See below how the Saudis pretend to conform to some Human Rights while in fact grossly violating them via "reservations"! This is "king" Abdullah, the Saudi mastermind of Mideastern islamic evil, who uses his White House puppet and the UN for promoting the agenda of the Saudi slave masters who robbed the oil rich land from the Arabs and others.

Why isn't Obama the worst US president ever? Because he isn't a president at all (in accordance with the US constitution)! Technically the US is now in a lawless state and without a president. The young age of his mother and the double citizenship of his parents weigh less than his muslimhood. A true muslim needs to obey Sharia, and Sharia is the direct opposite to the US Constitution.

OIC was created by Saudi islamofascists for the purpose of:
1 criminalizing Human Rights (every HR freedom not accepted by islamic Sharia is by islamic definition a crime)
2 criminalizing criticism of islam (and of Saudi Arabia as the "guardian of islam")
OIC abuses UN for its Sharia agenda by using its 57 member state representatives in the UN as its largest voting bloc.
Racist/sexist Jihad at the core of islam's crimes
According to Islamic fard al-kifaya, jihad is a duty which is imposed on the whole community of muslims, but the individual muslim is not required to perform it as long as a sufficient number of other muslims do it. This is why the Saudis are able to use islam for their own greed and extension of power! And while doing this they pretend to follow some international conventions by signing them, yet simultaneously rejecting them:
Saudi Arabia blatantly rejects UN’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
while simultaneously abusing UN via OIC (OIC is an organization initiated by the Saudis, and committed to violate Human rights and to replace them with islamic Sharia) with the aim to criminalize all criticism against islam/Saudi Arabia ('Saudi' Arabia is that part of Arabia that was stolen and colonialized by the Saudis!)!
The Saudi reservations:
“1. In case of contradiction between any term of the Convention and the norms of islamic law, the Kingdom is not under obligation to observe the contradictory terms of the Convention.
2. The Kingdom does not consider itself bound by paragraphe 2 of article 9 of the Convention and paragraph 1 of article 29 of the Convention.”
The first reservation is a wholesale rejection of the whole notion of Human Rights, especially its foundation the so called Negative Human Rights, in the Convention, i.e. the very basis for the freedoms it suggests. UN's Human Rights Declaration was established precisely as a bullwork against totalitarian ideologies such as islam!
The factual text in the Convention referred to in the second part of the Saudis’ reservations:
Art 9 par 2. States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men with respect to the nationality of their children.
Article 29
1. Any dispute between two or more States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of the present Convention which is not settled by negotiation shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If within six months from the date of the request for arbitration the parties are unable to agree on the organization of the arbitration, any one of those parties may refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice by request in conformity with the Statute of the Court.
The Saudis, who will get offensive arms worth some $70 billion, allegedly fund/ed Sunni insurgents in Iraq and other places (most deaths in the Iraqi muslim civil war might be traced to the Saudis), while their intelligence service steers the Pakis and others.

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