Due to a combination of prejudice and political correctness (and some racism among African centered anthropologists) the Out-of-Africa myth keeps going on despite reality begs to differ. So Klevius bragging about being the first to discover that modern humans evolved in the cold north and that what we call Homos have very little to do with modern humans (there was a vast diversty among Homo/Chimp and Homo/"Homo" hybrids but only in the northern cold did it result in modern humans), lacks some credibility in the sense that this was no real discovery but in fact quite obvious. Just as so much else Klevius has bragged about. As, for example, the worrisome fact that OIC's Sharia declaration is a real violation and threat to the Universal Human Rights Declaration from 1948 which was aimed to hinder the rise of precisely this kind of racist/sexist totalitarianism that islam has represented for 1400 years and which has destroyed/enslaved the whole African continent and which has made islam the by far, worst ideological hate crime ever.
Chris Stringer: Thus our restudy of the Iwo Eleru cranium confirms previously noted archaic cranial shape aspects, and the U-series age estimates on its skeleton support the previously proposed terminal Pleistocene date for this burial. Our findings also support suggestions of deep population substructure in Africa and a complex evolutionary process for the origin of modern humans [16], [17], [7], [18], [19], [20], [21]. Perhaps most importantly, our analysis highlights the dearth of hominin finds from West Africa, and underscores our real lack of knowledge of human evolution in that region, as well as others. As also indicated by restudy of the Ishango (Congo) fossils [22], Later Stone Age fossils from at least two regions of Africa retain significant archaic aspects in their skeletons. We hope that the next stage of this research will extend studies to the Iwo Eleru mandible and postcrania, and to comparative materials such as those from Ishango.
Dienekes (as many other anthropologists) has eventually started questioning the Out of Africa myth just as Klevius has done since 1992 (in Demand for Resources) and 2003 (on Internet as the "Out of Africa as pygmies and back as global mongoloids" theory).
In a comment today Dienekes writes: "The core of the Out of Africa orthodoxy is that (1) the proto-Eurasians are a subset of Africans (2) all modern humans have common origins diverging from the single emergence of the same species, and (3) there were modern humans in African before they were anywhere else.
1) This can also be viewed as Africans being a superset of Eurasians, which could have also come about if Africans are the union of a Eurasian-like population and archaic Africans.
2) This seems likely, due to the obvious homogeneity of modern humans relative to other fossil humans and the two published archaic genomes. But, that really does not establish Out of Africa, only recent common descent.
3) Possibly. I would like to see a quantitative characterization of Omo I, as I mention in my other post, because the priority case seems to depend entirely on this find.
Moreover, the African record does not match expectations of the naive Out of Africa story. Were are all the modern humans in Africa after Omo I and before Hofmeyr?
It seems to me that there has been a rush to tie Omo I to the story of our origins. Sure Omo I is definitely modern-leaning in its appearance, but there is no evidence of modern behavior, and apparently whatever population it was part of co-existed with more archaic humans even in east Africa (Herto/LH18) long after. So, I see no reason, at present, to suppose that the expansion that established the relative homogeneity of our species in the Upper Paleolithic had anything to do with it.
In short, I don't know where H. sapiens in the strict sense (like living humans) originated. Perhaps in a green Sahara, perhaps in the Persian Gulf oasis, perhaps in some yet to be identified locality of Africa or Eurasia."
Klevius comment:"Perhaps in a green Sahara, perhaps in the Persian Gulf oasis, perhaps in some yet to be identified locality of Africa or Eurasia". What?! No mentioning of the most obvious place, Siberia and Europe?! Despite the fact that:
1) genetics places the birth of the modern human here in mid-Siberia
2) that Aurignacian culture (which was the first (starting some 35,000 years ago - but beware of those Aurignacian definitions which want to extend it to Mideast etc where such art/tools, in fact, didn't exist at the time!) to produce really human art and technologies, and which didn't exist in Africa or Mideast) is a European Siberian product.
32,000 year old depiction of horses in what is now France (no dude, they weren't made by "Africans" or "Europeans" simply because those weren't around in any meaningful sense).
The Aurignacian 'Lion man' found in what is now Germany is 32,000 years old
A four meter Aurignacian painting from France that is some five times older than the oldest Mideast "civilizations"!
3) that remains related to Melanesians (Denisovians), Neanderthals and modern Humans are found in mid-Siberia dating just before the modern human appeared at the same spot
Moreover, as a natural consequence of the above it's no surprise that we also find the earliest use of wheels and wagons etc technology in Europe
and the world's earliest pottery etc in Japan where the Eastern branch of early modern humans ended before entering the Americas
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