
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Political heroes in Sweden victorious despite being hindered to speak, demonized, violently attacked and left without police protection

A video for islam lovers: The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story
UPDATE 20100923

So you guys in fact like islam, although you try to cover it up by saying you like "difference" hence implying that Sweden Democrats are against foreigners when in fact their main point is that they are against islam (a totalitarian ideology that is the worst crime ever against humanity)! Why this skewed hypocrisy? Or are you just nuts?! Check out what OIC and their Sharia plans stand for before you make fools of yourselves!

You racist/sexist islam supporter! Islam inevitably means Sharia, and Sharia is completely incompatible with Human Rights! This is why OIC (57 islamic nations) has decided to violate Human Rights and replace them with Sharia "rights"! Is this simple and easily controlled fact so hard to get into your head you ignorant! And no, idiot! It's NOT abt cruel Sharia penalties, honor murders, clitorechtomy etc, no matter how disgusting these cultural phenomenon are (although often initiated/backed by islam). What it all comes down to in islam is infidel racism and sex segregation. The latter (which is a variant of the former) to an extent that women aren't considered fully human due to precisely those "obligations", "duties", and "dignities" referred to in OIC's Cairo declaration (Sharia), which btw also criminalizes criticism against islam. Whereas Human Rights don't make it possibly to refer to sex as a reason for limitating freedom, the Cairo declaration does, you moron! And if you don't submit to the (empty, i.e. not imposing) Negative Human Rights (Klevius distinction of these rights is still by far the best on the net) you end up as a racist/sexist pig! Negative Human Rights are btw the basis for the US Constitution as well as UNs Human Rights Declaration.

This islamist, Abdirizak Waberi, fits the Swedish ruling party (Moderaterna) but not his critics! And this man fits (?) all those ignorants (and islamists) who rally in Stockholm against islam critics.

Swedish politician critical to islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) tortured in his home by Arab-muslim islamofascists

The evening before September 11 a Swedish politician, David von Arnold Antoni (Swedish Democrat, critical of islam), was savagely attacked and tortured for some 20 minutes by two masked men who spoke Swedish accented in Arabic and called him “Svenne bastard” and “Swedish devil” during the attack. After the men forced themselves into his apartment, they scratched his neck and one held Antoni down while the other carved a swastika into his forehead. When leaving they stole David’s laptop and money. However, after investigating the attack as a hate crime, police have concluded Antoni made the whole thing up and are contemplating charging him with filing a false report. Why? Because doctors who examined Antoni concluded (sic) his injuries are fake on a 9-out-of-10 scale (sic again). The certificate issued by the Office of Forensic in Lund, says, “Strong reasons concerning the location and appearance suggest that is self-inflicted injury.” Antoni said “I find it very interesting that the police chose to give this certificate just before the election. There are certainly those who can benefit from it in the election.”

Klevius comment: This follows a common pattern when islam is involved, doesn't it?!

In March 2010 David von Arnold (Swedish Democrat, critical of islam) was attacked by a man in a green military coat and covered with a Palestine scarf. The man tried to stab him with a knife but Arnold managed to avoid the attack by spraying the attacker with a red colored self-defense spray. However, the Swedish police closed the case without further investigation.

Sweden Democrat party leader, Jimmie Akesson, commented:
- My first reaction when I heard during the night that David was tortured in his home was an unreal feeling. It is difficult for me to come to terms with the idea that many socialists considered threats, violence and torture as a legitimate political tool. It is as far as one can get from the democratic values that I and my party represents.

Nina Kain, another Sweden Democrat, found a Swastika on her door. She concludes: Democracy in Sweden isn't what it used to be. You can't say what you want in Sweden anymore.

In the days leading to the election the Sweden Democrats were forbidden by the Swedish police to hold campaign meetings, allegedly because of the threat from islam.
According to Nina Kain, that's like giving the right to free speach with one hand and taking it away with the other.

Klevius comment: Also consider how an extremely important security analysis abt islam is presented on Google:

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