Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Friday, January 15, 2010
From slave raider Mohammed to the Saudi Caliph, 1400 yrs of islamic infidel racist/sexist intolerans & hate mongering
The islamic (over)reproduction of evil goes via sex segregation (ideologically confined females)!
ALL HAITI SLAVES WERE CAPTURED & SOLD BY MUSLIMS IN WEST AFRICA! The history of Haiti is a micro Africa. Slaves, slave masters & those betwixt & between! Catholicism is no way out but Islam was the way in!
Goel Ratzon (the Israeli sect guy with 30 wives & 89 kids) & islam both share the ideology of polygamy, "modest" dress code for females, & forbid women from socializing with males. The home & kids was inspected by social workers in 2000 & the kids were well off, well dressed & clean so the "family" passed the test (abt the destructive uselessness of modern social workers, see Angels of Antichrist).
How many slaves/victims has the evil ideology of islam caused through 1400 yrs? Although we don't know the upper limit we do know that the lower limit is enough to render islam the worst crime in history. We also know that this crime isn't a "cultural" one but quite the opposite, an extremely deliberate ideological tactics that not only started islam but was its parasitic essence. Islam's currency used to be slaves & its main source for minting it was Africa. The mystery isn't islam but why so many are blinking that the islamic caliph is naked!
The methodological Arabic Koranic slave blood sucking & destruction of Africa during 1400 yrs spread like cancer through most of Africa long begore Europeans arrived.
Islam is a parasitic thug ideology which has been dressed/covered by the ignorance of "muslims" themselves. Hence muslim's are the most likely to be duped abt the true nature of islam, i.e. Mohammed's hallucinations/fabrications (as alleged long after his death when he was reinvented & the Koran was compiled - always remember that Mohammed didn't exist officially before Malik decided to use this murky shadow from the past).
As the absolute majority of "muslims" are ignorant abt islam, i.e. no real muslims, those "radical muslims" (i.e. studious followers of Mohammed's senseless crimes/immoral values) proportionally become the majority muslims.
Sometimes you may hear that "islamists don't read the Koran correctly". Well, does it really matter how they read it when they follow the bad example of Mohammed, its alleged editor?!
What's much more important is the simple fact that islam IS its basic formula: A parasitic slave finance made possible by sex/booty jihad & a sexist one way reproduction line (Sharia/apostasy ban) embedded in an infidel racism functioning as a (im)moral sanctioning.
Cure your ignorance abt women, men, psychoanalysis, feminism & islam:
Klevius psychosocial timeline on Sigmund Freud's lifelong attempt to defend how he treated his wife.
Klevius sex tutorial (incl. Klevius concept of rapetivism)
From Klevius without love (incl. the 1921 ban on the world's best female football team)
Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state (the most important sociological paper from the last century - evil tongues will claim it's simply because of a total lack of competition - so...)
Gametes have no sex
Marriage, kinship, friendship Marriage is a late invention. "Primitive" tribes didn't marry. So if you want to claim sex segregated marriage as development then you also need to see technological advancement as development, don't you. And if you do then islam will inevitably become a sex segregated primitivism, doesn't it!
To understand this you may need to take a look at: Origin of religion
Childless female child psychoanalysts in search for "femininity" based on "motherhood" (the sarcastic quote marks are there to indicate that both are cultural inventions - perhaps caused by an over-emphasized wish to capitalize on child birth/breast-feeding for the purpose of defending sex segregation).
From Freud to bin Laden
If you want the real truth abt the historical Viking phenomenon go to
Origin of Vikings
After reading it I'd guess your world isn't any longer the world it used to be! Moreover, I'd guess most of you initially think this is just another angle on the subject, &, after reading it, are forced to agree it's by far the best overall explanation of historical facts, no matter you like it or not. Why? Simply because of Klevius methodology, i.e. to dare to see islam for what it is, not for what you'd like it to be! What? Am I exaggerating islam's role? Absolutely not, because my (& Koran's) definition of islam is: parasitism based on slaves & sex slaves embedded in an immorality built of infidel racism! Only this will explain islam's rapid initial spread. And like cancer needs blood vessels, islam needs a host civilization that can feed its growth! All civilizations "visited"/contaminated with islam have slowly deteriorated into a state of ultimate misery, the Ottoman "empire" being the last example.
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