Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Why are there so many bright "islamophobes"* & not a single even half bright islamologist?!
*A phobia is (according to the politically correct but usually scientifically incorrect Wikipedia) the "excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject". That would certainly exclude Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Klevius etc. from the category of "islamophobes", wouldn't it!
The heroine (Ayaan Hirsi Ali - the enlightened) & the coward Chicago gangsta (Mr X "president"** - the endarkened)
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist leader of American muslims who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam is a lunatic medieval millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck! Islam's infidel racist supremacist ideology has murdered, enslaved & raped hundreds of millions through 1400 yrs! Why do so many pretend not to see & why are islamologists so feeble minded?!
Simply because the bright ones have long since abandoned Islamic illogic, i.e. the stupid (or simply egoistic) idea abt a “god” who is completely (& safely) out of reach yet still somehow manages to justify the “believers” beliefs! This is then embedded in an ideology that is empowered with the usual common moral stuff for the purpose of even more justification. However, what is missing is the very root, the origin of islam, i.e. the original evil formula (infidel racism-slavery-sexist rapetivism- apostasy ban) that made its murderous looting campaign into civilized land successful in the first place. There\s absolutely no alternative explanation to islam’s initial bloody “success”. Today’s “extremist” Islamic jihadism is just a repetition of Mohammed’s original one, & the senseless denying of this dirty historical fact is nothing morĂ© or less than pathetic "faith" laundering.
We are now again heading towards a new dark middle age because of islam. Back then it was islam’s Sharia finance based on slavery parasitism that made it possible, today it’s oil. And Satan & Co sit in Riyadh & fund not only jihadist hate mongering supremacist racism against “infidels” but also “political correctness” triggered by Saudi etc oil money & influence.
Amil Imani: “Our academia leftists even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits them. Terms such as “Political Islam,” or “Radical Islam,” for instance, are contributions of our leftist intellengtsia. These terms do not even exist in the native parlance of Islam itself, simply because they are redundant. Even a cursory study of Islam and its charter—the Quran—will clearly reveal that it is a radical political movement. It is the socialist leftists and paid-for-media and politicians who sanitize Islam and misguide the populace by saying that the “real Islam” constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate”
Klevius comment: In my Demand for Resources – on the right to be poor (1991) I criticized the academic etc use of references for non-scientific political (or religious) purpose via computerized streamlined non-scientific social “research” packages under the protecting umbrella of peer review. In other words, those the least to trust when it comes to islam’s true nature are the islamologists (regardless if muslims or not).
However, as everyone knows but only Klevius draws the conclusion of, islam is sex segregation in its purest form.
Even feeble minded islamists understand that either their ideology ultimately dies in the swirl of modernity or they have to kill everything else. This is why they are so desperate. It would be fun to look upon their struggle
had it not been for the victims of islam still counting.
Klevius advice to feeble minded islamologists: Either switch career or wait until you drown in the melt water from the medieval iceberg you are sitting on! Globalization is unstoppable as is technology (see e.g. Shinto meets islam).
The ugliness of islam – from its cradle to its grave
Islam is the worst crime ever - & those who support it (except if out of ignorance) are murderers/criminals. The contradiction between the heavily biased & distorted picture of a “good” islam presented in schools etc.
The beauty of islamophobia
Islamophobia rests on the inevitable logic of Negative Human Rights (i.e. not a "local Western point of view"). The inescapable conclusion being the very opposite to the evil medieval Islamic Cairo declaration from 1990) which uphelds totalitarian sex segregation under the cover of women's "responsibilities" (i.e. to submit to rapetivism).
Also cure your ignorance abt what religion is!
The Christian double muslim Mr X
**He (the double muslim - according to islam & no matter what he thinks himself! - Mr X) hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Why does Mr X* "president" bow & respect a racist/sexist "faith" that denies women to love non-muslims?!
*He (the double muslim) hides (or lacks) his real (long form) birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating war campaign + stealthy & bloody drone attacks.
Obama's close islamofascist friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
A Saudi "princess" who faces Sharia stoning by the "guardians of islam", fled to Britain, only to find 85 anti-human rights British Sharia courts busy with muslim marriage cases where women are denied the right to love or marry non-muslim "infidels" or to leave islam!
Robert Verkaik: "The Government faced controversy three years ago when then-Prime Minister Tony Blair stopped a Serious Fraud Office investigation into alleged bribes paid to senior Saudis in a multi-billion pound military aircraft deal, after claims it would harm relations. During the Serious Fraud Office's investigation into bribes paid to Saudi during a £43billion arms deal with British company BAE Systems, the Saudi government threatened to restrict the flow of intelligence it provides on terrorism. It was that threat which is believed to have led to the Government's halting of the inquiry - but the House of Lords last year strongly criticised Mr Blair's intervention. Despite the Government's enthusiasm to remain close to Saudi Arabia, the desert kingdom is notorious for its medieval treatment of women. Only last week the state's religious police were implicated in the murder of two sisters, who were killed by their brother after being arrested simply for socialising with men they were not related to. Two years ago a Saudi woman was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months jail after she was gang-raped. Her 'crime' was to get into a car an ex-boyfriend, unchaperoned, prior to the incident. She was only pardoned after an international outcry. And royal blood is certainly no bar to feeling the sharp end of Sharia law. Famously in 1980, Saudi Arabian diplomats protested angrily to Britain over the ITV documentary Death Of A Princess - which reconstructed the grim death of a young Saudi royal publicly executed with her lover for adultery. She said that if she returned with her baby, she could have been subject to barbaric Sharia law, with threaten, flogging, stoning to death or beheading for adultery. Even if the Saudi legal system spared her, she argued, she could have been murdered in a so-called 'honour killing' by angry relatives of her husband."
Klevius comment: Evil islam’s jihadi army & due stream of rapes, murders, violent offenses, intimidation etc is disguised as “individual thugs who have nothing to do with islam”. And the head of this filthy "Umma" & the Saudi/islamic mafia is "king" Abdullah, one of the most notorious & intolerant & hate mongering dictators on the planet - who also happens to be the leader of the muslim world & the very same guy Obama bowed so deeply for & whom he first called after becoming US cheating "president"!
Can't you still see the picture?! Islam is just as evil as it's doomed to rapidly vanish under the crushing beam of the Negative Human Rights So cure your bottomless ignorance abt islam & its monstrous slave & rape finance through 1400 years!
see Origin of islam
also consider Origin of Vikingsas a small but telling example abt how islam has turned hundreds of millions people into slaves, sex slaves, eunuchs & simply death/genocides!
Jim Kouri: (The following is based on reports obtained by the National Association of Chiefs of Police.)
"A group obsessed with creating a Caliphate based on Muslim religious law -- Sharia Law -- in the United States and other nations is holding their first US conference today in Chicago. According to Diane Macedo, news writer for, the group -- Hizb ut-Tahrir -- is a global Sunni network with reported ties to confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of Al Qaeda and Iraq's onetime terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It has operated discreetly in the U.S. for decades, wrote Macedo. Today's conference is titled, "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam," and it's being held at the Hilton Hotel in a suburb of Chicago. The shocking part of this story is that the majority of US lawmakers are silent about this gathering of avowed enemies of the US Constitution and American values, yet they are voicing their outrage over a CIA proposal to "terminate" terrorist leaders overseas. The Obama Administration and most of the news media are remaining silent regarding this latest development US government and other security and terrorism experts have reported that Islamic extremism is on the rise worldwide and that the spread of Islamic extremism is the preeminent threat facing the United States. In addition, various sources allege that Saudi Arabia is one source that has supported and funded the spread of Islamic extremism globally."
Klevius comment: While the endarkened (compare the enlightened Ayaan Hirsi Ali) moron in the White House praises the worst racist/sexist crime ever against humanity! Listen Mr X "president"! Islam can never accept real human rights because these rights give a woman full individual freedom from sex segregation. This is why the islamic countries had to come up with the Cairo declaration, i.e. an islamic "human rights" declaration which denies women their human rights by referring to their "responsibilities, duties" etc! The original islamic formula: infidel racism-slavery-rapetivism-apostasy ban, is inherently evil! Moreover, as a muslim you can never give a democratic vote simply because islam/Koran/Sharia ultimately has as its inevitable totalitarian goal the destruction of democracy! And Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is A DOUBLE MUSLIM because he had a muslim birth father (allegedly Obama) AND a muslim adoptive father (Soetoro)! No matter what Mr X himself thinks abt it he is a muslim according to islam. Only he seems not as yet have fully comprehended the evil totalitarianism hidden in this fact!
Geoff Linsley: "There are two ways someone can be a natural born citizen. The first way is what Obama’s campaign claims: that Obama was born on U.S. soil. Obama does have a birth certificate registered in Hawaii, but Hawaiian law allowed for babies were weren’t born on U.S. soil to become registered as Hawaiian citizens.[3] This Hawaiian birth certificate does not in any way mean that Barack is a natural born citizen. Also, no one in Hawaii claims to have witnessed Barack’s birth. Currently, Obama’s true, Kenyan birthplace is a tourist attraction. There you can find his grandmother, who proudly tells that “Barack was born in this village” and that she was present during his birth. His half-brother and half-sister also substantiate this claim. The only other way Barack could have been a natural born citizen was for both of his parents to be U.S. citizens. At the time of his birth, his mother was an Indonesian citizen and his father was a subject of the British Crown. It is argued that his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of Obama’s birth: she did have documented citizenship in the U.S. Indonesia, however, doesn’t recognize dual citizenship; and the U.S. only recognizes dual citizenship if the other country the individual claims citizenship with does. Therefore, Obama can’t be a natural born American Citizen via his parents either. Before Barack was inaugurated, a New Jersey man named Leo Donofrio bravely created an emergency appeal regarding Obama’s qualification to be an American president and sent it to the Supreme Court to be reviewed. Without explaining why, the Supreme Court turned down the emergency appeal and soon after the media completely hushed about the dilemma.[4] Since then, a slew of other lawyers across the country have also attempted lawsuits without making any real progress. There are also many other questions raised about Obama’s birth certificate. If Barack is truly a natural born U.S. citizen, why hasn’t his campaign effectively disproved the claims that he isn’t? Wouldn’t this be a simple conspiracy to silence? Even more pertinent, why did Obama spend $688,316 in legal fees to lawyer Perkins Coie for battling the birth certificate conspiracy?[5] Why is the Supreme Court rejecting these cases without warrant? Why is NBC shooting out such pro-Obama propaganda to the public?"
Obama's close islamofascist friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
A Saudi "princess" who faces Sharia stoning by the "guardians of islam", fled to Britain, only to find 85 anti-human rights British Sharia courts busy with muslim marriage cases where women are denied the right to love or marry non-muslim "infidels" or to leave islam!
Robert Verkaik: "The Government faced controversy three years ago when then-Prime Minister Tony Blair stopped a Serious Fraud Office investigation into alleged bribes paid to senior Saudis in a multi-billion pound military aircraft deal, after claims it would harm relations. During the Serious Fraud Office's investigation into bribes paid to Saudi during a £43billion arms deal with British company BAE Systems, the Saudi government threatened to restrict the flow of intelligence it provides on terrorism. It was that threat which is believed to have led to the Government's halting of the inquiry - but the House of Lords last year strongly criticised Mr Blair's intervention. Despite the Government's enthusiasm to remain close to Saudi Arabia, the desert kingdom is notorious for its medieval treatment of women. Only last week the state's religious police were implicated in the murder of two sisters, who were killed by their brother after being arrested simply for socialising with men they were not related to. Two years ago a Saudi woman was sentenced to 200 lashes and six months jail after she was gang-raped. Her 'crime' was to get into a car an ex-boyfriend, unchaperoned, prior to the incident. She was only pardoned after an international outcry. And royal blood is certainly no bar to feeling the sharp end of Sharia law. Famously in 1980, Saudi Arabian diplomats protested angrily to Britain over the ITV documentary Death Of A Princess - which reconstructed the grim death of a young Saudi royal publicly executed with her lover for adultery. She said that if she returned with her baby, she could have been subject to barbaric Sharia law, with threaten, flogging, stoning to death or beheading for adultery. Even if the Saudi legal system spared her, she argued, she could have been murdered in a so-called 'honour killing' by angry relatives of her husband."
Klevius comment: Evil islam’s jihadi army & due stream of rapes, murders, violent offenses, intimidation etc is disguised as “individual thugs who have nothing to do with islam”. And the head of this filthy "Umma" & the Saudi/islamic mafia is "king" Abdullah, one of the most notorious & intolerant & hate mongering dictators on the planet - who also happens to be the leader of the muslim world & the very same guy Obama bowed so deeply for & whom he first called after becoming US cheating "president"!
Can't you still see the picture?! Islam is just as evil as it's doomed to rapidly vanish under the crushing beam of the Negative Human Rights So cure your bottomless ignorance abt islam & its monstrous slave & rape finance through 1400 years!
see Origin of islam
also consider Origin of Vikingsas a small but telling example abt how islam has turned hundreds of millions people into slaves, sex slaves, eunuchs & simply death/genocides!
Jim Kouri: (The following is based on reports obtained by the National Association of Chiefs of Police.)
"A group obsessed with creating a Caliphate based on Muslim religious law -- Sharia Law -- in the United States and other nations is holding their first US conference today in Chicago. According to Diane Macedo, news writer for, the group -- Hizb ut-Tahrir -- is a global Sunni network with reported ties to confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of Al Qaeda and Iraq's onetime terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It has operated discreetly in the U.S. for decades, wrote Macedo. Today's conference is titled, "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam," and it's being held at the Hilton Hotel in a suburb of Chicago. The shocking part of this story is that the majority of US lawmakers are silent about this gathering of avowed enemies of the US Constitution and American values, yet they are voicing their outrage over a CIA proposal to "terminate" terrorist leaders overseas. The Obama Administration and most of the news media are remaining silent regarding this latest development US government and other security and terrorism experts have reported that Islamic extremism is on the rise worldwide and that the spread of Islamic extremism is the preeminent threat facing the United States. In addition, various sources allege that Saudi Arabia is one source that has supported and funded the spread of Islamic extremism globally."
Klevius comment: While the endarkened (compare the enlightened Ayaan Hirsi Ali) moron in the White House praises the worst racist/sexist crime ever against humanity! Listen Mr X "president"! Islam can never accept real human rights because these rights give a woman full individual freedom from sex segregation. This is why the islamic countries had to come up with the Cairo declaration, i.e. an islamic "human rights" declaration which denies women their human rights by referring to their "responsibilities, duties" etc! The original islamic formula: infidel racism-slavery-rapetivism-apostasy ban, is inherently evil! Moreover, as a muslim you can never give a democratic vote simply because islam/Koran/Sharia ultimately has as its inevitable totalitarian goal the destruction of democracy! And Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is A DOUBLE MUSLIM because he had a muslim birth father (allegedly Obama) AND a muslim adoptive father (Soetoro)! No matter what Mr X himself thinks abt it he is a muslim according to islam. Only he seems not as yet have fully comprehended the evil totalitarianism hidden in this fact!
Geoff Linsley: "There are two ways someone can be a natural born citizen. The first way is what Obama’s campaign claims: that Obama was born on U.S. soil. Obama does have a birth certificate registered in Hawaii, but Hawaiian law allowed for babies were weren’t born on U.S. soil to become registered as Hawaiian citizens.[3] This Hawaiian birth certificate does not in any way mean that Barack is a natural born citizen. Also, no one in Hawaii claims to have witnessed Barack’s birth. Currently, Obama’s true, Kenyan birthplace is a tourist attraction. There you can find his grandmother, who proudly tells that “Barack was born in this village” and that she was present during his birth. His half-brother and half-sister also substantiate this claim. The only other way Barack could have been a natural born citizen was for both of his parents to be U.S. citizens. At the time of his birth, his mother was an Indonesian citizen and his father was a subject of the British Crown. It is argued that his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of Obama’s birth: she did have documented citizenship in the U.S. Indonesia, however, doesn’t recognize dual citizenship; and the U.S. only recognizes dual citizenship if the other country the individual claims citizenship with does. Therefore, Obama can’t be a natural born American Citizen via his parents either. Before Barack was inaugurated, a New Jersey man named Leo Donofrio bravely created an emergency appeal regarding Obama’s qualification to be an American president and sent it to the Supreme Court to be reviewed. Without explaining why, the Supreme Court turned down the emergency appeal and soon after the media completely hushed about the dilemma.[4] Since then, a slew of other lawyers across the country have also attempted lawsuits without making any real progress. There are also many other questions raised about Obama’s birth certificate. If Barack is truly a natural born U.S. citizen, why hasn’t his campaign effectively disproved the claims that he isn’t? Wouldn’t this be a simple conspiracy to silence? Even more pertinent, why did Obama spend $688,316 in legal fees to lawyer Perkins Coie for battling the birth certificate conspiracy?[5] Why is the Supreme Court rejecting these cases without warrant? Why is NBC shooting out such pro-Obama propaganda to the public?"
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Mr X "president"* respects evil islam & applauds islamic Uighur jihadism boosted by his close friend Saudi dictator & islamofascist Abdullah
*He hides his real birth certificate & has spent huge amount of money & effort to cover up the fact that he isn't a natural born US citizen. Moreover he has for years deliberately & cunningly abused a hole in the justice system that doesn't demand him to present this paper (a change of the law is under work but will it include a sitting "president"?! Even bin Laden could have become "president" of the US by applying this method! And what's the difference, really?! May be bin Laden should have killed fewer civilian muslims than Obama's cruel slaughtering by a hugely escalating campaign of stealthy & bloody drone attacks (by using drones in Pakistan etc he thinks he hasn't "invaded" anyone!?).
Obama's close friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
While most media, as usual, support fascist islam in their Uighur reporting, Klevius, as usual, gives you the reality! Here an example of ignorant, skewed & biased "reporting" on this topic. No wonder people aren't aware!
John Garnaut: "The Xinjiang riots appear to have begun as protests against violent mob attacks last week against Uighur workers at a toy factory in southern China." Klevius comment: Not at all! The Xinjiang riots appear to have begun as protests against several muslim Uighur jihadists who sexually assaulted (remember that "infildel" females are whores & can be raped according to islam - did they run short of time to rape her? She screamed & other people arrived at the scene) fresh 18 year old Han worker Huang Cuiling who by mistake happened to end up at the Uighur dormitory. Some media have tried to make her scream "unintentional" but the truth is that the Uighur males showed great contempt & sexually assaulted her & that considering the circumstances she screamed out of real fear!
Chinese non-muslim Han migrant worker Zhang Rong says he had little idea of the racist animosity felt by many of Xinjiang's eight million Muslim Uighurs towards the non-muslim Hans! Klevius comment: This same racist "animosity" that we non-muslims have experienced for long & all around the globe, comes directly from Koran/islam & is spread by Saudi Abdullah & Co & "respected" by the illegitimate Mr X US "president" with close ties to supremamacist organizations such as Nation of Islam, CAIR, Trinity United Church** (although he now attends the nondenominational Evergreen Chapel at Camp David - better suited for a crypto muslim US "president"?!) etc.
**Trinity United Church is a black supremacist "church" "which is Unashamedly for Black African people true only to our native land the mother continent and the cradle of civilization." Klevius comment: I wouldn't be too shure abt that ' take a look at Out of Africa as pygmies & back as global mongoloids!
John Garnaut: Strangely, he (Nur Bekri, chairman of the Xinjiang regional Government) immediately went on to repeat the fabricated story about the sexual harassment of a Chinese girl by Uighur workers. Klevius comment: In fact, what was (perhaps) fabricated was accusations of some other rapes in the aftermath of this real initial sexual & racist assault by at least two Uighurs. Or perhaps there was a misunderstanding, i.e. someone understood it as two rapes instead of two rapists. However, the fact remains that islam (which Obama respects & admires) incites to infidel racism & that that very same islam uses its own atrocities as an excuse for more atrocities!
Re. Islamic riots in China by romesh sharma: Sooner or later this was to happen.This Islamic epidemy of sepratism is spreading fast globaly.The way China is supperessing/controlling is an eye-opner,a lesson,to all other countries effected with this menace.I don't mean all muslims are responsible for such destructive attitude but they have spread almost every where carrying message of Jihad from the fanatics centred in Pak and few Gulf countries.Had this kind of action taken by Indian Govt there would have been world wide propaganda/condemnations/protests and what not but apart from so many killings in few days there is no protest and all muslims are mum,their lips are sewed.Beyond any doubt most mosques are used as conventicles from where grows fanaticism and people are injected with this ignis-fatuus ideology"
Klevius comment: A telling point is that wounded Uighur workers themselves have blamed islamic Uighur jihadists for the riots! Only the free world's press is silent! For the only reason that it should protect islam rather than islam's victims! And all of us who have the guts to defend the free world against the worst fascism of our time are spat upon by media & politicians (& a bunch of ignorant & heavily misled ordinary people). What world is it we live in when truth sayers (like e.g. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders etc) are abandoned & even prosecuted by the system they try to defend?! To criticize islam is today the real sharity work. And who would dare to employ an islam critic? Couldn't it be bad for my business? And even dangerous! Etc etc. And all of this because of a cowardice not seen since the days of Hitler & Mussolini! And while islam's bloody street jihad is going on while the police turn their back to it, on TV we can see pictures of veiled Jewish women on their way to the Holocaust, in a deceitful attempt to make people think that they resemble muslim women of today. No mentioning there abt the fact that islam was both admired by Hitler & an important ally in his bloody atrocities! And the more this extremely dangerous political correctness is supported, the more victims on the streets, in Darfur (led by Bashir a criminal wanted by the Haague tribunal, a close friend to Obama's close friend Saudi Abdullah) & elsewhere!
An anonymous islam critic under the pseudonyme Baron Bodissey: "The tragic murder of a young Muslim woman in a German courtroom has ramifications for us — the Counterjihad — beyond the brutal and savage nature of the attack itself. An occurrence such as this carries at least a hundred times the weight of any honor killing or murderous instance of “cultural enrichment”. Non-violent Islamophobes like ourselves can expect the full force of PC opinion to come down on upon us — we will be tarred with the same brush as will Alex W. Our opinions will be targeted as the moral equivalent of the murder of Marwa al-Sherbini."
Saudi sponsored/supported Sunni islamic terror group Jundullah, closely linked to al Qaeda, and formerly headed by alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, behind riots
In Iran this very same Abdullah together with his White House puppet, incite Sunni riots as a preamble for a military attack on Iran. And like Obama's sleazy drone bombing campaign they will not expose themselves with blood on their hands but has instead told Israel it's ok to use Saudi territory for the raids!
John Feffer: "Yes, you could find a few people still willing to embrace Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia." Klevius comment: Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is definitely one of them!
Klevius final comment: The islamic Sunni muslim Uighur rioters (triggered by Saudi islam agitation) are the same type of jihadists as the ones from Guantanamo which Obama deports to British administrative territory without even asking the Brits! And to really understand the depth of Obama's sleaziness
As you can see the evil & disastrous ideology of islam is at the center of the stage in all of this. And no wonder at all if you open your eyes for the real origin of this evil & utterly racist & sexist ideology.
Btw, why is wearing the burqa a choice for many islam women? Well da, against islam itself & its rapist jihad ideology of course, dude!
Klevius islam criticism is founded on the Holy Negative Human Rights - the very foundation of the Western civilization! These rights, not Mideastern racist/sexist "monotheisms" (also consider Klevius definition of religion).
& the undeniable fact that islam as a single ideology, historically started as a militant extremist ideology based on racism & sexism & that islam has caused more human suffering than any other ideology (see Origin of islam as well as The islamic origin of the Vikings)! So for example, is slavery allowed in islam. As is the racist & hate inciting concept of the infidel. Also consider the deep meaning of Klevius concept rapetivism as well as the grim everyday reality of every Indonesian muslim baby girl whose clitoris is cut off in the name of islamic "monotheism"!
Obama's close friends & "associates"
Can you tell who is a "moderate muslim" eager to broadcast a positive picture of islam's peacefulness, & who stabbed his divorcing wife at least 9 times & then chopped her head off while she was still alive? OK, I agree, they all look capable of it. Correct answer is the guy to the left who's rewarded by top islamofascists from islam's muslim terror organization CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations - these guys are also busy accusing FBI for offending muslims because FBI has monitored a California mosque that hosts islamic terrorists planning blow up jobs in California). Btw, the British lord Ahmed (who threatened Britain with 10000 street jihadists if Wilders was allowed entrance to Britain) to the right has also accused of murder/manslaughter (this dangerous islamofascist who Catholic Blair rewarded with a lord title, got away with only 3 months in jail because the biased British court "thought" he had just stopped his 20 minute constant SMS session while driving, just seconds before he killed a person!? Btw, Mr X "president's" first call was to the islamofascist Saudi leader whose legal adviser is the Nation of Islam guy at his right ear (same guy who arranged & paid for his Harvard studies) while Ingrid Mattson at his left ear is a wahhabist islamofascist who wants to make islam & Sharia the new constitution of USA!
Islam a millstone around Africa's (& the rest of the world's) neck!
While most media, as usual, support fascist islam in their Uighur reporting, Klevius, as usual, gives you the reality! Here an example of ignorant, skewed & biased "reporting" on this topic. No wonder people aren't aware!
John Garnaut: "The Xinjiang riots appear to have begun as protests against violent mob attacks last week against Uighur workers at a toy factory in southern China." Klevius comment: Not at all! The Xinjiang riots appear to have begun as protests against several muslim Uighur jihadists who sexually assaulted (remember that "infildel" females are whores & can be raped according to islam - did they run short of time to rape her? She screamed & other people arrived at the scene) fresh 18 year old Han worker Huang Cuiling who by mistake happened to end up at the Uighur dormitory. Some media have tried to make her scream "unintentional" but the truth is that the Uighur males showed great contempt & sexually assaulted her & that considering the circumstances she screamed out of real fear!
Chinese non-muslim Han migrant worker Zhang Rong says he had little idea of the racist animosity felt by many of Xinjiang's eight million Muslim Uighurs towards the non-muslim Hans! Klevius comment: This same racist "animosity" that we non-muslims have experienced for long & all around the globe, comes directly from Koran/islam & is spread by Saudi Abdullah & Co & "respected" by the illegitimate Mr X US "president" with close ties to supremamacist organizations such as Nation of Islam, CAIR, Trinity United Church** (although he now attends the nondenominational Evergreen Chapel at Camp David - better suited for a crypto muslim US "president"?!) etc.
**Trinity United Church is a black supremacist "church" "which is Unashamedly for Black African people true only to our native land the mother continent and the cradle of civilization." Klevius comment: I wouldn't be too shure abt that ' take a look at Out of Africa as pygmies & back as global mongoloids!
John Garnaut: Strangely, he (Nur Bekri, chairman of the Xinjiang regional Government) immediately went on to repeat the fabricated story about the sexual harassment of a Chinese girl by Uighur workers. Klevius comment: In fact, what was (perhaps) fabricated was accusations of some other rapes in the aftermath of this real initial sexual & racist assault by at least two Uighurs. Or perhaps there was a misunderstanding, i.e. someone understood it as two rapes instead of two rapists. However, the fact remains that islam (which Obama respects & admires) incites to infidel racism & that that very same islam uses its own atrocities as an excuse for more atrocities!
Re. Islamic riots in China by romesh sharma: Sooner or later this was to happen.This Islamic epidemy of sepratism is spreading fast globaly.The way China is supperessing/controlling is an eye-opner,a lesson,to all other countries effected with this menace.I don't mean all muslims are responsible for such destructive attitude but they have spread almost every where carrying message of Jihad from the fanatics centred in Pak and few Gulf countries.Had this kind of action taken by Indian Govt there would have been world wide propaganda/condemnations/protests and what not but apart from so many killings in few days there is no protest and all muslims are mum,their lips are sewed.Beyond any doubt most mosques are used as conventicles from where grows fanaticism and people are injected with this ignis-fatuus ideology"
Klevius comment: A telling point is that wounded Uighur workers themselves have blamed islamic Uighur jihadists for the riots! Only the free world's press is silent! For the only reason that it should protect islam rather than islam's victims! And all of us who have the guts to defend the free world against the worst fascism of our time are spat upon by media & politicians (& a bunch of ignorant & heavily misled ordinary people). What world is it we live in when truth sayers (like e.g. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders etc) are abandoned & even prosecuted by the system they try to defend?! To criticize islam is today the real sharity work. And who would dare to employ an islam critic? Couldn't it be bad for my business? And even dangerous! Etc etc. And all of this because of a cowardice not seen since the days of Hitler & Mussolini! And while islam's bloody street jihad is going on while the police turn their back to it, on TV we can see pictures of veiled Jewish women on their way to the Holocaust, in a deceitful attempt to make people think that they resemble muslim women of today. No mentioning there abt the fact that islam was both admired by Hitler & an important ally in his bloody atrocities! And the more this extremely dangerous political correctness is supported, the more victims on the streets, in Darfur (led by Bashir a criminal wanted by the Haague tribunal, a close friend to Obama's close friend Saudi Abdullah) & elsewhere!
An anonymous islam critic under the pseudonyme Baron Bodissey: "The tragic murder of a young Muslim woman in a German courtroom has ramifications for us — the Counterjihad — beyond the brutal and savage nature of the attack itself. An occurrence such as this carries at least a hundred times the weight of any honor killing or murderous instance of “cultural enrichment”. Non-violent Islamophobes like ourselves can expect the full force of PC opinion to come down on upon us — we will be tarred with the same brush as will Alex W. Our opinions will be targeted as the moral equivalent of the murder of Marwa al-Sherbini."
Saudi sponsored/supported Sunni islamic terror group Jundullah, closely linked to al Qaeda, and formerly headed by alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, behind riots
In Iran this very same Abdullah together with his White House puppet, incite Sunni riots as a preamble for a military attack on Iran. And like Obama's sleazy drone bombing campaign they will not expose themselves with blood on their hands but has instead told Israel it's ok to use Saudi territory for the raids!
John Feffer: "Yes, you could find a few people still willing to embrace Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia." Klevius comment: Mr X "president" Barry Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro (or whatever) is definitely one of them!
Klevius final comment: The islamic Sunni muslim Uighur rioters (triggered by Saudi islam agitation) are the same type of jihadists as the ones from Guantanamo which Obama deports to British administrative territory without even asking the Brits! And to really understand the depth of Obama's sleaziness
As you can see the evil & disastrous ideology of islam is at the center of the stage in all of this. And no wonder at all if you open your eyes for the real origin of this evil & utterly racist & sexist ideology.
Btw, why is wearing the burqa a choice for many islam women? Well da, against islam itself & its rapist jihad ideology of course, dude!
Klevius islam criticism is founded on the Holy Negative Human Rights - the very foundation of the Western civilization! These rights, not Mideastern racist/sexist "monotheisms" (also consider Klevius definition of religion).
& the undeniable fact that islam as a single ideology, historically started as a militant extremist ideology based on racism & sexism & that islam has caused more human suffering than any other ideology (see Origin of islam as well as The islamic origin of the Vikings)! So for example, is slavery allowed in islam. As is the racist & hate inciting concept of the infidel. Also consider the deep meaning of Klevius concept rapetivism as well as the grim everyday reality of every Indonesian muslim baby girl whose clitoris is cut off in the name of islamic "monotheism"!