While UK bans skilled workers from entering Britain, racist sexist muslim hate preachers are not only welcome but also exempted from taxes and given "religious teacher" benefits etc! And the colored representatives ask for more while insulting whites & other colored.
This woman is crying for money from mainly white taxpayers under the title "funding for the Legacy Commission, which commemorates the white's abolition of slavery (and the white's black liberation fight against islamic/Arabic slave masters who continued their dirty slavery-faith even after the abolition!)".
Liberal Democrat black Councillor Shirley Brown called Asian Conservative Jay Jethwa a “coconut” during a debate at Bristol City Council in England in February 2009. The term coconut is used to accuse someone of betraying their race or culture by implying that, like a coconut, they are brown on the outside but white on the inside.”
Background: The Bristol Legacy Commission, that was set up to support black and “ethnic” (usually muslim – the world’s largest “minority” group) minority people has been condemned as "a pointless spending spree" and has "squandered" its funding on "pet projects and jollies". Councillor Jay Jethwa had supported a proposal to cease funding the body, arguing that as an immigrant herself she had not needed such help. And according to Councillor Richard Eddy, said: "The Legacy Commission's report is nothing more than a shameless exercise in self-justification. "After commemorating Abolition 200 in 2007, Bristol ought to be tackling the problems of the present for the sake of all its citizens, rather than wallowing in self-indulgent hand-wringing over the past. "Instead, the Legacy Commission is continuing to squander over £250,000 a year on promoting division, subsidising politically-correct pet projects and funding jollies to the Gambia. "At the budget-fixing meeting in February, Conservative councillors sought to re-direct this scandalous waste of money towards protecting worthwhile frontline services but were defeated by Labour and the Lib Dems. "Over the last three years, over £1 million has been frittered away on this pointless spending spree and I am appalled to see that it is proposed to build this into the base budget from 2010/11."
Klevius comment: This is primarily a disgusting insult on the "white" culture that rescued Africa from islamic slavery! However, this aspect was never tried, as wasn't the fact that Jay Jethwa is rooted in Gujarat (India) a place slaughtered and enslaved by islam.
As you know if you have followed Klevius writings, islam originated as a moral excuse (they're infidels & we're chosen by god) for slave trade and slave jihad. This excuse was implemented by Malik long after the death of the alleged Mohammed figure who didn't even exist outside islamic fairy tales (Hugh Kennedy 2009).
The deliberate slavery formula we now call islam started affecting Africa, India etc already in the seventh century. Long before the West-African muslims started supplying labour slaves to the cotton plantations of the American-south, and many centuries before the first Kunta Kintes were caught and sold by muslim Africans and brought ashore to the sugar estates of Brazil and the Caribbean, Africans were being sold as slaves by the muslim Arab traders from the Eastern seaboard of Africa to Hindu Indian princes on the West Coast and Central India.
European travelers like Ludovico di Varthema in the 15th century reported that Gujaratis were deprived of their kingdom by muslims because of their kind heartedness: " …a certain race which eats nothing that has blood, never kills any living things… and these people are neither moors nor heathens… if they were baptized, they would all be saved by the virtue of their works, for they never do to others what they would not do unto them."
Jay Jethwa's husband (together with whom she has created an awarded Gujarat food shop in Bristol, England) is rooted in East-Africa, i.e. the very Swahililand that was one of the main sources of islam's enormous slave raiding/trading throughout some 1400 yrs!
Jay Jethwa
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