One pastor against OIC (57 muslim nations whose leadership has agreed to violate Human Rights and replace them with Sharia - btw, the same OIC that has criminalized criticism against islam in UN) and misleading media bribed by Arabic oil money!
When a Christian* wants to point to the evilness in Koran/islam through a symbolic gesture, media and politicians jump on him like wolves instead of debating/informing about the real problem islam's intolerance incl. all the burnings of Christian churces, destroying of Buddhist statues, Saudi Arabia's/OIC's bottomless and totalitarian intolerance against other "faiths" and non-faiths etc etc!
And whatever islam will cause in the future may be conveniantly blamed on this tiny Church and its pastor.

Isn't this cute! A mother who knows hardly nothing abt true evil islam assists it by abusing her even less knowing daughter.
What is she doing?!
Islamist OIC (57 uncivilized and undemocratic Sharia nations who deliberately violate Human Rights) has taken over UN by being its biggest voting block!
What is Hillary doing?!
Klevius question: "Moderate" muslims aren't violent, right? And "moderate" muslims don't take the Koran literally and seriously as fundamentalists, right? So Terry Jones' burning finger pointing only hits "islamists", right?
Klevius analysis: 1) Historically islam is by far the single ideology that has caused most suffering and least production/development. This is selfevident since islam originalted as parasitism based on racist infidel enslavement and sexist rapetivism reproduction.
2) When wealthy Jewish slave traders in the Sassanid empire released the force of illeterate Arabs as a means in their civil war around the slave trade routes surrounding and through the Arabian peninsula, looting and sex turned out to be an excellent combination if ideologically connected to old Judaism. However, this released evilness soon became a force of its own that much later became (im)morally "sanctioned" by Malik who long after the alleged "prophet" had died, was the first islamist ruler to even mention about him and the first to order the writing of a Koran.
3) Today this islamic evilness is upheld by OIC, the disgusting organization to which Mr X "president" sent an islamist (one that had learnt the Koran by heart) Sharia proponent TO REPRESENT USA!

It may also be necessary to emphasize another selfevident fact confused by lost media and islamist propaganda, namely that islamic Sharia is as far you can get from the US Constitution and Human Rights. This is the very reason why islamic OIC can't accept them!
How crazy is pastor Terry Jones based on the interview excerpts below compared to muslims who want to impose Koran based anti-Human Rights sexist (especially for females) and racist (the "Infidels") Sharia all over the places?!
Pastor Terry Jones interview excerpts:
Moran: You are in the tradition in burning books of the Nazis who burnt the Talmud and the torah. Of a long line of haters. Why shouldn't people assume that you are the same?
Jones: Well I think it is very easy to see a difference. We have tried to make it very clear that even though this is a very radical message, a radical way of doing something we are not against Moslems. We do not hate them. And plus the Nazis, what the Nazis did was the Nazis gathered up all the books that were against their ideology and burned them. That's not what we are doing. We are not by any means promoting the burning of books.
Moran: But you are burning the holy book of Islam.
Jones: Right. We are burning one book for one particular reason to warn radical Islam. We see all around the world right now with Afghanistan, with the other places, we see how dangerous and how radical this element can be. They are even calling for the death of the president. And I think we think that it is time to stand up. Its time for America to stand up and say no.
Moran: Millions of devout Christians in this country look at you and what you plan to do and are revolted by it. they don't think this is a Christian thing to do at all they think it's an act of hated, of holy war.
Jones: Well there are also millions of people who agree with us.
Moran: Millions of people agree with you?
Jones: Well we have done many interviews and some of those interviews there is attached a poll and we are running somewhere between 40 and 60 percent of the population agree with us. And to a certain extent i think in Christianity that is the problem. We've lost our guts, the church has become weak. The church has become afraid, the church is hiding behind their walls they no longer stand up on issues. We've had several times pastors come here saying we are in agreement with you, what you are doing is right, or anyway the message that you are wanting to send is right. But we can't say anything. If we do we will lose our congregation. We have people who work for large companies have stopped out front and said we are in agreement with you but if we say anything we will be fired. That is in a country where we supposedly have free speech.
Moran: Christians sometime ask what would Jesus do. Do you really think that Jesus Christ if he were here today he would say pastor go burn that holy book?
Moran: Jesus Christ would say that.
Jones: Absolutely. If you look at Jesus' life most of the time Jesus was as people imagine him. He was very nice, and very patient and very loving but there were also times when esus did radical things. He threw the money changers out of the temple he looked right at Peter and called him the devil. He went into the synagogues - that would be like me going into the churches today -went into the synagagoes and called those pastors, those pharases, he called them snakes, he called them vipers. And in fact the Bible says itself that even if an angel of light should appear to you - which is supposedly what happened to Mohammed even if an angel of light should appear to you and give you a different gospel to this one, let him be accursed. So I think Jesus would not run around burning books but i think he would burn this one.
Moran: You think he would burn this one.
Jones: Yes.
Moran: It just seems like such a hateful thing to do. Is there no other way? To get your message across. That you don't like radical Islam then to burn the holy book of a million and a half people?
Jones: I think there are many ways.
Moran: So why do this one?
Jones: I think this the example way. i think the better way is diplomacy, talk, discussion . Ithink those things are valid and I think most of the time those things are better. But we have chosen this way because, because of the seriousness of it. we feel that we are dealing with radical Islam in other words we are dealing with a religion or lets say a sharia law that they have nothing against stoning people. They have nothing against hanging homosexuals, they tie bombs around themselves and go into buildings, they fly planes into buildings, they teach their kids there's nothing better than to die as a martyr. We are dealing with an element that we believe you can't really, can't always reason with. Sometimes you have to show them, this far and no further. And that is what we are trying to say. You have to remember we are not harming people, we are burning a book to send a very very radical message. A very radical stop to Islam.
Moran: How would you feel if Muslims burned the gospels?
Jones: I would not like it. I don't like it when they burn the Bible. I don't like it when in Afghanistan when they burn the flag but I also do not serve a god of violence. It doesn't make me want to kill people. It doesn't make me want to storm an embassy. It doesn't make me want to call for the death of the president and that is what we are trying to reveal. Of course its insulting. of course Its not a nice thing to do. But what we are trying to show is that this is a very dangerous radical element and here in America we need to wake up. And it could be that even that its larger than our politicians and news media would like us to believe. That maybe America should wake up that may be even our president should wake up and we should take a real close look at Islam.
Moran: What does that tell you about the way many of your fellow Christians here in the Gainesville community feel about you and look at what you're planning to do.
Jones: Well to me, it tells me we've lost, that we've lost the battle. Christianity has lost their guts, they're not willing to stand up. Jesus himself said i am the only way, Jesus was not some kind of a liberal hippie that roamed around, roamed around on the earth, Christianity is not open minded. Jesus said i am the only way. And when we do acts like that we have left the bible, those people are not Christians, those men of God do not represent Jesus Christ. the bible is very very clear and with those actions we have completely watered down the gospel. We have tried to make the gospel acceptable to mankind, we have tried to fit the Gospel into our society, make it look attractive, make it look good, that's why we have so much become a better me and we have god wants you to have a better car and a bigger house. there's nothing wrong with prosperity but we have watered down the Gospel. that is not the only Gospel . the Gospel is Jesus Christ is the only way. that is it. he is the risen crucified savour and the church has even lost that. i was shocked as we even preached the gospel just that. Jesus is the only way. people are mad. people are upset. that's just the very basic of Christianity.
Moran: You've put neighbors here in danger as well in the Gainesville community. how do you feel about that?
Jones: I think that is a possibility. of course, it's just like the comments that the general made or a comment there. we are very concerned about that we are very moved by that. we hope and pray nothing happens to them and nothing happens to us. but then again we feel we cannot back off of the truth because i could get hurt. because they could get hurt. we feel that strongly about it. We feel this message needs to be spoken and has to spoken. people have throughout history given their life for the truth.

Moran: Now, authorities have tried to stop you from doing this, they've denied you a permit to have an open fire and have you had conversations with local and national authorities about this.
Jones: like you said, the city of Gainesville has denied our burn permit. we requested it again, they denied it again, we have consulted a 1st amendment lawyer, he is of the opinion they have violated our first amendment rights, the example he used was the same, the same rights that were violated in the civil rights movement, when Martin Luther King tried to get permit to protest and they denied him. so we will still continue on. as you mentioned, we have met with the FBI, we have met with the police department and on September 11 the FBI and the police will be here.
Moran: And what do they tell you? they tell you don't do this?
Jones: They urged us not to do it. yes that's correct
Moran: The FBI and the local police say this is not a good idea.
Jones: Yes that's true.
Moran: What do you say to people who say you are crazy. you are on the lunatic fringe of Christianity and you don't represent anybody but yourself and a couple of other people and this is a crazy thing to do
Jones: I agree that the burning of the koran is pretty radical. i think there are scripture for that. i think there are reasons that are very valid why we are doing that, but actually except for the burning of the koran every Christian should be on our side. the fact that they're not on our side it shows their own ignorance, a lack of bible knowledge and more than that, lack of guts. in America we have lost our guts. We are too involved in the American lifestyle. I think Billy Graham said the American dream has become America's god. i think we are too involved in that to really pay the price. because basically All it boils down to is spiritually is that we are saying Jesus is the only way. That's true and all it boils down to in the natural or the American sense is that Islam, Moslems -build your mosques, worship all you want, stay peaceful but don't try to push your agenda upon us
Moran: What evidence is there that Muslims in America as a whole haven't abided by the laws, supported the county in it's wars and it's national struggle, that they're good Americans. what evidence is there otherwise?
Jones: I think in America right now because they are still very small in size, i think that in America right now as a whole they are peaceful. we do see pockets of that also around the world. If you look at Europe there does seem to be a tendency there that as they grow in numbers, as long as they are small they remain peaceful, as they grow in numbers they begin to demand sharia law and sharia courts, that is actually a pretty proven fact in Europe. Europe is beginning to wake up. Even In Holland they are calling for banning of Koran. Here in the US the Moslems just had a large rally i guess several months ago in Washington dc and there were some pretty radical things said there. I heard very clearly several of the Moslems that were interviewed, they were calling for sharia law, they definitely want that to be instituted here in America. So now is the time to yell, it's not time to yell when it's too late or almost too late. Now is the time to yell when the danger is not so great.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "The Muslim mind needs to be opened. Above all, the uncritical Muslim attitude toward the Qur'an urgently needs to change, for it is a direct threat to world peace"
Klevius comment: There's no hope for islam precisely because of its evil (parasitic) origin which is tied* to it in a way that constitutes the soul of islam itself. Loosening up inevitably means the destruction of islam as we know it! When muslims en mass start realizing this they'll abandon islam. Except for those morons (true believers in islam) who really like to be racist/sexist idiots.
* Whereas the Bible is a collection of many writers, the Koran is (according to muslim mythology) the words of a completely unfathomable "Allah" out of reach for humans - except for his(?!) "last messenger" who unfortunately happened to be illiterate.
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