
Sunday, June 12, 2011

The world's most important sociology lesson - and islam, the worst and most racist/sexist crime ever against humanity

Sociology professor sued because he revealed muslims as racist

But first read the most important sociology paper from the last Century, Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state. Why? Because it's the only one covering the trinity of kinship, social state* and sex segregation, while being written by an extremely well informed and unbiased** and extremely intelligent (sorry for that) researcher (pls, keep in mind that most academics are just ordinary peasant brains with extremely limited resources for intellectual inter-disciplinary overview and integrity).

* the social state is a legalized set of (potential or real) social impositions outside the realm of social necessities. The social state can be religious (e.g. Sharia slavery and rapetivism economies) or secular (so called "welfare state" were most of the taxes go to those working in it, not to those in need).
** an atheist since the age of 14. and native to the world's most developed secular, non-religious non-segregated and free countries (Sweden and Finland) during the latter part of the 20th Century).And for you idiots who don't know what an atheist is: Whereas an atheist is someone who don't believe in a "god" (because there doesn't exist a definition of "god", only a "belief" in "god" it's impossible to believe in it) an idiot is someone who wants to prove or disprove the existence of "god".  Moreover, Klevius isn't biased because of academic, political or professional ties. And to top it all Klevius totally lacks depression etc mental disturbances/limitations, nor has he any negative addictions. That combination is quite hard to beat, dude, isn't it!

Sociologist Mark Elchardus of Vrije Universiteit Brusselhas been sued by muslims because his research clearly shows muslims are racist anti-semits

[in Brussels] anti-Jewish sentiments are unrelated to the level of education or poor social living conditions. . . . Antisemitism is theologically inspired. There is a direct link between being Muslim and anti-Semitic feelings. Catholics, too, are negative toward Jews, but their sentiments are by far not as strong.”

Klevius comment: Sadly, muslim voters make up 30% of the Brussels electorate, while not being forced to reveal whether they are real muslims (i.e. Sharia muslims, and hence anti-Human Rights and anti-democratic) or apostates from islam.

Professor Elchardus' (co-authored) original sociology research is based upon data presented in a 426 pp. report  entitled, "Young in Brussels: findings from the JOP monitor Brussels." Chapter 8 of this study, "Anti-Semitism in Brussels," devotes some thirty pages to highlighting the problem of rising Jew-hatred in Brussels, particularly amongst young muslim students. Elchardus: Worrying is that half of muslim students can be described as anti-Semitic...Worse, the anti-Jewish feelings have nothing to do with a low educational or social disadvantage, as is the case with racist natives. It is islamic inspired anti-Semitism.
The Koran, hadith, and sira-are full of islamic Jew-hatred as acknowledged-and extolled-by the late Muslim Pope Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, who served as the Grand Imam of Sunni Islam's Vatican, Al Azhar University, for 14 years from 1996, till his death last March 2010. Tantawi's "academic" magnum opus, his 700 page treatise entitled, "Jews in the Koran and the Traditions", includes this summary of Muslim Jew hatred: [The] Koran describes the Jews with their own particular degenerate characteristics, i.e. killing the prophets of Allah [Koran 2:61/ 3:112 ], [and see al-Azhar Sheikh Saqr's contemporary Koranic citations, "Jews' 20 Bad Traits As Described in the Qur'an"] corrupting His words by putting them in the wrong places, consuming the people's wealth frivolously, refusal to distance themselves from the evil they do, and other ugly characteristics caused by their deep-rooted lasciviousness...only a minority of the Jews keep their word...[A]ll Jews are not the same. The good ones become Muslims [Koran 3:113 [42]], the bad ones do not.

Klevius comment: I'd say exactly the opposite holds true. The bad Jews became muslims in the sense that islam was the fulfillment of the most evil part of original Judaism. In the Judaic civil war before and during the emergence of Penis ruled islamic jihadism (this is why we now have only less than 10 Million Jews left while there are more than one Billion muslims) Christian Judaism played a significant role. It's at this point most islam analysts go wrong by neglecting the role of sex segregation. Not so Klevius who has realized the obvious fact (that would be obvious for everyone had they not let themselves be so duped by biased propaganda) that just like the male lust for women's bodies (heterosexual attraction) was a good (albeit evil/rapetivist) incentive for gathering jihadists, women's reproductive capability was good (albeit evil/rapetivist) for expanding muslim jihadist/robber/looting "armies" in the past as well as abusing democratic systems of today by the help of those Human Rights islam opposes. In this respect Turkey (the leader of the world's foremost Sharia organization OIC is an islamist Turk) and Saudi Arabia (the home of OIC) are today the most dangerous of islamic terrorist* states. These both islamist states are also protected by the muslim born apostate (?) Mr X "president" Barry Barack Barakeh Hussein Mohammad Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever)!

* islam is a terrorist "religion" because its Sharia violates Human Rights, not to mention the widespread racist/sexist street jihadism islam causes. Btw, isn't it tragic that members of islam, which is built on the purest of racist supremacist ideologies, accuse those who don't accept their racist ideology for racism?!

Negative rights for a positive future

Why the Negative Rights are not only more important than any "monotheist" "religion" but their very opposite!

Isn’t it strange that Saudi Abdullah & Co “Guardians of islam” share the same positive view on islam as Obama & Co?!  

All dynamic energy in islam is evil, i.e. resting on racist/sexist segregation. This evilness is easy to prove simply by tracing the phenomenon we call islam back in time.

The later Arabic (i.e. mostly islamic/muslim) sources (i.e. what all stupid Wikipedia etc articles about islam are based on) of the muslim Arabs initial looting and rapetivist invasion of what is today Syria and Iraq, are, to quote Hugh Kennedy, “hopelessly confused about the chronology and order of the main events” and “incompatible with each other”. This is well in line with everything else in early islam. As I have pointed out again and again: There are no historical evidence whatsoever about neither a Mohammed “prophet” nor islam itself, only an evil pattern of slavery, looting, genocides and rapetivism, which constituted the evil basis for successful “conquest” which was sanctioned by a supremacist racist/sexist ideology which was much later on written down as a moral excuse for evil in the Koran etc. And behind it all was a widespread wealthy Jewish  slave trade/ideology which is the only possible explanation to islam's initial “success”, i.e. these slave trade wealthy and hence powerful Arab speaking Jews (and Christian Jews) who already populated the areas were the real force behind islam, not the illiterate Arabs.And precisely because of their powerful connections they could stab the mighty Romans and Persians lethally in their backs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    informed rational freedom loving people have all the reasons in the world to fear islam...

    the twin fogs of political correctness & ignorance must be dispersed before western society better understands this menace. even a brief review of islamic theology & history quickly exposes the deadly roots of this evil ideology.

    Mohamhead was a 7th century murdering warlord who rose to power on a river of blood surrounded by thugs and gangsters using intimidation, violence, deception and trickery to expand their criminal empire while mercilessly suppressing and killing their opponents and enriching themselves on stolen booty.

    The evil koran is a collection of sayings and speeches by this diabolical madman claiming divine guidance from some mythical sky-god which has inspired generations of crazed fanatics to abhorrent behavior resulting in historys worst ever crimes against humanity starting 1400 years ago and still continuing even today.

    Islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.

    and a snappy graphics version, great for emailing...
