
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Libyan protester: Where's UN? Klevius: Hostage by OIC!

UN is hijacked by those very despots the revolutionaries want to get rid of!

While the anti-islamic (islamophobic, if you prefer) revolution spreads in the very womb of islam (i.e. the Arabic language area), Saudi Abdullah (the evil mastermind behind OIC's sharia declaration for 57 muslim states) eagerly applauds the finishing of a codified sharia law.

Klevius question: How many young protesters are really aware of the depth of OIC's sharia threat, including the command that criticism against islam is a crime? I mean, when media is silent about this horrifying fact. OIC has worked high over the heads of the average people via those very leaders (and their foreign ministers) who are now targeted by the revolution.

OIC's sharia declaration states in Article 24 that "All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah." and Article 25 "The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration."

It seems that so called "moderate" muslims in the West may well be the most treatcherous and dangerous for the young Arabic islamophobic revolution. One of the worst of its kind, the Paki/Brit Sayeeda Warsi, uses to be an eager guest in OIC's sharia headqurter in Saudi Arabia, while in Britain appearing "modern" and "moderate" against British muslims who actually follow sharia, and whom she calls "idots"!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So what could possibly have gone wrong in every islamic country?! Could it be, eh, islam?

You moron! What kind of cheap "moral" do you really possess?! Is evilness less repulsive when it's rich (see tables below)?!

To really understand true democracy (and how islam never can be part of it) read Klevius Definition of Negative Human Rights!

Also, to get a more Enlightened perspective on the origin of islam, read Origin of Vikings!

The only asset of true islam has always been parasitism -  slavery and rapetivism, now complemented with oil money and Western welfare. True islam is impotent and improductive in every other sense except the reproduction of new muslims who out of fear of sharia apostasy ban, inferiority complex racism, or plain nostalgia, continue to "believe" in evil and destructive islam. Islamic "charity" (Muslim Brotherhood) is a political means for keeping poor and ignorant people - poor and ignorant (especialy muslim girls/women who have to obey /believe their menfolk). Usually with money gained from Western aid, slavery, drugs etc! And btw, the translation of civilized science to the Arabic language doesn't make islam a copyright holder in history, does it!

Don't you think you've got a hefty screw loose in your support of these thugs?!

They have abandoned Human Rights and replaced them with islamic sharia! This means, among other creepy things, that they propose a legal system that forever would lock out girls and women from equal Human Rights
(via OIC's Cairo declaration - see burning paper above)!

They have made criticism of the very evil, i.e. islam, a crime!

They applaud (or at least try to adapt to) democracy in islamofascist nations while simultaneously castrating it by connecting it to islamic sharia! Islam and democracy/Human Rights are completely incompatible, which fact lies behind the islamofascist OIC states' decision (led by the Saudi "king" and "guardian of islam") not to follow the Universal Human Rights Declaration but replacing. it with an islamic sharia that has as its most precious tenet the segregation of the sexes by the help of female "duties" and "responsibilities". Islam/sharia isn't only sexist but also racist in that it departs from a supremacist belief that everyone is (symbolically) born a muslim and that non-muslims hence are despicable apostates.

This man, the extremely evil islamofascist Saudi dictator Abdullah (most of the people in the Saudi occupied land are ignorantly unaware of the full extent of his evilness), got really mad when his confused White House puppet, the eye rolling and head turning cheaapo opportunist, unconstitutional muslim born Mr X "president" eventually, after öong hesitation, ceased to support their both pal dictator Mubarak. The evil Saudi dictator is not only a close friend and supporter of Sudan's dictator Bashir (arrested in his absence for large scale murdering, torturing and raping people in Darfur), but also the very mastermind behind OIC's deliberate violation of the most important part of the Universal Human Rights declaration! Although this guy is more or less dead by now, the Saudi oil billionaire family that he represents is not!

Here a bunch of extremenly evil islam supporters! Yes, due to its evil origin islam attracts the scum of the Earth!
Yes, I know it hurts to slowly realize what evil guy you let in the lead of the USA!


This radical muslim convert (Ingrid Mattson) is a close friend of (physically) muslim born Mr X "president".

This is "lord" Ahmed, Muslim Brotherhood's representative in UK, who killed a person while recklessly driving and sending sms. Same guy threatened British democracy with 10.000 islamic jihadists.

This is Sayeeda Warsi, who uses to visit OIC's sharia headquarter in Saudi Arabia while calling other sharia muslims "idiots".


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Muslim ignorance about islam/sharia/OIC veiled in a "faith" of imam etc propaganda that is uncritically swallowed

Would you believe it?! Our tax paid servants are misled about islam by taxpaid islamofascist propagandists under the label "islam courses"!

The pathetic view of a police or other public servant listening to lies about islam reminds me of the heydays of incest hysteria when similar groups were taught how children's fridge door scuiggling etc were sign of parental sexual  abuse.

Klevius question: Can a "believer" excuse whatever of her/his ignorance as "belief"?

The only reasonable explanation to the origin of islam in the light of its sudden historical emergence is the very tenets that now are deemed "radical" or simply evil! Of these tenets the two most basic ones are still at play, namely infidel racism and rapetivist sexism. And treacherously wrapped in a propaganda that tries to make pure evil look good and even desirable. And of course they are desirable and easily marketed - for the racists and sexists! And most racists/sexists today happen to be those whose societies have been severly injured throughout 1400 years of islamic parasitism. Moreover, most of these people have darker skins than more successful non-muslim societies, hence offering a handy tool for racist fingerpointing. It also comes handy that darkskinned muslim males seems more interested in fairskinned non-muslim women and that muslim women aren't allowed to marry non-muslim men. Btw, throughout history white girls/women have been the most paid for sex slaves in muslim societies.

What the world hasn't really realized as yet - thanks to all the propaganda noise out there

OIC (57 islamic states which have agreed to implement islamic Sharia and to violate Human Rights) is the very body of islam and is also the most dangerous ideological/political threat to the freedom of both muslims and non-muslims.

And according to Pakistani/British OIC messenger Sayeeda Warsi, all islam is the same without any moderation or (presumably) radicalization altering this fact.

However, the very fact that OIC (yes dude, it includes Egypt as well) cannot accept UN's Human Rights declaration (which has paved the way for freedom of muslims all over the world) should worry everyone who dislikes totalitarian ideologies!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Should Sayeeda Warsi be allowed to vote?

 David Camoron (UK PM) after a ruling from the European Court of Human Rights: Letting prisoners vote makes me puke!
Klevius: What about letting someone vote who works for the elimination of the most important part of Human Rights? Like Warsi, your vice chairman, who cooperates with OIC, the islamist organization which has replaced Human Rights with islamic sharia (see burning pic above), and which has furiously worked (via UN!?) for the criminalization of criticism against islam, the worst ever ideological crime against humanity!

Is  this woman a muslim traitor or double agent - or just plain naive, ignorant and confused?!

Unelected politician, Pakistani/UK muslim(?) and vice Tory chairman Sayeeda Warsi, who isn't considered a real muslim by pious muslims, here in OIC's (islam's) headquarter in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.

Schizophrenic "democracy"

It was right not to allow islamist parties in Egypt. However, it was wrong to let islam into the constitution and Egypt as a member of the islamofascist OIC! Can the anti-islamofascist freshminded Egyptians change it or will the islamists again abuse democracy by gaining power by the help of poor illitterate and ignorant islamic rapetivist victims?