Mr X "president's" "respect" for islam can only be compared to his disrepect for Human Rights!
Egyptian apostate girl Dina el-Gowhary asks Mr X "president" for help against islam. Do you think he, who said he "respects" islam), will listen? What's more, Google & other media (who elected US worst "president") won't even inform you abt her (compare a Google News search today - one hit!)!
Islam's very soul is evil because islam originated not only as an excuse for slavery/racism/rapetivism, but also as an effective (booty & sex) tool for jihadism (see Origin of islam).
Dina el-Gowhary: “Mr President Obama, we are a minority in Egypt. We are treated very badly. You said that the Muslim minority in America are treated very well, so why are we not treated here likewise? We are imprisoned in our own home because Muslim clerics called for the murder of my father, and now the Government has set for us a new prison, we are imprisoned in our own country. I am 15 years old but I still have hope that my message will reach President Obama.”
Klevius comment: According to the Egyptian Sharia court, to leave islam is against islamic Sharia law and poses a threat to the “public order” in Egypt. I rest my case.
Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
BBC (after muslims burnt 10 churces): "Somehow the mosque survived"
In a pathetic effort of PC blinking/"balancing up" the islamic atrocities committed by muslim Jihadi attackers, BBC tries to make the ongoing & accelerating islamic genocide in Nigeria "a Christian/muslim controversy which doesn't even have to do with religion"!
Klevius comment: Is this the ultimate journalistic dead end?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Blair, Bush, & Rice got Iraq right - but got the lethal islamic murdering jihadism from Saudi Arabia wrong!
The " heartland of islamic evil
This man (& Co) is the main thug behind the blood shed in Iraq!
House of Saud", Mr X "president's" beloved muslim brothers, has always targeted Shia muslims, no matter if it's Iran, Iraq or Yemen! They strongly supported Saddam Hussein's 8 yr long war against Iran. Then, after the US marine's one week flash conquering of Baghad/Iraq, the Saudi Caliph started his deadly islamic insurgency campaign resulting in mass murder of Iraqis, US & Brits, as well as others.
Blaming Blair, Bush & Rice for this Saudi islamofascism (via Syria etc) is extremely naive & misleading!
The big mistake was that Blair, Bush & Rice didn't go to Riyadh! I.e. the same mistake as those who now criticize them!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Is Mr X, Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever), the most evil U.S. "president" ever?
Which one is bigger, the deficit in cash or honesty?
Unlike ignorant "muslims" who don't have a clue abt what islam really is (because they're duped with distorted "nice" islam pictures), Muslim born & muslim adopted Mr X (no one knows who he really is becuse he has hidden all his recodrs incl. his full birth certificate) "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) knows very well that leaving islam (together with a multitude of other evil basic islamic tenets) is a real islamic threat. This is why he doesn't bother abt threatened ex-muslims such as e.g. Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Rifqa Bary in the US, & all those non-muslim infidels suffering under islam in islamic countries. Not addressing this is pure evil from his side!
Muslim born & muslim adopted Mr X (no one knows who he really is becuse he has hidden all recodrs incl. his full birth certificate) "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) is double illegal. As a muslim (he hasn't openly abandoned islam) he not only commits the worst crime known to islam, but he also gravely violates the US constitution because islam doesn't comply with "man
made" laws. Nor can he "explain" it away by mumbling abt "the same god" because islam doesn't accept any other "faiths" as equal to itself!
Moreover, this muslim born & muslim adopted Mr X (no one knows who he really is because he has hidden all his records incl. his full birth certificate) "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) says he "respects" the worst ideological crime known to man (calculated on the basis of its victims through 1400 yrs)! Yes, I know, of course he does it because he's also an "islamophobe" who knows how dangerous islam is, especially when it comes to its apostasy ban!
However, what is extremely frightening is that just like the media steered campaign that made him "president" in the first place, exactly the same trick is obscuring the real nature of his "presidency", as seen in the following example on how he cheat with cheap & empty but effective speech writing/reading/acting applauded by PC media.
Muslim born & muslim adopted Mr X (no one knows who he really is becuse he has hidden all recodrs incl. his full birth certificate) "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever): "I will issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans,"
Klevius translation: Now that I'm in office & have successfully robbed the US taxpayers for money to my pals, I can stop the money flow to ordinary Americans & get some time so they might forget it before next election.
Although he's a moron he knows very well, via his advisors, that US can never pay its debt anymore as an independent nation!
Muslim born & muslim adopted Mr X (no one knows who he really is becuse he has hidden all recodrs incl. his full birth certificate) "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever) blinks islam's evil strategy (via OIC & UN) to boost its fascist agenda by
1) criminalizing criticism against itself
2) calling evil racist/sexist Sharia "human rights" (the so called Cairo declaration on human rights)
Cure your bottomless ignorance abt islam here!
Toyota's quality secret revealed! Avoid non-Japanese suppliers!
American CTS Corp. have been allowed to make accelerators for Toyota. That was a big mistake. However, instead of blaming the culprit (non-Japanese poor quality) & taking some lessons from it, this is used AGAINST Toyota which has supplied the world with better quality cars than any non-Japanese company has been able to do (incl. Porsche, the best of the Euros - if you don't count the insane price tag - whose boss in the 1990s admitted that they couldn't compete in quality with the Japanese).
This way of turning the blame from oneself to the one that least deserves it is what characterizes both Mr X "president" as well as his "faith"!
Check out Klevius "anthropologiocal" techno page from 2004!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Are muslims evil?
What is islam, & is there a "moderate" islam?
Turkey is the richest islamic nation, & knocking on EU's door. Acccording to Turkish PM Erdogan "These descriptions (moderate islam) are very ugly. It is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that's it."
Who is a muslim then?
According to brainless Wikipedia, "a muslim is an adherent of islam".
What is evil?
According to brainless Wikipedia: "Moral evil is the result of any morally negative event caused by the intentional action or inaction of a person."
Klevius conclusion: "Morally negative" may be conceptualized as something that is logically reprehensible on a general level (i.e. not on a specific level, e.g. that most people, even among muslims, have priorities in their relationships). Whereas the 1948 Human Rights declaration is based on Negative Human Rights, meaning that EVERYONE is included & without exclusions, Islam is exclusive & classifies people as unequal, e.g. muslim men, women/slaves, Abrahamists other than muslims, other "infidels". Not only that, but the very ideological initial essence of islam was pure evil piracy parasitism expanded by slavery & rapetivism (Sharia).
Klevius questions:
Is it racist & evil to ethnically classify people as a lower class?
Is it evil to force children from mixed marriage to become muslims, while denying it the other way round?
Is it evil to force or intimidate children to become/stay muslims?
Is it evil to support (or not criticize) a system that makes freedom of religion (apostasy) a crime?
Is it evil support (or not criticize) a system that not to allow others the same by referring to muslimhood as a superior race?
Is it sexist & evil to support (or not criticize) a system that doesn't allow women to choose whom they love (a muslim women IS NOT ALLOWED TO marry a non-muslim)?
Is it evil to support (or not criticize) a system that forces a non'muslim man to become a muslim if he loves a muslim woman (who most often has been made a muslim before she couldn't even talk)?
Is it evil to support (or not criticize) a totalitarian system that only accepts the expansion of itself? In fact, denies the equal right of existence of others.
Is it evil to be silent abt muslim rapes, murders, assaults, threats, intimidations, mockings, while immediately, for whatever trivial reason (i.e. a situation where a Westerner wouldn't stand a chance to be heard although equally "insulted"), abusing the Western legal system (which islam aims to destroy) when there is the slightest chance?
Is it evil to support (or not criticize) an islamic organization (OIC, i.e. all the muslim countries) which criminalizes criticism against itself?
Is it evil to "believe" in a book that is full of evil commands that need "explanations" & "interpretations" to look less evil?
Is it evil to believe in a "prophet" who commits all the worst sins known to mankind?
Is it evil to support muslim expansionist population growth when the resources are limited & the pollutions abundant already?
Is it evil to support muslim expansionist population growth when people affected by islam are among the worst off??
Is it evil not to recognize that most of an entire continent, Africa) has been developmentally destroyed under 1400 yrs because of islam?
Is it evil not to recognize that huge parts of Europe & Asia have been severely victimized because of islam? See e.g. how islam cooperated with the Vikings to drain white slave girls from Europe.
Can there be "moderate" muslims if there are no "moderate" islam?
Most "muslims" are probably ignorant abt islam, hence cannot be accused of evilness. However, those who start comprehending the disgusting roots of islam may, like many previous communists, be categorized in two main groups:
1 Those who are racist & sexist
2 Those who want to "reform" islam
The first group is clearly evil, while the latter group seems to have slipped away from brainless Wikipedia's initial definition as "an adherent of islam".
Klevius conclusion/suggestion: A removing of what is evil in islam (incl. Mohammed's immoral actions & Koran's immoral commands & advices) would castrate islam so badly that nothing meaningful could anymore fill the word islam. This means that some one Billion muslims ought to commit apostasy or, alternatively, that the word 'muslim' ought to be understood as a person (&/or his ancestors) who has suffered under islam (& those who have gained from islam may be called 'islamists').
From Freud to bin Laden
Personally I'm grateful because islam's unbelievable sexism has made it much easier for me to emphasize what I wrote in Angels of Antichrist 1996:
In 1897, the first female Nobel prize winner in literature, Selma Lagerlöf from Sweden, wrote in her novel Antikrists mirakler ("The Miracles of Antichrist") that socialism is the disguise of Antichrist, conceived as the power of evil in the mask of goodness. Lagerlöf, however, also described women voluntarily helping poor people while bearing the growing idea of socialism in their hearts. She ended the novel in a rather optimistic mood, saying that we need not fear Antichrist if we just place the picture of him beside the picture of Christ.
Although the simple Sicilian women in Lagerlöf’s novel, following the Good Samaritan, showed no signs of evil, they were certainly part of a movement that would become the most widespread political force ever. The question, however, remains; is it an evil one?
Neither Western oil money nor Sharia can stop the next revolution (the last & major) against sex segregation when enough women really see the horrifying painting they themselves have contributed to & have continued to transfer to their poor daughters. And many of them will continue to deny what they see. That's why we soon gonna see a full scale cultural "civil" war inside the female sex!
And for you guys who have wondered why feminists like islam, start digging From Klevius without love!
Friday, January 15, 2010
From slave raider Mohammed to the Saudi Caliph, 1400 yrs of islamic infidel racist/sexist intolerans & hate mongering
The islamic (over)reproduction of evil goes via sex segregation (ideologically confined females)!
ALL HAITI SLAVES WERE CAPTURED & SOLD BY MUSLIMS IN WEST AFRICA! The history of Haiti is a micro Africa. Slaves, slave masters & those betwixt & between! Catholicism is no way out but Islam was the way in!
Goel Ratzon (the Israeli sect guy with 30 wives & 89 kids) & islam both share the ideology of polygamy, "modest" dress code for females, & forbid women from socializing with males. The home & kids was inspected by social workers in 2000 & the kids were well off, well dressed & clean so the "family" passed the test (abt the destructive uselessness of modern social workers, see Angels of Antichrist).
How many slaves/victims has the evil ideology of islam caused through 1400 yrs? Although we don't know the upper limit we do know that the lower limit is enough to render islam the worst crime in history. We also know that this crime isn't a "cultural" one but quite the opposite, an extremely deliberate ideological tactics that not only started islam but was its parasitic essence. Islam's currency used to be slaves & its main source for minting it was Africa. The mystery isn't islam but why so many are blinking that the islamic caliph is naked!
The methodological Arabic Koranic slave blood sucking & destruction of Africa during 1400 yrs spread like cancer through most of Africa long begore Europeans arrived.
Islam is a parasitic thug ideology which has been dressed/covered by the ignorance of "muslims" themselves. Hence muslim's are the most likely to be duped abt the true nature of islam, i.e. Mohammed's hallucinations/fabrications (as alleged long after his death when he was reinvented & the Koran was compiled - always remember that Mohammed didn't exist officially before Malik decided to use this murky shadow from the past).
As the absolute majority of "muslims" are ignorant abt islam, i.e. no real muslims, those "radical muslims" (i.e. studious followers of Mohammed's senseless crimes/immoral values) proportionally become the majority muslims.
Sometimes you may hear that "islamists don't read the Koran correctly". Well, does it really matter how they read it when they follow the bad example of Mohammed, its alleged editor?!
What's much more important is the simple fact that islam IS its basic formula: A parasitic slave finance made possible by sex/booty jihad & a sexist one way reproduction line (Sharia/apostasy ban) embedded in an infidel racism functioning as a (im)moral sanctioning.
Cure your ignorance abt women, men, psychoanalysis, feminism & islam:
Klevius psychosocial timeline on Sigmund Freud's lifelong attempt to defend how he treated his wife.
Klevius sex tutorial (incl. Klevius concept of rapetivism)
From Klevius without love (incl. the 1921 ban on the world's best female football team)
Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state (the most important sociological paper from the last century - evil tongues will claim it's simply because of a total lack of competition - so...)
Gametes have no sex
Marriage, kinship, friendship Marriage is a late invention. "Primitive" tribes didn't marry. So if you want to claim sex segregated marriage as development then you also need to see technological advancement as development, don't you. And if you do then islam will inevitably become a sex segregated primitivism, doesn't it!
To understand this you may need to take a look at: Origin of religion
Childless female child psychoanalysts in search for "femininity" based on "motherhood" (the sarcastic quote marks are there to indicate that both are cultural inventions - perhaps caused by an over-emphasized wish to capitalize on child birth/breast-feeding for the purpose of defending sex segregation).
From Freud to bin Laden
If you want the real truth abt the historical Viking phenomenon go to
Origin of Vikings
After reading it I'd guess your world isn't any longer the world it used to be! Moreover, I'd guess most of you initially think this is just another angle on the subject, &, after reading it, are forced to agree it's by far the best overall explanation of historical facts, no matter you like it or not. Why? Simply because of Klevius methodology, i.e. to dare to see islam for what it is, not for what you'd like it to be! What? Am I exaggerating islam's role? Absolutely not, because my (& Koran's) definition of islam is: parasitism based on slaves & sex slaves embedded in an immorality built of infidel racism! Only this will explain islam's rapid initial spread. And like cancer needs blood vessels, islam needs a host civilization that can feed its growth! All civilizations "visited"/contaminated with islam have slowly deteriorated into a state of ultimate misery, the Ottoman "empire" being the last example.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Oil belongs to the world, not to evil islam!
Most people don't even own the ground under their home. And they who do, rarely own more than just the thin surface. What's down under is usually considered state property. And what's the state? Well, it's the common good, isn't it! And the islamic Umma doesn't care much abt state borders (except when it comes to islamic OIC's own borders, of course)! So isn't it time to fairly share what Nature created Millions of yrs before islam under the cover of its non-existing (see below) "god" chronically traumatized Africa & other parts of the world for some 1400 yrs!
Klevius global oil tax proposal for global fairness
Shinto (the world's oldest religion) meets islam (the world's oldest fascist ideology)
For you who are so ignorant (& especially for YOU who THINK you aren't) so you don't understand that Shinto is the oldest religion pls read Klevius Origin of Religion!
Made in islam: 1400 yrs of slavery, misery, over population, violence, institutionalized racism & sexism? Yes! Good technology (like Lexus, Honda, Seiko, Citizen, Sony, Hitachi, Matsushita and Toshiba, Nikon, Canon, NEC, Fuji, Olympus, Roland, Stax, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toko Kogyo, Himeji etc etc)? No!
So what does this have to do with oil. Oh you ignorant (peace be upon you), Shinto Japan is the perfect opposite to islam. No oil but the best technology! A non-European people who have outperformed islamic Arabs in EVERY aspect of life except bullying its neighbours (the main exceptions being fueled by Mideastern monotheism)!
Islam, the worst of evil monotheisms
Instead of abusing the Western civilization’s oil money for the the purpose of spreading evil racist/sexist slave islam, a heavy tax should be paid by nations which happens to sit on (in fact, stolen, when it comes to the Saudis) resources that belong to all of us.
A godless immoral nullatheism
A distinct feature of islam is its disconnection of itself from its alleged "god". This peculiarity paves the way immoral nihilism, i.e. a totalitarian racism. As a consequence this fascist ideology is inevitably a one way to misery & suffering when the host no longer feeds the parasite.
Iraq's & Afganistan's constitutions are poisoned by islam - so what's the point of fighting against Sharia Taliban when the consitution anyway paves the way for Sharia islam?! Not before the Iraqi & Afgan people know what islam is really abt can they change their constitution & get rid of the rottening corpse from Medieval times. Yes, I said corpse, because morally islam is already dead because of the Negative Human Rights that Enlightenment produced & the UN 1948 Declaration on Human Rights established. Not before we stop sending false political commercials supporting evil islam can we hope for a real change in the ocean of ignorance where the islamic Leviathan dwells.
Always remember that ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION! Neither is it monotheist. There simply is no “god” in islam. A lot of references to Allah but no Allah! And this is very deliberate & essential for islam & how it started. To get full access to decision making Mohammed (& whoever followed in his bloody footsteps) locked out Allah in the cold.
The evil & treacherous islamic strategy is to “border out” judicial complaints against islamic racism/sexism by making this political & ideological racism/sexism a “religious” one, hence protected by the Rights it strives to erase.
Klevius global oil tax proposal for global fairness
Shinto (the world's oldest religion) meets islam (the world's oldest fascist ideology)
For you who are so ignorant (& especially for YOU who THINK you aren't) so you don't understand that Shinto is the oldest religion pls read Klevius Origin of Religion!
Made in islam: 1400 yrs of slavery, misery, over population, violence, institutionalized racism & sexism? Yes! Good technology (like Lexus, Honda, Seiko, Citizen, Sony, Hitachi, Matsushita and Toshiba, Nikon, Canon, NEC, Fuji, Olympus, Roland, Stax, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toko Kogyo, Himeji etc etc)? No!
So what does this have to do with oil. Oh you ignorant (peace be upon you), Shinto Japan is the perfect opposite to islam. No oil but the best technology! A non-European people who have outperformed islamic Arabs in EVERY aspect of life except bullying its neighbours (the main exceptions being fueled by Mideastern monotheism)!
Islam, the worst of evil monotheisms
Instead of abusing the Western civilization’s oil money for the the purpose of spreading evil racist/sexist slave islam, a heavy tax should be paid by nations which happens to sit on (in fact, stolen, when it comes to the Saudis) resources that belong to all of us.
A godless immoral nullatheism
A distinct feature of islam is its disconnection of itself from its alleged "god". This peculiarity paves the way immoral nihilism, i.e. a totalitarian racism. As a consequence this fascist ideology is inevitably a one way to misery & suffering when the host no longer feeds the parasite.
Iraq's & Afganistan's constitutions are poisoned by islam - so what's the point of fighting against Sharia Taliban when the consitution anyway paves the way for Sharia islam?! Not before the Iraqi & Afgan people know what islam is really abt can they change their constitution & get rid of the rottening corpse from Medieval times. Yes, I said corpse, because morally islam is already dead because of the Negative Human Rights that Enlightenment produced & the UN 1948 Declaration on Human Rights established. Not before we stop sending false political commercials supporting evil islam can we hope for a real change in the ocean of ignorance where the islamic Leviathan dwells.
Always remember that ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION! Neither is it monotheist. There simply is no “god” in islam. A lot of references to Allah but no Allah! And this is very deliberate & essential for islam & how it started. To get full access to decision making Mohammed (& whoever followed in his bloody footsteps) locked out Allah in the cold.
The evil & treacherous islamic strategy is to “border out” judicial complaints against islamic racism/sexism by making this political & ideological racism/sexism a “religious” one, hence protected by the Rights it strives to erase.
Friday, January 08, 2010
OIC, Saudi Caliph, his puppet Mr X "president", & the United Pedophiles (Catholic Church & islam) now shut down free speech!
As you all know the Catholic church suffers from decades (perhaps Centuries or even Millenias) of pedophilia. Most of you also know that since the time of Mohammed, islam suffers from the same disease. Against this background, which perhaps also reflects some deeper ideological resemblance, it's not too surprising that the Catholic Ireland now, as the first nation outside OIC (which started it), follows the lead of the Saudi Caliph & Co, & introduces a "blasphemy" law to protect itself against scrutiny.
(not all the people of OIC but the evil islamic intentions of their leadership)
Klevius history lesson: Ever wondered abt why islamic countries always have been the poorest & least educated (if you don't count the economical effects of islamic slavery & Western oil money)? And why Catholic countries, although way better than the islamic ones, have been less well off than Protestant or non-"monotheist" countries (Japan etc)?
Well, as you know by now, if you've read your Klevius, the "great" sex slave religions Judaism, most of Christianity (except for a tiny protest movement in its early yrs), & islam, are focused on sex & reproduction with no responsibility to the sex segregated (& often less sexually focused - see Klevius sex tutorial - & hence often raped women), to the environment/extreme population growth etc. However, only islam developed this evil heritance to its most evil sophistication, i.e. a totalitarian ideology based on infidel racism, sex slave rapetivism, & Sharia apostasy ban (i.e. the extremely intolerant no way out from islam) that was made successful by drawing on the lowest of human characters, namely male sexual urges, female fear, & an all human greed that could be satisfied by a parasitic system of robbery & slavery finance.
Judaism doesn't really exist anymore. There are less than 10 Million Jews in the entire world. Most of the "Jews" in Israel aren't Jews in any meaningful sense because they are secularized Westerners. That's why they have become such a shining pearl of technological & economical development (not to mention employers & exporters) in the Burqa darkness of Arabic islamm (Klevius will soon offer you a timeline refuting EVERY alleged islamic Arab contribution to science or development, this is a consequence of its own ideological definition. When Arabs have done something good it has NEVER been a product of islam. Btw, most Arabic professors etc. on Western universities are well combed stealthy jihadists).
A crucial problem for many "monotheists" (right now fighting abt the right to call both the Christian & islamic "god" Allah) is the problem of totalitarianism & racism. If your "god" isn't my "god" then it's either false or at least less worthy from a "monotheist" point of view.
According to the 2006 Irish census, there are 32,539 Muslims (19,372 males and 13,167 females) living in the Republic of Ireland.[6] representing a 69% increase over the figures for the 2002 census (19.147). In 1991, the number of Muslims was below 4000 (3.873). Note the ordinary pattern of muslim immigrants, i.e. that there are always more males (sex jihadists) who can marry & muslimize non-muslim women & that islam forbids women to have anything love or sex related to do with Western non-muslim males unless these men have converted to islam. Also note that statistically more Western women than men convert to islam because of this very sam fact.
The muslim community in Ireland is heavily influenced by the Saudi Caliph & Co. The strategy is to connect to the vanishing Catholic chursh's desperation for legitimacy, while simultaneously opening up for islam & its evil Sharia. What has happened in Ireland is a small albeit crucial step for OIC (Organisation of The Islamic Conference - i.e. 57 nations who have agreed to violate the most sacred part of the 1948 Human Righs Declaration) to spread its evil agenda in non-muslim states!
The new Irish law defines blasphemy as publishing or uttering "matter that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by "any religion", thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion". The punishment is a fine of up to €25,000.
It fits well in the Irish constitution which echoes this religious fundamentalism (Article 44): The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion. Klevius comment: A wide open door for Saudi/OIC islamofascism!
The law was introduced by the Fianna Fail party, & the Irish Justice minister consulted OIC (The Islamic Council of Ireland) in the process. Irish media kept it almost entirely in the dark so most of the Irish people didn't have a clue before it was too late (compare Klevius example from Sweden abt a disastrous psychological child "protection" criterion that was secretely implemented out of sight for ordinary people).
The pics above
Islam's Saudi steered puppet "president" Mr X'Obama now adds Yemen to his bombing campaign!
A muslim born apostate US "president" Mr X who can't stop telling us how much he respects islam & its criminal dictators & the world threatening OIC.
Two UK muslim peers, one (Ahmed) who allegedly killed because of reckless (sms?) driving, & who threatened the peace of UK & its parliament with 10,000 islamic street jihadists, & one (Warsi) who calls her fellow muslims "idiots" when they follow the Koran & Mohammed.
A fanatic (Khalid) Saudi connected black muslim supremacist (Black Panthers, Nation of Islam etc) who sponsored & mentored Mr X & "arranged" his admission to Harvard for transfer to the senate & all the way up to the White House. Seen from the eyes of ignorance it could have been a sunshine story. But it isn't, islam is the worst crime ever against humanity & OIC (56 muslim nations & Palestine) with its horrifying Sharia commitment, constitute the worst threat to humanity now & here. And Mr X "president" knows very well the OIC agenda, yet still applauds it!
Mr X close friend (Ingrid Matson) who leads all American muslims towards a US Sharia constitution.
The Saudi Caliph of all muslims
& his close friend Bashir who is wanted by the Haague for crimes against humanity in Darfur.
Muslims from CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) an organization founded by Al-Qaeda which is guarding the spread of Sharia islam in the US, & which is a frequent guest in the White House.
The fat guy whom they award on the pic is the very same Hasan who started Bridges TV for the purpose of correcting "misunderstandings abt islam". Hasan then murdered his divorcing apostate wife by stabbing her nine times & then ritually fulfilled Sharia by decapitating her.
(not all the people of OIC but the evil islamic intentions of their leadership)
Klevius history lesson: Ever wondered abt why islamic countries always have been the poorest & least educated (if you don't count the economical effects of islamic slavery & Western oil money)? And why Catholic countries, although way better than the islamic ones, have been less well off than Protestant or non-"monotheist" countries (Japan etc)?
Well, as you know by now, if you've read your Klevius, the "great" sex slave religions Judaism, most of Christianity (except for a tiny protest movement in its early yrs), & islam, are focused on sex & reproduction with no responsibility to the sex segregated (& often less sexually focused - see Klevius sex tutorial - & hence often raped women), to the environment/extreme population growth etc. However, only islam developed this evil heritance to its most evil sophistication, i.e. a totalitarian ideology based on infidel racism, sex slave rapetivism, & Sharia apostasy ban (i.e. the extremely intolerant no way out from islam) that was made successful by drawing on the lowest of human characters, namely male sexual urges, female fear, & an all human greed that could be satisfied by a parasitic system of robbery & slavery finance.
Judaism doesn't really exist anymore. There are less than 10 Million Jews in the entire world. Most of the "Jews" in Israel aren't Jews in any meaningful sense because they are secularized Westerners. That's why they have become such a shining pearl of technological & economical development (not to mention employers & exporters) in the Burqa darkness of Arabic islamm (Klevius will soon offer you a timeline refuting EVERY alleged islamic Arab contribution to science or development, this is a consequence of its own ideological definition. When Arabs have done something good it has NEVER been a product of islam. Btw, most Arabic professors etc. on Western universities are well combed stealthy jihadists).
A crucial problem for many "monotheists" (right now fighting abt the right to call both the Christian & islamic "god" Allah) is the problem of totalitarianism & racism. If your "god" isn't my "god" then it's either false or at least less worthy from a "monotheist" point of view.
According to the 2006 Irish census, there are 32,539 Muslims (19,372 males and 13,167 females) living in the Republic of Ireland.[6] representing a 69% increase over the figures for the 2002 census (19.147). In 1991, the number of Muslims was below 4000 (3.873). Note the ordinary pattern of muslim immigrants, i.e. that there are always more males (sex jihadists) who can marry & muslimize non-muslim women & that islam forbids women to have anything love or sex related to do with Western non-muslim males unless these men have converted to islam. Also note that statistically more Western women than men convert to islam because of this very sam fact.
The muslim community in Ireland is heavily influenced by the Saudi Caliph & Co. The strategy is to connect to the vanishing Catholic chursh's desperation for legitimacy, while simultaneously opening up for islam & its evil Sharia. What has happened in Ireland is a small albeit crucial step for OIC (Organisation of The Islamic Conference - i.e. 57 nations who have agreed to violate the most sacred part of the 1948 Human Righs Declaration) to spread its evil agenda in non-muslim states!
The new Irish law defines blasphemy as publishing or uttering "matter that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by "any religion", thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion". The punishment is a fine of up to €25,000.
It fits well in the Irish constitution which echoes this religious fundamentalism (Article 44): The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion. Klevius comment: A wide open door for Saudi/OIC islamofascism!
The law was introduced by the Fianna Fail party, & the Irish Justice minister consulted OIC (The Islamic Council of Ireland) in the process. Irish media kept it almost entirely in the dark so most of the Irish people didn't have a clue before it was too late (compare Klevius example from Sweden abt a disastrous psychological child "protection" criterion that was secretely implemented out of sight for ordinary people).
The pics above
Islam's Saudi steered puppet "president" Mr X'Obama now adds Yemen to his bombing campaign!
A muslim born apostate US "president" Mr X who can't stop telling us how much he respects islam & its criminal dictators & the world threatening OIC.
Two UK muslim peers, one (Ahmed) who allegedly killed because of reckless (sms?) driving, & who threatened the peace of UK & its parliament with 10,000 islamic street jihadists, & one (Warsi) who calls her fellow muslims "idiots" when they follow the Koran & Mohammed.
A fanatic (Khalid) Saudi connected black muslim supremacist (Black Panthers, Nation of Islam etc) who sponsored & mentored Mr X & "arranged" his admission to Harvard for transfer to the senate & all the way up to the White House. Seen from the eyes of ignorance it could have been a sunshine story. But it isn't, islam is the worst crime ever against humanity & OIC (56 muslim nations & Palestine) with its horrifying Sharia commitment, constitute the worst threat to humanity now & here. And Mr X "president" knows very well the OIC agenda, yet still applauds it!
Mr X close friend (Ingrid Matson) who leads all American muslims towards a US Sharia constitution.
The Saudi Caliph of all muslims
& his close friend Bashir who is wanted by the Haague for crimes against humanity in Darfur.
Muslims from CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) an organization founded by Al-Qaeda which is guarding the spread of Sharia islam in the US, & which is a frequent guest in the White House.
The fat guy whom they award on the pic is the very same Hasan who started Bridges TV for the purpose of correcting "misunderstandings abt islam". Hasan then murdered his divorcing apostate wife by stabbing her nine times & then ritually fulfilled Sharia by decapitating her.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Saudi sponsored Kosovo muslim Shkupolli tortured & poked the eyes out of one of his wives in Finland in accordance with islamic Sharia**
OIC, led by Saudi Arabia, consists of 57 muslim states who have agreed to 1) heavily violate UN Human Rights & replace them with islamic Sharia, & to 2) criminalize criticism of islam (the worst crime ever against humanity).
Alleged content of a Finnish police report on Ibrahim Shkupolli, a Kosovo muslim immigrant with alleged connections to the muslim terror organization UCK (i.e. KLA, Kosovo "Liberation" Army, which mass murdered Serbs (no, there are no "muslim Serbs", that would contradict islamic totalitarian teaching - allegiance to islam always wins over nationality, dude!) & other non-muslim civilians hence causing the war):
Kosovo muslim Ibrahim Shkupolli (who also had at least one other wife & kids back in Kosovo) allegedly tied his Finnish wife (who had tried to divorce him in accordance with Finnish but not muslim law) up on a chair, tortured her & carved her eyes out with a knife in the manner of muslim Jihad fighters in old Yugoslavia.
Klevius comment: The islamic Penal Laws are contrary to the International Declaration to Remove Discrimination Against Women and the International Declaration of Human Rights, not to mention that they gravely & inevitably violate Western Human Rights based on the crucial Negative Human Rights which ultimately exclude any sort of islamic Sharia because the Negative Human Rights in the 1948 UN Declaration protect* EVERY (incl. women) individuals rights!. I know it could be difficult to understand so why don't you take a look at Klevius explanation!
* You ignorant, who dont understand the basics of (negative) human rights, pls try to see them as the deepest possible moral guideline, i.e. a last resort/space for the individuals freedom together with others. Of course who ever can violate them in praxis, this isn't the issue but rather that the fundamental principle of legislation ought to rest on them!
** If you're a true muslim you obey islam, incl. its (inevitable) racist/sexist infidel ideology & apostasy ban (not allowed to leave islam) & its sex segregation which makes girls/women a lower household species in comparison to boys/men!
Criticizing muslim racism & the worst ideological crime ever against humanity is called - racism! Why?
Bruce Bawer: Justin Vaïsse, took to task several authors, including me, who have warned in recent years of the Islamization of Europe. Vaïsse countered these authors’ mountains of hard facts with a big helping of the usual supercilious sneering. His thesis: Europe is chugging along just fine; Islam poses no real challenge to the continent’s freedom and prosperity; after all, the “experts” say so. Never mind the draining of European welfare systems by Muslim families, the explosion in rapes and gay-bashings and Jew-baitings, the proliferation of honor killings and forced marriages and no-go zones; never mind the murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh by fanatics who objected to those men’s positions on Islam; never mind the threats directed at critics of Islam, such as Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Robert Redeker, which have obliged them to live in hiding or with round-the-clock bodyguards.
Klevius comment: Isn't it amazing that we now, just some 60 yrs after getting rid of Hitler & after having agreed on a set of Human Rights which foremost aim was to hinder a repeating of totalitarian fascism, again experience the same problem & that media & politicians & ignorant citizens so eagerly support this new path towards fascism! 57 islamist member states of UN are now united around islamic Sharia fascism & the Cairo Declaration on Sharia "human rights" & the aim to criminalize every critical or "stereotyping" of islam, while freedom, pluralism & democracy makes the other powerless.
However, the simple cure is to recognize that with such (islamic) aims one can't logically/morally participate in a civilized democratic debate/legislation, because one's aim is to destroy democracy &/or the individual freedom given through Negative Human Rights (the basis for UN's 1948 Declaration)!
You disgusting individual racist who call yourself a muslim
so that you can hide your racist/sexist attitudes behind Western Human Rights & welfare, you are even worse than the German Nazi supporters. The German NationalSOCIALISTS' 25 point manifesto was hard to distinguish from a social democratic manifesto if you just removed a few lines abt Jews! Most of those Nazis & almost all Germans today spit on that. And no one gets offended! The same will happen to islam & islamists, of course, but how much suffering will it take before we are there?!
And ask whoever expert on islam, without infidel racism (i.e. that infidels are no real humans), apostasy ban (not allowed to leave islam) & rapetivism (Sharia sex segregation with due "duties" to serve as sex slaves & to reproduce as many new muslims as possible) there's no islam left, no matter what you call it! Got it dude!
The initial "success" of islam was based on islam's very source code: Female sex to male jihadists, booty & slaves from the infidels, & a Sharia system that made it morally right to abuse & even murder infidels incl. women!
Islam is the biggest & worst slave master through 1400 yrs. Slaves were the coins of islamic finance! And the islamic migration out from Medina/Mecca was a parasitic colonialism of the surrounding more civilized world!