There may be peaceful “muslims” (who don’t share basic islamic teachings) but islam (due to its origin as a sex/booty rewarded parasitism ideology) is always aggressive and the only peace it can possibly deliver is conquest and slave submission. Hence the very opposite to the core ideology of Human Rights!
Sharia makes women to sex slaves. This is then “explained” away as the men’s “duty” to "satisfy" the poor creatures who, according to Freud, "need a normal penis several times" to avoid "hysteria"(see From Freud to bin Laden and Klevius' revealing Psychosocial Freud timeline!

Muslim born Mr X "president", who acts like a crypto muslim while committing high treason, is most closely allied with the worst scum on Earth namely the Saudi islamofascists. How could you Americans be that stupid?!
You might have made the mistake dismissing Klevius because the text he writes sounds unbelievable. An advice to you then would be to read old texts by Klevius and then check them for their content. You may be surpised how much more believable they sound after many years! Why is that? Well, it’s got nothing to do with Klevius but all to do with the net of delusive poitical/religious/psychological language you’re a victim of. A hint, check out what your school teaches about the worst crime ever. Klevius was one of very few non-muslims who many years ago localized the contextual evil of modern islam in the origin of islam.
In islam all humans are equal. And real humans are muslim men. Darfur is now the most visible (yet largely neglected by media, politicians and teachers etc) product of true islam. Truth is that islam is a slavery ideology, and that islam even today faces this unresolved issue, no matter what islamic “thinker” you approach/refer to. Just read your Qutb or whatever islamononsense, you will always end up with the origin of islam, i.e. its racis/sexist slave ideology. And if you try to escape it you no longer have any connection with “the original islam”. And yes, this is what you see right now, people who try to blink islam’s past, incl. its origin! So why is that so dangerous? Simply because pretending islam is possible encourages true islamists to prolong the adverse effects of the worst crime ever against humanity. More blood flow in a cancerous body only means more and faster cancer growth!
How come that there are people even considering such stupidity as Sharia (in whatever form), i.e. a law that stipulates women’s compulsory satisfying of men?! This populist character of islam is then tied to its usage as a power tool.
What is it OIC tries to sell the world? Ayaan Hirsi Ali's grandmother gives some hints
Ali escaped from Somalia, historically a main islamic slavery and piracy hub in Africa. The extent of islamic slave trade was so enourmous that even for people critical to islam usually underestimate the figures. And it was not at all that islamic (or islam induced) slave raiders/traders just happened to be muslims. On the contrary, it was islam that made muslims the foremost slave raiders/traders precisely because islam itself originated out of slave raiding/trading.
Acknowledgement: Before you read what could be the most important reading of your life, please consider this. Many people suffer from cultural dyslexia. To read the text below you might therefore need Klevius’ reading help for islamists, feminists, psychologists, sociologists etc people, who because of brainwashing education*, less aware about the terms ‘gender’ and ‘sex’: You may have noted that gender is often used as a synonym for sex. However, gender isn’t physical but cultural. So, for example, is female soccer based on “her split” (see below), not her behavior. In this process gender became a “sociological Sharia” because if behavior is connected to gender and gender is disconnected/segregated from the opposite gender (whereas she is a gender because of he, the Finnish hän, which covers both, lacks gender just as e.g. double sexed animals) then it leaves no room for gender crossing. Sounds simple but traps many, mainly because of the deliberate confusion that was established via psychology, sociology etc. for the purpose of countering women’s emancipation (for a starter see Human Rights without love from Klevius).
* Brainwashing education functions as follows: The faculty makes students believe they become critical while their "critical view" in fact constitutes a defense of the wimps that happen to be fashion or PC at the moment.
Those throwing the strange word “islamophobia” around belong mainly to two groups: Islamists who use it as a racist invective against their critics, and ignorant/naïve islam supporters (aka useful idiots). However, the most likely islamophobes might be muslims scared about Sharia. Why. Let’s take a look again into “the true muslim world”.
Grandmother of Ayaan Hirsi Ali (intelligent Somali born muslim apostate): "Cross your legs, lower your gaze. You must learn not to laugh, and if you must laugh then see to it that you don't cackle like the neighbor's hen."
Peter Klevius: Keeping ones legs crossed cannot possibly be a good start for a soccer girl.
Grandmother of Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "If you must go outside make sure you are accompanied and that you and your company walk as far away from men as possible."
Peter Klevius: Assuming boys and men were more acquainted with playing football than muslim girls and women in Somalia, it seems unwise to avoid them.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: To my grandmother's annoyance, I responded with the question: "But Grandmother, what about Mahad (her brother)?"
Grandmother of Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Mahad is a man! Your misfortune is that you were born with a split between your legs. And now, we the family must cope with that reality!"
Peter Klevius: From the point of view of soccer it’s hard to see how the split could have any effect as long as the feet are ok.
Grandmother of Ayaan Hirsi Ali:"Ayaan, you are stubborn, you are reckless and you ask too many questions. That is a fatal combination. Disobedience in women is crushed and you are disobedient. It is in you, it is in your bone marrow. I can only attempt to tell you what is right."
Peter Klevius: Right. For islam. And islam is an Arab tradition of racist/sexist parasitism.
Grandmother of Ayaan Hirsi Ali:"You are like that piece of sheep fat in the sun. If you transgress, I warn you men will be no more merciful to you than those flies and ants are to that piece of fat."
Peter Klevius: Did I mention it's called sex segregation!
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Where did feminism go wrong? I think Western feminism hasn't gone wrong at all--it has accomplished its mission so completely that a woman can marry freely and then leave her husband equally freely, purely in order to pursue her own inclinations. But the price is a solipsism so complete that a great many Western women have lost the ability to empathize with women not only in the Islamic world, but also in China, India and other countries; women whose suffering takes forms that are now largely unknown in the West, save in the ghettos of immigrants. They are too busy hunting for the perfect prayer mat or pasta to give two hoots about a case of child-rape in Yemen.”
Peter Klevius: What a pity! On top of all sex duties these women thus consumate the rest of potential time for soccer practise.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali:The best we can hope for is a neo-feminism that reminds women in the West of the initial phases of their liberation movement. Those phases not only highlighted the subjugation of women, they set out to dismantle the foundations of their cages.
Peter Klevius: Absolutely. And this is what the third wave "glamour" feminism effectively destroyed by replacing 'sex' with 'gender'! However, the diseaes was already diagnosed a Century ago (see From Klevius without love). True feminism has always been what its name clearly implies, sex segregated! From this point of view it's not surprising that e.g. Swedish leftist feminists initially used to oppose and even counteract women's football for almost a decennium until they just had to accept the unbelievable succss soccer had among girls/women when they eventually were allowed to play.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: For the dream of liberation to come true for women in the East it is imperative that we seek to shatter the underpinnings of their subjugation, which are now enshrined in religion and custom.
Peter Klevius: Abrahamic mythology is anchored in sex segregation and circumcision (whereas many hunter/gatherer societies, such as, for example, the native Africans, the so called "Bushmen", belong to the least sexist the planet has seen, Judaic societies have been among the worst). Early Christianity was in fact, a protest movement against sex slavery in the form of monotheist marriage. But it was soon cut short by the church fathers and later the Roman empire. And when the islamic Penis eventually won the reproductive battle against the Jewish Vagina (Sassanian war)
Btw, most casualties in the aftermath of Iraq’s liberation were caused not by Bush but by islam, due to its inborn evil racism. Arab supported sunni islam against shia islam and both groups against the infidels who liberated them.
Islam is also behind most of today's sex slavery. Isn't it ironic that the West fought for Kosovo to become islam's main sex slave hub in Europe?!
Are non-“religious” people really immoral and ignorant second class citizens, who need to adapt to the wimps and wishes of “religious” people and their support of the worst crime ever?
Acknowledgement 2: Klevius is your unbiased intellectual bedrock when it comes to sex segregation and its unfortunate consequences such as for example, Judaic “religions” (see Klevius definition of religion to make sense of the quotation marks). Monotheists and Christians love to dismiss non-religious people as ignorant, immoral, unhappy “looners” etc. Well, feel assured that Klevius hardly fits in any of these cathegories. However, it appears that intelligence is emerging as an insult used against critics of aggressive “religions”. Sadly, it must be admitted that Klevius fits well in that category (his father was perhaps Sweden’s best chess player through all times, and his mother came from one of Finland’s most intelligent families (my half-sister on mother's side used to brag that she scored IQ 167 on IBM's official headhunt test). Judge for yourself by starting on EMAH, the even more astonishing hypothesis, as a by product you get the best analysis of what constitutes consciousness, i.e. a brain model that fits reality. So why brag about it?! As said above, simply because ignorance and stupidity are the most common “religious” invectives against non-religious critics! Moreover, it may be valuable for the reader to know the difference between the author’s intellect and intelligence as well as the value of combining these with the author’s special knowledge abt sex segregation and the “infidel”.
The reason for Klevius’ writings may be summarized as a charity in the service of the minimizing of the amount of victims of “religiously” motivated crimes. Klevius own egoistic motive is the thought about walking the streets with less racism/sexism and more humanity for all. With his brain and his (relatively unbiased) knowledge, how could Klevius possibly not formulate what so many others seem to have great difficulties to comprehend and address?!

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