
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Klevius ex-friend: A nice, ignorant & dangerous supporter of fascism

A true story that might be generalized to describe how islam, the worst ideological crime known to mankind, now utilizes Western idiots, many with university degrees in educated ignorance

How Klevius childhood friend turned into a monster: A kind & nice Finnish teenager who got lost in a series of moves which ended when his professor dad got a job at Uppsala University in Sweden at a time when lethal Marxist French Maoism was especially abundant. Later he visited me bragging abt Pol Pot & Co & "the important work for the peasants made by the Democratic Kampuchea", while I tried to explain how hard it was for a young outcast single poor father to get a decent home of your own in Finland if yo didn't possess massive funds &/or relatives - even if you, as I, were able to build it yourself but lacked the lot) . He (who was surrounded by wealthy relatives & in inheritance line for an abundance of property) even sent me photos of himself in the Cambodian jungles & fields.

Only later I realized the truth, and even then extremely reluctantly because massmurder/genocide & pure fascism were words that were almost impossible to affix on this timid & spartan chap with a long Santa Claus beard & a hobo outfit travelling on flip-flops.

Muslim born Mr X "president", the main puppet of Saudi Arabia/OIC/islam, is hailed for his skin color & "good" acting/speaking (what an actor Hollywood missed - much better than Ronald Reagan, isn't he). However, he also shares many characteristics of my ex-friend. Not only is he a victim of rootlessness (like my ex-friend), & hailed despite his effort to undermine the US Constitution by the stealthy introduction of islamic Sharia, but he is also actively applauding islam's past & present genocides. So how is his evilness connected to the average Joe?

Hitler is long since given a moral verdict & posthumously rightly sentenced. However, when is it time for his keen supporter average Fritz to make a stand, and, even more importantly, who are the average Fritzes of today, not only in Germany but throughout the world? And how many of them are just nice people cheated by propaganda?

Btw, whereas Mr X praised his absent father, my ex-friend used to spit on his present father. This latter attitude may be connected to the extremely common Swedish phenomenon of blaming parents in general & fathers in particular when turning to Marxism. To my knowledge my ex-friend has no kids of his own that he has taken care of. My own experience of having carried home & taken full care of some kids, I think, may have given me an advantage in assessing these issues compared to my ex-friend.

The Swedish Maoists were responsible for a main part of the Swedish state trafficking in foster children. Although this extremely anti-human "child protection" policy has long roots in Sweden (see Angels of Antichrist), it really took pace in the 1970's with the Maoist slogan "down with the family" which generated the world's perhaps most totalitarian "child protection" act LVU (see Klevius revealing thesis on how this fascistoid legislation was stealthy introduced behind all democratic principles but eagerly accepted by the greedy bureaucrats of the social state).

The main Swedish Pol Pot supporter was/is Jan Myrdal who, btw, is the son of Gunnar Myrdal, who extensively (but stupidly) wrote abt "the Negro problem in USA" & his notorious wife, Alva Myrdal, with whom he, in in the 1930's, laid the ground for the disgusting Swedish social state described by Klevius in Angels of Antichrist, Pathological Symbiosis, & a bunch of other articles etc.

After his disastrous failure in Kambodia my ex-friend turned (by the help of Swedish state sponsored leftist SIDA - who btw has been a keen supporter of my ex-friend's idol Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe) to Africa (Afrikagrupperna) where he has now spent some third of his entire life as a teacher. I guess he feels he's compensating for something. However, what's really the difference between him & a "colonialist" missionary except that he's more evil & might continue spreading support for fascism, now in the form of islam (I really don't know his stance abt islam). And he gets paid for it by those taxpayers he used to despise! Yes, it looks very nice when a well off communist white male hides his wealth under a white trash appearance, but always remember what Klevius has repeatedly emphasized. A timidly talking islamist murderer is usually more fashioned albeit at least equally evil & dangerous!

Klevius brief history lesson on the origin of islam

The origin of islam is purely evil in the sense that islam's main & only, truly islamic feature is parasitism (booty & sex jihadism followed by "imperialist" blood sucking). This complete lack of any positive feature in itself is very specific to islam compared to most other ideologies/religions.
Islam is piracy! Ever thought abt why piracy emerged at the same time & places as islam? Yes there has always been thieves & rapists etc but historically there is an undisputable emergence of a specific "piracy" movement initimately connetred to islamic Sharia slave finance!

Like Swahili in East Africa, Malay in South East Asia reflects islam's grim, ruthless 1400 year tradition of slave parasitism. When you eventually realize that by understanding islam you get a wonderful tool for understanding much medieval & later historical "mysteries", like for example, the Vikings, Catholicism, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Atlantic slave trade, Africa's backwardness, Great Zimbabwe, the Rwanda genocide etc etc (all explained in Klevius A Roots Guide - which isn't allowed to be published because it could offend muslims - not to mention how it could offend islam), then you also realize the true meaning of Negative Human Rights & sex segregation (incl. the islamic initiation of Chinese footbinding etc)!

Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge was historically connected to the Khmer empire which was intimately connected with islam's early rooting in South East Asia. The disgusting creeping islamic/Arabic/Koranic slave raiding/trading system little by little paved the way for an expanding class of greedy local accomplices kidnapping/selling their own people, while the poorer ones turned muslims for the sole reason of (often in vain) trying to protect themselves from - yes, islam. Compare this to East Africa, only with the difference that the pre-islamic culture differed radically, hence resulting in such different monuments as Angkor & Great Zimbabwe!

No matter if we talk Chams or Gypsies or whatever grouping, the historical explanation to their misfortunes can only be understood when we understand islam - the one and only!

The historical understanding of the origin of islam & its expansion is best understood by the example of the Vikings & their slave trade with islam.

Klevius concluding question: How come that I (& other "islamophobes") who defend EVERY individuals Negative Human Rights, in general are treated as something that the cat has brought in while my ex-friend & other supporters of fascism/genocides etc are seen as decent people? I mean, it's a fact that top state & media positions in Sweden have been unproportinally populated with former Pol Pot supporters. I guess the same could be said abt BBC etc. So such an ideological background seems not to hinder a career in any sense, perhaps even boosts it.

However, if you "come out" as a critic of islam (the more serious/informed you are the more "islamophobic" you'll be treated) you're automatically excluded from almost every position available! You may be able to critisize "radical islam" or "islamism" or "fundamentalism" but never islam, of which there's "only one kind" according to the Turkish PM Erdogan. The one that can't be criticised - because the truth is assumed to be unbearable - which it's not, just look at the Nazi Holocaust, which has been openly disussed ever since!

Klevius, your unbiased & informed guide to islam

This is OIC, the islamofascist cancer of the world in the form of its evil leaders' evil influence on UN & world politics, girls/women's rights etc high above the heads of most of the population in OIC countries. However, the map lacks many of islam's atrocities throughout 1400 yrs!

1 comment:


    BNP (Black National Party)

    The BNP (Black National Party) has been created to expedite the work of the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS).

    The BNP (Black National Party) gets stronger as "STORMFRONT" gets weaker.
