
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Libyan protester: Where's UN? Klevius: Hostage by OIC!

UN is hijacked by those very despots the revolutionaries want to get rid of!

While the anti-islamic (islamophobic, if you prefer) revolution spreads in the very womb of islam (i.e. the Arabic language area), Saudi Abdullah (the evil mastermind behind OIC's sharia declaration for 57 muslim states) eagerly applauds the finishing of a codified sharia law.

Klevius question: How many young protesters are really aware of the depth of OIC's sharia threat, including the command that criticism against islam is a crime? I mean, when media is silent about this horrifying fact. OIC has worked high over the heads of the average people via those very leaders (and their foreign ministers) who are now targeted by the revolution.

OIC's sharia declaration states in Article 24 that "All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah." and Article 25 "The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration."

It seems that so called "moderate" muslims in the West may well be the most treatcherous and dangerous for the young Arabic islamophobic revolution. One of the worst of its kind, the Paki/Brit Sayeeda Warsi, uses to be an eager guest in OIC's sharia headqurter in Saudi Arabia, while in Britain appearing "modern" and "moderate" against British muslims who actually follow sharia, and whom she calls "idots"!

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