
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why is Klevius the worst threat to islamic terrorists & other islam supporters?

Simply because of Klevius’ undisputable conceptualization of (negative) Human Rights & due connection to rapetivism & sex segregation!

The extreme illogic of islam

Many representatives* of islam really think there’s a logic in islam. However, there’s no other logic in islam except the original evil & inhumane racist/sexist one! But that desert robber/slave trade*** logic inevitably clashes on a global level just like parasitism always does.

*Without representatives of islam there wouldn’t be any islam, stupid**!
** For you who think it’s stupid to call people “stupid”, you may consider that Klevius never calls simple minded people “stupid”. In this actual case it was meant for those morons who think they’re clever when dismissing Klevius as not understanding that islam doesn’t have representatives!
*** Remember that all women are slaves in islam. This is why OIC (57 islamist jihadi nations in the UN) have their own “human rights” (Sharia)!

A telling example of the deep confusion re. Human Rights & islam:

Warna Hettiarachchi Ontario, Canada (sic): "Western Liberal laws and Human Rights do not work for Sri Lanka, any more than they are ignored and renders useless for Middle-Eastern countries where Islamic Laws are the local norm and standard. World media and journalists, here is a challenge for you: Write about the penal codes and deterrent punishment schemes applied in Arab nations, including beheading, stoning-to-death, chopping off fingers and limbs for criminal activities as being viewed by Western nations and society as “barbaric”, “Inhuman” and “against human-rights”. Then you should carry out a 10-year campaign to convince those nations to change their laws to become more “forgiving” and “crime-friendly” as yours. Oh wait, that will never happen – as the Arab nations are oil and financially RICH and they have loads of money to buy you, your hand and your pen off. Aljazeera, BBC, CNN, Guardian, Times and other electronic and print media organizations, please note… Am I not correct? You Western & Oil rich-countries-funded media organizations want to control the world’s political, energy and financial resources to their own monetary and controlling advantages. The same ethics and worldwide-rules together with Mass Media Corporations have also FAILED to highlight the CHILDREN being dragged away by LTTE Tamil Tiger Terrorists to be brainwashed and trained as Suicide Bombers and LTTE front-line brigade? The UN and the world KNEW about LTTE using Child soldiers as young as 13 years!! Where were the Western Nations, particularly the Liberal Canadian PM Paul Martin, Jean ChrĂ©tien, Gordon Brown, David Miliband, Eric Solheim, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and the EU, etc??"

Klevius answer to Warna Hettiarachchi: They were exactly where you are! Denying the logic of Negative Human Rights! Why? Because admitting the logic of Negative Human Rights would make the one missing from your list, Mr X “president” of USA plus all muslim political representatives political criminals, because if they “respect” islam they don’t respect the US Constitution & democracy!

Human Right based on Negative HUman Rights aren't "Western" but global! The irresistable ideology of Negative Rights rests on its complete lack of ideology!

So why aren't they more supported/enforced? Because of 1) ignorance, 2) socialists don't like freedom (see the most important sociological paper from the last Century) 3) political greed, & of course, 4) the madness of "monotheist" "symphatizers" (read cowards)! If you really need to limit yourself (see Klevius definition of religion) pls keep it for yourself!

Klevius history lesson: The Tamil terrorists are rooted in Arabic islamic slave raid/trade history long time ago (before the Western "colonialism" which, btw, brough education & stopped slavery), pretty much as the Hutu/Tutsi history in Africa. Also consider that e.g. Hinduism after having met with evil islam became much worse itself. It's the trademark of islam (i.e. Mohammedanism) to infiltrate via the ruling class, & when the evil seed is sawn the ruling class either become muslims or "half muslims" like e.g. in India & China etc.

According to K S Lal, Slaves were abducted or captured by marauders (Subuktigin, Balban), they were sold by jealous or needy relatives (Iltutmish), and they were purchased by slave-traders to be sold for profit (Aibak). These methods were known to Muslim rulers in India. All these and many other methods were employed by them and their nobles in making slaves in India. The phenomenon and its application was shocking to the Hindu mind; the Muslims, however, thought otherwise. According to Ibn Khaldun, the captives were “brought from the House of War to the House of Islam under the rule of slavery, which hides in itself a divine providence; cured by slavery, they enter the Muslim religion with the firm resolve of true believers…”1 Muslims took pride in enslaving people.

Islamic parasitism was born out of sponging on slaves & islam ruined not only the whole African continent but also much of southern & central Asia. It’s really disgusting when you now read on Wikipedia that “The Kaffirs were brought to Sri Lanka by the Portuguese, Dutch and British” (sic)! All of this is outlined & explained in my so far unpublished book Roots Guide. However, due to islamic fascism & its collaborators I’ve got no chance to publish it. I tried Bjorn Ulvaeus' (ABBA) publishing company (because he seemed to be defending Ayaan Hirsi Ali). However, he was apparently too a coward to pick it up although it seems the head of the company supported it. I don’t know…

As to muslims, islam was enforced upon you before you were born and the door out (freedom) locked with a key (Sharia) that has been thrown away (apostasy ban)!

Citizens of the world, if you care abt freedom ALWAYS vote for politicians AGAINST islam, the worst crime ever!

No matter what the agenda otherwise is, the most important vote now is for freedom & against islam! Negative rights for a positive future, instead of the ongoing ultimate collapse of Western media & Western politics in front of the worst of evils, islam (and what abt non-Western media etc?!).

Politicians ignorant abt islam but some have the courage at least to say stop when they realize what's going on

UK Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick and his wife walked out of an islamic marriage after discovering they would have to sit in separate rooms. Jim Fitzpatrick also revealed his ignorance abt sex segregation by saying that "gender segregation" is a sign of increasing radicalisation and was damaging to social cohesion".

Klevius comment: "Gender segregation" is a PC oxymoron. Gender cannot be segregated simply because it's already segregated! Gender implies a cultural relation to something that HAS TO BE DIFFERENT. Sex, on the other hand, is a physical distinction. If you're physically female you can play women's football no matter what your "gender" is! Gender replaced sex in PC language firstly because feminists wanted to keep women as their protecterd poilitical constituency, and secondly because it suited main stream chauvinists, islam etc. quite well when they eventually realized what Klevius has said abt feminism for decades! Some "feminists" haven't got it though, so they got intellectually schizophrenic. And islam is all abt sex segregation as Klevius has repeatedly warned!

However, muslim leaders of course insisted sex segregation is "traditional" at Islamic weddings as well as in mosques. They were surprised that MP Jim Fitzpatrick was unaware of the fact, although his London constituency is already one third muslim!

Klevius comment: How many equally naive politicians do we have out there performing evil political correctness in the service of the worst crime ever against humanity?! And these ignorant people are "disgusted" when they see Klevius "islamophobic" pages! Would be fun if it wasn't so sad.

The following products may be desired by some people:

Politicians free from islam/muslim bias
Muslim free neighborhoods
Education free from islamic propaganda
Programs free from muslim "comedians"
News agencies free from islamist bias

Demand usually result in production. However, the marketing of such products might be tricky. And ghow many true muslims are there really? Any?!

Klevius suggests that "ex-muslims" of all sorts join negative rights for a positive future!

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