OIC ambassador to the U.N. Ufuk Goken at American Islamic College (AIC) conference in Chicago recently: "OIC is not an organization with double standards."
Klevius: Yes, you are you bigot/hypocrite! Why else would you propagate for the violation of UN's 1948 Human Rights Declaration?! OIC's double standard is called the Cairo Declaration on islamic "human rights" (i.e. Sharia). And for you who, unlike Klevius and Mr X "president", are illiterate in judicial language (or simply too lazy): The main difference between Human Rights and OIC's Sharia declaration is that the latter restricts the freedom of girls/women and opens up for racism because of the islamic infidel criterion that stays in sharp conflict with the equality ideal expressed in Human Rights! And of course, islamic apostasy ban, islamic prohibition for women to marry non-muslims, etc etc! Islam is totalitarian fascism and Sharia its weapon. Add to this that islam is by far the worst ideological crime ever known to history (based on islam's victims) and that OIC tries to make the announcemnet of these selfevident facts a crime!
Islam is today represented by OIC, i.e. a political organization striving for the ultimate violation of Human Rights! And OIC and the Cairo declaration are both initiated by the disgusting Saudi dictator and hate mongerer who also happens to be Mr X "president's" first call and the one he bowed so deeply for!
So let's burn islam!

Learn abt Negative Human Rights, the opposite to islam!
Klevius isn't only your intellectual bedrock in the stream of ignorant (or evil) journalists, politicians etc, he's also your foremost (sad to say) sexpert in a time of misinformation!
And as you know, Klevius is the very first to clearly address sex segregation as the underlying problem of both islam and psychoanalysis! The former as a barbaric brute force, and the latter as a psudo intellectual "sophistication". When sex segregation eventually started to cracking up in the West due to the industrial revolution, a powerful counter force called psychoanalysis emerged (see Klevius Psychosocial Freud timeline).
So when you are bombarded with high flown plattitudes like "sex and religion are essential for your well being" always remember that this is brainwashing! Just relay on yourself and the Negative Human Rights! But a trip to From Klevius without love may also be relieving.
Islam is rapetivism, i.e. sex slavery - originally and now!
Whereas Judaism was spread by the Vagina islam is spread by the Penis. The expansion of islam and the "reward" to its jihadists is made one. And the payer is the woman. So why do women submit to such a disgraceful state of life? This, the female patriarchy, is one of the main questions Klevius has worked with for long. An extraordinary angle of view, knowledge and insight abt the topic, combined with a stunning decrease of knowledge in the general discourse, has resulted in Klevius/KLEVUX being its foremost expert. In this respect it may also be noted that whereas feminists used to naively (or deliberately?) emphasize "women's experience" hence in fact empowering sex segregation, what is needed is rather the male experience of women. Why? Simply because heterosexual attraction (HSA) is a built-in male feature culturally affecting females to such an extent that they are often brainwashed to confuse love with sex. I repeat: All "monotheisms" are abt sex slavery (and in the case of islam combined with infidel slavery and apostasy ban), and Christian polytheism in its original form, was a protest movement against sex slavery.
The female patriarchy (i.e. true feminism*) utilizes that very incompetency (already described by Mary Wollstonecraft >200 yrs ago) that sex segregation has created among women, and then term this incompetency (combined with the power of HSA) "feminine".
* Feminism is sex segregation, i.e. guarding the "feminine". What is usually mistaken as feminism is the strive for equality between the sexes under the false flag of feminism, often because the "feminist" herself doesn't realize the difference (or simply wants to utilize it).
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