Catholics (some 24%) & Jews (some 1%) constitute some 25% of the US population (i.e. same as Atheists*) but now represent the ultimate rights of 100% of the population!? And many recent US presidents have bathed in "god" blabber in a confused & misguided effort to make godism an alternative to communism/socialism. But look at the two latest Labour PMs in UK. Blair is a staunch fundamentalist Catholic, while Gordon Brown, the son of a cleric, is a fundamentalist "social" Christian!
* Remember that the word "Atheist" is so heavily charged via its US association with Communism, that US stats using this word may be completely misleading. This fact is weighed in here, as is the amount of Atheists in comparative countries.
also see Klevius Definition of Religion
Atheism is neither "a position compatible with other forms of identity" (as proposed by charlatan Wikipedia) nor is it part of communism/socialism! Whereas godism, communism, socialism etc. are positive ideologies, Atheism is a negative response to an unfounded belief presented in the form: "If you don't believe what I believe then you're a denier of my belief!"
A non-believer in ghosts isn't an identity either, nor is a ghost "hunter" necessarily a believer in ghosts but just the contrary.
Supreme Court in defense of "god"
In 2002 US Supreme Court ruled that Michael Newdow did not have standing to point out that the wording "one nation under God" violated the Establishment Clause of the Constitution's 1st Amendment, which prohibits the enactment of any law or official policy in support of a religion, thus disposing of the case without ruling on the constitutionality of the pledge. This is btw the same judicial tactics that made it impossible to question the legality of Mr X "president"!
Moreover, the phrase "under God" was not originally in the Pledge of Allegiance, but added in 1954 during the Cold War. 1960 the phrase “In God We Trust” began appearing on US not.
The Pope: The greatest sin may have occured inside the Catholic Church"!
Klevius comment: Indeed, although pedophilia is a great sin, the worst sin of the Catholic Church is the transmission of evil fundamentalist Judaism, now in the form of its support for islam. This is the more ironic since post-Roman Catholicism got its initial power as an outcome of Europe's defense against an attacking islam.
And of course Israel is the main problem. With some half of the "Jews" being Atheists, what could be more disturbing for fundamentalist monotheisms?!
71% of British men do not believe in any "god"!
So it's perfectly representative that the new PM David Cameron says: "I think that it's perfectly possible to live a good life without having faith, by which I mean a positive and altruistic life. - I do think that organised religion can get things wrong...”, and that his deputy Nick Clegg is an Atheist.
These facts & the miserable religious swamp in which the US is now about to drown by the help of a Jewish/Catholic Supreme Court & a muslim born "Christian" "president", may be contrasted to the situation when the USA was born as a result of the mass escape from a similar religious swamp in the country of origin!
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