Always keep in mind that what kept islam going in the first place was its extreme racism and sexism!
Correction of misconceptions (spread by Google/other media) about muslim born Mr X "president Barry Barack Barak Barakeh Hussein Mohammad Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever).
While Obama blinks, his first call and islamic mentor and "guardian of islam", the Saudi Abdullah, invades Bahrain and uses torture and nerve gas against Bahrain citizens. And what about Yemen etc? Btw, Obama's beloved Saudi Abdullah "king" has just shut down every info that isn't Sharia compliant. From now on the media will be prohibited from reporting anything that contradicts islamic Sharia or serves "foreign interests and undermines national security". In other words, the most intolerant country in the world now gets stiffer! And all of this while he's killing and jailing other muslims and non-muslims, not to mention the huge amount of slaves the Saudis use under the protection of Sharia.
Obama's muslim genitor was notorious for bad behavior and lack of moral backbone. He might even been a racist as his muslim father clearly was when he said the Obama blood shouldn't be sullied with white blood.
No matter how much "birtherism" or "islamophobism" media try to spray over you, the fact remains like bedrock: Obama was, according to islam, born a muslim, and if he has changed his "religion" then he's an apostate according to that very same islam that he supports and says he respects! This is the ultimate proof of islam's and Obama's evilness. And that makes him and islam unconstitutional and illegitimate in the US. You can't "respect" the denial of individual freedom/Human Rights, yet still pretending being not only American but America's president.
Has there ever existed a king, emperor or president who has made so many mistakes, mishaps, misjudgements, killings, cheatings etc. yet always got applause from the media?!
Misconceptions about Sharia
Al-Islam Students Association (AISA) lies continuously about islam under the title Islamic Sharia and Democracy. Fazal Syed (treasurer of AISA): It's a recurring topic in the news and a lot of people have misconceptions of what it is and isn't. We wanted to bring in experts to shed light on the issue and dispel myths that prevail in the media. There are six important principles of Sharia law, which are the right to protection of life, family, education, religion, property and human dignity. Don't these principles sound a lot like those espoused in our very own Constitution of the United States? The term 'Sharia law' is a misnomer, because Sharia is not law, but a set of principles.
Klevius clarification of AISA's and Fazal Syed's (and others) "misconceptions" about Sharia:
Sharia is the direct opposite to UN's Universal Human Rights Declaration of 1948 which was established for the purpose of avoiding totalitarian movements.Whereas the original Human Rights declaration is based on negative rights, i.e. freedom for the individual, no matter of sex, ideology etc, Sharia opposes individual freedom, especially for girls, women and other "infidels".
OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) has, as the representative of 56+1 muslim nations, replaced Human Rights with islamist Sharia. Why? Because otherwise there wouldn't be any space for anti human rights islam! And the funny thing is that OIC now calls islamofascism "islamic human rights"!
With Obama Sharia is rapidly spreading throughout the US. Quite contrary to those naive blabbers who used to ridicule the very thought
According to the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, “the Obama Administration would likely step in on behalf of Sharia law should any state try to ban it.”
And remember, there is really "one thing called Sharia", no matter how many different shapes it may take otherwise. That thing is what Klevius have written about for almost a decade now, i.e. the enormous principal difference between Sharia and Negative Human Rights! ALL forms of islamic Sharia share this basic tenet, i.e. to be opposed to the basics of Human Rights, and hence deeply racist and sexist, no matter how this racism and sexism is wrapped in empty and treacherous words as "dignity" etc.
Negative rights for a positive future - without islam
Islam is now, finally, strangled to death between Human Rights and evil medieval backwardness today represented by the Saudi dictator family and its horrifying creation, OIC.
Some interesting facts about islam (apart from it being the worst ideological crime ever committed against humanity):
Indisputable scientific facts about islam:
1 There's no historical Mohammed to be found. No evidence whatsoever! That's why there's no "Mohammad's grave" either.
2 There's no Koran to be found before long after the non-existing Mohammed was allegedly dead. No evidence whatsoever!
3 There's no islam (other than the original parasitic looting, killing and raping one) to be found where it allegedly should have existed. No evidence whatsoever! The very idea of islam is parasitism which fact explains why devastation and backwardness has always been the result (when a thief/robber drives in a fancy car bought by stolen money we don't usually admirer his/her robber moral for it, do we).
4 There are no "oldest mosques" whatsoever. And in the case of Saudi Arabia, "the homeland of islam", the Saud/Wahhabi families (Mr X "president" Obama's first call) who robbed the country from its people by the help of funds they had gathered by (ab)using African and other slaves to gain wealth from date plantations, every effort has been made to destroy/remove/hide the real nature (incl. total lack) of what is now called "islam's holy places. The demolition has focused on mosques, burial sites, homes and historical locations associated with the non-existing Muhammed and many of the alleged founding personalities of early islamic fairy tales. In Saudi Arabia, many of the demolitions have officially been part of the continued expansion of the Masjid Al-Haram at Mecca and the non-existing Mohammed's "mosque" in Medina.
5 Islam has enslaved, murdered, raped etc more people during 1400 years than any other ideology incl. communism/national socialism.The currency of islamic finance has always been the enslavement of "infidels" (which includes all women).
All you get is a bombastic stuck-up pile of fairy tale nonsense served to you via Wikipedia, other media, schools, universities, mosques etc by the help of propaganda money (i.e. Western oil/gas money) from the most evil of islamist dictatorships.
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