
Sunday, December 06, 2009

It was probably islam, not Amanda Knox or Raffaele Sollecito who murdered Meredith Kerchner

This is the most probable mastermind to the islamic (cutting the throat after raping her) murder. The murder happened in Perugia notorious for its extremist hate mongering islamic mosque with some 10,000 islamic visitors, among them islamic Al-Qaeda etc terrorists. Perugia has a large African population which is heavily influenced by islamic "infidel" racism. Abdullah committed the islamic rape of the infidel & due decapitation, as he usually does, via some lost African street jihadist (no one knows how many victims Abdullah's & Co racist islamic hate mongering has caused to date = see e.g. the case of Linda in Sweden, for a milder form of this islamic street jihadism made in Saudi Arabia & the Koran).

One may only speculate how much the stupid misinformation of islam has contributed to this horrible crime. Maybe the murder could have been avoided with a little more caution & information & less prejudices...

Klevius sex analysis: The case seems to really highlight the extreme sex tension that is building up between the moral crusts consisting of rigid no-sex (before/outside marriage) & the "as much sex as possible & whenever", continents. Meredith Kerchner became a victim of catholic innocence/naivity & islamic sex racism. Catholicism & islam merged into an evil inquisition against "secular promisquity".

The cast (as interpreted by Klevius today from a point of view that is extremely shallow & superficial, but based on his sex & islam analysis):

Meredith Kerchner, a nice girl who didn't want to have sex with the African boy she was, perhaps, too friendly/naive towards in the beginning.

Rudy Guede, the most probable murderer, a black African man (see how hot that phrase is "a black African") with a record of violence & "a taste for foreign ("white") women". He, most probably committed the crime alone (which doesn't exclude the possibility that the others were somewhere nearby, & under influence as well). However, to convict "a black African" while freeing whites seems to have been too difficult. His finger prints & his DNA connected to the murder.

Amanda Knox, a young American woman confused by sex segregation. Alcohol & drugs are the main paths to sex for women but not for men. She might have messed around (although we don't know how much this is exaggerated) but she was most probably not involved in the murder in any sense (yes, she might have been guilty of not reacting properly to what happened if she was nearby). She is a good footballer with a technique to take on attackers that earned her the name 'Foxy Knoxy' which has nothing to do with sex although media & the court sexed it. In fact, one may assume that what made her, as a girl, interested in football, was a healthy explorative curiosity that, when faced with the stunning sex segregation barrier of our time, made her use sex as a means for contact with the other sex. Drugs make such tricky (read perverse) communication smoother.

A main reason she is convicted is the notorious "monster of Florence" prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini (who used to trash justice in Italy's most costly & fruitless hunt for a sex fixated serial killer - maybe it was because he used the same senseless & biased reasoning as in the Kercher case).

Raffaele Sollecito, attracted by Amanda's heterosexual attraction (see From Klevius without love). Possibly even fell in love with her (as she with him) although the smear campaign against Amanda combined with the risk of being involved distanced him from her.

Islam has for long been the main hate mongerer for Africans despite the cruel fact that it was islam in the first place that crippled Africa through 1400 yrs of slave rading/trading, genocides, rapetivism, colonialism & islamic imperialism.

Arabic islam with it's rigid sex segregation & burqa confinement "chastity" (these same girls/women, however, are Sharia sex slaves within "marriage") has no problem of raping/abusing/assulting/murdering non-muslim infidel "whores". This serves as a tactics against the unbelieveres as well as a formula for spreading islam via sex jihadism. The latter was popular at Mohammed's time as well as now. And contrary to what many believe this kind of muslimhood doesn't need to follow conventional islamic forms. Just look at Nation of Islam (Mr X "president's" ideological background) & the Black Panthers in USA.

Acknowledgement: Someone might try to compromise Klevius by telling you he has a master degree in criminology. However, it will hereby be certified that he hasn't let that disgrace in any sense influence his judgement.

Avoid desinformation & cure your bottomless & truly frightening ignorance abt islam!

Origin of islam

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