Historians lack a functioning explanation to the violent & sudden vomit of Mohammedanism/islam out of the Arabian desert. Klevius, however, offers a description that tightly fits the historical one, albeit fails to fit political correctness.
If you, like Mr X "president" (the Saudis' puppet) really know, yet still respect islam (i.e. Mohammedanism) you inevitably disrespect Human Rights & the freedom basis of the US constitution! Europe is again submitting to fascism & the muslim born fascism respecting apostate(?!) moron in the White House won't certainly help!
Islam is based on slavery (parasitism) & this is why slavery could never be abolished from islamic teaching. The ridiculous racist idea abt Monotheism started with slavery, & Mohammedanism islam only became the "last" ultimate form of it in an environment where caravan piracy, not farming, was the natural choise for an immoral racist/sexist people. The real clash between Mohammedanism & Jews, however, was that the Mohammedans threatened the commercial (slavery)network that the Jews had established!
You’re truly a disgusting racist/sexist fascist if you hypocritically blink the undeniable facts & due logic below!
Klevius ultimate Human Rights tutorial for YOU who don’t understand the depth of islam’s evilness (although you might well think you do, you moron)!
1 The very definition of the US Constitution & true Human Rights rests on the right to freedom.
2 The right to freedom is a negative human right, i.e. an empty space that only YOU should be allowed to fill. And whereas freedom of speech is a primary/negative right, the right to vote, for example, is a secondary/positive right (however, your right not to vote is a negative right - see Klevius definition of Negative Human Rights for some more fundamental conceptualizations).
A positive right isn't always really a human right but often a social imposition, although it may sometimes appear benign & even desirable. Take the lousy (compared to e.g. its neighboring top ranked Finland) Swedish school system. Under the title "right to education" Sweden continues its compulsory school attendancy (not necessarily education), while in most countries (except Germany, of course, whose school refugees now get asylum in US), incl. Finland, it's not. And because children as minors lack agency of their own the Swedish state easily ends up as the winning interpretor of "the right of the child" (see Angels of Antichrist, the most important sociological paper of the last century, & Pathological Symbiosis in Swedish CP legislation).
3 Islam lacks human rights alltogether because it can't let women free & because it’s totalitarian & forbids leaving islam - i.e. islam presumes that Koran/Sharia should rule all aspects of life! Moreover, according to racist islam, a non-muslim cannot be equal with a muslim, & a muslim woman can never be equal with a muslim man. Instead of human rights islam therefore has Sharia law, now hidden as "islamic human rights":
4 OIC (an islamist organization constituting 57 islamic nations with Sharia inscribed in their constitutions) has changed the name of Sharia to “human rights” (sic) in the so called Cairo declaration! By accepting this gross violation of the UN 1948 Human Rights declaration UN has 1) abandoned OIC citizens' (muslims & non-muslims) Human Rights, while 2) aiding these very same islamist nations & their representatives in the West by applying Human Rights on those who actively subvert these very rights.
5 To make the confusion even worse OIC has copied much of the language from the real Human Rights, for the purpose of misleading the ignorant public. According to the islamist Cairo declaration, "all men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities". In this context (Sharia) "basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities" simply means sexist restrictons on the lives of girls/women. It's medieval sex segregation & your (only?!) expert/source on the subject is Klevius (see e.g. From Klevius without love)! It will explain to you the senseless confusion re. "sex" & "gender". People write abt "gender segregation" without having a clue what they're talking abt. You can't "segregate" gender, moron, they're already segregated! 'Gender' is like 'relation'. Try segregating a relation & it stops being a relation! Did I already say you-re a moron if you even try! But comfort yourself that the world is full of morons like you - most of them occupied with "gender studies" etc. Only sex can be segregated, dude!
6 By believing in islam a muslim denies Human Rights! Whereas Human Rights "totalitarianism" positively defends the fredom of ALL, islamic totalitarianism negatively restricts freedom & forever conserves cultural inequality between the sexes (see What's sex segregation?). Although true Human Rights cover muslims, a true muslim cannot represent Human Rights. In fact, thia is ultimate anti-democracy, & constitutes the worst judicial fraud on the planet!
A believer in islam/Mohammedanism has the right to freedom of speech but not to a democratic vote. You cannot vote for the destruction of the vote, can you!
So although muslims can be protected by West's Human Rights, islam cannot be protected by "freedom of religion" simply because islam's apostasy ban etc is the very opposite to "freedom of religion" & thus a grave violation of true Human Rights!
The very same OIC has also managed to abuse UN (which was originally built on the real human rights which defend freedom against evil ideologies such as islam) so to criminalize criticism of islam (i.e. to criticize the worst crime ever against humanity through 1400 years of slavery, rapetivism & genocides).
(Intellectual copyright Klevius)
PS Before the contamination of Mohammedanism/islam in the West I used to see black people as - people. However, now I tend to see black people as potential muslim racists! It's really a pity!
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