
Monday, February 22, 2010

Amnesty: From a toust for freedom to a toast for its opposite, Sharia!

A born muslim who respects islam is supposed to defend freedom!? Amnesty is led by jihadists! And UN has swapped its parents, Human Rights, for Sharia! Got it?

Muslim born apostate, Mr X "president" & Saudi puppet, says he "respects" islam, the worst ideological crime ever on the planet through 1400 yrs - but what abt muslims whom he kills on a daily basis?!

Amnesty International's road from Human Rights to submission under the Saudi world Caliph & islamic Sharia

As you know (if you have read the net's by far best conceptualization of Negative Human Rights), what we call Human Rights are in fact nothing if deflated from the basis of all freedom, the Negative Rights! However, due to ignorance in general & socialist negative-rights-phobia in particular, Human Rights are constantly slipping down the slope towards the islamic Leviathan.

Salil Shetty, a jihadist (fighting for islam, the worst crime ever) from UN who will succeed the contemporary Amnesty leader, muslim jihadist Irene Khan: "When new census data was released for India, the headlines were not that the population growth rate was unacceptably high in all religious groups. Instead, the headline was that the Muslim population was growing at a more rapid pace. to any rational person, this fact would simply indicate that the Muslim population in India suffers from a high concentration of poverty, womens' illiteracy and more broadly, social exclusion. Instead, many media houses, themselves controlled by Hindu fundamentalist thinking, preferred to use this to generate more hate towards the already beleaguered minority groups.

Klevius comment: 1) Only islam has a written ideology that aims for nothing less than racist abuse & genocide of non-muslims. Moreover, it's extremely easy to point out that IT WAS ISLAM that caused these "beleaguered minority groups"! 2) Everyone with a rudimentary general knowledge abt history should know that the Hindus became worse BECAUSE OF ISLAM & ITS MONUMENTAL ATROCITIES IN INDIA! Either you're plain dumb or you don't differ from Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, etc. other than that they're more honest abt it!

Educate yourself out of your bottomless ignorance abt islam, the worst crime known to history & the worst threat to freedom & humanity!

Origin of islam

How are rapetivism & sex segregation related?

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