
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is anthropology finally catching up with Klevius? And reality with islam!

Good Yule to Klevius' readers!

'Good' is originally a Siberian (Uralic) word that in e.g. Finnish (koti, Saami kota, goahti) means home, tent etc. So for example, in Indo-European it became Scandinavian 'god' or 'gott' meaning good, and in German 'Gott' meaning God.
'Yule' is a pre-Christian feast celebrating the end of the year/the beginning of spring! I.e. not contaminated by racist/sexist Mideastern "monotheisms".

This week presented DNA analysis from a finger bone of a possibly 50,000 year old hominid found in mid-Siberia (Denisova, close to the point where modern mongoloids and Europeans first emerged some 30,000-40,000 yrs ago, according to DNA studies) reveals that the only modern now living relatives seem to be certain Melanesians, e.g. at Papua New Guinea (which isn't that far from Flores were floresiensis was found)! Moreover, a molar (wisdom tooth) reveals very primitive features pointing to a creature which possibly looked more like a Homo habilis. This all makes it completely possible that Homo floresiensis is a product of Homo-Chimp hybridization which later hybridized with bigger but dumber Homos, as explained in Klevius 2004 hypothesis and simplified on Klevius anthropology blog. Homo hominids what we have considered human ancestors didn't possess the brain qualities of "Homo" floresiensis (who used sofisticated tools with a brain size smaller than Homos and just above chimp size)! Surprisingly enough, most people outside anthropology don't know that Homo habilis, Homo erectus etc Homos had TOO LARGE brains to be that stupid as archeological evidence seems to hint, i.e. just the OPPOSITE to "Homo" floresiensis! In fact, Homo had an inferior brain structure which had evolved by size not content. Just contrary to the Chimp relative which had moved to the jungle and there got its brain better "packed", and which later interbreeded with small sized Homos in the borderline between jungle and savannah.

Location of the Denisovian remains some 40,000 yrs ago (+/-10,000 yrs) i.e. extremely close to the emergence of our own modern human species (which never emerged in Africa before it later arrived there FROM Asia and mixed with more primitive Homos. Because of islam's destruction of Africa throughout 1400 yrs of slavery and genocides, political correctness and a mistaken African inferiority complex, have contributed to a tiptoeing around the holy Out of Africa myth - humans aren't out of anything but the result of a continuous hybridization process which now has stopped due to global gene flow, i.e we are all the same).

Klevius map published March 2010 (Not Africa but Siberia was the hot spot of human evolution), showing Klevius hypothesis Out of Africa as pygmies and back as global mongoloids. Klevius hypothesis was first hinted at in Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor (1992, ISBN 9173288411) and presented on the web in 2004.

In conclusion one might assume that the Denisova finger belonged to a remnant population from central Asia mid Siberia that coexisted with really modern mongoloid humans which in fact, were the result of a continuous hybridization with floresiensis and denisovan like creatures who little by little during a short time span (posssibly only some 5,000-20,000 years) rapidly became more Homo like in appearance while pouring in their superior brain structure into the bigger skulls now available.

So what does all of this have to do with islam? Unfortunately we don't have genetic material of Homo floresiensis thanks to islam in the form of the pathetic Indonesian "professor" Teuku Jakob, who stole & destroyed much of the material because islam is a crypto-creationism (other parts of nature may have evolved but not humans!) that doesn't approve of human evolution nor of Human Rights!

Why is Klevius your superior source of knowledge compared not only to tendentious charlatan* polemical and politicized Wikipedia, but more importantly, to conventional "peer reviewed" concensus anthropology and sociology? Simply because Klevius intelligence/intellectual nowledge isn't limited by "peer reviews" and/or faculty bias! Why is Klevius less biased than most others? Simply because in these topics Klevius has no financial or political interest!

* Wikipedia allows for mythological "references" for the purpose of making islam look historical! In fact, there is no Mohammed even in existence before caliph Abd al-Malik some 60-70 years after Mohammed's alleged date of death, introduced him. Almost everything you read on Wikipedia about the origin of islam is bullshit based on a mix of Arabic fairy tales and anachronistic political correctness introduced by Abd al-Malik for the purpose of defending his bloody conquests and immoral rule! The original expansion (as part of the Sassanian wars) of the Arab-Jewish tribes that later became called muslims was fought aided by sex and booty jihad.

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