Islam is the "religion" of evil and immoral parasitism based on racism and sexism. It's illogical immoral can only be upheld by hypocritical bigots. This is why OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) chose to abandon Universal Human Rights and replace them with racist sexist Sharia. Girls/women are veiled in Sharia and hindered from marrying non-muslims while muslim men may marry whomever. On top of this comes islam's apostasy ban according to which a muslim leaving islam is considered committing the worst of crimes. This evil formula came into being as an excuse (Allah/Gabriel/Mohammed) for parasitism on slaves and pillaging. Respecting such an evil ideology (as Obama says he does) is a spit on the graves of islam's hundreds of Millions (possibly Billions) victims.
Akurang-Parry (an obscure "thinker" behind Ending the Slavery Blame): "The viewpoint that “Africans” enslaved “Africans” is obfuscating if not troubling. The deployment of “African” in African history tends to coalesce into obscurantist constructions of identities that allow scholars, for instance, to subtly call into question the humanity of “all” Africans. Whenever Asante rulers sold non-Asantes into slavery, they did not construct it in terms of Africans selling fellow Africans. They saw the victims for what they were, for instance, as Akuapems, without categorizing them as fellow Africans. Equally, when Christian Scandinavians and Russians sold war captives to the Islamic people people of the Abbasid Empire, they didn’t think that they were placing fellow Europeans into slavery. This lazy categorizing homogenizes Africans and has become a part of the methodology of African history; not surprisingly, the Western media’s cottage industry on Africa has tapped into it to frame Africans in inchoate generalities allowing the media to describe local crisis in one African state as “African” problem."
Klevius comment: Wasn't it precisely Africans who introduced "Africans" for the racist purpose of blaming "whites" and "Europeans"?! This dumb racist "researcher" is so tendentious and polemical that one easily misses his main flaw, i.e. his bottomless hypocrisy! Can't anyone give the poor guy a mirror?! When Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Mohammad Obama Soetoro Dunham (or whatever) without Congressional consent attacked parts of Libya (not Africa) Gaddafi responded by threatening to attack "European homes, offices and families"! And when "African historians" describe the utter hell caused by islam they rather choose to accuse the "white" "colonialist" who in fact liberated much of Africa from islamic slavery. But by cherry picking the actions of some (often Jewish slave traders expelled from Europe) "Europeans"
Why isn't "white" man David Livingstone, for example, seen as one of Africa's real heroes and liberators? But instead disgusting islam and its disgusting Saudi etc arab "guardians of islam" are glorified for no reason whatsoever!?
Obama and Clinton both have Saudi islamists as their closest "advisers" while the Saudis invade, occupy and torture Bahrains and Yemenites as well as Shia muslims and "infidels" within the Saudi borders! No mentioning of toppling the worst of dictators and hate mongers here!?
This man doesn't deserve any respect as long as he respects islam and the Saudi islamofascists! Obama himself is the best example of islam's deeply rooted Sharia evilness in that he is born muslim due to the fact that his father was a muslim and hence, according to islam, he is either a muslim or an apostate (i.e. the worst of criminals according to islam)!
Socialist support for islam and rapetivism but not for muslims
Guinea's president Alpha Conde abandons his co-citizen and rape victim Nafissatou Diallo and French Socialists applauds Dominique Strauss-Kahn and suggests him as president in France!
Is Nafissatou Diallo a former sex slave (taken by islamist muslims who is now again raped by islam supporting socialists and media? Yes, we do know that she acts like most immigrant muslims without wealth (in islamic countries usually meaning oil money or stolen welfare aid from the West) proper education and jobs. Whoring, drugs and money laundering as well as other crimes and cheating on Western welfare is not only common but the very rule and even sanctioned by the Koran. She was not taught to read or write as a child but rather to chant evil Koran verses. In this respect her upbringing was similar to most girls in Guinea which has a muslim population exceeding 85% and an illitterate rate among girls also exceeding 85% (i.e. again a reflection of islamic heritage from 1400 years of cruel slavery exploitation and genocides).
But this doesn't hinder wealthy Guinean muslims to spit on her when she is raped by a sexist French socialist.
The official spokesperson of the presidential party “Rassemblement du Peuple Guinéen” (RPG), Mrs. Sano Dossou Condé says she doesn't believe Nafissatou Diallo at all and offers her support to Anne Sinclair (the wife of the sexist rapist Dominique Strauss-Kahn):
"I am humiliated today that it is one of my fellow citizens who plays this game. Honestly I do not believe this. I am humiliated today that it is an African woman who adopts an American culture to state publicly that she is raped. I sympathise with the humiliation of Anne Sinclair (the sexist rapist's wife), she is the one who interests me a lot in this affair"
Islam has created a deep ethnic hatred in the Guinean context. And the very same islamic racism and sexism follows muslim immigrants hence contaminating the freedom of Westby the utter aid of OIC.
Diane Diallo an other chambermaid from Guinea sexually assaulted by a wealthy Qatari muslim protected by French police
Diane Diallo claims, she was sexually assaulted in a hotel room by someone within the circle of the Qatari royal family last year.
"I was on the third floor, in the evening. It was between seven and eight. As I went into the room to clean it, he grabbed me and assaulted me." "After the incident I fled the room and hid in the store cupboard where the head of security found me. They asked me to identify the person from closed circuit television - the cameras were covering the corridors and the lift" "The man had left almost immediately after the attack with his family.""The French police didn't want to do anything." "And they let me know very quickly they wanted me to drop it. I was shocked, in tears. I told them it wasn't right, that because a person is rich and important, he can treat people as he likes. "The police replied, 'Well that's just the way it is!'"
The Qatari "royal muslim" left the country and was never interviewed.
Black racism on top level from the mouth of an allegedly stinking criminal who lives on bribes etc.and now, like Obama, wants to politically utilize racism
Jack Warner (the black guy who was kicked out of FIFA because of his scams) says in front of a chanting crowd in Trinidad: "... no foreigner will come to my country, particularly a WHITE foreigner, and try to harass me, intimidate me and push me around".
Klevius: Btw, have you noticed that the World Cup in women's football is going on? Isn't it strange that in most countries you not only get much info about it but you also need to act almost like a criminal to see any of the matches on a lousy streaming video. Yes, football is by far the most challenging of sports (no hands) and hence if girls/women learn to manage it it constitutes a real threat against cultural sex segregation.
Silent muslims supporting Al Qaeda and other islamic terrorist organizations
Abigail R. Esman: Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda’s new leaders are now targeting corporate executives, business leaders, and defense contractors, among others – private citizens, in other words, whom Al Qaeda supporters describe as “individuals active in the war of the CrusaderZionist on our Umma: directors of companies supporting the war and lying propaganda media organizations and inciting members of Congress With a focus only on the countries most hostile like America, Britain and France.” Yet bizarrely (if predictably), I’m not hearing any Muslim groups – the so-called “moderate” ones, the ones that insist they want to fight extremist Islam and its hijacking of their religion – speaking out against it, or (for that matter) condemning this latest threat against American private citizens. Where, for instance, is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)? Where, for instance, is Feisal Rauf, the imam who originally planned to lead Cordoba House/Park 51?
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