
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Islam's ultimate suicide bomb, created by Mohammed & distributed by the Saud/Wahhab slave/oil mafia & their puppet "apostate"!

The "apostate" & the apostates, & the ultimate islamic suicide bomb
Whereas Rifqa Bary & Ayaan Hirsi Ali (both on the escape from islam in the "free" USA) are true apostates from the evil racist/sexist islamic "faith" politics, we don't really know abt Mr X "president" Barry Hussein Obama Dunham Soetoro (or whatever). Born to a muslim father means he is certainly a muslim
according to Koran/islam. Trying to stretch this fact will quickly

shred the very soul of islam, i.e. that in islam everything should be done to make it esay to become a muslim (by birth or rape) & extremely hard to get out. And if that's not enough Mr X is later adopted by another muslim father. What we do know is that he says he "respects" a totalitarian racist/sexist ideology that in every meaningful bit contradicts the freedom ideal put down in the US constitution, & that he embraces the murderous hate mongering Saudi Caliph "king" Abdullah & Co. His least fault is probably that his birt status doesn't comply with the US Constitution (he isn't "natura born" & that he for that reason has used Millions of dollars to hide ALL his records (except for a, in this context, meaningless computer extract!

So this ambassador for evil racist & sexist islam, & Saudi puppet "president" blinks all islam's atrocities & all the hundreds of Millions of islam's victims, including Rifqa Bary & the ambassadress for freedom from islamic persecution, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, while the hypocrites & the ignorant applaud him.

The first years of islam were at least equally evil as the 1400 that followed & which history the islamic countries (O.I.C) desperately wants to forbid digging in

The origin of islam(also compare Klevius revealing Viking history)

Thomas Jefferson & John Adams in a 1786 report to the Continental Congress asked the representative of Tripolitania, Sidi Haji Rahmand Adja, why the Barbary states (Morocco, Algerian, Tunisia & Libya) attacked “Infidel ships, seized the cargos & sailors & enslaving those who could not be ransomed. The answer was “…that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

Steven Groeneveld: One has to be a bit weak in the head to start with to buy into any religion.

Klevius comment: Or willing to sell one's soul to Satan as did Faust(us), an old European theme brilliantly exposed by Marlowe, poetically castrated by Goethe & transferred to a modern techno ghost between green but naive femininity & rational but presumptuous masculinity in Klevius short movie Pandora's Box.

The 1400 yrs long burning fuse in the bomb in Mohammed's head is about to finish!

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